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单词 Virgin
1. She remained a virgin till she was over thirty.
2. I'm a laundry virgin.
3. Phil Collins appears on the album courtesy of Virgin Records.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. I was a virgin until I was thirty years old.
5. They ploughed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland.
6. The band signed with Virgin Records.
7. The record was produced under the Virgin label.
8. Have you ever been to a virgin forest?
9. D'you think he's still a virgin?
10. Before long they had signed with Virgin.
11. The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.
12. For Christians, the Virgin Mary is a symbol of purity.
13. Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.
14. The BBC is moving into virgin territory by producing comic programmes of this type.
15. Within 40 years there will be no virgin forest left.
16. She lived a virgin.
17. Virgin were going into the airline business.
18. Virgin could never compete with that.
19. Azaleas surrounded the feet of the Blessed Virgin.
20. The internet is no longer virgin territory.
21. Pentecostals do not say prayers to the Virgin Mary.
22. After offering a prayer, the virgin expired.
23. Cloud shadows scudded across immeasurable stands of virgin forests.
24. At least I was still a virgin, technically speaking.
25. They signed with Virgin early in 1982.
26. If it is successful, Virgin will add other destinations.
27. The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
28. Until he appeared in "In the Line of Fire" Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin.
29. It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision.
30. On May 13, 1917 three young shepherd children reported a visitation from the Virgin Mary.
1. She remained a virgin till she was over thirty.
2. Phil Collins appears on the album courtesy of Virgin Records.
3. I was a virgin until I was thirty years old.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
5. Have you ever been to a virgin forest?
6. She lived a virgin.
31. I saw him bow to an ugly Virgin.
32. I recently ate raw fish with a sushi virgin.
33. Very other, and very alien. Virgin territory.
34. A stunner on pure virgin vinyl.
35. Virgin and Coutts had long been growing apart.
36. After we eat a hearty lunch I begin my afternoon the normal way with my virgin pina colada.
37. Is the Black Virgin a symbol of the hidden Church and of the underground stream?
38. Working on what in effect was virgin territory for customs officers our crews produced fantastic results in the earlier days.
39. Thorn said it began negotiations to re-sign Jackson with its Virgin label in December.
40. More importantly to Branson, it meant Virgin were on a far smaller margin of any profit.
41. Of course, our rummage crews were working on more or less virgin territory, where no customs rummage crew had been before.
42. But Virgin executives are privately convinced that meeting this contractual obligation will be impossible because so many major issues remain unresolved.
43. If we are truthful we may admit that we find the ideas of the virgin birth or the resurrection incredulous.
44. Here we find immense virgin forests, similar to those of the Amazon and Indonesia.
45. The remarkable Black Virgin of Belloc has been transferred from her abandoned mountain sanctuary to the village church of Dorres.
46. He tenderly can deflower a virgin, endlessly pursue a stunning model and still have time for a few other dalliances.
47. In its deepest recesses, Hellhole Bay and Warnbaw Swarrip, there were virgin stands of tupelo and bald cypress.
48. He was eager to try out his jokes on a virgin audience.
49. In low range, it walks with authority across a field covered by a couple of feet of packed virgin snow.
50. The summit anchor added to the wonderment: a sling around a statue of the Virgin, complete with a bouquet!
51. Then she saw Sophia go over to the statue of the Virgin Mary.
52. The first glimpse of an ancient statue of the Black Virgin shocks and surprises.
53. In the winter of 1531, Juan Diego was walking on a hillside where he was visited by the Virgin Mary.
54. No more virgin coastal cliff will be sprinkled with bungalows.
55. Last Sunday you believed a statue of the Virgin Mary - a white unblemished statue - moved towards you.
56. Richard Branson regarded it as vital that Virgin should win the case.
57. A winding road led from a hot valley through pine-covered hills to the House of the Virgin Mary.
58. Tough, virgin, Artemis was the Goddess of women in childbirth.
59. The Blessed Virgin as Stella Maris, the star of the sea, deepest indigo blue, sparkling.
60. In response to the beard-shaving incident the Dwarfs chopped down entire virgin forests to spite the Elves.
61. There was a single line of footprints in the virgin snow.
62. Carmelite churches are not infrequently associated with the cult of the Black Virgin.
63. Virgin had shown a profit of more than £11m in the last year.
64. Yeah right, a little virgin, a device sent by heaven to cleanse your soul.
65. There is a Roman Catholic church with a Virgin Mary statue out front.
66. The trees here were all larger and growing much more vigorously than in the virgin forest above.
67. He claimed he had not heard of the Virgin Mary either.
68. Yet both virgin saint and unrepentant sinner must fall within the range of humanity.
69. It can not be proved that the virgin birth did not happen.
70. Charlie leaned forward and stared down in disbelief at a painting of the Virgin Mary and Child.
71. Virgin hopes a day in the cockpit will become as popular as a day at the races for company gatherings.
72. At the heart of each is an ancient tradition of devotion to a statue of the Black Virgin.
73. I carved my first wide turn through virgin powder, experiencing a transcendence of Buddhist proportions.
74. Foreshadowing yet another Communist practice, he formed colonies of soldiers to farm virgin areas.
75. Virgin Trains says it would be prepared to assume responsibility for the state of the track over which its trains run.
