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单词 Probable
1. The probable cause of the fire was faulty wiring.
2. Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.
3. The probable cause of death was heart failure.
4. A storm is probable today.
5. It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.
6. The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise.
7. With England leading 3-0, the probable result is an England victory/England are the probable winners.
8. It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition.
9. It is probable to finish the job before dark.
10. It is hardly probable that he will succeed.
11. An election in June seems increasingly probable.
12. The two outcomes are equally probable.
13. The book is a probable for the prize.
14. Rain is possible but not probable this evening.
15. He is a probable candidate.
16. It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk.
17. He is a probable for the national team.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. Success is highly probable .
19. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
20. The probable cause of his death is traceable to an incident in 1724.
21. The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard.
22. It seems probable that the accident has damaged her brain.
23. It is probable that she might change her mind at the last minute.
24. It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.
25. The most probable reading is the second.
26. Other developments are probable, including further graduate degrees.
27. But that something like this happened is very probable.
28. An airline official said a bomb was the incident's most probable cause.
29. I fear that a land war now looks very probable.
30. He is so rash that he is blind to the probable results of his rude words.
1. The probable cause of the fire was faulty wiring.
2. The probable cause of death was heart failure.
3. A storm is probable today.
4. It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.
5. The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise.
6. It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition.
7. It is probable to finish the job before dark.
8. It is hardly probable that he will succeed.
9. It is probable that she might change her mind at the last minute.
31. Short gaps are thus more probable than long ones.
32. Light rain is probable tomorrow evening.
33. Which of these two readings is more probable?
34. The doctor had told me that it was probable that he would die from either an infection or a brain haemorrhage.
35. The equivalent statistical probabilities for the proven component of proven and probable reserves are 90 percent and 10 percent respectively.
36. Brook now faces probable jail after an indictment for larceny and income tax evasion.
37. An annual incidence rate of 2.4/100 000 at risk population was reported for presenile probable Alzheimer's disease in another national study.
38. If the measure passes the House(), Senate approval is considered probable.
39. Nothing is free in life. Nothing is easy in life. Everything is enjoyable in life. Everything is probable in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
40. It is probable that neither version of Doctor Faustus represents the play as originally written by Marlowe.
41. It will give them crucial details about his shoe size and probable height and weight.
42. The report states that the probable cause of death was a heart attack.
43. A nearly zero value, however, will be by far the most probable.
44. Second, defendants might defend cases more vigorously, causing greater trauma to child witnesses, if substantial imprisonment is probable.
45. In addition to their hypoglycaemic action it is probable that some or all of these compounds may have antiplatelet effects.
46. It is relatively young, with a probable age of no more than a few million years.
47. Weld has left three in at the four day stage with Steel Chimes looking the most probable runner.
47. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48. For myself, I hope to accomplish it without too much pain, and with present-day drug developments this seems probable.
49. Nevertheless, it is probable that ownership does contain within it the potential for direct and indirect control.
50. She disposed quickly of red herrings, usually sought out the least probable suspect and rarely failed.
51. Makers Adam Leisure, of Harrogate, said the probable cause of the fire was a faulty plug socket or wiring.
52. Planning assumptions are predictions about the probable environments in which plans are expected to operate.
53. Except for Brown and Young, all of the other injured players are considered probable for the Saints game.
54. With a probable career change in the future, Melanee would be wise to limit her borrowing as much as possible.
55. We have calculated the probable yield from this investment at around 17%.
56. It is very probable that Grey took some part in Leapor's subscription.
57. It now seems probable that there were more churches in late Saxon and early medieval times than was formerly thought.
58. The patterns of the lines can be used to find a probable crystal structure.
59. A relation between liver failure and interferon alfa seems probable in the patients who did not have hepatic decompensation before treatment.
60. Biologists disagree about whether natural selection makes increased complexity probable or improbable.
61. Grandad's explanation sounds more probable than the others. Ancient mariners were a knowing all lot.
62. Probable sad answer: cling to it as part of Britain's eccentric genius.
63. You can manually rectify mistakes or ask the program to search the dictionary and list the probable corrections.
64. Yet it is quite probable that she bears not a single one of the old king's genes.
65. It is very probable that such differences do exist, and will be identified by suitable research work.
66. It is entirely probable that Bach himself envisaged his scientific and musically profound opus as a solo keyboard work.
