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单词 Poetic
1 The piece ends with a truly poetic slow movement.
2 His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.
3 The scholar discoursed on the poetic style of John Keats.
4 Wordsworth rejected poetic diction in favour of ordinary language.
5 Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance.
6 There's a very rich poetic tradition in Gaelic.
7 Her voice has a raw poetic beauty.
8 Rimbaud's poetic genius bloomed early.
9 The story is written in richly poetic language.
10 His writing is rather self - consciously poetic.
11 There is a poetic quality to her playing.
12 It is frequently mentioned in the poetic writings of the period.
13 He used a little poetic licence to embroider a good story.
14 She used a fair amount of poetic licence when describing her life in rural France.
15 What poetic justice that Brady has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.
16 I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings.
17 If you ask me it's poetic justice. He tried to get you fired, and now he's lost his job himself.
18 Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.
19 After the way she treated Sam, it's only poetic justice that Dave left her.
20 It would have been more poetic.
21 It stands for poetic justice, you under-stand.
22 Cliburn's playing was poetic and sensitive.
23 And children love poetic rhythms, alliteration, nonsense mutations.
24 Their religious authorities were poetic performers, not bureaucrats.
25 They are poetic and devotional works, rather than chronicles.
26 The resurgence of deathless poetic instinct did that.
27 For Kane a poetic metaphor became a literal truth.
28 Burke is remembered as a poetic pessimist.
29 Eliot's articulation of his authentic poetic voice gives way, despite himself, to a staging of his own destruction.
30 All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.
1 The piece ends with a truly poetic slow movement.
2 His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.
3 The scholar discoursed on the poetic style of John Keats.
4 All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.
5 His writing is rather self - consciously poetic.
31 Significantly, this was in a review mostly concerned to deplore Eliot's influence on poetic style.
32 He wasn't in the mood for some one who talked in poetic riddles.
33 After several days however, with nobody apprehended, the papers indulged in a little poetic licence.
34 Forget the poetic image of a perspiring Olympian brow reaching storied heights.
35 Small floral arrangements and decorative artwork add graceful and poetic elegance.
36 That Storni accepted unquestioningly a poetic vocation for herself, clearly emerges from a reading of La inquietud del rosal.
37 By contrast, in poetic language referentiality is irrelevant and the emphasis is on the means of expression itself.
38 We are not, of course, talking about a revolutionary shift in poetic form and / or content.
39 Still, in an important way, Leapor's poetic voice is formed by her relations with other women.
40 In La Strada, Fellini and Rota also demonstrate the poetic power of film music.
41 The film is but one version of some horrifying events, and stretched poetic licence to the extreme.
42 Fed by different tributaries, as Don F6lix was saying before when he was waxing poetic.
43 Although some of the questions are dippy, the volume is an inimitable record of poetic opinions and conversational habits.
44 And would it not be poetic justice if he who had devised it, eventually died by it?
45 The second level, that of poetic or dream symbolism, is inherent in all folk-tales, traditions and motifs of regeneration.
46 Poetic, evocative, black-and-white footage alternates with a more pragmatic, colorful picture of the family today.
47 In the real world, poetic justice is not so easily achieved.
48 There is something about train travel that prompts a kind of wistful, almost poetic, detachment.
49 Johnson's notion of poetic diction distinguishes it clearly from prose.
50 Coleridge uses his poetic creativity to achieve his end, questioning(), exploring and explaining.
51 He looked less winsome and poetic now; his face was harder, with short hair, the cheekbones more pronounced.
52 In Layton he saw the splendour, and the viability, of the poetic destiny.
53 Storni used earlier poetic movements, namely Romanticism and modernism, as models for her poetry.
54 It was played with panache and authority, well controlled throughout yet with poetic feeling; very satisfying to the listener.
55 Yet, any critical attempt to reduce to discursive terms the emotional and poetic appeal of the film seems doomed to failure.
56 The members of the first group were more poetic, philosophical, mystical, and artistic.
57 Sperber and Wilson suggest that the effect achieved by such an utterance can be termed a poetic effect.
58 Silent Scream attempts to do the same for Larry Winters,() a Glaswegian murderer who waxed poetic behind bars before topping himself.
