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单词 Editorial
1. The editorial contained several factual errors.
2. The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.
3. He is an editorial writer.
4. Last night I read the editorial over again.
5. The editor dummied up the editorial page.
6. Mr Turnock claimed the editorial had defamed him.
7. The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
8. He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.
9. A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.
10. The letters snowed to the editorial department.
11. I was promoted to editor and then editorial director.
12. Jordan asked for editorial control of the project.
13. Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.
14. The editorial had an antiunion slant.
15. We are not about to change our editorial policy.
16. Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. He agrees with the sentiments expressed in the editorial.
18. Her official title is editorial manager.
19. An editorial in The Times sounds a cautionary note.
20. He joined the editorial staff in 1999.
21. She has read the editorial through twice.
22. The editorial needs to be rewritten.
23. He recomposed the editorial till dawn.
24. an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction.
25. She is an editorial powerhouse.
26. She has editorial control over what is included.
27. The editorial reads in full as follows.
28. The editorial invests heavily in a family planning policy.
29. She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.
30. They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.
1. The editorial contained several factual errors.
2. The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.
3. He is an editorial writer.
4. Last night I read the editorial over again.
5. The editor dummied up the editorial page.
6. Mr Turnock claimed the editorial had defamed him.
7. The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
8. He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.
9. They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.
10. A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.
11. The editorial had an antiunion slant.
12. She is an editorial powerhouse.
13. For a full hour they argued over the wording of the editorial.
14. The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial.
15. The notice was put up by the editorial board of the school journal.
31. A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman.
32. Some debates in Parliament are shown live and are outside editorial control.
33. The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis.
34. He slicked up my article and then sent it to the editorial department.
35. The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the government's achievements of the past year.
36. In an editorial, The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty.
37. The newspaper ran a hard-hitting editorial criticizing the government's economic policies.
38. He declared his support for the minister in an editorial.
39. The editorial in the Financial Times says this argument has lost much of its validity.
40. Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onward and upward from there.
41. He's just landed a senior editorial job with a men's magazine.
42. For a full hour they argued over the wording of the editorial.
43. The paper follows an editorial policy that puts great emphasis on foreign news.
44. I went to the editorial board meetings when I had the time.
45. Many of us in the editorial department disagree with the changes that are happening.
46. The newspaper sets a high moral tone in its editorial about politicians' private lives.
47. There's an opening for an editorial assistant in our department.
48. The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial.
49. The editorial board has an expert with a world-wide reputation in the person of Professor Jameson.
50. I'm not the sort of newspaper owner who meddles with editorial policy.
51. He capsuled the editorial.
52. He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.
53. The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page,[http:///editorial.html] and the world news section.
54. She has roughed out the editorial for tomorrow's morning paper.
55. The notice was put up by the editorial board of the school journal.
56. Editorial comment in "The Guardian" tended to support the government in this matter.
57. I didn't mind sober editorial comment.
58. Upstairs the editorial staff was also swelling.
59. Ensuring editorial quality, integrity and continuity.
60. This would give him control of editorial policy.
61. Sharon is an editorial assistant in the sports department.
62. Until 1946 editorial policy was a Government responsibility.
63. Who is controlling the editorial process?
64. Current editorial practice elides the implications of multiple texts.
65. And the second editorial does Huckelberry no good.
66. I can recall the atmosphere at editorial meetings.
67. These were repeated, with some proviso, in your editorial.
68. The editorial team would like to encourage this trend.
69. Designers use the girls because they ensure editorial coverage.
70. Its editorial was almost certainly inspired by Sir Walter.
71. If anyone can help please contact the Editorial office.
72. His editorial polemics, however, were jaundiced by anti-Semitism.
73. Reading them saved Theobald from the editorial howlers Pope committed.
74. The editorial excellence of their newspaper is founded on its financial success - and this is not assured.
75. The Daily Telegraph published a long article from me on the subject on its editorial page.
76. Downtown News editorial staff a behind-the-scenes look at what will be a major new local landmark.
77. Jonathan Burnham, editorial director of Chatto, will become publishing director for the imprint, with Alison Samuel as his deputy.
78. Editorial competition A competition is another device for promoting your product or services by name in terms of both write-up and pictures.
79. The editorial staff of the International Journal of Leprosy took the lead.
80. Our editorial secretary Sue has three goldfish in her two foot bank, one of which is at least twenty years old.
81. The members of the editorial group spontaneously agreed that the royalties should be devoted to spiritual and charitable purposes.
82. I found a spelling mistake in our editorial this morning.
83. Alas, the supes apparently failed to see that editorial, and voted to approve the changes.
84. Your editorial accusing San Francisco gay and lesbian voters of being irresponsible for helping elect Willie Brown mayor is just another example.
85. The readability of the review itself is the paramount editorial consideration.
86. Then I turned over, and at least there was an editorial after a 31-issue absence.
87. Isabel Moore, formerly at Octopus, joins the company on 1st April as editorial director.
88. Their responsibility is to ensure that articles are forwarded for consideration by the editorial committee for inclusion in the newsletter.