67. Unless the government agrees to further talks, a strike seems highly probable.
68. It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time.
69. It would be reasonable to accept any postulate that would make it more probable.
70. It was held that the plaintiff had to show it was more probable than not that the injury was due to faulty manufacture.
71. Here the judge seemed to raise the bar in the test for probable cause.
72. The situation is further confused by the abolition of the metropolitan authorities and the probable demise of the structure plan system.
73. The probable consequence is that doctors will be given the task.
74. What it does offer is a way of calculating the probable size of the error in estimating that value.
75. That it makes the proposition for which it is offered more probable.
76. Over 800 modules are available to students and it is probable that all 3,000 students registered have unique programmes of study.
77. It seems reasonable to assume that he used his science to determine the probable course of the history of the immediate future.
78. It is quite probable that religious symbolism was once exclusive to each particular faith.
79. And now he has been put down, made to seem anti-Semitic,(http:///probable.html) by a probable anti-Semite.
80. It's quite probable that extensive cultivation here has erased any traces there may have been.
81. Davis found that the greater the probable handicap, the greater the reluctance to break the news.
82. Thus, the effect of birth order on child survival also resembles the probable effect of family size.
83. It was more probable she did not trust me enough to show the buried loot.
84. It is highly probable that book provision and use will be a significant component in such inspections.
85. But a federal judge ruled last May that probable cause existed to grant the extradition.
86. He said it was probable the school would be given grant maintained status by January next year.
87. It is probable that a maypole tradition had already been in existence for many years, if not centuries.
88. Yet the obstacles that it has run into make it probable that even it will miss the end-1992 deadline.
89. It seems probable that rebellion in East Anglia was as rigorously suppressed as in Kent.
90. Left tackle Derrick Deese has a sprained right foot and is probable for the game.
91. The most probable outcome is 100-150 deaths from thyroid cancer over the same period.
92. Anticipated entry must be probable, rapid, and sufficient to counteract these effects.
93. There is no record of Osbald's parentage but a Bernician extraction seems highly probable.
94. In the offing, with a probable start date of 1992, are three INRs or Independent National Radio stations.
95. In fact it is probable that it has been repopulated several times.
96. Or else, which is more probable, the infection is particularly deadly to rabbits.
97. Each is as valid and probable a version of the twentieth century as the one recorded in our newspaper files.
98. According to a probable cause affidavit,() Tarver and his girlfriend began to fight over money.
99. This led to a field study which at least seemed to locate not only the site but the probable outlines of the building.
100. Previously it is probable that the state of the harvest decided the need for the additional month.
101. It seems probable that the election will be held in May.
102. It is also very probable that the cognitive style which overinclusive and divergent thinking have in common is strongly inherited.
103. Trichloroethene, a probable human carcinogen, can cause liver damage and genetic mutations in both human and animal populations.
104. This, of course, would make the development of complexity probable, perhaps inevitable.
105. Indeed it would be just as probable as a jump from insect to one of its immediate neighbours.
106. The probable cause in this child's case was a viral infection.
107. Exhaustive assessment of the probable incidence of such eventualities lies outside the scope of these pages.http://
108. The police surgeon was able to deduce the probable time of death from the temperature of the body.
109. Still thirty, he projects a seemingly more probable life, but one which proves equally to be a not-life.
110. It is highly probable that many of those in the initial cohort of patients would have died.
111. Activities i. Establish the means for early, systematic evaluation of newly recognized pathogens or syndromes of probable infectious etiology.
112. Battiness - premature senility of some sort - seemed the most probable explanation of the whole affair.
113. Grismore believes high-altitude nuclear tests are the most probable source of the radioactive specks.
114. This is most unlikely if the shares are listed but very probable if the company is a private one.
115. The hacks need any crumb of information to help them have a stab at selecting their probable line-ups.
116. The issue then was whether the Commonwealth had probable cause sufficient to justify those seizures.
117. Although the exact agents responsible are not known, it is probable that initiation is induced by a chemical carcinogen.