59 An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning, it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.
60 As the Joyce example shows, this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices, such as metaphor and alliteration.
61 Drank five margaritas and waxed poetic about my screenplay to some adorable creature.
62 His love of poetic and narrative sequences culminates in the three book designs that dominate the exhibition.
63 Just when you least expect it, she thought, poetic justice is waiting right around the corner.
64 Thomas Deloney may have used a little poetic licence to embroider a good yarn.
65 In so far as he contended for a reformation of poetic diction, he undertook a useful task.
66 West's elegy magnifies the warts and the amours, yet gives poetic poignancy to the portraits he draws here.
67 They have a minimalist approach, but with delicate, poetic language.
68 Compared with poetic devices like metaphor, they are probably rather mundane.
69 He had an aversion for proper names, employing instead a number of poetic circumlocutions.
70 That we influence the world around us is not simply a poetic metaphor.
71 It is surprising how a similar kind of construction in Bach has an altogether more poetic result.
72 To sum up, when looking for a choral text, choose words which are simple, direct, and poetic.
73 It's a troublesome beast, this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit.
74 It is ruled out equally by the Formalist opposition between practical and poetic language.
75 In doing so she has laid herself low as well. Poetic justice.
76 A poet in retirement, 1800-7 During these years we are still on the high plateau of Wordsworth's poetic achievement.
77 It's rite. i REpeat when i liKe. i have poetic licence! don't question me????
78 This secondary elaboration of the original dream will use poetic language and ritual performance to communicate to others the original dream.
79 Yet we have already noted how, in terms of poetic justice for instance, fabliau morality is often conventional in precisely these terms.
80 The reader's interpretation is complicated by echoes of poetic use, and appreciation of the development of a topos.
81 By the 1930s Storni had gained sufficient independence to allow her poetic vision to encompass the world of objects around her.
82 Wilde took poetic licence to the extreme, for the true story is much more down to earth.
83 If that were so, subsequent events had some of the characteristics of poetic justice.
84 The thematic range and the technique of the earlier poems have not been replaced by a new poetic style.
85 Makine is a good writer, poetic but never fanciful, and one who treats childhood reflected through experience with delicacy.
86 The movements themselves are quite poetic and have often been likened to clouds floating in the sky.
87 Straus' style evokes a bygone era, her language lyric, her ruminations bittersweet and poetic.
87 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
88 But it is the poetic strength and simplicity of the writing that seduces the reader.
89 With strophic song the musical form is very much governed by the poetic form.
90 Rather it is the changed tone of the poetic voice that we notice.
91 They do not exhibit the semantic indeterminacy characteristic of poetic metaphors.
92 The relation between the fabula and the syuzhet is roughly analogous to the one between practical and poetic language.
93 It is thought that biology is the richest source of ideas for scientific as well as poetic creativity.
94 He discoursed upon the poetic style of John Keats.
95 It'sharpened the poetic sensibility of two generations.
96 This is a poetic love story of star-crossed lovers.
97 By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.
98 Her expression was aloof, poetic, rhapsodical.
99 This creativity puts the poetic in the root of human cultural creativity and stresses phronesis, which supplies an important resource of theory to the reflection of western culture and mentality.
100 A style with ornamental, poetic , curvilinear forms and lyrical the great peoplemes.
101 Because conflict, ambiguity, or tension controls the poem's structure, the meaning of the poem can be discovered only by analyzing contextually the poetic elements and diction.
102 That the oldest technology of flight will find a role supporting the latest, fusion propulsion, has a certain poetic justice.
103 House is a home. It provides human one - hundred - percent port where everyone expects to poetic inhabitation.
104 The paper points out that comments of poetic critics on "Tastelessness" in Nan Dynasty should be analyzed comprehensively from both the writing pursuit of "Metaphysics" and the poetry concepts.
105 An analysis of numerals' functions in creating poetic effects offers us a better understanding of its powerfulness and importance in language use.
