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单词 Instability
1, Instability may arise at times of change.
2, The instability of the euro continues.
3, The riot is a symptom of political instability.
4, Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.
5, The increased inflation will inject a degree of instability into the economy.
6, The building's instability makes it extremely dangerous.
7, Political instability helped the army to seize power.
8, Racism causes political instability and violence.
9, Fears that instability would return under the Democrats gave the government a broad base of support.
10, The law was introduced to avoid instability during the transition.
11, This creates political instability and chronic social unrest.
12, Cracks look unsightly, and may also cause instability.
13, Arrangements to deal with crisis situations, eg political instability.
14, The result: slower growth, higher inflation and financial instability.
15, The fault lines of financial instability are real.
16, They took his instability as a guarantee of experience.
17, Her mental instability led her to commit these crimes.
18, Instability would spread like a chain reaction.
19, He was afflicted by the modern malaise of instability and a fear of life.
20, Along with social and economic instability, they are among the main sources of crisis, loss of life and human misery.
21, Mass movement of the population creates instability and demoralization, even for those not directly affected.
22, The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.
23, Ultimately, unless market forces are restored,[http:///instability.html] high levels of unemployment and social instability in the region should be expected.
24, The most noticeable feature of the past few decades however, has been the increasing instability of economic life.
25, Because it may be triggered by the vigorous smaller-scale fluctuations, such an instability will normally occur intermittently.
26, The government blamed the unrest on the activities of several small left-wing groups intent on creating general instability.
27, It is likely that these coherent structures originate through an intermittent instability of the velocity profile.
28, In the main, they formed an element of order during the centuries of instability and uncertainty in the Imperium.
29, The percentage of aneuploid tumours increased according to tumour invasion and the development of lymph node metastasis reflecting an increased genomic instability.
30, Eventually they may take over a small group when the large parent troop undergoes fission as increasing size produces social instability.
1, Instability may arise at times of change.
2, The instability of the euro continues.
3, The riot is a symptom of political instability.
4, Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.
5, The increased inflation will inject a degree of instability into the economy.
6, Racism causes political instability and violence.
31, To turn a phrase in the midst of my instability.
32, Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.
33, As the boats have got shorter the directional instability increased but our ability to correct it with tilt decreased.
34, For a regrettable number, emotional instability and spiritual confusion remain long after the physical bruises have faded.
35, The Emergency of 1975-77 was an attempt to overcome instability in a decisive and authoritarian manner.
36, Corresponding to this economics of adaptability components there is an economics of stability and instability in biological systems.
37, With increasing use, it leads to emotional instability and feelings of paranoia.
38, It is also likely to cause instability elsewhere in the region.
39, The pressures and prejudices which attend their activities and relationships only exacerbate their instability.
40, Alex Household had a history of mental instability and paranoia.
41, Its inherent instability of organization was evident long before it collapsed.
42, There are signs of emotional instability in those who have been deeply affected by the literature.
43, Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity.
44, Doubtless, this instability will continue as more sophisticated techniques of diagnosis come into use by the medical profession.
45, This was exacerbated by the instability and personal feuding which characterized the new ruling group.
46, Perhaps his demise through age, ill-health or death might usher in an era of political instability.
47, Each of these episodes brought on periods of financial instability.
48, Countdown to breakdown Sierra Leone's history is littered with instances of political instability and economic mismanagement.
49, Once his mental instability was recognised, he was sent to hospital, but died of a heart attack in the ambulance.
50, Neglect of these rights has, in severe cases, contributed to extremism, regional instability and conflict.
51, It became possible to believe that financial instability was not an inherent part of capitalism.
52, Generally speaking, instability thresholds are lower than in the quasi-Lorenz system, and the restrictions on decay rates less severe.
52, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53, Second, these new sources of instability complicate domestic stabilization policy and may make it less effective.
54, This was no longer an affront to the public conscience, where the suicide resulted from mental instability.
55, The main disadvantage is that political or economic instability within the country may cause problems outside the control of the parent company.
56, As a result of the instability and interactions, the pattern rapidly loses any detailed memory of its initial state.
57, But this experiment has relaunched the debate over which monetary and exchange system can best cope with international financial instability.
58, This is due to the fact that adaptability components correlate to forms of stability and instability in dynamical descriptions.
59, The existence of two rival regimes will create instability in an already very fragile legal framework.
