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单词 Eerie
1. I walked down the eerie dark path.
2. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
3. He had the eerie sensation of being watched.
4. He could hear eerie noises echoing through the corridors.
5. I found the silence underwater really eerie.
6. This place has a distinctly eerie atmosphere.
7. I had the eerie sensation that I was not alone.
8. After the explosion, an eerie silence fell upon the scene.
9. The eerie howl of the siren sent chills up her spine.
10. It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.
11. The scenery chimed perfectly with the eerie mood of the play.
12. He had the eerie feeling that he had met this stranger before.
13. There was this eerie green light.
14. It is an eerie experience but only a prologue.
15. Overhead, a bulb casts an eerie bluish light.
16. The voice had an eerie metallic ring to it.
17. The kitchen is soon reverberating with eerie Arabic wailing.
18. The relative calm before this convention is almost eerie.
19. In some one so calm, the effect was eerie.
20. The absence of negative reaction was almost eerie.
21. An eerie howl filled the cave.
22. The wind made an eerie sound outside.
23. Both looked eerie in the twilight.
24. There was everywhere an eerie atmosphere of impending battle.
25. The corridors took on an eerie silence.
26. Tallis suddenly understood the eerie silence among the clan.
27. In an eerie echo of Adams, unionist leaders gave warnings of further violence which sounded more like threats than warnings.
28. The approach was eerie because I did it without lights.
29. As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
30. But my children were as amazed at this strange petrel with its eerie call as I had hoped they would be.
1. I walked down the eerie dark path.
2. As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
3. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
4. It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night.
31. The Marines suffer from burning sun and torrential rain; flares sent up at night emit an eerie glow.
32. The strange, eerie story of an ancient love so strong that it affects the lives of those in the present.
33. Light from the bathroom filled the area with pale shadows and gave the damaged patches in the mirror an eerie silvery glow.
34. I looked at the bleak, eerie landscape nearing us, so utterly different from the comfortable London world of human construction.
35. But barn owls, famed in folklore for their eerie screech and ghostly white plumage, are declining in Britain.
36. No sound of gunfire yet; no sign of battle: but the emptiness of that raised, exposed highway was eerie.
37. The entire park had taken on an eerie red glow from the flashing sirens of the half dozen fire trucks parked alongside.
38. Flying this kite among the otherwise conventional swept wings on a breezy day was initially eerie.
39. Ghost Owl An eerie nocturnal predator who flew on silent wings, feared throughout the world as a supernatural bird of ill-omen.
40. I kept scanning, propelled by a mounting sense of dread, and eerie familiarity.
41. Trains stopped at the Civic Center station, where the dim lighting created an eerie scene.
42. It is said that this ghost still beats his eerie tattoo during times of war.
43. Midnight on Wednesday, 17 July 1918, and an eerie silence fell over no-man's-land.
44. An eerie, green glow in the sky behind the tower turned it into a ghostly galleon on a leaden sea.
45. An eerie sixth sense guided him to wherever a crisis was unfolding.
46. But almost instantly the battery-powered emergency light came on, illuminating the nightmare scene with an eerie blue radiance.
46. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
47. I had the eerie feeling that somebody was watching me.
48. As darkness falls an eerie voice Whines beware, beware, beware.
49. But it was eerie in the sense that the trees were so big and dense and it was so dark.
50. As the creatures soared up and down, their laughter began to take on an eerie and mournful tone.
51. The entire clearing was now lit up as brightly as at mid-day, with an eerie green glow.
52. Metaphorical bloodstains drench these precious stones, however, which makes a visit to the exhibition both eerie and wearisome.
53. The meeting promises a veritable smorgasbord of all things otherworldly, this time with a focus on those eerie Phoenix lights.
54. It seems almost eerie that something so stunning can be so silent.
55. The faces of the guests, standing still, holding on to one another, were eerie in the candlelight.
56. I slowed, turning to peer at the site with an eerie feeling of detachment.
57. The misleading ordinariness and eerie implacability of the flesh-eaters bring the terror much closer to home.
58. To his left were the small eerie rooms inside boxes with which Susan was beginning to occupy her time.
59. To a town dweller the silence is eerie - so this is how the wilderness felt to the early explorers and settlers.
60. The roding male circles his territory at treetop level, patrolling boundaries with deliberation at dusk and giving the ritual eerie call.
