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单词 Territorial
1. We must respect each other's territorial integrity.
2. The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.
3. Both countries feel they have territorial claims to the islands.
4. It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.
5. The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.
6. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed.
7. He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.
8. The ship drifted into Turkish territorial waters .
9. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.
10. The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights.
11. The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.
12. They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters.
13. Cats are very territorial.
14. Both Clownfish and Dwarf Angelfish are very territorial.
15. I was a Territorial(), a very different animal.
16. The three provincial assemblies together constitute the Territorial Congress.
17. Pretty ignominious sort of territorial pawn at that.
18. Other territorial gains had been short-lived.
19. They have vowed to protect the country's territorial integrity.
20. Being strongly territorial they have less need for this when compared with birds breeding in tightly packed colonies.
21. The maintenance of territorial integrity has become a joint enterprise.
22. We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
23. We accept the outcome of the inquiry,[ ] without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.
24. The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.
25. Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour.
26. The fishermen claimed that ships from another country had violated their territorial waters.
27. The whole nation speak as one man on this issue concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
28. The dumping of industrial waste will be prohibited outside territorial waters.
29. Associated with the idea of sovereignty is the doctrine of territorial integrity.
30. Belpan had little crime, no enemies, nothing worth stealing, and no territorial ambitions.
1. We must respect each other's territorial integrity.
2. The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.
3. Both countries feel they have territorial claims to the islands.
4. It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.
5. We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
6. The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.
7. The whole nation speak as one man on this issue concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
8. They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters.
31. Both sides seem to be saying that they care more about security and sovereignty than they do about exclusivist territorial claims.
32. Even before the 1923 Grouping some companies were strongly territorial, and several had working arrangements with one another within one geographical area.
33. Most income came from the hiring out of paladins as mercenaries in territorial disputes.
34. These objectives could not be attained were the court's powers to be strictly limited to its territorial jurisdiction.
35. These men had strong territorial roots, but at local level. Within a region, several noble families competed for influence.
36. The country has suffered substantial territorial losses in this war.
37. The United States wanted the treaty to apply only outside the 12-mile limit of territorial waters, but it was overruled.
38. His influence there was underpinned by territorial interests elsewhere in the north.
39. Governors say they are afraid of a rebuff if they venture too near territorial waters.
40. Later, the Met hopes to give tasers to the Territorial Support Group, which deals with riots and public disorder.
41. A visitor to Vadinamia is greeted, just outside territorial space, by the black-and-white gunships.
42. What was needed was some one outside and above the territorial nexus, requirements fulfilled only by the young king.
43. Those treaties accept the territorial boundaries of member states, yet the countries that sign them blithely ignore their undertakings.
44. Finally, and possibly most significantly, songbirds are more territorial in the mornings.
45. Each water authority has its own form of organization, administrative control, and territorial jurisdiction.
46. Although Liverpool held the territorial advantage for long spells[/territorial.html], their elaborate patterns were woven to little effect.
47. She liked to establish a territorial presence before anyone else arrived.
48. The research ship Solo was seized when it crossed into territorial waters.
49. We had disagreements in the House about the number of Territorial Army personnel that were serving in the Gulf.
50. As a Territorial Army officer with a squadron of soldiers from Birkenhead, he knew of the town's high unemployment rate.
51. From 1995, the dumping of all forms of industrial waste will be prohibited outside of territorial waters.
52. This was a formal combat to settle a territorial dispute.
53. Water voles are aggressively territorial, marking their patches with musk from flank glands.
54. The problem is not just one of specialist areas defending their territorial interests.
55. Keep just one male in a small tank as territorial disputes will otherwise occur.
56. Coelenterates will resort to territorial squabbles in the aquarium just as they do in the wild.
57. The Clown Loach are continually fighting; they emit a clicking sound which I know is territorial.
58. The ensuing debate, though appearing to involve leprosy, was in reality a fight about territorial status.
59. They declare that they have no territorial claims against anyone and that they will not make such claims in the future.
60. Cover includes transit by sea, air, or rail in or between the territorial limits.
61. Lyons was knighted in 1911 for supervising the catering arrangements for the Territorial Army.
62. Even now I think she overstates her case and ignores the specific tribal, territorial motives of the Balkan conflict.
63. Try to leave highly territorial fish to the last when staging the introduction of fish into a community aquarium.
64. Co-operation with the South was obstructed by the Republic's territorial claim to the North.
65. A bluejay was there, too, and a raven gave its deep rasping territorial calls.
66. The Territorial Army provides a reassuring military presence throughout the country.
67. Those who do not wish the Territorial Army well will point to reduced recruiting figures and make claims for further reductions.