118. In practice it is very probable that they do not.
119. The project will go ahead, at a probable cost of $2.1 million.
120. A different principle of development - indeed, a reversal of the principle of increasing elaboration - seems more probable.
121. As neither has happened it is probable that the incidence of HIV-1 infection among homosexual men has not fallen.
122. The most probable to go is William VanLandingham, who has been so inconsistent with the Giants.
123. It is probable that many factors are involved in the incidence, and that these vary among populations.
124. This latter connection is important because it emphasises a probable key trend.
125. It's quite probable that they did most of their courting in the cinema.
126. When it is not in our power to follow what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable. Rene Descartes 
127. And officials of federal, international and California agencies regard it as a potential or probable carcinogen.
128. It is probable that one of the electrical wires had had its insulation damaged.
129. Even more probable than the extinction of humanity is a catastrophe that destroys our culture while leaving some humans still alive.
130. It was held that the accused was aware of the probable consequences of firing the gun as he did.
131. She is regarded as an outsider and a probable nuisance to the solidarity of a joint family.
132. The probability of each parse was then calculated and the most probable parse selected.
133. These are statements of probable sales, costs and other relevant financial and quantitative data. ii.
134. The probable reasons for the safety record of such warehouses are two-fold: - Human beings are largely excluded from such operations.
135. We might say that a probable event is one that happens in many or most possible worlds.
136. Measles is the probable cause of illness in the three athletes.
137. It is probable that deliberate equivocation in respect of the intended sense of word forms is always to some extent odd.
138. From subsequent events it seems probable that two tribes gave Rome considerable assistance during the landing and fighting that followed.
139. Iron-working is also attested in Normangate Field, principally by several probable furnaces in the aisled building alongside Ermine Street.
140. More skeletons of probable plague victims were uncovered on the Rock House site in July 1987.
141. But the generality and power can vary from the local and tentative to the universal and highly probable.
142. It seems probable that Kent imported material directly from the Frankish world.
143. Warning: Eaten in sufficient amounts, this product ensures bad breath, probable indigestion and pungent, loose stools.
144. It is quite probable that both IgE and enzyme deficiencies are important in causing the symptoms.
145. He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury.
146. I am not convinced that the principle of natural selection alone makes the emergence of rational beings probable.
147. Her worry about his probable infidelity had led her to attack him in an irresponsibly dangerous manner.
148. The most probable cause of the problem was the males being infertile.
149. It is probable that he has forgotten.
150. Rain is possible, but not probable before evening.
151. Investigating detention is constitutional only if probable cause exists.
152. Success is possible but hardly probable.
153. Never hesitate to hearsay information to help establish probable cause.
154. Among the 3 reactions that were judged to be "probable hypersensitivity, "1 girl had a positive intradermal test that was consistent with immunoglobulin E-mediated hypersensitivity.
155. Customer has a general right of return for the delivered items and delivery or performance of the undelivered items is considered probable and substantially in control of the vendor.
156. Determine the most probable position ( s ) of the electron for each eigenstate.
157. That dinner makes Ding Lei special plaint: In Chongqing the chaffy dish that has in the most well-known chaffy dish store, unexpectedly is this pig blood probable is there a problem?
158. Next year is probable namely ' 4 nucleuses year ' .
159. Thank you. Now, the next item to consider is the probable cost of going into production.
160. So there are many other probable meteorite craters, but need further more investigations and verification.
161. To infer, the Guangzhou city belongs to the spread area of probable meteorite craters.
162. In this report, we describe a patient with chronic schizophrenia who developed probable NMS following the addition of antituberculotic drugs to his antipsychotic regimen.
163. Objective To investigate the plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator(t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor(PAI) in coronary heart disease patients with angina pectoris and its probable mechanism.
164. Objective To study the probable function of serum total bile acid in diagnosis lf hepatitis.
165. She does not want to be taken to an optician with the probable result of having to wear glasses.
166. The results obtained in the experiments lead to the conclusion that IAA was probable a signal regulation the iron-deficiency physiological availability of the genus Malus.
167. On the same risk level,(/probable.html) the correlativity function between different flood discharge magnitude and its maximal probable error is called forecasting error risk function.
