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单词 Alaska
1 Alaska is the last great wilderness.
2 They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.
3 The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.
4 Alaska is the largest state in the US.
5 The company is prospecting for gold in Alaska.
6 Alaska is our northernmost state.
7 Alaska was once possessed by Russia.
8 Your trip to Alaska sounds absolutely fascinating.
9 She received a collect phone call from Alaska.
10 Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.
11 A lot of oil is piped in from Alaska.
12 The Tundra Times, a weekly newspaper in Alaska, ceased publication this week.
13 My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
14 Seth is moving to Alaska? You're putting me on!
15 Alaska and Hawaii both joined the union in 1959.
16 Alaska is known as the last frontier.
17 Daylight hours are long in midsummer in Alaska.
18 I mailed my dad a postcard from Alaska.
19 Northern Alaska experiences eight weeks of 24-hour darkness.
20 We simply can't afford a repeat of the Alaska oil spill here.
21 The small town of Whitehorse, Alaska consists of a half-mile long main street and a few scattered houses.
22 Alaska is the largest of the fifty states that constitute the USA.
23 In 1989, there was a massive oil spill in Alaska.
24 He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.
25 A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska.
26 The game is thought to have originated among the native peoples of Alaska.
27 For some unknown reason, Fred quit his job and moved to Alaska.
28 It was time to weigh anchor on the cruise to Alaska.
29 He's gone off hiking in some far-flung corner of Alaska.
30 At the time of the purchase, the extent of Alaska and its resources must have seemed unlimited.
1 Alaska is the last great wilderness.
2 They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.
3 The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.
4 Alaska is our northernmost state.
31 In those days there was no reliable system of transportation between Alaska and the rest of the US.
32 When he left, Bartlett didn't know if he'd ever see Alaska again.
33 To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow. William Faulkner 
34 The discovery of oil in Alaska was a boon to the economy.
35 Nearly 100 forest fires continued in the vast interior of Alaska.
36 A highlight of most Alaska cruises is a day spent among the glaciers.
37 The Dall sheep range from Alaska to British Columbia.
38 Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.
39 Roasted Turkey, Honey Glazed Ham, Alaska Crab Leg and.
40 Gold was the loadstone that drew men to Alaska.
41 The Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska once teemed with tens of thousands of North Pacific right whales.
42 An example is the Inuit people of Alaska and northern Canada.
43 This possible relationship has led some researchers to speculate that the earliest cheetahs may have originated in North America and traveled across the Bering Strait from Alaska to Siberia .
44 Photographer Michael Nolan snapped the annual feeding frenzy that follows salmon-spawning season in the Katmai National Park in Alaska, the Daily Mail of London reported.
45 The oil company British Petroleum has shut down a pipeline connecting the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Alaska to the Trans-Alaska pipeline.
46 A group in Alaska uses a mobile slaughterhouse for reindeer. And an organization in South Dakota has a mobile unit for buffalo.
47 This summer Fu says she's heading off to do an engineering internship for oil field services giant Schlumberger in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
48 "They must have crossed the ice from the Aleutian Islands via Alaska and Canada and then on to Greenland, " said Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen, who led the research.
49 It eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific West foreshore , in the northwest neighborhood Alaska, south United States, up to the Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle.
50 Above, Herman and Candelaria Zapp pose with baby Pampa in Alaska as they finish the first leg of their journey around the world in 2002.
51 They are Newzland New Zealand and the American state of Alaska.
52 For Galen Cook, his lifelong interest in the mysterious skyjacker began on his boyhood newspaper route in Alaska.
53 Ice, seen from below, covers the surface of the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The sea is found north of Alaska and Canada.
54 From Alaska to the Maldives, people are already being displaced by global warming.
55 Just last year, an apparent bowhead-right whale hybrid was photographed in the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia.
56 As Alaska's governor, Palin championed a law that licensed TransCanada Alaska to build a natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska's North Slope to Canada.
57 For example, dinosaur fossils - have been found in Alaska and Canada well above the Arctic Circle.
58 Jeff King leaves the Unalakleet, Alaska checkpoint in second place March 14 in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
59 White chunky Alaska king crab meat baked in a buttery and earthy mushroom sauce.
60 Underwater Sea Ice, Ice, seen from below, covers the surface of the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The sea is found north of Alaska and Canada.
61 A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska Denali National Park.
62 Photos on the site have come from cities all over the world, including London, Beijing, Mumbai, Toronto, Brooklyn, N.Y., and even Wasilla, Alaska.
63 They are making spring and fall voyages into the Bering Sea, Arctic Ocean, and Gulf of Alaska to analyze the contents of water retrieved from capsules plunged into the water column.
64 "Waters off Alaska are sort of preconditioned to become more acidified, " says Mathis, a University of Alaska, Fairbanks, oceanographer.
