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单词 Grammatical
1. Should the teacher present grammatical rules to students?
2. A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options.
3. These sentences all have the same grammatical pattern.
4. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
5. Teachers are quick to pounce on students' grammatical errors.
6. Grammatical information helps learners to decode sentences.
7. The writer has used several complex grammatical constructions.
8. Grammatical information helps learners to encode sentences.
9. The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon.
10. He can barely form a grammatical sentence.
11. There is an exception to this grammatical rule.
12. This sentence is perfectly grammatical.
13. That is not a grammatical sentence.
14. Don't think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables.
15. Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in reported speech.
16. Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special features of this dictionary.
17. Final chapter revises grammatical points important in letter writing.
18. That sentence is not grammatical.
19. The first control is exercised by grammatical rules.
20. Each word is tagged with its grammatical category.
21. Capitalization occurs only where normal according to grammatical rules.
22. A definitive set of grammatical tags does not exist.
23. The grammatical system of each language will itself encourage the use of certain devices in preference to others.
24. More general dictionaries tend to define grammatical information less formally than these learners dictionaries.
25. The grammatical and morphological information in learner's dictionaries also tend to be very explicit.
26. Many native speakers of a language show indifference to/towards grammatical points.
27. At the bottom of each page is a panel with grammatical information.
28. The words are then assigned a rating based on the probability of the grammatical transitions that their tags participate in.
29. Both of these dictionaries use structured grammar codes to indicate grammatical patterns in which the words may participate.
30. How long does it take to refer to a grammatical rule?
1. Should the teacher present grammatical rules to students?
2. A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options.
3. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
4. The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon.
5. He can barely form a grammatical sentence.
6. Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in reported speech.
31. It should be pointed out that the audio-lingual method group of theorists do not minimise the importance of giving grammatical rules.
32. Here are three of the most noticeable grammatical traits: Omission of the copula is: You out the game.
33. Speech is usually fluent and grammatical, sometimes with occasional mispronunciations of individual speech sounds and sometimes with word-finding difficulties.
34. Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.
35. A particular branch, the Grammatical Shastra, was formulated using the Sanskrit vocabulary as a substratum, with no ambiguity whatsoever.
36. The process of learning words, learning their grammatical categories and acquiring them in correct combinations is very much a two-way affair.
37. All these possibilities exemplify the phenomenon of grammatical gender because items are classified according to their form.
38. In addition, the grammatical function and meaning of words affects both the location and duration of fixations.
39. Most young employees are quite unable to write simple letters without spelling and grammatical errors.
40. Another component of intonation that can be said to have grammatical significance is the choice of tone on the tonic syllable.
41. It examines sounds and grammatical constructions that occur in natural languages, and how meaning is conveyed.
42. They are used in learning vocabulary as well as for mastering grammatical structure.
43. The difficulties that arise from the different demands made by the grammatical systems of different languages in translation should not be underestimated.
44. The main information that the probabilistic syntax analyser needs from the lexicon is the grammatical tag of each of the candidate words.
45. It's sometimes hard for students to understand complex grammatical constructions.
46. Firstly one must determine the grammatical categories of the words in the lattice.
47. On this basis imitation tasks ought to be regarded as giving a conservative estimate of the child's grammatical knowledge.
48. Both the Text710 and the corpus contain information about words and their grammatical tags.
49. Further refinements proposed by Greenfield include an analysis of the significance of grammatical forms for cognitive facility.
50. Hence it was necessary to first determine the grammatical categories of the words in the corpus.
51. Another important use of statistical grammatical information has been for the grammatical tagging of natural language corpora.
52. It is ideal for planning remedial work and helps identify which grammatical areas should be worked on.
53. This ability removes the restriction on context-free grammars that only a finite set of grammatical categories are allowed.
54. Words in the closed class, on the other hand, are used in order to express grammatical relations between words.
55. Language spot Regular language spots encourage the students to think about the grammatical structure of the new language.
56. A letter appeared in the Independent pointing out that he made a number of grammatical errors.
57. Languages seem to maintain a balance in expressiveness and grammatical complexity over time.
58. The grammatical syllabus concentrates on verb forms, in particular the tense system, and modal verbs.
59. We can see this very clearly if we consider the grammatical category of gender.
60. Remember: You should be able to remove the material in parentheses completely and still have a correctly punctuated, grammatical sentence.