106 Chinese classical gardens are exquisite beyond compare , filled with poetic beauty with strong literati atmosphere.
107 This paper deals with how to guide students to appreciate the poetic images from pictures, emotions, and music in the teaching of poetry and how to cultivate students' teste in beauty.
108 But we can allow some poetic license because what the film gets right: fabulous shots of the city as we know it, covering the picturesque landmarks.
109 The third chapter applies the personality theory to the analysis of the poetic play to explore the influence of superego on Shakuntala from two aspects of ego ideal and conscience.
110 His poetic gift is confirmed in the three representative poems Kubla Khan, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Christabel.
111 The twenty-six-year-old director has a preternaturally precise and poetic camera eye as well as tenderness for and understanding of the complexities of everyday lives.
112 Rilke and Derrida, who draw the outline of development of Zheng Min's writing, are to aspects of Zheng Min's poetic resources.
113 The analysis of these two poems provides a fresh glimpse into Robert Browning's uncharacteristically subjective poetic voice and examines their unique place within the elegiac tradition.
114 And her poetic language is full of sedateness, smoothness and sculptural quality.
115 For those who grew up in Soviet era, Gagra was a precious refuge of pleasure inside communism's bleak expanse. Now its ruins are a memento mori of poetic deterioration.
116 Foregrounding and conventionalization are relative, especially between standard language and poetic language.
117 The second typifies the prevailing Romantic conception of the poetic mind.
117 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
118 In the conclusion, the inadequacy of poetic dramatization is pointed out.
119 Shang Yang , noted Chinese oil painter , comments that "every work he pained is so affectionate and poetic. He develop his own style of modern Chinese woodcut."
120 This broad interpretation of "misreading of the same" negative contains a negation of all poetic and utilitarian relevance (including the "non-direct the same") risk.
121 Being influenced by studies of Occultism, metaphysics and Indian religion, Yeats explored symbolism and investigated origin and nature of the world in his last period of poetic creation.
122 Realms of Poetry? by Sikongtu has been an aesthetic experience summing-up about poetic writing and appreciation since Tang Dynasty in China.
123 The Imagist principles help Hu Shih form his poetic idea, which leads to the revolution in language and poetry.
124 The poetic words of Alfred Lord Tennyson will be engraved in the 2012 Olympic village. But what other notable expressions can be attributed to Tennyson?
125 From 1949 to 1978, the language of poetry was normalized estranging force and thus its poetic and aesthetic features vanished.
126 The theme of the opera varies greatly from that of Faustus, the poetic drama.
127 Theoretically, Ted Hughes's poetry is the poetic practice of Frankfurt school's viewpoint on the role and value of art in contemporary society.
128 The tragic fortune under the control of traditional morality, the fabulous statement for ideal and belief, the poetic image language all point to the eternal Chinese culture proposition of traditio...
129 Here we are in love with the future. We are dreaming of a poetic and utopic future world, made of sensorial innovation and poetry.
130 Song of Songs in the Old Testament is the only poetic anthology that takes love as its theme.
131 Thus, Cao Cao's works are still a beauty combining poetic language with musical rhythm, belonging to the category of the Han "lyric".
132 He pushed several other runners to get to the front so it was poetic justice when he tripped and fell.
133 For Simpson, though, seeing her hot tower hypothesis verified over the next two decades was surely a kind of poetic justice as well.
134 The call-and-response lines are suitably poetic, traversing the heights and depths of extreme emotional states.
135 Some people have said there's a relationship between poetic meter and the fall of your foot – and possibly your heartbeat might be thought of as an iambic beat when it's amplified by walking.
136 Call it poetic justice, or just sheer bad luck, either way Hobson approached the experience like a scientist and decided to document it, just as he had with the cats, but this time from the inside.
137 They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.
138 Those two poetic Logos forms the basic status of modern China poetics.
139 This paper tries to explore Wallace Stevens's poetic treatment of subjectivity.
140 Chinese poetic image has larger scope and is subtler than the image in Imagism.
141 Unstressed or unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.
142 Song-cycle The Last Four Songs is the swan' s last peak of poetic perfection that one of the most famous German composers Richard Strauss had created before he died.