60, This instability leads to radioactive decay of C at a regular rate.
61, This tip-off sparked a furore in 1992 which swept Ireland into months of political crisis and instability.
62, We can not bear emotion in public, and we look at grief as pathological or a sign of emotional instability.
63, Replacing one military dictator with another is a recipe for continuing repression and instability.
64, When other markers of electrical instability are used such as late potentials or programmed ventricular stimulation this relationship still holds.
65, Particularly impressive is Wall's subtle exploration of the relationship between creativity and mental instability.
66, That learning is a powerful response to an environment of instability and change makes intuitive sense.
67, Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.
68, I think there may have been some mental instability on Grandfather's part.
69, Operating rules are designed to overcome this inherent instability; but that night, in a hurry, the operators broke them.
70, This instability in the workplace and enormous competitive demands on businesses-large and small-will result in extraordinary pressure for maximum performance.
71, Towering over East Main Street, the elegant nine-story landmark has been plagued by financial instability since it opened in 1925.
72, The instability originates at the interface, which then thickens into a region containing salt fingers.
73, A loaded revolver flying through the air brings extra instability into an already volatile situation.
74, The main consequence of the Famine, after human loss of life and suffering, was continuing economic and social instability.
75, Gold is seen by many investors as a safe haven in times of economic and political instability.
76, The central bank promised to pump more money into the system if there were any further signs of instability.
77, A few moments of complete mental instability when you were unscrupulous enough to take advantage of me.
78, On the contrary the markets have been hit by a wave of instability unparalleled since the 1995 Marrakesh trade agreements.
79, Not wishing to risk increasing instability, Franco adopted a familiar tactic: he did nothing until the panorama became clearer.
80, Several hon. Members have spoken about the dangers of instability in the newly emerging eastern democracies.
81, Because of its superior contrast capabilities magnetic resonance imaging is the current first choice technique for assessing instability of the cervical spine.
82, In some ways, the instability of national politics was mirrored in the resignations which occurred in the M. C. R. Executive.
83, In the post-Nehru political vacuum, this was simply a recipe for instability.
84, Every day he punched cards, punched and punched, trying to avoid instability, divergence, distortion.
85, Bjortson's instability had proved too extreme, so the group was informed before Servitors distributed their victuals.
86, This, at times, can cause instability within an authority, although, equally, mobility can bring new ideas.
87, Conversely, a low fibre diet did not lead to changes in cellular proliferation which might be associated with mucosal instability.
88, If Friedman had a history of mental instability, why was he let into the army?
89, The absence had nothing to do with the group itself; changes and instability within the record label were to blame.
90, For example, copper and iron can cause instability ill peroxide bleaching baths and damage to cotton during bleaching.
91, But the instability of the political structures and other weaknesses were obvious in the struggles between the factions within the party.
92, And such a world will have to get used to the social and political instability which these crises leave in their wake.
93, He argues that protest produces instability and even violence, but in the long run it does not undermine democracy.
94, An inequitable distribution of wealth, income and employment can result in future political instability.
95, At the same time, in these places of instability and growth, the soil is most fertile.
96, The study shows that disasters affected local communities and peak several months after prolonged social instability.
97, The research will analyse the changing structure of leadership and the conditions which give rise to political stability and instability.
98, This uncertainty argument in favour of fixed exchange rates is based upon the apparent instability of capital flows.
99, Gordon's analysis calls for a longer term perspective and points to the inherent instability of world capitalism today.
100, There are fears that political instability in the region will lead to civil war.
101, There had been, the broadcast added unexpectedly, a history of mental instability.
102, Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability.
103, The cultural patterns themselves are influenced by the structural instability and the cultural stalemate.
104, Intermediate frequency instability has had the most uneven history.
105, No lateral instability of involved interphalangeal joints was seen.
106, High unemployment has greatly augmented the instability the society.
107, Water may serve as a type of instability.
108, Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
109, At relatively high pressure, in addition to electromagnetic field and electron's Coulomb scattering by gas molecules,() plasma instability would result in decrease of propagation efficiency.
110, The plasmon dispersion and Charge-Density Wave(CDW)instability for electron superlattice are also studied. The criterion of the unstable region of CDW is obtained.
111, An experimental study of flutter instability of H-shaped slender member with different sizes of slotted web is carried out using both section models and aeroelastic model.
112, The article reviews the function of proprioception in maintaining joint stability and the proprioceptive loss and reconstruction of functional joint instability.