61. This can happen when the target language has a grammatical category which the source language lacks.
62. This should be written in short grammatical sentences with the minimum of dependent clauses.
63. The grammatical tags for the words in the lattice are retrieved from the lexicon.
64. Differential grammar enables us to determine some of the main grammatical difficulties involved in learning the target language.
65. Nevertheless(), current grammatical freedom is unpalatable to many educated in a more rigid era.
66. Voice is a grammatical category which defines the relationship between a verb and its subject.
67. A parser is an extension of a recogniser which assigns grammatical structure to the input.
68. This focus is at a deeper level than that of grammatical rules that concern specific languages.
69. Parallelism, which suggests a connection of meaning through an echo of form, does not have to be grammatical parallelism.
70. This approach to grammatical analysis is largely the brainchild of Chomsky.
71. Sometimes a student would make a grammatical error in the course of an answer and Martinez would counter with a prim correction.
72. There may also be purely formal grammatical restrictions on what can go first.
73. Her tests for the relation between grammatical structure and context formation similarly show the unschooled Wolof children in a poor light.
74. Each sentence could be studied in isolation and be analysed in terms of grammatical construction, lexical content and so on.
75. We now think of an insistence on grammatical correctness as a conservative position.
76. Pattern practice makes grammatical explanations superfluous and encourages learning by analogy.
77. A great deal has been written about code switching, from various viewpoints: social, pragmatic,[/grammatical.html] grammatical.
78. During the training phase the probabilities of bigram and trigram transitions between grammatical tags are determined.
79. Its content is not determined by a particular task domain, nor do we assume much grammatical constraint.
80. As in any second language situation, the grammatical code which is relied on is the one which is already known.
81. Consider the following grammatical and ungrammatical sentences containing proper names.
82. A more satisfactory way of delimiting lexical units is to look for grammatical differences which correlate with differences of meaning.
83. As for the grammatical meaning of the bare infinitive, the following remarks can be made.
84. Develops intensive reading skills and reading for gist, gives practice in business vocabulary and revises grammatical structures.
85. The morpheme is the smallest unit of language that expresses meaning and is governed by the grammatical rules of the language.
86. A natural language contains an infinite number of grammatical sentences.
87. Most, but not all, of these grammatical differences are correlated with semantic differences.
88. Example 1 above should be detected as an error by analysis of the grammatical categories of the words.
89. Another powerful factor which determines the kind of distinctions we regularly make in reporting experience is the grammatical system of our language.
90. The grammatical structure of the sentence is thus a series of nested constructions forming a hierarchy.
91. There are 60 grammatical categories specified within this lexicon indicating such properties as transitive verb, plural noun, proper noun etc.
92. It is designed to provide advanced students with all the grammatical and semantic information they are likely to need.
93. It is, of course, perfectly possible for a sentence to exhibit semantic and grammatical deviance simultaneously: 7.
94. Consequently, it is wrong to say that it has a grammatical function.
95. Lexical variation of this type is widespread in Durham and is not restricted to items belonging to any particular grammatical class.
96. Idiomatic meanings are not compositional in the sense of being determined from the meaning of the constituent words and their grammatical relations.
97. Unification-based grammatical formalisms tend to employ very detailed information within the lexicon.
98. Structural linguists question the existence of a clear-cut distinction between what is grammatical and what is ungrammatical.
99. Or, for that matter, between one grammatical idea and another.
100. Indeed, it is not surprising that a member of this particular grammatical category should have been brought into play here.
101. Yet this structuring of discourse along the patterns of dialogue has an effect at the most detailed, grammatical level.
102. The use of the corpus is vital for determining the probability of grammatical transitions.
103. The most important grammatical formalisms were discussed in the previous chapter.
104. This patient's verbal output consisted almost entirely of content words there were almost no function words and no grammatical structure.
105. The child can speak and use most grammatical rules and can understand what is heard if it contains familiar vocabulary.
106. The syntax analyser currently operates using statistical information about the combination of sequences of grammatical categories.sentencedict .com
107. The well-known poet, e.e. cummings, does precisely that; he achieves special effect by using unusual grammatical configurations.
