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单词 Latitudes
1. These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.
2. The birds breed in northern latitudes.
3. At these latitudes the sun does not rise at all on winter days.
4. In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.
5. These forests cover a broad span of latitudes.
6. Latitudes are the lines that go from east to west.
7. The mission will explore the planet's southernmost latitudes.
8. From southern latitudes, where Sagittarius can pass overhead, there is plenty to see.
9. Plentiful moisture in the extreme northern latitudes, for example, is rendered useless by severe winter frost and an abbreviated growing season.
10. An imagination nurtured among northern latitudes is here at a distinct disadvantage.
11. From latitudes such as that of Britain, there is the additional complication that the altitude is always very low.
12. As winds sweep these chemical pockets into middle latitudes they encounter sunlight and trigger rapid ozone destruction.
13. At latitudes greater than about thirty degrees, impact craters have a very peculiar appearance never seen on the Moon.
14. Migrants from equatorial latitudes to countries with reduced light exposure are seriously affected by these climatic changes.
15. She marked the meridians, numbered the latitudes and longitudes, and added a curlicue of compass points to make it navigable.
16. In the middle latitudes of the planet's southern hemisphere, water appears to flow off the edges of craters.
17. Skywatchers at high latitudes know the resulting displays as the Northern Lights.http:///latitudes.html
18. Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
19. This creates a thin surface layer with relatively low thermal heat capacity which allows very rapid summer heating even at subpolar latitudes.
20. Brown and McCormick's skuas and Wilson's petrels fly as far as temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere.
21. From the concentrations of birds and mammals in high latitudes has grown the myth that all polar seas are immensely productive.
22. Asexual species tend to be small and live at high latitudes and high altitudes, in fresh water or disturbed ground.
23. Similar air temperatures are observed today in geographically equivalent temperate high latitudes.
24. However, sunshine was a sparse commodity and we found the short, dark winter days of these latitudes very depressing at first.
25. But more telescopes are needed to provide continuous coverage of the night sky at all latitudes.
26. Peat bogs, nearly all of which occur in northern latitudes. are some of the most important environments for wetland archaeology.
27. Savannah animals differ from those of tropical rain forests, and these again from inhabitants of the tundra at high latitudes.
28. It was the brief Indian Summer of the high latitudes.
29. While melting in the Arctic might cause problems for plants and animals at lower latitudes, it's creating a downright sunny situation for Arctic biota.
30. This magnetic storm has different physical processes at the middle low latitudes and the southern polar cusp region.
1. These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.
2. The birds breed in northern latitudes.
3. At these latitudes the sun does not rise at all on winter days.
4. In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.
31. Known as aurora australis or southern lights, the shifting, luminous bands are commonly seen at high northern latitudes as well, there known as the aurora borealis or northern lights.
32. The great gray owl lives in northern latitudes, and in the winter months its prey is hidden beneath a blanket of snow. But the snow offers no real protection.
33. The second-order polynomial of pressure variation with different latitudes considering atmospheric pressure is best.
34. The answer is the cacomistle, according to a surprising new study indicating that lower elevations and lower latitudes seem to speed up microevolution in mammals.
35. In 1988, the low frequency eddies over middle and high latitudes propagate southward to the South China Sea although the wave train is not so active as in 1985.
36. The oceanographer told delegates that the problem of ocean acidification was worse in high latitudes, in the Arctic and around Antarctica, than it was nearer the equator.
37. An economy until recently dependent on peasant farming in harsh latitudes has shaped a stoic national character and an appetite for self-improvement.
38. Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered circumpolar from northerly latitudes.
39. Girls are more likely to be born at tropical latitudes than in temperate or subarctic climes , according to new research.
40. The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is seen in the northern hemisphere, whereas the aurora australias, or southern lights, is visible in the southern latitudes.
41. The great gray owl lives in northern latitudes , and in the winter months its prey is hidden beneath a blanket of snow.
42. The Himalayas prevent cold Central Asian katabatic winds from blowing in, keeping the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes.
43. On reaching low Latitudes, the splitted continents began to drift in the east-west direction and thus formed the mid-ocean ridges.
44. Twelve thousand years ago, the great ice sheets retreated at the beginning of the latest interglacial – the Flandrian – allowing humans to return to northern latitudes.
45. For the case of global-zonal average, the results confirm that geotropic approximation is applicable in higher latitudes and the gradient balance approximation in lower latitudes.
46. Temperature effect is mainly distributed in - high latitudes under monthly scale except for Bamako and Addisababa stations.
47. But themidrange latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere do experience a change.
48. At mid - northern latitudes, Antares sets shortly after nightfall at this time of year.
49. The solution, across evolutionary time , has been for migrants to northern latitudes to lose skin pigmentation.
50. Moreover, at higher latitudes, as over the Davis Station, the auroral absorption increases and strengthens in winter.
51. The frequency modulation effects of positive (negative) dipole or unipole forcing source on LFO in the mid-high latitudes are difference.
52. "This is one of the coldest winters we've experienced in a while up here in the northern latitudes, " says Derek Arndt of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina.
53. Potentially domesticable plants and animals existed outside the lucky latitudes, but they were less common.
54. The Arctic and Subarctic are of particular interest because these high latitudes are among the world's first locations to begin experiencing climate change.
55. Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes.
56. The recent observations of noctilucent clouds at all kinds of latitudes provide an extra impetus to understand what is going on up there.
57. Also, people who are dark-skinned or housebound or who live in far northern latitudes may fail to make enough vitamin D.
58. In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing.
59. As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the Square of Pegasus looks like a baseball diamond whenever it resides in the eastern sky.
60. As 05W moves to higher latitudes, it will reach the western periphery of the ridge and will gradually turn poleward, which a chance of recurving after landfall.
61. On the influence of land cover on early Holocene climate in northern latitudes.
62. Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered to be circumpolar from northerly latitudes.
63. It owns self characteristic. We can research a textbook from historical, pedagogical, sociological, ethnological and philological latitudes.




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