168. The doctor said that most probable cause of death was heart failure.
169. The odds are that ( ie It is probable that ) she'll win.
170. It is antecedently probable that a writer so well informed as Josephus, must have been well acquainted too with the doctrine and the history of Jesus Christ.
171. At the end of each month, management should again estimate the probable amount of uncollectible accounts and adjust the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts to this new estimate.
172. You ' re asking me to sign off on a probable suicide mission .
173. Accordingly, there can be no assurance as to the quantity or quality of such rare earth deposit or that such deposit will become proven or probable reserves.
174. Earlier, Nathalie Kosciusko–Morizet, France's ecology minister, had said that "the worst scenario is possible and even probable".
175. This compares with $ 250 bn a year the economists calculate the probable cost of cutting emissions.
176. Three weeks had passed since the murder, and it seemed very probable that William Strickland had already left the country.
177. Kentish is little remained, as the dialect of the Jutes and their probable relations the south - east .
178. If a fault segment is known to have broken in a past large earthquake, recurrence time and probable magnitude can be estimated based on fault segment size, rupture history, and strain accumulation.
179. In this respect smoothing away differences, the paper exerts the probable maximum matching to analyze the phrase structure.
180. In this background, decreasing cost from the corporation logistics realm is the most probable and valid path.
181. There fore even the rare event may become probable, given enough time.
182. Conclusion Migraine attack repeatedly might have a close relationship with myelinopathy, and the probable mechanism may be owed to abnormal cerebral vasomotor function.
183. It now seemed probable that that workingman and M. Leblanc were one and the same person.
184. Addax Petroleum had 538 million barrels of proved and probable oil reserves as at 31 December 2008, and had average production of about 135,000 barrels a day in the first quarter.
185. Based on data from two wells, the probable reserves was estimated. The results show good economics.
186. For some viruses the encounter with a surface is probable diffusion - limited.
187. WHY: This process helps to communicate and test the essence of a design idea within its probable context of use. It is especially useful for the evaluation of service concepts.
188. The probable effects of seismic disturbance are also lateral loads. The dynamic effects of crane movement may also be considered, in part, as lateral load.
189. Compere: The time that you feel probable error is much not more what kind of paragraph?
190. This paper briefly introduces the fundamental principle and major devices of superconductive electronics. The recent development in this area is reported and the probable future trends are discussed.
191. "It is highly probable (that it is) a Chondrite judging from the failure surface, " said Hu, adding that the meteorite weighed 221.5 grams.
192. The kinetochore thin. The kinetochore was not found on each SC in our experiments and probable reason has been discussed.
193. Third, the probable misapprehend and its countermeasure and the remaining problems will be discussed as key points here.
194. In Lynn's view, "Probable Geometries" may supply architecture with the ability to measure amorphousness and undecidability, and try to create a new practical mode of architecture.
195. The fuzzy probable rules are proposed to the fuzziness in the antecedentthe probability the consequent parts.
196. Attend ante sign in whole industry, probable you can be done weller, sleep more spicily .
197. This is an outside estimate of the price , ie an estimate of the highest probable price.
197. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
198. The stipulation of visitation right in Chinese law is in principle and probable , so, there are lots of problems appear in our legal practices.
199. This paper analyses the effective factors and restricted methods of combustible cartridge case charge on muzzle velocity probable error.
200. Based on data from two wells probable reserves was estimated. The results show good economics.
201. In each case of atypical sex organs, make every effort to establish the probable cause.
202. Inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.
203. In this situation, a strict probable cause requirement could make enforcement impossible.
204. If all species have been discovered and the lineage of man lies within them, the most probable lineage would include all but the robust Australopithecines and the neandertal.
205. As of today, a cumulative total of 6234 probable cases with 435 deaths have been reported from 27 countries.
206. In addition, perchloroethylene has been named a "probable carcinogen " by the International Association for Research on Cancer.
207. By observing the new development of ICSID jurisdiction, it is probable to get more information of the application of Article 25 and the variation in the form of application.
208. In the study of the synthesis of these compounds we found the exist of desilylation reaction and by means of GC MS analysis the probable mechanism for the desilylation was proposed in this paper.
209. This paper pointed out some errors which are easily appeared in the most probable distribution problems, and analysed them in both qualitative and quantitative ways.