108. The system simply gives preference to common grammatical combinations over unusual ones.
109. Word order is not the only conceivable grammatical device for enhancing the indexical precision of lexical items.
110. This grammatical tag must be compatible with those that the corpus was tagged with.
111. A deviant grammatical structure may occasionally be accepted in very restricted contexts, for instance in order to maintain rhyme or metre in poetry.
112. A number of grammatical / structural items recur throughout the lessons, generated by the activities themselves.
113. Credit will be given for the appropriate use of complex sentences, punctuation and vocabulary, and for grammatical accuracy.
114. The analysis for Developmental Sentence Types involves classifying each utterance in respect of number of words and grammatical category.
115. These are words of closed, classes which have grammatical functions in the phrase, clause or sentence.
116. The nineteenth century Germanic philologist Jakob Grimm believed that grammatical gender was in some sense a more advanced form of natural gender.
117. It won't be deathless prose, but it should be a grammatical and effective piece of writing.
118. The constituent buffer contains constituents which are complete but whose higher level grammatical function is uncertain.
119. A sequence of grammatical tags in the corpus is taken and split into pairs and triples.
120. More-over, the effects of imitation on performance seem to differ with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities.
121. The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication.
122. Care has been taken to ensure that getting the right answer requires a genuine understanding of the grammatical rules.
123. Cognitive grammar activities Regular grammar activities encourage the students to think about the grammatical structures of the new language.
124. Each language has its own phraseology, its own idiom which rules out many options that are potentially available as grammatical sequences.
125. The imperative category is the common grammatical category.
126. In English Fuck falls into many grammatical categories.
127. The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.
128. The teacher pounded the grammatical rules into her students.
129. In some language(), tone can distinguish grammatical meaning.
130. There is no grammatical rule that has no exception.
131. The construction is not grammatical.
132. The writing is not altogether grammatical.
133. Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.
134. Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes.
135. In the meantime, consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules.
136. Grammatical gender is not a logical necessity in a language.
136. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
137. The second part discusses grammatical features of the words demonstrated by syllable structure, word formation.
138. As an independent grammatical category, the measure words don′t exist in English, but the partitive constructions occur constantly in English.
139. The thesis regards a Modern Chinese grammatical construction "AXA, BXB", in which the "X" is the verbs that show ascription and appraisement .
140. Based on the results of the pretests, the target words were completely unknown to the participants in terms of the meaning, grammatical function, and sentence production aspects.
141. Based on the model a grammatical pattern is constructed, and an algorithm for pattern recognition of wave peaks is designed by using mean square error norm.
142. Grammatical Europeanization started during the May Fourth period and is still continuing in contemporary Chinese.
143. I think that text messaging has made students believe that it's far more acceptable than it actually is to just make screamingly atrocious spelling and grammatical errors.
144. Word form, word class and the grammatical position of words in a sentence are closely related. Words cannot be chosen freely to fill in a grammatical position of a sentence.
145. Second, there are two aspects to sentence meaning: grammatical meaning and semantic meaning.
146. Grammatical features in the same word class suggest two related sequences: syntactic and semantic structures.
147. The interrogative sentence has serious grammatical errors, please correct them.
148. Modality adverbs differ greatly from other adverbs in both grammatical meaning and grammatical form.
149. The concept of"adverbial confirmative-sign" includes the word "YOU" s grammatical attribute, grammatical meaning and grammatical function.
150. Most of them are productive. They have grammatical, semantic and aspect function.
151. A language that uses tones to signal "word meanings and grammatical categories" is called Tone Language.
152. A synthetic language is " characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships".
153. The transference from any non-processed element to processed element gives birth to verbalized grammatical metaphor.
154. And the conclusion is that semantic opposite-complementation of them constitutes a grammatical category in the Chinese language.
155. In this article, based on the previous studies, the writer proposes that the grammatical significance of verb reduplication should be the external label of the non-process of verb.
156. Firstly, the structure and grammatical nature of the attribute and headword phrase of the transnormal collocation are analyzed.
157. Exploring the mechanism of causing the deficits will provide a good chance to understand the patterns regarding the presentation and processes on grammatical category information in human brain.