113, Discrepancies which have long existed between theory and practice concerning the prediction of dynamic instability of a VSI drive by the small signal theory are resolved.
114, Such timing would of course make fiscal policy an aggravator of instability,[ ] not a reducer.
115, Objective To investigate the clinic results of surgical treatment on atlanto-axial instability through home designed CUF screw fixation system.
116, China is fully aware that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapon (SALW) causes regional instability, fuels humanitarian crisis.
117, With the adoption of the dollar, inflation will come downstroke. Exchange rate instability will disappear.
118, Inverted pendulum system is multivariable, nonlinear, strong - coupling and instability naturally.
119, Along with the thermal instability, unevenness , vendors and the oviductus adhesive thermal energy attenuation.
120, Our numerical simulation reproduced the experimental result of laser ablative Rayleigh - Taylor instability in Osaka University.
121, The upper level dry and cold air with high moist potential vorticity value was superposed to the low-level disturbance, which was advantageous to instability stratification strength and precipitation.
122, Starting with the analysis of mutual excitation of different degrees of freedom, the physical nature and influence factors on rotor dynamic instability are revealed.
123, This mismatch in coefficient is certain to result in instability of the center of gravity.
124, The combustor resonance properties are portrayed by instability zones, one z one for each acoustic mode.
125, If indications of instability are obtained, the results are checked experimentally.
126, Low and intermediate frequency instability models are taken up first.
127, Interestingly, in spite of its instability, the O3 molecule can be stabilized as an ozonide between the double bonds of a monounsaturated fatty acid such as oleic acid.
128, There is limited evidence that the mechanism for high frequency combustion instability lies in the vaporization and combustion processes.
129, The net result can be greater instability in domestic prices.
130, The piriformis muscles, strong external rotators of the thigh, attach to the sacrum and the femur. Stretching them can increase S-I joint instability.
131, Other commonly used terms such as detrusor instability and detrusor hyperreflexia refer to involuntary detrusor contractions observed during urodynamic studies.
132, Actuator saturation is one of the most common nonlinear phenomena in classical control systems, and its presence can be source of performance degradation and instability.
133, In this paper, a variable model of optimum droplet transfer mode for pulsed GMA welding using a steel electrode is developed on the principle of the micro-interference instability of magnetofluid.
134, Therefore, tumor cell gene instability and centrosome abnormalities are closely related to.
135, It is only when money wages move that instability declares itself.
136, Labrum injury including fray, tear and shift, has already been one of the most important factors that cause joint pain, instability and degeneration.
137, The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability.
138, The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability.
139, The first type is the instability excited near the cyclotron frequency of stationary species.
140, political and economic instability.
141, The mechanism of dynamic instability of rolling missile was analyzed by describing the dynamics of rolling missile as a closed loop with dynamic negative feedback.
142, To some extent this instability is a result of gross overorganizing.
143, The first aims on the relativistic ion cyclotron instability in non-uniform magnetic field.
144, In the end, this leads the young to band together and fight against this society that let them down, triggering social instability.
145, David Layzer, writing in his semiscientific property of life is not reproductive invariance, but reproductive instability.
146, The theory about micro - instability and turbulence in magnetized plasmas is dissertated in some detailed.
147, "Primarily, the level of political instability in the continent, the lack of infrastructure, the levels of corruption -- these are the factors that worried foreign investors," Sita said.
148, Branch outages and branch power flow off-limits are important factors of voltage instability.
149, Beijing has put fighting inflation at the top of its agenda this year, amid concerns that runaway price rises could spark social instability in the one-party state, as has occurred in the past.
150, A sudden weakening of the currency may signal economic instability.
151, The economic crisis has stirred fears of greater instability as laid-off workers protest.
152, An application is made to the problem of the tilting mode instability for spheromak without restriction in ellipticity .
153, 5Swiss ball sit-up This is more challenging than a normal sit-up because the instability of the ball forces the core muscles to work harder.
154, The abrogation of compulsory celibacy showed the utter instability and lack of moral foundation of the sect.
155, When you sit in Upavistha Konasana, there is little to support and/or stabilize the sacroiliac joint, and bending forward only adds to this instability.
156, The effect of influencing the plastic instability is reduction of area, concave die half angle, lubricates and frictional factor etc. And it submits the reasonable range by the calculation graph.




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