89. You are a mere picture editor, a workman, whose views on editorial staff are of no account.
90. She was previously editorial and production assistant at Product Communication, in London.
91. Connecting a business plan and a business manager to each editorial section is alarming.
92. Editorial Researchers - and cynics - say that research doesn't give answers but only throws up more questions.
93. Welch and I had a rather heated exchange about the appropriateness of his editorial interference(), which had caught me by surprise.
94. From this point the foundation of the editorial side of the paper, the working arrangement between the two men, collapsed.
95. It will be only if it persists in the policies outlined in your editorial.
96. For enquiries about editorial about editorial subjects please see page 4- do not use this coupon.
97. At any rate, the most prominent critic was Nick Seitz, the editorial director of Golf Digest and its sister publications.
98. Complex formatting will take up your time and delay the editorial process.
99. After all, your editorial on fossil fuels, fearlessly and correctly reported global warming data in degrees Celsius.
100. In return we in the editorial team will try to keep you up to date with what is going on in the University.
101. I don't give a darn if the results don't coincide with the editorial board's political biases!
102. Some conference representatives may have been influenced by a fiercely polemical front page editorial in yesterday's Daily Mail.
103. Its editorial integrity ought to be unassailable, at least in its hard news sections.
104. In her editorial Vivienne Van Someren suggests that arrangements for job sharers are often an afterthought.
105. Somebody thought of it at an editorial conference, and Muggins here had to ring round all these celebrities to get comments.
106. Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed.
106. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
107. The company is expected to keep the paper's moderate pro-Unionist editorial policy.
108. Narrowness, however, is not Gray's way, and he cheerfully violates his own editorial principles.
109. Those doughty editorial professionals at the Star have once again helped us avert a foolish mistake just in the nick of time!
110. Clearly a serious publication, it enjoys the support of a number of leading academics on its editorial board.
111. A recent editorial cartoon by Tom Toles caught the irony in all of this.
112. Six words covered that effort by engineers with skills you purport to support in the editorial!
113. The editorial panel's interview with Sir Jeremy Morse made fascinating reading in February.
114. Sem Dnei plans to continue publishing Itogi, using an entirely new editorial team.
115. Their editorial content is usually limited to items of consumer interest and the editorial staff is kept to a minimum.
116. That editorial reflected a realistic assessment of the dilemma created by any government-sanctioned attempt to regulate salaries.
117. If something has gone badly, one of his subordinates will be criticized in an editorial.
118. For many pro-reform Soviet citizens, Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting.
119. It has been organized around the three major publishing functions: editorial, production, marketing.
120. The Club controlled a section of Tribune, Gollancz eventually replacing Mellor on its editorial board.
121. Parks has no doubt been told he, the editor, will have the last word on editorial matters.
122. The views expressed in the Editorial are those of the Editor unless otherwise indicated.
123. It has since undergone six name changes and numerous revolutions in technology, style and editorial philosophy.
124. Editorial Note: We welcome your letters to add to discussion.
125. She was on the editorial board of the radical magazine Black Dwarf.
126. Now according to Jung, the Animus operates as a not-nice, all-male editorial board somewhere inside your fluffy head!
127. If an elected official did anything remotely similar, the editorial boards of both daily newspapers would howl for their heads.
128. But the editorial method which is applied to the data has much to display that is well-spoken.
129. Messrs Murdoch, Maxwell and Rowland, amongst others, are known to have attempted to exercise control over editorial content.
130. Our editorial page, however, was no mouthpiece for any political party.
131. In such cases we request that authors submit a synopsis of the review to the Editorial Office for consideration by the Board.
132. Desktop Publishing Hardly an issue of a computer magazine goes by without some mention, editorial or advertisement, of desktop publishing.
133. The editorial also took the position that isolation would not eradicate the disease.
134. Only a reader familiar with Magritte's art will not be confused by this strange editorial decision.
135. We will do so knowing that whatever we do, whatever normal editorial decisions we make may be misinterpreted.
136. And it remains a matter of debate to what extent Luke is exercising editorial privilege in his accounts of the apostolic preaching.
137. I trust that the Times editorial policy under Parks will begin with the business-side difficulties kept down to a dull roar.
138. Furthermore[http:///editorial.html], the value of editorial can not be quantified against equivalent advertising cost because of the greater credibility of editorial.
139. The only editorial guideline was that the subject should have something to do with leisure software for home computers.
140. Beverley Hilton, editorial director of Eaglemoss Publications, retires on 1st April, but remains on the board.
141. In such an atmosphere of rancour and distrust it was hardly surprising that the magazine never developed a proper editorial identity.
142. Is there a range of journals, with contrasting editorial policies?
143. He makes the key editorial decisions including when a story is aired, its length and position in the program.
144. The editorial gives us a simple outline about how we read images that could be found in any photography textbook.
145. The editorial scoffed at worries from neighbors about pollution, stench, and falling property values.
146. The Founders now told Pilger that the role they had given him was something less than total editorial control.
147. There is no right of rebuttal, no editorial filter, no mechanism to keep outlandish or unsupported opinions off the air.