158. Event sentences and non-event sentences are a pair of terms in grammatical semantic category in cognitive linguistics.
159. It advocates a structural approach in the initial stage by focusing on the prototypical form and function of a grammatical structure.
160. Restriction of grammatical field on the structure of the spoken language unit involves the grammatical meaning of grammatical form.
161. English itself lacks grammatical categories found in other spoken languages, but no one argues that it is deficient or ungrammatical for that reason.
162. The errors I am talking about include unidiomatic English, grammatical blunders, misspellings and improper word division at the end of the lines.
163. Its syntax, many grammatical features, a number of phrases and the style of a typical sentence do betray an important Slavic substratum.
164. Ci" in the book Ma Shi Wen Tong is traditionally thought to be equal to the Western grammatical case, but "Ci" is not same as the case. and can be cancelled.
165. We emphasize the grammatical pattern of passive sentence, but neglected the pragmatics function in teaching.
166. Their grammatical function amounts to the words expressing extremeness and degree in Chinese which mainly show such meanings as extent, emphasis, and so on.
167. To clarify some grammatical doubts, the young wrote to H. Fowler, the lexicographer who produced the "Concise English Dictionary".
168. In this thesis, voice is defined from the cognitive perspective as a grammatical category of the English verb which mirrors the language user's perspective on an event.
169. As a result, we can supplement a words grammatical meaning if it is followed by accessory word and auxiliary verb.
170. Apart from [ Except for ] a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of yours is well written.
171. The phenomenon of English ambiguity is mainly reflected in four aspects: lexical ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity, phonetic ambiguity and common saying ambiguity.
172. One cannot learn a language well merely by learning its grammatical rules.
173. At present, the focus locates on the theoretical prerequisite and exploration on grammatical construction.
174. To master a language, new words and grammatical rules are not enough.
175. Put forward by Benjamin Lee Whorf in The Yale Report, "grammatical marker" has been a concept in the study of grammar.
176. The grammatical function of these words and phrases is generally adverbial, sometimes is predicate or attributive, but not subject and object.
177. Recent years, Grammatical gender has attracted much attention in the fields of psycholinguistics, especially speech production and language comprehension.
178. The reiterative locution of the CV is simple, the grammatical meaning is single, but the grammatical feature changes.
179. She found various minor grammatical problems (which I must confess, I have fixed in the initial statement that you just read), but she found one serious flaw that I hadn't thought of.
180. Structuralist teaching materials are arranged on a basis of underlying grammatical patterns and structures.
181. The meaning morphemes convey may be of two kinds: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning.
182. This paper applies markedness theory to the analysis of four grammatical categories of the English verb: tense, phase, aspect and voice.
183. At present, the industrial circles and academic made a lot of XML query language, grammatical forms and query capabilities in various languages are different.
184. As a grammatical device for the cohesion of discourse, ellipsis in both the Chinese language and English can be divided into nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis.
185. it In other words there is a kind of grammatical and syntactical permissibility obviously in the expression It is raining.
186. The article proves formally that irrealis category in modern Chinese is both a prototype and a semantic and grammatical category.
187. It has specific functions of semantic meaning and form. Moreover(), the semantic unit of Causality Sentences doesn't coincide with the grammatical unit.
188. The second part is a review of the studies on tense as a grammatical category.
189. The classification of grammatical gender has no rules to follow, so it is a big burden to German learners.
190. Headline is an important component of a newspaper with peculiar language features; Here a preliminary survey is made on the English headlines, mainly on its lexical and grammatical features.
191. The manner expressing time in Chinese has two: by lexical form or by grammatical form; they have different degrees of grammaticalization.
192. According to the formation of dialect nouns in Lingshi, this paper discusses the grammatical function, semantics and phonetics features of overlap-nouns of dialect in Lingshi.
193. And when the deaf subjects in the study processed meaningless grammatical hand movements, they showed greater blood flow in the planum temporale (see image).
194. Grammatical errors are always obvious to me, spelling mistakes stand out.
195. The numerical analysis method has been used to systematically study descriptive adjectives from sound, grammatical and pragmatic aspects.