68. Dad being a Territorial soldier,() he was called up immediately war broke out in 1914.
69. In the end, the State system of our own times scarcely permits the fashioning of new territorial entities.
70. Sometimes this would be a church hall, sometimes a Territorial Army drill hall, occasionally even a London Transport recreation room.
71. Disputes over legitimate rulers are a second underlying problem with claims that territorial integrity has been violated.
72. They exercised territorial jurisdiction over areas often inhabited by tens of thousands of people.
73. In retrospect their structure seems irrational with no clear division between territorial and functional responsibilities.
74. Heaven forbid that she should wander into any of his territorial waters.
75. This can be a particular problem with hounds, which tend to be less territorial than some other breeds.
76. It seems highly unlikely to result from the subdivision of territorial claims.
77. There were very large claims from members of the Territorial Army for loss of earnings and most of them were met in full.
78. After the war Stalin did not wish to give up these territorial gains.
79. The country where the loss occurred is within the territorial limits covered under the policy. 5.
80. The doctrine rested on the assumption that the country had no natural enemies and advanced no territorial claims on its neighbours.
81. Most commonly the relationship between individuals and territorial legal persons is governed by municipal law and procedure.
82. Moreover,[sentencedict .com] in 1914 the Empire had no urgent territorial claims and there was no direct threat to her territorial integrity.
83. First, territorial integrity is a fuzzy concept when there is a dispute over boundaries.
84. This system prevailed over a colony whose territorial boundaries were not determined by the pre-colonial boundaries recognised by the indigenous populations.
85. I fear that, if we do not do that, we will not put the Territorial Army on a proper basis.
86. They can be territorial, so if keeping several specimens in the same aquarium allow plenty of hiding places.
87. A committee has been set up to deal with territorial disputes in the area.
88. It must be something to do with ancient territorial instincts.
89. This revision was a further stage in the territorial reordering which Edward undertook between 1473 and 1475.
90. The concentration of extensive territorial power in the hands of a small number of great nobles became more marked than ever.
91. New Zealand legislation prohibiting nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships from its territorial waters had been first enforced in February 1985.
92. It is not generally recommended that anything else is kept with a Red-tail, as they can be very territorial and aggressive.
93. These men had strong territorial roots, but at local level.
94. He was especially noted for his hostility to the scheme to form a territorial army.
95. By this conditional statement, Edward clearly referred to the non-performance of the territorial clauses of the 1259 treaty.
96. The home side enjoyed territorial advantage in the second period but never looked like penetrating a well organised Malone defence.
97. What evolutionary advantage has this extra effort conferred on cats? a. Cats are fiercely territorial but very socially aware creatures.
98. Natural selection favours the habit in stickleback males because female sticklebacks will only mate with territorial males.
99. Rabbits are not territorial creatures to the extent of evicting other rabbits moving into their home ground from further afield.
100. Civil Service had most of the play throughout but were unable to convert their territorial advantage and possession into goals.
101. Talks on the division collapsed last week in Geneva over territorial issues, prompting fears of more intense fighting in Bosnia.
102. Thus, a certain historical myopia is required to substantiate territorial claims.
103. They were mostly Londoners who had belonged to the territorial army before the war.
104. In that way we were able to double our Territorial Army forces very quickly.
105. This has given rise to speculation about the origins of such territorial units and the rationale behind the siting of cemeteries.
106. During this period of rapid territorial expansion the empire was almost continually at war.
106. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
107. But this ship was down in Vadinamaina territorial space, directly in my way.
108. In extending the territorial limits of Canterbury's jurisdiction, he also made a notable advance.
109. He was a permanent staff instructor attached to a local Territorial Army unit.
110. What mattered was not the territorial integrity of the empire, but the just rights of each member of the family.
111. In marmots, large ground-dwelling squirrels, for example, adult males are territorial and aggressive.
112. After a further two hour chase the Sea Rover was within our territorial waters where she was stopped and arrested by Seeker.
113. To bypass ministerial demarcation lines, several territorial production complexes have been set up.
114. It was this royal backing which turned Gloucester's territorial influence into a regional hegemony.
115. She had badgered her parents into letting her join the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service after her eighteenth birthday.
116. As well as the grid system of streets, there is a territorial grid which is equally apparent.
117. Although Britain had long had trading connections with these areas, hitherto she had had no territorial ambitions there.
118. A territorial sunbird can time its visits to a particular flower such that its nectar has built up to a high level.
119. Continental use Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits.
120. The research is to uncover and outline all the elements upon which multiple territorial entities could arise.
121. Victor Amadeus Il was therefore following an established maxim of dynastic policy when he resumed territorial expansion into Lombardy after 5690.
