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单词 alarm
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Technology, Chronologyldoce_003_ca·larm1 /əˈlɑːm $ əˈlɑːrm/ ●●● S2 noun  1  [countable]DT a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn you of danger 警报器 I forgot to set the burglar alarm. 我忘记打开防盗警报器了。 Car alarms are always going off in the street. 街上总有汽车警报器在响。 a sophisticated alarm system 精密的警报系统 →5  See picture of smoke alarm 烟雾报警器, alarm clock 闹钟 →4  See picture of 见图 alarm →4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方2  [uncountable]FRIGHTENED a feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might happen 惊恐,惊慌alarm at There is growing alarm at the increase in crime. 对于罪案数量的上升,人们越来越恐慌。in alarm She looked up in alarm. 她惊慌地抬头看。 Scientists have said there is no cause for alarm. 科学家说了不必惊慌。► see thesaurus at fear3  TMC[countable] an alarm clock 闹钟 I’ve set the alarm for 7 o'clock. 我把闹钟设在7点钟。 I was still asleep when the alarm went off. 闹钟响的时候我还在睡。4  raise/sound the alarm WARN especially British English to warn people that something bad is happening 发出警报 Neighbours raised the alarm when they smelled smoke. 邻居闻到烟味便发出了警报。5  alarm bells ring if alarm bells ring, you feel worried that something bad may be happening 警钟敲响,引起警觉 Alarm bells started to ring when he failed to return home. 他没有回家,大家担心起来。 → false alarm COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + alarma burglar alarm 防盗警报器Neighbours heard the burglar alarm and called the police. 邻居听见防盗警报器响起便报了警。nan intruder/a security alarmThe house has a system of security alarms.a fire/smoke alarm 防火/烟雾警报器A fire alarm went off and the building had to be evacuated. 防火警报器响了,大楼里的人员不得不撤离。a car alarm (=for when someone tries to steal a car) 汽车警报器I was woken by a car alarm in the middle of the night. 半夜,我被汽车警报器惊醒。a baby alarm (=for when a baby wakes up and cries) 婴儿警报器Is the baby alarm switched on? 婴儿警报器开着吗?a personal alarm (=that you carry with you in case you are attacked) 随身警报器nIf you are nervous, invest in a personal alarm.alarm + NOUNan alarm button 警报器按钮He hit the alarm button under the desk. 他按了桌子底下的警报器按钮。an alarm system 警报系统nan electronic burglar alarm systemverbsset off/trigger/activate the alarm (=make it start ringing) 触动警报器A window blew open, setting off the alarm. 一扇窗户突然吹开,触响了警报器。set the alarm (=make it ready to operate) 打开警报器Did you set the burglar alarm? 你打开防盗警报器了吗?an alarm goes off (also an alarm sounds formal) 警报器发出响声The thieves fled when an alarm went off. 警报器响了,小偷就逃跑了。switch/turn off the alarm 关闭警报器nI entered the shop and switched off the alarm.Examples from the Corpusalarm• An alarm went off in his head as it occurred to him what a sitting target he was in his Baby.• Several oil-producing countries expressed alarm at the fall in prices.• It sounds like a fire alarm and enters my ears like a keening mosquito that I can not reach.• Some of the girls squealed in alarm.• Some of them had noticed the sea-fret by now and had jumped up in alarm.• She closed the door behind him, put her rape alarm back on the bedside table, and there they were.• The bank teller pushed the alarm button.• Fred Goodyear was so shocked that it was more than eight hours before he raised the alarm.• The Big Three began sounding the alarm in a big way when January sales figures were reported.alarm went off• An alarm went off in his head as it occurred to him what a sitting target he was in his Baby.• Not long after the lorry driver left, the water became more and more acid and alarms went off.• He slept badly for two hours and rose when the bedside alarm went off at three.• The fire alarm went off that evening - Tuesday, November 24.• About an hour before the the alarm went off.• The instant I breached the threshold, the alarm went off.• I had the window down, and when the alarm went off I could hear it clearly.• They caused about £800 worth of damage but fled empty handed when the alarm went off.alarm2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  WORRIEDto make someone feel worried or frightened 使不安,使恐慌 I don’t want to alarm you, but I can’t find the key. 我不想吓你,但我找不到钥匙了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusalarm• This fish gives off a poisonous mucus from its mouth when alarmed.• It was also couched in language designed to satisfy or at least not to alarm a multitude of constituencies at home.• They came out of the last slopes of the Jebel without having alarmed anything more than a couple of herds of goats.• Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.• Meredith shrank back, alarmed by the unpleasant intention behind his expression.• The damage to the marsh has alarmed environmentalists.• We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.• Lieutenants Peel and Maloney succeeded in so alarming the men that they decided to march to join Paredes and the revolutionists.• However, a resurgence of working-class agitation during 1833-4 alarmed the Whig government and the propertied classes in general.Origin alarm1 (1500-1600) French alarme, from Old Italian all' arme “to the weapon”a·larm1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1alarm2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   a equipment Corpus that piece of makes loud a




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