196. This paper is a comparison of the grammatical syntagma and grammaticalization process, manner,[Sentence dictionary] degree and formation of tag questions in English and Chinese.
197. Six main categories of deep-structure marker are identified:word order, lexical item, grammatical structure, prosody, punctuation and conjunction.
198. The achievements of acquiring Chinese passive sentence in second language acquisition are mainly in the acquisition of grammatical pattern, and seldom in the acquisition of pragmatics function.
199. Stylistic formal markers in this thesis mainly refer to the grammatical and rhetorical deviations that produce the foregrounding effect in literary works.
200. Grammatical gender is of much importance in German's sentence structures although it does not suggest specific semantic meanings.
201. There is no grammatical rule which does not have exception.
202. This term refers to the lexical representation of grammatical information about a predicate.
203. In the new stage of grammatical studies, research in grammatical paradigm and syntagm or combination of Chinese in connection with structure, meaning and expression has begun and should be going on.
204. AZ performed normally on auditory and cognitive tasks, yet exhibited severe grammatical impairments.
205. Both groups tended to use the grammatical rules of the prime sentence when describing the picture; amnesic patients, however, did not remember that they had seen the sentence before.
206. The present thesis mainly adopts the methods of the descriptive linguistics , attempting to proffer a panoramic view of the phonetic , lexical and grammatical features of Rudong vernacular.
207. Theory of Grammatical Metaphor provides a new approach to the modern metaphoric study.
208. This paper focuses on the analysis of the morphological forms of personal pronouns in some Mon-Khmer Languages. The main forms are flexion in the grammatical categories of person, number and gender.
209. Language is too vague, context-dependent, and creative to be captured with a definitive set of rules that strictly delimit the grammatical from the ungrammatical.
210. The extra meanings carried by reduplication can be summed up as grammatical meanings and emotional meanings.
211. Certain grammatical constructions that are accepted in America adrc frowned on in British English.
212. English has lost most word - ending inflectional changes, including grammatical gender of nouns.
213. A comprehensive description paper of the affix, including its grammatical function, emotion coloring, word - building function, etc.
214. The basic grammatical meaning of the verbal pattern of AABB is increasing the quantity of action.
215. According to the variation view of sociolinguistics, grammatical items change under the influence of social factors.
216. Sino - Tibetan languages the language to and for the expression of an important means of grammatical meaning.
217. Vocabulary, word length, grammatical complexity and sentence length are traditionally used to indicate the difficulty level of text.
218. Furthermore, the thesis analyses the grammatical function, semantic register and pragmatic value of this phrase.
219. He was just plain Cracker, a small farmer, half-educated, prone to grammatical errors and ignorant of some of the finer manners the O'Haras were accustomed to in gentlemen.
220. It's right there in the grammatical construction of the sentence.
221. Grammatical cohesion includes reference , substitution, ellipsis , conjunction, tense and aspect, parallel syntactic structure and so forth.
222. The class nltk.stemmer.porter.PorterStemmer is a wonderfully handy tool to derive grammatical (prefix) stems from English words.
223. Weibu word refers to two grammatical meanings:result and possi- bility. there are three sematic categories in result meaning according to emphasis point: realization, completion, concrete result.
224. This paper discusses the lexeme and its variants of word form, word formation, and phonetic, grammatical, semantic, pragmatic variants.
225. We shall often find correlation between grammatical and semantic categories.
226. In the third place, English enjoys an exceptional advantage over all other major Europe languages in having adopted natural in place of grammatical gender.
227. Used to connect words, phrases , or clauses that have the same grammatical function in a construction.
228. This system provides a support of presentation layer to the data file abstract syntax notation and the data grammatical conversion in order to achieve one's object of the sharing of data files.
229. Horning, James J. "A study of grammatical inference. " Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford, 1969.
230. Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particular grammatical function.
231. Indian grammarian. His Ashtadhyayi, one of the first works of descriptive linguistics, presents grammatical rules for Sanskrit.
232. In general, a grammatical clause contains a subject and a predicate.
233. This paper describes a method of information extraction which combines grammatical inference with HMM.
234. Their characteristics at syntactic level are more complex. This thesis analyses them through the aspects of word types, grammatical items, clause types and sentence types.
