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单词 Depreciation
1. They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.
2. We must provide for depreciation when calculating the costs.
3. She can't bear the depreciation of the enemy.
4. A depreciation of the dollar would make US exports cheaper and especially so in Japan.
5. The depreciation of other currencies in Asia has also caused a substantial reduction in tourism.
6. For simplicity. we ignore depreciation and technical progress, so.
7. Straight-line depreciation is generally the easiest method to use.
8. Although other factors are involved, the depreciation in value is principally due to the number of these coins found by detector users.
9. This is perhaps particularly true when depreciation charges are based on current values.
10. Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment on a straight line basis, taking into account residual values.
11. Depreciation accounting is simply a technique used to allocate the cost of a capital asset over its expected useful life.
12. There are also special rules for depreciation of real estate.
13. A large real depreciation of the peso has also helped, boosting exports in 1995 by over 30 percent in dollar terms.
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14. This compares with depreciation on the Dumfries building where production ceased during the year.
15. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of tangible assets other than freehold land over their estimated useful lives.
16. The rate of depreciation slows down significantly in the second and third years but still runs at around 20 percent a year.
17. Standards such as those on depreciation and current cost accounting are so different from current practice that it is impossible to rationalize them.
18. This includes a charge for depreciation of £2,000 per month.
19. The owner of the asset is entitled to the tax benefits from depreciation.
20. When the dollar price of yen increases, we say there has been a depreciation of the dollar relative to the yen.
21. Also different accounting conventions will yield different measures of depreciation.
22. Prior to 1981, most companies elected to use an accelerated method of depreciation for tax purposes.
23. In practice, a mechanical formula is used to measure depreciation.
24. The law requires a charge to be made in lieu of depreciation for all assets financed from loans.
25. Nevertheless the pursuit of policies based on national self-interest led to competitive depreciation and the introduction of tariffs and other trade restrictions.
26. He tackles familiar areas such as goodwill and intangibles, depreciation and extraordinary items.
27. A country with a high inflation rate relative to competitors will generally experience a depreciation in the future external value of its currency.
28. The most obvious example of this principle would be the depreciation pattern of most new Ainerican automobiles.
29. This can be dealt with by revaluing the asset annually using special indices of cost of capital and adjusting depreciation provisions accordingly.
30. Within the Ministry, there had been some pressure for the explicit adoption of replacement cost depreciation conventions.
1. They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.
2. We must provide for depreciation when calculating the costs.
3. She can't bear the depreciation of the enemy.
4. The depreciation of other currencies in Asia has also caused a substantial reduction in tourism.
31. This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions.
32. The company said the charge will provide a noncash benefit in future years from reduced depreciation and amortization.
33. The system of capital allowances is the system of depreciation permitted by the Inland Revenue in arriving at taxable earnings.
34. Where no allowance is made for this depreciation in the calculation of investment, the resulting figure is called gross investment.
35. Answer guide: The cost associated with the depreciation of an asset is based on the historic cost of that asset.
36. Consequently, the argument about depreciation producing more correct costs in the revenue account applies equally to principal repayments in lieu of depreciation.
37. We have said that depreciation in business can perform the function of maintaining capital.
38. The markets, and the employers who are busy fuelling wage inflation, expect a depreciation.
39. Deducting depreciation expenses, employee wages, interest, and other expenses yields income before tax of $ 33, 800.
40. The answer must be that it could not since the fact of adopting depreciation accounting severs the link with finance.
41. This would arise where depreciation charges were less than principal repayments would have been.
42. Spending on capital items and allowances for depreciation also affected the cash flow differently last year.
43. In practice, therefore(sentence dictionary), these principal repayments took the place of depreciation.
44. To keep the example simple, assume that there is no depreciation so that we do not need to worry about replacement investment.
45. Unlimited life goods are typically stored at historic cost in the balance sheet and there is no depreciation.
46. The failure to index depreciation schedules for inflation is devastating for manufacturing and other industries that require long-term investments.
47. Depreciation is to be based on the shorter of the lease term and useful economic life.
48. Tangible Assets and Depreciation Tangible assets are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation.
49. Why is it unlikely that depreciation will provide for replacement of the fixed asset?
50. Depreciation and interest need to be traced, as far as possible, to products.
51. Selected industries have also been able to secure extra depreciation in proportion to any increase in the share of exports in their total sales.
52. Negative comments on poetry written by labouring people often entailed some depreciation of labour itself.
53. Adding depreciation accounting to the existing system has, in the past,() not been affordable.
54. Under generally accepted accounting principles, companies may use straight-line or one of the accelerated methods of depreciation for financial accounting purposes.
