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单词 remount
释义  Related topics: Horsesre·mount /ˌriːˈmaʊnt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  TTDSHto get onto a horse, bicycle etc again 再次骑上〔马、自行车等〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusremount• The jockey, who was all whipped out by now, tried to remount.• The man on the bicycle who had been looking intently in my direction remounted and pedaled away.• He was just remounting as she reined in.• Deciding to return later, he remounted his bike and returned to his police house.• But he was able to remount, leaving Steadman to escape on foot with the box containing the money.• The Offline Operator will then be requested to remount the media item correctly.• He scrubbed out the map with his boot before remounting the motor cycle.• Trent walked back and studied the footpath before remounting the motor·mount verbChineseSyllable  to Corpus again etc bicycle get a onto horse,




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