148. The full text of the incident, including a short editorial, is reproduced in full in the appendix to this article.
149. There were question marks too over Branson's choice of his editorial team.
150. In an editorial foreword the need for this prospectus was explained.
151. The degree has already successfully incorporated desktop publishing throughout its editorial, production and marketing strands.
152. They didn't even like the editorial, which had been written by Packford on half a bottle of Scotch.
153. However, this can have problems, as the editorial staff of the magazine will want to have some input.
154. And Rosemary Carey, an editorial assistant at the journal since 1984, said she had never heard of Yaki.
155. The suits overseeing news and editorial functions have no loyalty to this community and could care less about it.
156. Observant readers will also notice a new look to the columnists who grace the back end of our editorial pages.
157. Each of these has a different editorial policy and, to a lesser or greater degree, a political bias.
158. Several factors probably went into the editorial decision to delete such an antiquated phrase.
159. It might therefore be worth considering the alternative of independent production and printing, relying on editorial mention for distribution.
160. Customers are snapping up the top quality magazine with its wonderful photography and editorial.
161. Without consultation, Hayling had invited Pilger to move up from being a mere adviser to the new post of editorial director.
162. Quality, of design and typography rather than editorial matter, is a burning issue as far as desktop publishing is concerned.
163. With two of Athene's editorial staff off sick, a heavier load was falling on the shoulders of those remaining.
164. Such a relationship will certainly stymie a positive editorial association.
165. And it has fueled the pens of editorial cartoonists, who have milked the story for all its satirical potential.
166. Suspecting the worst, editorial boards and other high-minded folks demand an end to soft money.
167. The Los Angeles Times will close some sections and eliminate 150 editorial jobs.
168. All the editorial assistants except Hannah, who's on holiday, and all the production staff.
169. It is in the field of editorial content that the Great and Good of independent television have exercised their most direct influence.
170. Editorial Amicus is read by staff and pensioners, therefore the age range of the readership is wide.
171. The editorial team have tried to achieve a balance between matters which are of major concern to staff and some lighthearted topics.
172. Masthead details of publisher and editorial staff usually printed on the contents page.
173. Pushing his editorial staff to be better all the time is appropriate.
174. Contributions will normally be commissioned by an appointed member of the Editorial Board, but the Board welcomes proposals for reviews.
175. The most ludicrous post-mortem appeared last Thursday, September 18, on the editorial page of an almost-daily afternoon paper.
176. The editorial matter can be biased to presenting a favourable buying climate for speculative stocks.
177. It remained the chief subject of the editorial pages, dissected and analyzed ceaselessly.
178. Joel Nilsson is an editorial writer for the Arizona Republic.
179. He prided himself on being familiar with both editorial and technological aspects of publishing.
180. Editorial offices had the right of complete economic and financial autonomy.
181. My title is "Editorial Assistant," but I'm really just a glorified secretary.
182. In July a Pravda editorial had attacked perestroika for creating a new bureaucracy without solving the old problems.
183. The Journal of Medical Screening aims to be international and multidisciplinary, and the editorial board reflects these aims.
184. These are all editorial choices, and few of them create positive images for television audiences.
185. The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights.
186. Several years ago we wrote a paper in which we detailed a serious case of abuse of editorial power.
187. Can you discern an editorial leaning or tendency in the work they accept?
188. An editorial in the latest issue said the event would be a unique opportunity to become better informed and to browse.
189. Not a pretty sight -- they went far beyond editorial endorsement.
190. A magazine about home and family apparently does not pose serious editorial concerns to the company.
191. Fewer attempts are made to integrate or reconcile competing perspectives at an editorial level.
192. Publication date for the directory was last month and the editorial listing for Hanson appears to be up to date.
193. The addition of extra hardware might enable it to be used during the editorial phases of the project.
194. The new editorial policy complicates the process of producing authorised versions, but it does not substantially change it.
195. The quality message of the editorial contents was continued through all areas of the design process.
196. Conventional editorial wisdom holds that such balanced reporting produces truth.
197. It is worth remembering that most editorial staff will not be in the office much before 10.00 or 11.00 am.
198. Baron, the editorial writer, reported no financial disclosures.
199. He is the senior coeditor of the Contemporary Economic Policy, and the Book Review Editor. He also serves on the editorial board of several economic journals.
200. the magazine's editorial staff.
201. He turned to an editorial and began reading it with interest.
202. Today was the joyful day, the editorial department has mailed in the type newspaper.
202. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
203. In 1863, an editorial in a Chicago newspaper said Union soldiers were "indignant at the imbecility that has devoted them to slaughter for purposes with which they have no sympathy."
204. Everything else is just rumors, and that is the problem," says Amr Khafagy, the editor in chief of the independent al-Shorouq newspaper, which has run four stories and an editorial about Shehata.
205. We now bring you the full text of the Renmin Ribao editorial.
206. This explains the retreat of explicit political statements to the editorial pages.




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