61. The dark sky had forced an eerie light on to the buildings, causing colours to jump out in sharp relief.
62. In fact, their hands bore an eerie resemblance to raccoon hands.
63. The night was dark and still and the middle road had an eerie, forbidding atmosphere.
64. The eerie grid of a city was spread out before him, lit by the chemical yellow of the street lamps.
65. An eerie orange glow lights up the devastation of Bijlmermeer - the Amsterdam suburb set ablaze by a crashing El Al plane.
66. There was something rather eerie about people turning up unexpectedly around the door and starting to sing.
67. A pair of night birds circled above, the flapping of their wings and their eerie screeches penetrating the thickening mist.
68. With Omar gone, the house seemed to coil up in a paroxysm of eerie energy.
69. But when bills are introduced in Congress to help curb the epidemic of corporate crime, there is an eerie silence.
70. There will be an eerie mix of condolences and competition Sunday at the DuraLube 400.
71. I have never hated hyenas: their occasional maniacal laughter and their eerie whooping cries are among my earliest memories.
72. Then the moment came when the tow line was released and they savoured the eerie feeling of riding the rising thermals.
73. Once inside the auspicious building, an eerie, closed-shop sense of something-not-quite-right hits us.
74. Gradually we realised that despite the wealth, warmth and comfort, Templecombe held an eerie, sinister air.
75. It is like playing chess with a Martian: eerie and weird and very interesting.
76. It was in 1933 when the explosive din suddenly stopped and an eerie silence descended on Boulder Canyon.
77. The most impressive thing about the storm was its eerie quiet.
78. There is an eerie stamp of disaster about this wind-thrown entanglement in the murky half-light of night water.
79. He had the eerie, crystal-ball feeling that there would be another, newer, sadder sentence in the very near future.
80. Only the eerie tinkle of leg irons and shouted commands break the silence.
81. She played them as well as she could, but the sounds that came out were tuneless and eerie.
82. The three main mast tips suddenly spout fire casting an eerie glow over the ship.
83. The pumps were shut off now. It was eerie, being in the factory without their sound.
84. They only gazed back at us with eerie little smiles.
85. But only when a ray of light attempts to pierce this darkness does the real, eerie action unroll.
86. A man, his face washed in an eerie red glow, was crouched over a fruit-machine.
87. After the clatter of the Linotypes, the tick-tick-tick of computer keyboards sounds eerie and aseptic.
88. Thunder rolled and grumbled beyond, and the eerie blue glow from the overhead strip lights flickered momentarily.
89. It is usually accompanied by a clarity of distant visibility which is almost eerie at times.
90. An eerie blast on a horn signalled the start of the ceremony and the crowd became silent.
91. Eventually I got up and put more wood in the stove, noting an almost eerie blue moonlight outside.
92. She peered out through the windscreen into the eerie blackness of the winding lane.
93. They wore black, with make-up, spiky hair, and eerie cheap jewellery.
94. During a night dive I have been totally surrounded by an eerie blue glow with a radius of about 30 centimetres.
95. Whereas the original boasted an eerie aura, the remix merely sounds like a half-hearted run through an old New Order B-side.
96. It's more than a little eerie, perhaps because waxworks always look like death masks.
97. The Range Rover's lights swept into view, illuminating the torrents of rain, the unusually dark, almost eerie gloom.
98. This eerie calm is an illusion.
99. There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence.
100. There's also a radical remix of the ballad "Djorolen", successfully reinvented as eerie loping Wassoulou trip-hop.
101. The lighting was low-keyed , from dusk to night, in keeping with the eerie atmosphere.
102. In an eerie way, Chris Rock innovates like Amazon does.
103. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.
