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单词 Denounce
1) We must denounce injustice and oppression.
2) We should denounce a heresy.
3) Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to denounce the policy.
4) Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.
5) the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him.
6) Always there to denounce the system, demand justice.
7) She also urged him to denounce the protest from the pulpit.
8) An elderly deaconess who refused to denounce her faith during a riot against Christians.
9) Community leaders were quick to denounce the police for reacting too violently to the disturbances.
10) Denounce Big Labor and start a new labor federation like Lewis did.
11) I encouraged them to denounce the callow subjugation of women and switch from heels to flats.
12) While some pundits denounce them, I believe they play a useful role, keeping politicians and central bankers honest.
13) John Major did not publicly denounce Mr Churchill,(http:///denounce.html) but went as far as hinting that he disapproved.
14) Some Quakers began to denounce slavery beyond their circle in society at large, and they drew negative response for doing so.
15) Meanwhile, ministers rallied in a concerted effort to denounce rumours of a rift between Mr Lawson and Margaret Thatcher.
16) I denounce them to Heaven and to earth.
17) We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill.
18) What if I denounce myself?
19) You shouldn't denounce others from time to time.
20) Denounce us, and then keep the blood money?
21) They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.
22) The opposition parties called a press conference to denounce the actions of the police.
23) Denounce himself, great God!
24) Union leaders too have queued up to denounce the reforms.
25) An adoring right-wing press gave him his platform to denounce 15,000 teachers as incompetent.
26) The conservatives and their newspapers took this occasion to denounce Arista for the summary execution of a political offender.
27) J., who joined in a news conference with Kennedy and other lawmakers to denounce the downing of the civilian aircraft.
28) Encouraged by this, Viscount Aimar decided to hire mercenaries in Gascony and denounce the peace terms so recently agreed.
29) Also, being elderly, they were very ready to voice their opinions and denounce the ideas of their fellows.
30) A loose-knit band of authors, bibliophiles and intellectual gadflies began showing up at Library Commission meetings to denounce the New Main.
1) We should denounce a heresy.
31) They denounce deficit spending, declaring that you can’t solve debt problems with more debt.
32) I will denounce him!
33) Obama has been more cautious about how he deploys the military, but his caution has prompted his would-be Republican challengers to denounce him for flaccidity in standing up for American values.
34) Republicans, after all, still denounce research into which medical procedures are effective and which are not as a dastardly plot to deprive Americans of their freedom to choose.
35) The heavy police presence is keeping order as a selection of speakers take the stage to denounce the role of Islam in the West.
36) The tone differs from place to place — listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, "We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves."
37) Of course, countries not invited to the table will denounce this approach as undemocratic and exclusionary.
38) Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism.
38) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
39) The country referred to in subparagraph (a) and the Organization shall each have the right to denounce the obligation to grant advances, by written notification.
40) It is highly unusual for an official of Mr. Zhang's standing to convene a news conference on short notice and denounce the American government in such blunt terms.
41) If you don't denounce that ad, I'm going to have to do it myself.
42) He had thought to denounce or even assault this man.
43) Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger.
44) I'm speaking to denounce the detrimental role of misleading advertisements and commercials.
45) The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime.
46) Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.
47) Social media users who denounce drug cartel activities along the Mexican border received a brutal warning this week: Two mangled bodies hanging like cuts of meat from a pedestrian bridge.
48) What is it and why does Eug è ne hesitate to denounce it?
49) S. and the West want to keep China down, now have their own megaphones to denounce any Chinese official who compromises too much as "pro-American" or "a traitor.
50) His rivals would denounce him as a bad example for the youth.
51) His neighbour denounce him as a wastrel who had dissipated his inheritance.
52) I'd be first in line to denounce them as squalid influence peddlers, shamelessly meddlesome, shiveringly undemocratic tricksters.
53) According to Pew, 38 percent of Americans now denounce childlessness as bad for society.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:31:43