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单词 obsequious
释义  ob·se·qui·ous /əbˈsiːkwiəs/ adjective  FRIENDLYvery eager to please or agree with people who are powerful – used to show disapproval 献媚的,奉承的,奴颜婢膝的〔含贬义〕 SYN servile an obsequious smile 谄媚的微笑 —obsequiously adverb —obsequiousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusobsequious• The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious.• In fact, the letter is almost obsequious.• Mrs Bay, thighs clasped close against her body, displayed a shamelessly obsequious air as she watched the mystical deliberations.• The salesman's obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me.• We strive like obsequious morticians to provide consolation by enshrining a corpse.• In a court in which obsequious obedience to the monarch was the rule.• Their obsequious praise demands a rebuttal; because really, Mimic is pretty mediocre, even for a B-movie.• All this obsequious praise for his actions is enough to make most normal people sick.• As it was, he was forced to his usual obsequious tolerance.• Perhaps television was just too obsequious towards leaders to be revealing.Origin obsequious (1400-1500) Latin obsequiosus, from obsequium “willingness to obey”, from obsequi “to do what people want”, from sequi “to follow”ob·se·qui·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus please agree eager very with to or




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