235. Onomatopoeic words, as a special language sign, has special form, sound and meaning, special grammatical function and rhetorical function.
236. As discourse is processed, meanings are constructed by mental spaces as a result of cues, among which past tense is served as a grammatical marker.
237. There are a lot of principles for the choice of clausal grammatical subject by many scholars.
238. Ambiguity is an inherent property of language. It can be divided into phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
239. At the discursive level, the figurative component, the grammatical features and the enunciative component are examined in detail.
240. More types of Empty Words, in the sentence that a variety of grammatical meaning.
241. It has its unique origins, phonologic rules, written system and grammatical patterns.
242. ASPECT is a verbal grammatical category, which studies aspect from the combination of form and meaning.
243. So, on the linguistical level it's clear that process sentences cannot be made dependant on a surface grammatical subject.
244. As the result of Chinese way of thinking, bei-sentence embodies grammatical diversity in different text styles through its different functional distribution.
245. They think that lacking of vocabulary or grammatical knowledge account for the inefficiency of listening comprehension, but they neglect the important role of language theory itself.
246. The following are often cited as important functions of English intonation:semantic function, attitudinal function, grammatical function, accentual function.
247. General linguistics usually divides ambiguity into phonetic ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
248. This essay expounds its genres, nature, structure, grammatical function, its raison d'etre, ways of and principles underlying its formation, as well as its standardization.
249. All nouns in German involve the issue of grammatical gender.
250. It is generally believed that there is no grammatical category of "quantity" in Japanese.
251. Grammatical encoding method is more effective than directive encoding and indirect encoding encoding. It encodes some simple network growing grammar law into chromosomes.
252. In general, a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate.
253. Under the terms of linguistics, there are the grammatical perspective, the sociolinguistic perspective, the psycholinguistic perspective and the conversational analysis perspective.
254. This article mainly compares the differences in the link structure from the intension of the grammatical meaning about "very" and "too" and the account point of view about them.
255. And then, a practical algorithm on finite state grammatical inference is given.
256. However, the current causative research is neither systematic nor comprehensive. As a result,[http:///grammatical.html] causative phenomenon has not been established yet as a grammatical category.
257. This treatise has made some analysis of the grammatical theory and the views on sense by Leonard Bloomfield through the discussion of grammatical form in the tenth chapter.
258. Such semantic extension occurs at both lexical and grammatical levels, which enlarges original content of the same category and function across categories.
259. Choosing the English relative clause as the target structure, the present study does empirical research on effects of output and self-correction on the grammatical accuracy.
260. And the three schools of Chinese grammatical study, including formal grammar, functional grammar and semantic grammar, are elaborated.
261. English ambiguity can be divided into three types: phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity.
262. I'll note before we go any further that the terms parse tree and abstract syntax tree (or AST) describe very similar grammatical structures.
263. Interestingly, the two non-Indo-European language groups of Europe—Finno-Ugric (Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian) and Basque—have no grammatical genders.
264. After the discussion to grammatical form and grammatical meaning, grammatical function is established the principle that distinguishes reduplication, sound repetition and repeated usage.
265. However, it is a really discussible question that there is infinitive in Mongolian language that belongs to very different language types and with quite different grammatical structure.
266. Some are typographical or careless mistakes, but some are grammatical, stylistic , interpretation or translation mistakes.
267. Aspect is a verbal grammatical category, which originates from Slavic language. Various discussions and studies have been made on it.
268. The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality, that is its grammatical well - formedness.
269. Unlike prefixes which primarily change the meaning of the stem, suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems.
270. The selection of grammatical device, with the grammar category which must express has the direct relations.
271. For instance, Chinese does not use explicit grammatical morphology marking the syntactic category of a word and semantics may play an important role in differentiating different syntactic category.
272. In this compostion spelling mistakes stick out while grammatical ones are not so obvious.
273. Specialized collocation is defined as"a string of lexical items which co occur in a grammatical construction with mutual expectancy greater than chance as realization of meaning in specialized texts".
274. Morpheme, affix and grammatical ending are the dominant parts in morphology.
275. Initial's voice - voiceless alternation is an important way of expressing grammatical meaning in old Chinese.




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