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单词 High priority
1. The recycling program simply hasn't been a high priority at City Hall.
2. Every school accords high priority to the quality of teaching.
3. The government is giving high priority to industrial development.
4. The development of the gardens has been given high priority and there is a large variety of named trees and shrubs.
5. Routine cleaning and disinfection regimes must be a high priority in the mortuary.
6. If you place a high priority on democracy, many people label you less than patriotic.
7. It is important that fieldwork staff give high priority to this.
8. One high priority is creating an international hospitality and tourism firm.
9. Children's activities are also a high priority, with art workshops and dance courses taking place on a regular basis.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. In general, only high priority cases are able to gain a place.
11. Defence-a joint initiative with Britain-is a high priority, as is food safety.
12. Caring jobs attract individuals who place high priority on relationships.
13. Security is a high priority in all military establishments, and sentries are constantly on patrol, twenty-four hours a day.
14. The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority.
15. After several burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority .
16. And he wants the Liberal Democrats to make the third world a high priority if they play a part in government.
17. Media Training leading to the development of media talent in the advertising industry remains a high priority for Express in 1992.
18. Free individual choice in matters affecting this right should, in my opinion, be accorded very high priority.
19. But villagers are still concerned about burglaries(), where country homes were once left unlocked security is now a high priority.
20. This enterprise has so far fallen far short of its targets, but it remains a high priority.
21. At a recent meeting between the two bodies they agreed that countering habitat loss is a high priority.
22. Research in the laboratory, in physical therapy, and in new surgical procedures received high priority.
23. One of the most important was getting across to pupils and staff that good attendance was a high priority.
24. The main difference is that before we made quality of life enforcement a high priority.
25. The quality and quantity of research in the School of Arts, continues to be a high priority.
26. In similar vein, 76% considered that companies should attach a high priority to maximising profits.
27. A flat organizational structure, appropriate to a professional group, reflects the high priority given to upward power.
28. The pleasure principle should motivate the programmes of study, and always be given high priority.
29. Based upon an interpretation of the past Britain tended to give high priority to defence and security.
30. Launching a new round of trade liberalisation talks after the failure of the Seattle summit remains a high priority for both sides.
31. High priority is given to any of their senior members who have held ministerial office.
32. The development of the theoretical framework remains therefore of high priority.
33. This amount of effort will require the allocation of finance with a high priority in operational plans.
34. Both these facts point to the high priority of the struggle for civil liberties.
35. Matrix appeared to be a very, very high priority for the previous administration.
36. Works of art are not a high priority in most people's lives; a recession soon underlines this point!
37. Items can be high priority but are uninteresting, time consuming or difficult to resolve.
38. Subsequent use of the theses was unsupervised, and it appeared that enforcement of the regulations was not a high priority.
39. Questionnaires and achievement scores may be used but they are rarely given high priority.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. Bar-coding of Garden labels should be given a high priority, allied to systems for on-site data collection.
41. I assure the hon. Gentleman that my hon. Friend and I give the matter a high priority.
42. External Interrupt 0 set to high priority level.
43. External Interrupt 1 set to high priority level.
44. With the advent of electronic age, intellectual honesty has been given high priority to because now it is easy for people to plagiarise others' works from the Internet.
45. We gave high priority to conserving resources and protecting the environment.
46. In multiprogramming, the environment in which high priority programs are executed.
47. In American system of values, patience is not a high priority.
48. This is a high priority job, let's get on it right way.
49. By the physics and the mechanism of the polling queue system, it is put forward a mixed service that the high priority class uses exhausting service and the common queue uses gated service system.
50. For health sectors to justify the large sums of money they will need if climate change does accelerate insect-borne disease, they must be able to convince governments that it is a high priority.
51. This paper proposes a hybrid optimistic real-time transaction concurrency control method based on high priority two phase locking scheme (HORTCC-SHP2PL).
52. Environmental legislation is a high priority for Australia, which needs to diversify its economy to move beyond its role as China's "coal pit".
53. Using register for frequently-used variables: this tells the compiler that the register variable is going to be frequently used, so it should be allocated to a register with a very high priority.
54. The public would see such an overall system as having a high benefit-cost ratio, which would solve several high priority problems most efficiently.
55. Performing background processing which is not on-line or directly connected to the computer for on-line operation. High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs.
56. If high priority interrupts are not disabled during low priority interrupts, users must save the key registers in software during a low priority interrupt.
57. This might mean (for instance), zero critical defects, at most one "high priority" defect so long as there is a workaround, five "mediums," and any number of "lows."
58. Testing becomes a high priority given continuous integration of demonstrable capabilities.
59. CYCB has build a breeding base for 2000 calf and can produce 20,000 high priority beeves annually.
60. The probability and the delay are analyzed for no priority, high priority and low priority services.
61. The red and green flag icons before the words "High Priority" and "Medium Priority," in this case, actually have the same meaning as the words, so the icons are non-functional or redundant.
62. The government gives high priority to electric power development, with a strategy that combines expanding generating capacity by developing and financing thermal stations.
63. In some systems, a classification of jobs in a multiprogramming environment that are neither"foreground"(high priority) nor"background"(low priority).
64. Is Sciam a high priority shouting post for the teabag nutters or is the US population really this self deluded?
65. He said minimisation of energy costs had been a "high priority for packaging companies for a number of years" and that he was concerned the industry would receive no credit for its record to date.
66. Action against loan - sharks continued to be a high priority. Several syndicates were neutralised and convicted.
67. YuanZhi has a breeding base for 2000 calf and can produce 20000 high priority beeves annually.
68. 'They will be less likely to enter the caseload to begin with, so we can focus on folks in the caseload who are high priority, ' said the administration official.
69. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority.




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