76. On December 13, she appeared on Chris's Virgin radio show.
77. Having run up a debt of over £100,000, they're unlikely to be forgotten by Virgin Records in a hurry.
78. There is no knowledge of the idea of the virgin birth in the Church before the Gospels were written.
79. A well-brought-up young lady and a virgin to boot shouldn't be having such thoughts.
80. The dawning knowledge washed over her consciousness like waves breaking on a virgin shore.
81. Virgin was interested in the Ames group and took a majority shareholding.
82. Like ours, it lies ahead of her like a wilderness just before the first explorer sets foot on the virgin sand.
83. With a turnover of about £250m, Virgin Records is one of the few independents left in the music business.
84. If Island were having hits with reggae music, Virgin should be too.
85. The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
86. Powell felt both clubs were impetuous buys which Virgin could ill-afford at a time when it was struggling out of recession.
87. The whole of the transcendent is virgin land whereas the mundane is filled with the debris of a lifetime.
88. The discovery that Judy was a virgin, and intended to remain so for some time longer, rattled me considerably.
89. He went on to be distressingly adamant about his determination to marry a virgin.
90. Since 1972 many more apparitions as well as statues of the Virgin that weep and move have been reported.
91. Other forms of holiness - that of the virgin and the ascetic - were assimilated to martyrdom.
92. In mid-1981 Virgin was doing badly; the company had made redundancies and the roster was being cut back.
93. After failing to agree damages that BA would pay to Virgin, Mr Branson has launched new legal action.
94. His blackness shut off the blue window, the blessing hands of the Virgin.
95. It found evidence of extensive oil pollution of lakes, rivers and groundwater and of the destruction of virgin swamp and forest.
96. Within an hour, Bucharest is buried under a blanket of virgin snow.
97. If she was running the same company for Virgin, shouldn't she have some shareholding in it?
98. She looked like a virgin who cleaned her teeth after every meal and delighted to take great bites from rosy apples.
99. I realised I had a large gay following last year, but managed to lose him by ducking into a Virgin Megastore.
100. Historically, the Black Virgin cult seems to point in the direction of two alternatives in particular.
101. Malcolm McLaren did not arrive at the Virgin offices that December afternoon, as arranged.
102. That matter was cured, and had ceased to trouble him; he had lain with a virgin.
103. A portrait of the Virgin Mary looms behind him like a heavenly guardian.
104. Millfield-educated Hewitt already has his heart set on working for Virgin tycoon Richard Branson's planned privatised train service.
105. And if that were not enough, the Virgin affair still haunts BA.
106. Staff accepted lower wages because Virgin seemed to be a more agreeable place to work than anywhere else in the record industry.
107. Camelot then protested about a conflict of interest because Freshfields had worked for Sir Richard's Virgin company.
108. To be seen to be defending Virgin against attack by the big airlines would be a contradiction of this.
109. The company is a joint venture between transport group Stagecoach and Virgin.
110. Yet as already stated,[] there is no mention of a virgin in the original Hebrew.
111. She even hinted that she had remained a virgin, risking losing Jay rather than losing her hopes in life.
112. She had been a virgin when she married, had stayed faithful all her married life.
113. Richard Branson's Virgin Records, for instance, grew and diversified, including a successful foray into cheap transatlantic flights.
114. She was a virgin fire goddess and every hearth had its own Vesta, which no doubt became blackened by smoke.
115. Lady Richelda is believed to have been told by the Virgin Mary to build a replica of her house in Nazareth.
116. Thus in the 1962 Catalogue, the Virgin Mary has 150 pages devoted to her.
117. He flew into a rage on their wedding night when he discovered that his bride was no virgin.
118. Victorine roared with sorrowful mirth: oh what a story, well that certainly cuts out the Blessed Virgin.
119. Pertoka interprets as the symbol of water and the Black Virgin, corresponding to the principle of differentiation.
120. Furthermore, the investments necessary to make an airline work could, theoretically, drag Virgin to bankruptcy.
121. He could see no objection to her playing the part of the Virgin.
122. He promised Draper and Berry that he would not stake the existence of Virgin on the airline.
123. Until that day this venerable charter, like a kidnapped virgin,() will be jealously guarded by those who have signed it.