122. They called for a negotiated settlement restoring the republic's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
123. They might be given no time to put down territorial roots.
124. I was having a spell as a civilian after leaving the Territorial Army in mild disgrace.
125. Like the divided map, the concentration on entrenched territorial divisions was largely a creation of media reports.
126. Nor has it felt bound by territorial or jurisdictional limits.
127. Without a territorial base the papacy could not be independent of imperial and other influences.
128. They invaded our territorial waters.
129. Chapter five elaborates territorial states and the multifarious culture.
130. They forbid any vessels to enter their territorial waters.
131. Second, India fears China's greater assertiveness in territorial disputes(), particularly surrounding Arunachal Pradesh.
132. Two Chinese destroyers and a supply ship set sail on Friday -- the first time in recent history that the nation has deployed ships on a potential combat mission well beyond its territorial waters.
133. A few years ago, in typically colorful language, the North labeled the NLL "an illegal and brigandish line drawn by the U. S. on our sacred territorial waters.
134. To clarify the operation of the principle, we have prepared this simple guide on the territorial source principle of taxation.
135. Senegal has decided to tow the corpse - laden MS Joola to its own territorial waters.
136. It is the vibration of vindictiveness that causes leaders to compete with one another for territorial reign or to war upon one another.
136. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
137. This territorial reformation never degenerated into a scrabble for land.
138. Nonetheless, Lewis had been successful in publishing territorial laws, supporting St. Louis's inaugural newspaper, and establishing the first Masonic lodge in Missouri.
139. The Chinese side reaffirms that it respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
140. It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers.
141. North Korea on Tuesday said it fired its artillery in response to a South Korean artillery shell landing in its territorial waters.
142. The Russian empire, the state of Muscovy had already expanded greatly, but it's really Peter the Great, it's the big guy who expanded Russia, its territorial size enormously.
143. The Kingdom of Norway is a Nordic country on the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, bordering Sweden, Finland and Russia, with territorial waters bordering Danish and British waters.
144. He took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia.
145. When Western maritime countries generally accepted the idea of territorial waters, the understanding of territory of the ocean in China was very thin.
146. Ethiopia's large territorial area takes in a population of more than 40 million people.
147. In the 1970s, when territorial rights were being threatened by logging and migrant settlers, the tribe sought to obtain a legal title and formal recognition of their land ownership.
148. The enhanced U.S. presence may serve as a counterweight to China as it asserts territorial rights to the oil-rich South China Sea that are disputed by other Asian nations.
149. An international summit convened in Moscow to discuss competing territorial claims to the Arctic Ocean.
150. So different territorial character data have to be dealt with different ways of deconvolution.
151. Singapore was later made a crown colony in 1867 after a series of territorial expansions.
152. In part two, the author analyzes the interactive relationship between China and the Convention starting with territorial sea system and contiguous zone system.
153. Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks Island, Borden Island, Prince Patrick Island, and parts of Victoria Island and Melville Island.
154. SCO support for territorial integrity follows a personal appeal by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to his fellow heads of state.
155. Siebeck made that discovery thanks to the scrappiness of territorial Ambon males.
156. China claims territorial rights to the Senkaku Islands ( called Diaoyutai islands in China ) in the Sea.
157. Rice picked the mountains east of China's territorial sea baseline points.
158. The settlement must protect China's territorial rights so it would not be divided into foreign colonies.
159. First, subjecting to severe limitation of the territorial states, the Germany Landtag was enslaved to the seigniorial land ownership.
160. The new Kansas lawmakers did not like the territorial governor. They demanded that President Pierce dismiss him. Pierce agreed.
161. Japan security treaties.Though analysts don't think the current tension will escalate and draw in the U.S. military treaty obligations, the agreements add murk to an already muddy territorial dispute.
162. Its aim is to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.
163. Though analysts don't think the current tension will escalate and draw in the U.S. military treaty obligations, the agreements add murk to an already muddy territorial dispute.
164. The former soldier in the Territorial Army, who wears a black mask, utility belt, Union Flag top, fingerless gloves, combat trousers and military boots, uses his skills as a trained pugilist.
165. It prefers to keep a low profile, but when disturbed this flightless bird can become extremely aggressive and territorial.
166. After the Clinton shock, which all Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries secretly cheered[ ], China appeared to have been isolated on the issue of territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
167. Bodo tribal women wait to cast their votes for the second Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) elections at Jogesh Pur polling station in Baska district in Gauhati, India, on Friday.
168. It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, but now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers.
169. He says both want to see a cease - fire , disengagement and respect for Georgia's territorial integrity.
170. Counties are the basic territorial division within a state and range in size from under 100 square kilometers to over 200,000 square kilometers.
171. President Polk wanted to form territorial governments in California and New Mexico. He asked Congress for immediate permission to do that.