210. A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual - facial - buccal dyskinesia was made.
211. The fundamental functions of financial accounting are neither intended to provide probable future information nor to produce nonfinancial information.
212. It was probable to control the peak of fibrindytic activity in a certain range with variable collagen peptide.
213. Probable cash disbursement and Financial Commitment required during the fiscal year may also be compiled therein.
214. New research suggests that an important indicator of your probable life span may be your genes.
215. Objective To summarize the main early complications after pancreatoduodenectomy and analysis of the probable causes.
216. Selaginella plants generally contain a variety of biflavones, mainly amentoflavone are probable active substances for anti - cancer .
217. Besides that, the paper also analyzes the probable deviation and state some measures to lessen it, then it further put forward some assumptions of validity check.
218. In thermodynamic limit the ratio of the number of states involved in the most probable distribution to all possible states accessible to the system is zero.
219. The specimen is one of a "logjam" of fossils—including two meat-eating dinosaurs, a probable Stegosaurus, and four sauropods—found recently at a dig in Utah.
220. It is highly probable that many of the Service's personnel were put off by such high-flown rhetoric.
221. Sinopec is paying about $ 16 a barrel of proven and probable reserves.
222. The pathologic changing of BA is the key to its pathogenesis and prognosis. It is probable that the whole pathologic changing is derived from the porta hepatis.
223. The total volume of its proved and probable reserves, as at the end of 2008, is 241 million tonnes (1.8 billion barrels).
224. All deferred tax liabilities, and all deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable.
225. If the evidence does not persuade the grand jury that there is probable cause to believe the person committed a crime, the grand jury will vote a "no bill", or "not a true bill".
226. Because it leaves the ground the closest, if the ground is very damp, probable bubble bilges mildewy.
227. We also discuss the probable mechanism of serous retinal detachment which associated with peripapillary staphyloma.
227. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
228. It is highly probable that dinosaurs had a cloaca—as do most birds and reptiles—which is a single opening for urination, defecation, and reproduction.
229. List and discuss the presumptive, probable, and reliable signs of pregnancy.
230. She was miserable in considering how much unsuspected vexation was probable ready to burst on him.
231. The most probable fate for this high - energy photon is to interact with a nucleus again.
232. This paper defines the pure risk as a kind of probable loss in the portfolio investment.
233. Rigid application of the probable cause standard could undermine the quality of agency policymaking.
234. Margaret was either unaware or, as is more probable, unimpressed by such convention.
235. Nonetheless, if you have coworkers with pollen allergies—and it's highly probable you do—you should either avoid flowering plants or snip off the flower buds as soon as they appear.
236. Objective: To discuss the probable reasons of the gastroplegia syndrome after abdomen surgery, and seek the correct effective method of treatment.
237. Aside from the effect of temperature on fracture toughness , no other environmental effects are probable.
238. 'Well!'observed Mr. Lorry, beamingly adjusting his little wig,'that seems probable, too.
239. ConcluslonS hort time use of Kallikrein can improve the prognosis of patients with cerebral infarction, the probable mechanism is related to the decreased levels of serum MMP9.
240. I should think it very probable, and you certainly will be successful.
241. Methods: The motor conduction velocity and F wave were examined in 50 patients with ALS ( definite : 41 cases, probable : 9 cases ).
242. As long as people know a person's probable age and his symbolic animal, people can infer his exact age and year of birth.
243. You may decide that the probable cost is greater than the potential reward.
244. Contingent assets are not recognised but are disclosed in the notes to the accounts when an inflow of economic benefits is probable.
245. It is estimated by the foreign authoritative person that it is probable to use polyformaldehyde as a large amount of general-purpose material next century.
246. On the basis of the observational data,(http:///probable.html) this paper also discusses the probable reasons causing the variation of the coda wave attenuation rate both before and after strong events.
247. And the Mang Fu that act wilfully , probable it is failure of action of a group, domanial even the inducement that fall into enemy hands!
248. Contrast the signs of cocaine withdrawal and opiate withdrawal, and the probable mechanisms involved.
249. Rabin - Miller test and the Baillie - PSW probable prime test are primality tests the most used in practice.
250. He resigned yesterday rather than face a probable impeachment trial.




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