124. Neil Fitzgerald profiles the Virgin man turned health boss and now head of Oftel.
125. It is also passionately concerned with the cult of the Black Virgin and has a remarkable record of equal rights for women.
126. We will defend vigorously the libel proceedings commenced us by Virgin and its owner and any other proceedings they choose to commence.
127. General Booth's Salvationist doctrine was a notable example, recommending mass emigration from the city slums to virgin colonial territories.
128. Originally covered in fresco, the Scenes from the Life of the Virgin in stucco were added in 1664.
129. In the west of Ireland a small roadside shrine to the Virgin Mary stands almost alongside an equally modest stone circle.
130. Bernadette had a vision in which the Virgin Mary appeared before her.
131. But the fact remained that there were more women in positions of authority in Virgin than anywhere else in the record industry.
132. We also bought some of the extra virgin olive oil, stored in huge terracotta jars with wooden lids.
133. This would not matter much, were it not for a whiff of sulphur from other Virgin companies.
134. This scene is depicted at Avioth and in other Black Virgin churches.
135. Again the virgin birth, in view of what we now know of human reproduction, has become highly suspect for people.
136. Moreover, methods now permit recycled paper to have the same aesthetic appeal as virgin pulp.
137. I am sitting out at the poolside restaurant, sipping on my virgin pina colada.
138. In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
139. These men also have olive groves and cold-press their own virgin oil.
140. The U. S. Virgin Islands are welcoming a new addition to their family.
141. She must remain a virgin until marriage and must never take any lovers other than her husband.
142. Some fifty centres of the cult of the Magdalen also contain shrines to the Black Virgin.
143. Cranston glared at the small statue in a niche, the Virgin and Child; secretly, the coroner hated Christmas.
144. This parentage would make her akin to Persephone, the dangerous Virgin goddess of the underworld.
145. Their main concern is with buy-outs of complete listed companies - such as Magnet, Virgin and International Leisure.
146. A virgin splay of grass traumatized by five months of snow sloped gently down to the water.
147. Some men will not marry a woman who is no longer a virgin.
148. Azalea Concealed within this attractive storage jar is a litre of the finest extra virgin olive oil from Chianti.
149. He thrust into her, and was gratified to discover one thing; she was a virgin, as he had hoped.
150. Thus he is confident of meeting the very tight deadlines for the Virgin order.
151. I mean, this was still virgin territory, there were no tube lines running to this part of the frontier.
152. Within its wide and crumbly confinement, the virgin Missouri writhed like a captive snake.
153. Anne Mowbray was bride, duchess, virgin, the richest heiress in the land.
153. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
154. Helena some years earlier to map the stars of the southern hemisphere-virtually virgin territory on the landscape of the night.
155. To be a Vestal Virgin meant both to be a guardian of the hearth and to be absolutely pure.
156. In front of them were 500 miles of virgin plains almost uninhabited by white people.
157. At 27 he was still a virgin and very shy about it.
158. The picture of the Virgin, on the other hand, was as bright as if painted yesterday.
159. He uses a wheelchair and he is a virgin late into life.
160. Another road runs south, through the oilfields, and is constantly being extended into virgin forest.
161. To one side of it was a large statue of the Virgin.
162. As a scheduled operator, Virgin must fly its 400-seat jumbos even if there are only a handful of passengers on board.
163. Vegetarians therefore may include a little oil in their cooking, and extra virgin olive oil is the best choice.
164. One of them, Joseph Kibweteere, announced that the Virgin Mary had appeared before him in a vision.
165. It was in virgin wilderness up north where septic tanks are forbidden.
166. When Jane Eyre finally married Mr Rochester she was still, after all, a virgin.
167. The following year, Bark Psychosis signed to Virgin and finally began to fulfil the promise of their live shows.
168. The same as what does it matter whether or not I was a virgin when I met Gillian?
169. Dear brother, let me out of this awful place and the blessed Virgin will reward you.
170. Only the Iron Virgin seemed to harbor a romantic streak.
171. Virgin subsequently filed its own, even lower fare to New York.
172. After an initial few hundred feet across virgin land the railway will join the old trackbed of the long-disused Newbury Railway.
173. For several weeks, Jim Murphy helped operate the radio facilities on top of the Virgin.
174. She rallies support for the endangered whale, catalogues underwater life and creates new devices in which to explore virgin sea worlds.
175. There are various Pelagias who are known as penitent harlots or virgin martyrs who died to escape a fate worse than death.
