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单词 Clunking
1 He shut the van door with a clunk.
2 Something fell to the floor with a clunk.
3 What was that clunking noise?
4 The central locking clunked, they both got in.
5 The bottle fell inside with a hollow clunk.
6 This time there was one ominous clunk.
7 He hears the two-part clunk of the receiver being set down.
8 It was too easy to just reach out from under the duvet and clunk the receiver up and down in its cradle.
9 The sound of the four doors clunking is like rifle-bolts slamming home.
10 The sound of the four doors clunking is like rifle-bolts slamming home. Dixie says to follow him.
11 I shove aside a pile of dehydrated red and black typewriter ribbons and set my machine down with a clunk.
12 There was the rattle and heavy clunk of a fridge door being opened and closed.
13 Eight digits, a six-second delay, and a clunk, then the hard burr of the country telephone.
14 If I accelerate hard then release the throttle suddenly, the transmission makes a clunk.
15 No time to shout out - the door clunked behind him. Hot liquid of tears brimmed in his head.
16 She was just about to rattle the huge gates in fury when there was a clunk and the gates whirred open.
17 From the rattles and clunks it's difficult to tell what's happening,[] but I switch on the cassette recorder in case.
18 He pressed a button and somewhere high above machinery clunked into life.
19 The engine purred throatily, doors clunked with glamorous solidity, the car felt luxurious and astronomically expensive.
20 Gordon Brown, belying his clunking image , has brought tech - savvy communications staff into Downing Street.
21 Right now, I'm stuck inside a whirring, clunking MRI machine at New York University. Six inches above my nose hovers an image of my smiling wife wearing a black spaghetti-strap dress.
22 Brown was making jokes about his big clunking fist in Birmingham.
23 Lots of many other things happened -things moving, clunking noises and footsteps, etc. When we moved, my mother made a point to tell the spirits that they couldn't go with us.
24 Most landed on roofs and the ground, making loud clunking noises as they shattered themselves to death.
25 Gordon Brown, the man described by Tony Blair as the "great clunking fist", finally tightened his grip on what he must feel is his rightful prize.
26 A technological mockery of a 10 - foot - tall gnome stands before you, clunking and whirling with steam power.
27 It can produce discomfort from soft-tissue stretch, and may be associated with mechanical clunking.
28 Look at the foothold, and then place the foot quietly and precisely on the hold, with no thunking or clunking.
29 Soon, the two of us were sitting on my bunk, clunking beer bottles, picking at sticky chicken, ripping bread and sharing stories.
30 However, it is no accident that the EU governs in such a slow, clunking fashion.




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