55. Companies could select among the various allowable depreciation methods and depreciate an asset over its ADR-expected life.
56. Take the example of calculating an annual depreciation charge for a vehicle.
57. It is in the interests of sports equipment manufacturers to encourage such relative depreciation when their products have long depreciation periods.
58. In fact, there is a real example of depreciation accounting being practised alongside payments in lieu of depreciation.
59. Indeed, a significant part of it concerned the relevance of depreciation accounting.
60. The business lobby has been squealing for everything from accelerated depreciation allowances to a Business Development Board to grant cheap loans.
61. The problem is that plainly this depreciation charge can not reflect the periodic benefits expected to accrue from using the vehicle.
62. It expects lower extraordinary spending this year, since it has taken charges for job cuts as well as depreciation already.
63. This use is a form of spending; in business it is called depreciation.
64. Secondly, the capital charges are to include depreciation and an interest element.
65. Accruing depreciation, stock valuations, provisions for doubtful debts, etc., are subjective judgements which make historic cost profit subjective.
66. Companies pay corporation tax calculated on their taxable profits after allowance for interest payments and depreciation.
67. Allusions to other texts frequently undergo this same process of depreciation.
68. Indeed, with two assumptions, they will be equal to depreciation charges.
69. This ensures that the sum of capital allowances is equal to the real depreciation incurred.
70. Depreciation is a major expense for most businesses, and the treatment of this expense can have important tax implications.
71. Depreciation is a charge that reduces the value of assets over time, reflecting their use.
72. Bert not being that clever with figures opts for straight line depreciation on all the fixed assets.
73. For instance,( ) historical cost accounting yields much lower figures for depreciation than does inflation accounting.
74. Double this rate would allow the total amount of depreciation to be written off at the rate of 40 percent per year.
75. Doubling declining balance is a form of Accelerated Depreciation.
76. Depreciation has two specific meanings ineconomics.
77. Currency depreciation only to destroy confidence.
78. Land is the asset that does not have depreciation.
79. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis to write off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset over its estimated useful life.
80. Functional obsolescence----A depreciation in the value of a current product caused by the arrival of a new product that can perform the function in a superior manner.
81. If it left the euro zone, Greece could reap the substantial benefits of a currency depreciation, but doing so would also set off huge runs on banks.
82. SABMiller's bid values Foster's at 12.5 times current year forecast earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
83. It is prohibited to change the depreciation rate, the ratio of reducing depreciation period once the accounting treatment has been confirmed.
84. The amount of depreciation can be calculated by the straight-line method, fixed percentage method, sum-of-the-year's digits method or declining balance method.
85. This article deals with the rationality of the accelerated depreciation method.
86. By far the most widely used accelerated depreciation method is called double - declining - balance method.
87. A depreciation method which allows faster write - offs than the straight line method.
88. Accounting or book-value ROI assumes straight-line depreciation of depreciable assets and a constant cash flow from one year to another within a given timeframe, say three years.
89. The value at which fixed assets are listed in the balance sheet. Effectively the original purchase cost minus any allowance for depreciation.
90. However, management may use different methods in computing depreciation for different assets.
91. Article 33 In respect of the computation of depreciation of fixed assets, the salvage value shall first be estimated and deducted from the original cost of the assets.
92. A depreciation of the nominal exchange rate is the least painful way to achieve this outcome.
93. International resources are better used to mitigate the collateral damage of depreciation.
94. Generally, exchange rate depreciation may improve a country's international income and expenses. The substantial effect, however, lies in many co-related factors.
95. Depreciation is cost allocation of fixed assets, consumed during its useful life.
96. But, there are many problems in the course of processing asset depreciation, such as, lack of correlative data, difficult to make clear the net realizable value of stocked goods and so on.
97. A calculating method of depreciation factor of used cars based on equivalent total mileage is presented.
98. Over the entire life of the asset, however, both the straight-line method and accelerated methods recognize the same total amount of depreciation.
99. Article 16 In calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the lessee should adopt a depreciation policy for leased assets consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the lessee.
100. The only catch was a depreciation charge of $100, since we couldn't sell the car as new.
101. There is no restriction on payment of amortization of loans or depreciation of direct investments.
102. A banking crisis in 2003 saw the collapse of one of the country's largest banks and 100 percent depreciation in the Dominican peso.
103. At present the Renminbi spot rate slightly has the depreciation along with US dollar bounce.
104. It should be consolidated intra-company transaction of inventory and its depreciation reserves related when we compile a consolidated statement of account.