104. The eerie glow emitted by a TV or the seemingly reassuring presence of a night-light could be enough to impact on mental health.
105. The story gave birth to an eerie new image of Diana as a compulsive ambulance chaser.
106. The scene is anchored at the top left by the eerie blue glow and ominous dark dust lanes of reflection nebula M78.
106. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
107. Pictured above earlier this month, a network of noctilucent clouds cast an eerie white glow after dusk, above the the city of Edmonton, in Alberta, Canada.
108. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
109. When dust devils swish by, they clear their paths of smaller grains, leaving dark tracks like eerie, swirly tattoos.
110. So you're leaving your best friend alone in an eerie chateau on his first night?
111. Blisteringly an eerie feeling of unease fills every meticulously composed frame.
112. An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve.
113. As choreographed by Yuen Wo Ping and shot by Poon Hang Sang, the set piece has an eerie beauty that in no way mutes the brutality of its violence.
114. These pale gray and ivory "tufa towers," located in California's Mono Lake, may look like eerie art instillations, but they occur naturally and are made of limestone.
115. But the eerie vista revealed by Snoop Dog on that 1995 expedition made Cameron hunger for more.
116. Midday sunglow casts an eerie pallor over snow-blanketed Barrow, the northern-most town in Alaska.
117. The eerie struggle of death row inmates as they fact the electric chair.
118. The eerie blue glow of luminol on TV crime dramas could soon be replaced with a less dramatic, but far more revealing photograph.
119. At Occupy demonstrations from Wall Street to St Paul's people choose to wear the same mask, an eerie phantom face of a diabolical musketeer, a cheerfully sinister underground d'Artagnan.
120. The clouds cast a shadow and gave everything an eerie light.
121. The scene, when he did go, was eerie: food in a pan on the kitchen stove; Rose's reading glasses and her newspaper, dated Friday, September 14, 1988, on the table.
122. And the music of the fluttering birds had an eerie lilt to it.
123. There is, for instance, something unutterably eerie about the earliest photograph to show a human being.
124. The very stealth , the eerie quietness, of the thing makes the early snow more magical.
125. Its strutting brass, anxious lyrics and eerie vibe is dimly reminiscent of The Specials' Ghost Town.
126. At nightfall on the marshes, the thing was eerie and fantastic to behold(Robert Louis Stevenson.
127. The noise level intensifies . The hollering of children deepens and distends into LOW EERIE HOWLS.
128. This salt flat in Bolivia, the landlocked heart of South America, is a harsh and eerie landscape, perhaps the closest thing nature has to a void.
129. The theoretical basis and calculating methods are presented for the design of oval piston skirt of SL105 eerie, diesel engine.
130. On Thursday, "except for the sirens, [Tuscaloosa] had an eerie quiet ... , " Brian Wilhite, an internist at Tuscaloosa's Druid City Hospital, told CNN.
131. It was an eerie feeling, holding them again --- and wonderful too.
132. He had the eerie feeling that he was being shadowed.
133. I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound].
134. I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale , you know that it don't sound like those spring peeper .
135. an eerie yellow light.
136. I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale , you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper .
137. Under blue light, the spots on this shark fluoresce, creating an eerie glow.
138. And then there are glaciers, which often look an eerie blue.
139. His trip . is an eerie nightscape full of rubble and reflexive violence ( Time ).
140. The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.
141. Hazy, dust - filtered sunlight illuminates a landscape of eerie, post - apocalyptic silence.
142. But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
143. An eerie, moonlit pianissimo, ever repeating the same figure slightly changed, slowly grows a ff sonoramente.
144. The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury. A collection of short stories focusing on humanity's encounters with the Red Planet and its eerie inhabitants.
145. The mask of meringue on her face looked eerie, not clownish at all, and her mouth speaking through the white foam seemed to be a separate creature entirely, a puppet or a fish.
146. That night we heard an eerie sound as we were playing cards.
147. The rendition of a mighty metal firearm in artfully carved stone is eerie, the conflict between traditional sculptural values and the brutality of mechanised war shocking and grotesque.




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