65 The Alaska Range, pictured above, stretches from Canada's Yukon border in the east to the base of the Aleutian Range in the west.
66 The name Sitka was derived from a town located not far from Juneau, Alaska.
67 A legend on Capitol Hill, he was famous - his critics say infamous - for bringing huge amounts of federal "pork barrel" projects back to Alaska.
68 This huge mountain chain continues the great spine that runs from Patagonia to Alaska.
69 Kodiak bears are a particularly large subspecies of brown bear, endemic only to the Kodiak archipelago off the Alaska coast.
70 The Alaska Rabbit, a thickset , short rabbit, was bred in Germany despite its name's suggestion!
71 Similarly, with Baked Alaska, hard ice cream is placed on a sponge cake, which is on a non-heat-absorbing plank.
72 A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska. The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.
73 Some 400 wildflower species live in the tundra. In summer they provide unexpected explosions of color, like this fireweed grove near a roadside in Denali, Alaska.
74 They are New zealand Zealand and the American State state of Alaska.
75 In the vice-presidential matchup, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has refused to provide any health records or to be interviewed on the subject.
76 Oil and gas was found in nineteen sixty-eight near Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska.
77 Scientists studying bears around the Beaufort sea, north of Alaska, claim this endurance feat could be a result of climate change.
78 A peak, 5,954.8 m (9,524 ft) high, of the St. Elias Mountains in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, near the Alaska border. It is the highest elevation in Canada.
79 Now an 800-mile (about 1300 kilometers) pipeline has been built from Prudhoe Bay one the Arctic Ocean to Valdes(), a port on the south coast of Alaska.
80 Most of the ice loss is coming from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Alaska, Patagonia, the Himalayas, and the smaller ice masses surrounding the main Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
81 Meringue is also used on other desserts, for example angel food cake, pavlova, and baked Alaska.
82 McCain also praised his vice-presidential running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, saying she has a clear record of reform.
83 Baked Alaska is a layer of cake covered with ice cream and meringue and broiled.
84 A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.
85 They are New Zealand and the American State state of Alaska.
86 A man played a chilling game of hide-and-seek with a hungry polar bear recently in Alaska.
87 In another case, H2O sold as "pure glacier water" came from a public water system in Alaska.
88 In 2007 scientists recorded a godwit flying more than 7, 000 miles (11, 500 kilometers), from Alaska to New Zealand, in nine days at an average speed of about 35 miles an hour (56 kilometers an hour).
89 Sitka, Alaska, is home to one of the world's most spectacular lakes.
90 University of Alaska seismologist Larry Gedney explained, "Since [the dam] reached its peak of 475 feet in 1939, the level of seismicity has fluctuated in direct response to water level.
91 All 47 crew members of a Seattle-based fishing boat have abandoned ship. That's after the vessel started sinking about 120 miles off the Alaska coast.
92 Glaciers that naturally melt each summer along the Gulf of Alaska flushout huge amounts of organic material, made up mostly of dead microbes.
93 The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge the Arctic ocean.
94 It also allows continued improvements in diabetes prevention and care in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, which could ultimately benefit all people with diabetes.
95 A channel between Vancouver Island, Canada, and mainland British Columbia and northern Washington State. Part of the Inland Passage to Alaska, the strait links Puget Sound with Queen Charlotte Sound.
96 In Alaska’s Denali National Park, a red fox opens wide for a yawn.
97 And the United States Postal Service has flown injured eagles from Alaska to the sanctuary.
98 Alaskans accepted it, and on January third, nineteen fifty-nine, President Eisenhower declared Alaska the forty-ninth state.
99 They get their food from off North America's West Coast, including the Gulf of Alaska.
100 A water lily carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska.
101 Nevertheless, the wave quickly ran out of steam as it entered the Gulf of Alaska and soon dissipated, causing no further problems.
102 After beginning in northern British Columbia and flowing through Yukon in Canada, the Yukon River crosses Alaska before emptying into the Bering Sea.
103 The plateaus gradually widen northward, epassing the valley of the Yukon River in Alaska. Inparison, much of central Alaska is a broad, flat lowland that is poorly drained.
104 The word "stampede" means a mass movement of frightened animals. In eighteen ninety-seven, the word came to mean the huge groups of people running or stampeding to Alaska and the Klondike.
105 Using two Rovers , the British Trans - Americas Expedition leaves Alaska in December heading for Tierra del Fuego.
106 The years rushed by. I became a sailor; I drove an Arctic dog team; I panned for gold in Alaska. When Pancho Villa formed his army in Mexico, I joined him.
107 Researchers led by Dr. Picou have regularly surveyed the residents of Cordova, Alaska, since the town was devastated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989.
108 Our culinary team, under the guidance of Executive Sous Chef Thomas Zhang, presents a large selection of fresh seafood featuring Scottish Oysters, Alaska King Crab, European Lobster and much more.