172. China's territorial land, inland waters, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.
173. They allege that Lew Wallace, the territorial governor, offered Bonney immunity from prosecution for the murder of one lawman if he would testify about his involvement in the murder of another.
174. A number of governments banned the ship from their territorial waters.
175. They formed an exclusive, polygamous community with a militia and territorial ambitions.
176. In our country, the six central provinces are located at the hinterland and play very important role of the territorial division.
177. It covers the franchisee's territorial rights, location requirements, training schedule, fees and general obligations of the franchisee and the franchisor etc.
178. What are China's territorial rights in the South China Sea?
179. Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.
180. So Serbia can claim that independence for Kosovo violates its territorial integrity.
181. During the past eighteen months, China and some of its neighbors have criticized each other for claiming territorial rights in the South China Sea.
182. This is a universally accepted principle of international law that the territorial sovereignty admit of infringement.
183. But the territorial row created some unexpected beneficiaries , as Jonathan Fryer has been discovering.
184. Biologists believe the phenomenon is an instinctive form of territorial marking behaviour.
185. These countries do not have the resources to police their territorial waters , says the report.
186. lend-lease act, Territorial security, Economic benefit, International position, Franklin Roosevelt.
187. Its essential character is to protect and utilize the living and constantly changing natural territorial landscape in order to ensure its integrity and typicality.
188. The Anti - Secession Law was enacted to resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
189. As in Nalchik, events proceed from a murky but combustible mix: separatism, grudges, vendettas, territorial disputes, a history of war and mass deportation, and growing Islamic extremism.
190. Lend - lease Act, Territorial security, Economic benefit, International position, Franklin Roosevelt.
191. On Friday, General Kayani released a statement saying that all security agencies, under the country's democratic leadership, "will safeguard the territorial integrity" of Pakistan.
192. Thus, the territorial male has several chances to father a new foal.
193. A territorial or administrative division a province , in some European countries.
194. Officers from the Territorial Support Group charged at rioters and attempted to block off side streets. Riot police, some with dogs, shepherded people away.
195. The second, simpler method, called the "territorial" or "exemption" system, taxes only profits earned in the home country.
196. They also recorded the territorial songs of other closely related ant bird species.http://
197. Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation. Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable here. Profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax.
198. In the wild the Syrian Hamster lives alone and is fiercely territorial, attacking any intruders or other hamsters it may be confronted with during its travels.
199. 1943 - The United States and United Kingdom give up territorial rights in China.
200. If it were to accept "Macedonia" as a name for the former Yugoslav republic, Greece would legitimise that communist name-grab and lay itself open to territorial claims, or even terrorism.
201. Observing the numerous conclusions about the territorial division of dialects in the "Fang Yan", we realized they had been extremely different and often contradictory.
202. Enterprise cluster is a territorial network between enterprises and outside market. The competition of value chains became the key point getting longer-term competitive advantages.
203. Smaller ships, closer in, let's prevent the piracy problem from leaving Somali territorial waters.
204. Territorial disputes were resolved in guatemala's recognition of belize in 1991.
205. On the other hand, the feudality of territorial states determined it was doomed to be replaced by constitutional monarchy.
206. Qaddafi had established a 'line of death,' a territorial marking across the Gulf of Sidra , swearing to shoot down any intruder that crossed the boundary.
207. It froze territorial claims, banned military activity, and established Antarctica as a nuclear - free zone.
208. Econimic Zones of realm take form gradually with the deve1opment of territorial division of labor and the exploitation and utilization of the resources of realm.
209. Brigham Young continued to lead the Mormon church. But the governor ruled the territorial government.
210. Those Godless Red Chinese Commie Capitalists are bullying their smaller neighbors who have legitimate territorial claims to the area.
211. During amending the Civil Law, we should correctly stipulate the territorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit.
212. The term "territory" designates the land territory and territorial waters of each of the Contracting Parties.
213. Wolves do not train well and cannot be housebroken, due in part to their territorial nature and to the importance of elimination in marking their territories, as well as for other reasons.
214. The Chinese government imposed an unannounced embargo on all shipments of raw rare earths to Japan for two months starting in mid-September, during a territorial dispute over islands.
215. The territorial jurisdiction of cyberspace tort disputes have caused many debates.
216. In the past, I did that by holding down two jobs - one as a legal ethics adviser,[sentencedict .com] the other as a Territorial Army soldier.
217. China respects Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and takes note of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Kosovo issue.
218. Although these might seem to be strictly human concerns, territorial animals such as sunfish, lizards, sparrows, ad gibbons are invested in these issues.
219. Additionally, China forswore resort to force in the resolution of territorial claims.
220. The Republic of China made great progress in the demarcation of the territorial waters.




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