176. After weeks of talks, it was finally agreed that Sade would sign to Virgin.
177. Since 1973, Coutts' support of Virgin had been pivoted on the cashflow generated by Tubular Bells.
178. As far as Labour is concerned, this is virgin territory.
179. Sentences for rape are eased if the victim is not a virgin.
180. Prince Casimir never wavered, praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary for hours on end.
181. If a slave turned out not to be a virgin, the buyer had a legal case against the seller.
182. All over Ireland, posters advertise pilgrim coach tours to Knock, a town famous for apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
183. The demeanour of a virgin can be converted into that of a coquette.
184. However, the court did restrain Virgin from terminating or altering the terms of Fields's service agreements.
185. The virgin is the reserved figure who does not define herself in terms of her relationships with men.
186. The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness.
187. McLaren then began shopping around for another label, pointedly ignoring Virgin.
188. Virgin greenfly give birth to virgin young that are already pregnant with other virgins.
189. The incident was a small measure of how the balance of power, and relevance, within Virgin had shifted.
190. But my eyes were drawn to the face of the Virgin beside him.
191. The 747 was waiting on the runway, in pristine white livery, the Virgin name emblazoned on the tailfin in red.
192. Some scientists believe that it can take up to a thousand years for virgin forest to be truly established.
193. The angel's answer is part of the foundation of the teaching about the virgin birth.
194. It was on the Virgin label.
195. Gib: Do you think she's still a virgin?
196. a shrine to the Virgin Mary.
197. Drizzle them with warmed extra virgin olive oil.
198. a painting depicting the Virgin and Child.
199. Go up to Gilead and take sweet oil, O virgin daughter of Egypt: there is no help in all your medical arts; nothing will make you well.
200. We spent five hundred each on a hooker, and he wasn't a virgin?
201. Five U.S. territories and possessions also have nonvoting representation in the House: the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
202. Then he added, " Blessed Virgin, pray for the death of this fish.
203. In Malaysia, the BGP001 cars are featuring the same Virgin branding as in Melbourne a week ago, while team clothing and driver overalls remain unbranded .
204. Carmelita Montiel, a twenty-year-old virgin, had just bathed in orange-blossom water and was strewing rosemary leaves on Pilar Ternera's bed when the shot rang out.
205. One theory is that switching from sexual reproduction to virgin birth might have helped these ancient creatures survive so long.
206. Our country is international Civil Aviation Organization one of virgin countries.
207. Make coruscate of old virgin forest field gives new lease of life and energy.
208. extra virgin olive oil.
209. This Venus of the dunes, virgin of the time - slopes, rose above Tallis into the meridian sky.
210. Add rocket herb lettuce into the big bowl. Seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and Italian red wine vinegar. Combine them.
211. The crescent on the crest is a special symbol for the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary.
212. The campaign is a joint venture between Virgin Media and the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), which represents the major record labels.
213. Stareast International Limited British Virgin Islands US $ 2 100 % Investment holding.
214. Gloria and immaculate virgin.
215. In his winepress the Lord has trampled the Virgin Daughter of Judah.
216. I was a young girl, a virgin, and therefore men denied me rationality just as they denied it to all those who were not exactly like themselves, in all their unreason.
217. Padrone, I swear by the Holy Virgin I have never taken advantage of your kindness.
218. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" --which means, "God with us."
219. It doesn't care if you get laid or remain a virgin.
220. the Blessed Virgin Mary.
221. You'll taste and study special 5 regional virgin olive oils , 6 ) aged balsamic 7 ) vinegars and prosciutto.
222. In 1603 Elizabeth I – the Virgin Queen – died.
223. This gorgeous drink has a beautiful name, Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri .
224. I could call her nothing in my own mind save'stainless virgin ".
225. He was dining with - of all things - a pious virgin.
226. "Then on the four small beads say the "Hail Mary", adding after each, "Blessed be the pure, holy and immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
227. And he said, Thou shalt no more rejoice, O thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou have no rest.
228. Saint Athanasius used the term "ever virgin" to refer to Mary, and this view was apparent accepted by the Fathers of the Church from the 5th century on.
229. The word virgin forest reminiscent of the jungle scenes are long gone.
230. Previous glitches included a Jetstar flight taking off from Launceston Airport without runway lights in March 2008 and a 60m near-miss between a Virgin Blue flight and a light aircraft in 2003.
231. PP6100 is made of the imported raw material with excellent dispersion characteristics. The compound can be diluted with 50% virgin resin.
232. He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate.
233. Other possibilities to explain the virgin birth include Mary being a genetic mosaic, formed from twins that fused into one body while maintaining chromosomes from both, Y and all.
234. So, Biblical doctrines, such as the inerrancy of Scripture, the virgin birth, God supernatural creation of the world out of nothing, and even the literal resurrection of Christ were scuttled.
235. Forefront Investment Holdings Limited British Virgin Islands US $ 47, 252 100 % Investment holding.
236. Three basic types of failure pattern of titanium anodes were summarized by the use of accelerated life-time tests and morphological analysis for the virgin and inactivated surfaces.




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