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单词 convent
释义  Related topics: Religion, Buildingscon·vent /ˈkɒnvənt $ ˈkɑːnvent/ noun [countable]  RRTBBa building or set of buildings where nuns live 女修道院 → monastery → convent schoolExamples from the Corpusconvent• Cecilia, remaining faithful to her vow to the end, plans to enter a convent.• Dona Mencia takes place in Madrid in two different spots: in the home of Dona Mencia and in a convent.• Eve's room in the Dublin convent had no bedside table with a small radio on it.• Flint-based construction company David McLean wants to convert the convent, empty since 1983, for its headquarters and offices.• She had the gift of prophecy, performed many miracles and is known to have mysteriously supplied food for the convent.• It contrasted unfavourably with the structured clarity of the convent.• They had done so well that the convent put photographs of the two girls in the local paper.Origin convent (1200-1300) Old French covent, from Latin conventus “group of people who have come together”, from convenire; → CONVENIENTcon·vent nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or a nuns buildings of set where building




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