109 Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Hawaii, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, Line Islands, and Johnston Island.sentence dictionary
110 Focus on: the evaluation of Alaska sled dogs, highlighted the need to consider is that this is a drag in the polar sled dog and goods.
111 A peak, 4,559.8 m (4,950 ft) high, in the Coast Mountains of southeast Alaska.
112 Luxurious and silky smooth Alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity - sweet cranberry sauce.
113 The find is likely the most northern discovery as well, Baichtal said. The fossil was found near the Tlingit Indian village of Kake in southeast Alaska.
114 "We don't want to be seen as just the powerless victims of climate change," said Patricia Cochran, chair of the summit and an Inupiat native of Nome, Alaska, in a press release.
115 A sow polar bear rests with her cubs on the pack ice in the Beaufort Sea in Alaska.
116 An arm of the Bering Sea in southwest Alaska between the mainland and the Alaska Peninsula. It is a rich salmon-fishing area.
117 Aragonite saturation in the Gulf of Alaska, of which Resurrection Bay is a part, has traditionally extended down to 250 meters, Mathis says.
118 A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall.
119 A rainbow stretches over a section of the 670-mile-long (1, 100-kilometer-long) Denali Highway in Alaska.
120 Alaska became the forty-ninth state of the United States in 1958.
121 The Asian American population increased by 421,000 (3 percent) during that period, while Black, American Indian, Alaska native, Native Hawaiian and Pacific islander populations also increased.
122 Alaska still is a land of iceberg and polar bear.
123 A young man who had the money to buy the supplies and the necessary tickets to travel to Alaska usually landed at the little port of Skagway.
124 Alaska to Baja California and east to the Dakotas and Colorado.
125 Gambell involved a grant of oil and gas leases covering tracts offshore of Alaska.
126 They'll be in the Gulf of Alaska, near Greenland, in the Argentine basin in the south Atlantic, and southwest of Chile in the Pacific.
127 In some parts of the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska and western Canada, ice that measured 3.3 m thick at the beginning of the summer measured just 50 centimeters by season's end.
128 The Bear Glacier in the Kenai Peninsula along the Gulf of Alaska empties into a lake.
129 They are New Zealand and the American state of Alaska.
130 Photo Gallery: Alaska Snug outpost Harbor - population 298 - nestles beneath sheltering peaks.
131 Arctic Ocean Chukchi Sea is a marginal sea, located in the northeast Asian continent and the Chukchi Peninsula in northwestern North American continent between Alaska Peninsula.
132 The Bering Glacier, about 10 km from the Gulf of Alaska, is the largest glacier in North America.
133 Palin, 44, the governor of Alaska and former US vice-presidential candidate, was ranked 27th while US Secretary of State Clinton was in 43th place as well as the poll's most senior pick at 61.
134 Let's say you want to live in Fairbanks, Alaska. If you're a musk ox, you can't build a shelter or buy insulations, so you make your own.
135 The capital of Alaska, in the Panhandle northeast of Sitka.
136 Underneath the ice, spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star.
137 The test of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system began at 4:01 p. m. Eastern when a long-range ballistic missile target lifted off from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska.
138 Eat This Instead: When you shop for king crab, whatever the label says, ask whether it comes from Alaska or if it's imported.
139 Water from the Bering Sea crashes on the rocks of Margaret Bay in Dutch Harbor,(http:///alaska.html) Alaska.
140 Jason Barron puts coats on his team after arriving at the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint while his sled dog Classic checks out the scene March 9.
141 Alaska Bwana Hunting Knife by Columbia River Knife and Tool.
142 Properties accessed by road from the Alaska Highway and by an airstrip suitable for small aircraft.
143 Glacial melt may even have a hand in maintaining Gulf of Alaska fisheries, some of the most productive in the country, he added.
144 At the middle scale is the plate boundary level, where the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) will image and characterize the slow deformation of the earth along the western U. S. and Alaska.
145 The spruce bark beetle is the major tree - killing insect pest of Alaska spruce forests.
146 A river of eastern and southern Alaska flowing about 764 km (475 mi) from the Wrangell Mountains northwest to the Yukon River.
147 A river rising in the Wrangell Mountains of southern Alaska and flowing about 483 km (300 mi) southward through the Chugach Mountains to the Gulf of Alaska.
148 "It is just a goal, " he said confidently. "If I don't succeed I am okay. I will try again. "Romero has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount McKinley in Alaska among others.
149 These woodland caribou live in small, threatened herds that are confined to northern Canada and Alaska.
150 Earlier this summer, Lockheed announced Alaska-based partners, Alaska Aerospace Corp. and NANA Development Corp., as members of the team, for which Lockheed will be the prime contractor.




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