143 Look, in hangzhou poetic awakened the beauty, "cloud-covered mountains billow sunny side, by the rain also miraculousness" empty presented in sight of supernatural beauty.
144 The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.
145 There's a wonderful work of literary criticism -- I mentioned it last time --on Milton's indebtedness to Spenser in the book by John Guillory called Poetic Authority.
146 Sartre's existentialist philosophy is the poetic theory about the significance of life and Sartre's existentialist literature is the philosophic discourse about the value of life.
147 Therefore the style of prose poem has a special origin and value, and the western prose poem is more prosified than poetic.
147 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
148 Granted the essay is about confluence of seeming opposites, but poetic license should not obscure important content.
149 The scholar discoursed at great length on the poetic style of John Keats.
150 When I read Yang Mengfang's poems, I deeply appreciate the versification, the poetic art and poetic teaching. His poems are filled with freshness. He merits a good name of Laurel.
151 The third resonantly poetic language of Scotland this century is Gaelic.
152 Hinterland of the snowy plateau, the Brahmaputra side, as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah, poetic beauty, charming, like a dream.
153 Moreover, Leo has also succeeded in ruining the invention plan of the 'Crazy Gangster Group' displaying poetic justice and chivalry to the full extent.
154 He used the poetic feeling to dispel the both opposition sides of the war and camouflaged the war's brutality and the heartlessness with the romantic fervor.
155 Based on the entire organic structure of Chinese culture, the ancient Chinese literary theory grasp the literature also with this kind of thought, so it is full of poetic characteristics.
156 An illiterate could be truly poetic. A commoner may know all about Zen.
157 Moldova's folk dance passionate, poetic, slightly melancholy, and fully reflects the character of this nation.
158 With poetic justice, the crisis recoiled against Paris and destroyed the franc.
159 To be exact, his language fuzzy, jerky, vocative, symbolic, affective, and musical, as is typical of a poetic text.
160 When we talk about historic town , People will associate with the poetic charm environment of old trees , alley in flagstone street and little bridge flowing water.
161 In today's ecological crisis, British Poet Laureate-Ted Hughes, makes his persistent poetic pursuit of the re-establishment of the harmony between humans and nature.
162 And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience, thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing.
163 The Greeks already had a century's long tradition of poetic education going back centuries to the time of Homer and Hesiod that set out certain exemplary models of heroic virtue and civic life.
164 A single metrical line in a poetic composition ; one line of poetry.
165 Poetic metaphysics, which is constructed by Coleridge, finishes poetic trend of philosophy.
166 The iniquity of his lips must be burned off by a live angelic coal, that the sinfulness of his lips we could think of it as the sinfulness of his voice, his poetic voice -- will have to be purged.
167 These later books trace her growing finesse and poetic subtlety.
168 As a poetic version of a disintegrating world, this one pleased him.
169 But, withal , a real renaissance occurred, and America recovered her poetic voice.
170 Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and lightheartedness.
171 So far, many scholars use all kinds of theories such as "poetic justice" principle, religion, philosophy, history, myths prototype of the new criticism, etc. to make its interpretation.
172 Saussure's research on the syntagmatic relationship and paradigmatic relationship of language signs gives guidelines to Roman Jakobson's study of "poetic function"of the literary language.
173 There is some kind of latent primitivism in poetic thinking, Richards That's what he means by "fiction" or "pseudo-statement."
174 Some are like buxom lassies and others are like slender, poetic, quiet ladies.
175 The dramatic technique "poetic realism" which is originated by Tennessee Williams is one of the cardinal factors that makes the playwright world known .
176 A name like Lester Chester Hester would sound poetic, but odd.
177 This essay explores a Kirghiz writer Aytmatovs philosophical thoughts on the relationship between human beings and nature, and his passionate and poetic description about nature and animal.
177 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
178 This essay studies the art feature of Gogol's"Dead Soul". It analyzes its special poetic feature, typical art character and art method.
179 Rahab means : large and may be based on the poetic and symbolic name for Egypt.
180 Blok is a world -famous Russian poet in the 20th century. He is both great at Russian classic poetic art, and a master of the realism poets.




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