105. Compared with foreign steel manufacturers, the depreciation rate of Chinese steel companies is lower and the investment return is slow.
106. The depreciation of the dollar caused a deficit last year.
107. According to many years' practice and investigation, the paper discusses depreciation of equipment and proposes kinds of dynamic depreciation methods.
108. Cash generation is defined as profits plus depreciation. Is it true?
109. As Northeast Old Industrial Base, Dalian enjoys expanded scope of offset for VAT, and also the favorable policy on accelerated depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets.
110. However, the depreciation rate of second - hand car would be greatly shortened.
111. The unit -- which UBS estimated was worth $700 million -- produced 340,500 tonnes of zinc in 2008 and posted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of $209 million.
112. His face was aflame, even his knees seemed to blush with rage, shame, self - depreciation.
113. But in Europe, even euro - pessimists think that currency depreciation wouldn't provide the answer.
114. Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned.
115. The cost approach can also be applied to older properties given adequate data to measure depreciation.
116. A depreciation of a currency'svalue makes imports more expensive and exports cheaper.
117. For 15 and 20 year property, the appropriate method is the 150% declining balance method switching to the Straight-Line Depreciation method when it will yield a larger allowance.
118. Leases, patents and some buildings can be said to require depreciation because of the effluxion of time.
119. From the implementation of reform and opening policy, the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate depreciation has promoted Chinese export trade and improved Chinese trade balance.
120. The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.
121. To the fixed assets register by recording the fixed assets movement and make proper accounting record on fixed assets depreciation, disposal and revaluation.
122. Anatomy favorableness and disbennifit infections of equipment price and enterprise benefit by selecting different depreciation methods.
123. Once an asset has been fully depreciated, no more depreciation should be recorded on it, even though the property is in good condition and is still in use.
124. An unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreign investor out.
125. Verify that prepaid expenses, deferred charges and depreciation schedules are up-to-date and in agreement with the books.
126. Value of Fixed Assets : is obtained by deducting depreciation over years original value of fixed assets.
127. But it's the depreciation of money that is the real issue.
128. Why does the accelerated method of depreciation for tax purposes lead to a liability?
129. The available depreciation methods consist of the straight-line method, unit of production method, double declining balance method, sum of the years digits method, etc.
130. This paper focuses on analyzing the low depreciation rate and backward valuation method of depreciation system in grovernment-owned assets in China.
131. Currency depreciation will also inhibit the Russian capital market development, and intensified speculation.
132. Affected by the depreciation of the dollar, metal futures prices rose sharply.
133. A fixed asset which can still after full depreciation shall not be depreciated any further.
134. Foreign investor also because US dollar depreciation will give up to The US government's lending money.
135. Totally,(Sentence dictionary) renminbi nominal exchange and real rate of exchange since 1980 has been on the trend of depreciation.
136. I see. Well, the annual depreciation rate for house & building is 4.5 %. Why isn't it 5 %?
137. Excluding depreciation costs, profit payments Haneda airport, Itami, New Chitose Airport, etc. 10.
138. Increase rate of depreciation of the dollar to dollar - denominated price of the product will be.
139. But because of a current in the market the average rate of depreciation has nearly doubled.
140. Tabulation: 3 - --- device file table, use the department form, depreciation tables.
141. Accumulated Depletion is a contra - asset account similar to the Accumulated Depreciation account.
142. Before applying the 35 percent tax rate, firms may deduct employee compensation, interest payments, and depreciation allowances.
143. By 1988, the dollar depreciation had contributed to a falling U.S. trade deficit.
144. How is recognizing depreciation for PP & E an example of the Matching Principle?
145. Some argue that an attempt by countries with external deficits to promote export-led growth, via exchange-rate depreciation, is a beggar-my-neighbour policy.
146. The term depreciation describes a decline in the value of one currency in terms of another.
147. One example of an accelerated depreciation method is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System ( MACRS ).
148. When straight-line depreciation is in use, the depreciation rate is simply "1"divided by the "life"(in years) of the assets.
149. Depreciation of our currency makes it easier for domestic firms to compete with foreign firms.
150. This method of depreciation is called the straight line or fixed installment or constant change method.
151. Book value represents the cost of the asset minus the accumulated depreciation.
152. Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non - cash expenses.
153. The players union disputes the N.B.A.'s figures and objects to the inclusion of certain costs, like debt service and depreciation, in the loss estimates.
154. There are various methods of calculating the flow of depreciation provisions.




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