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单词 Invite
1. Who should we invite to the party?
2. What about Lola - shall we invite her?
3. The queen was gracious enough to invite us.
4. I'd like to invite you to a show.
5. We invite your attention to...
6. Perhaps we should invite them to dinner .
7. He seized the occasion to invite her home for.
8. Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner.
9. They invite me in.
10. We invite him over.
11. Did they invite you?
12. Whom did they invite?
13. Why don't you text all your friends and invite them to the party too?
14. It will only complicate the situation if we invite his old girlfriend as well.
15. She waited for him to invite her to dance, not wishing to seem bold.
16. I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks.
17. Why don't we invite Caroline and Mark and make up a foursome?
18. He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.
19. They haven't got an invite to the wedding.
20. Don't forget to invite the Jordans.
21. He meant to invite Monica, but he clean forgot.
22. Do you get an invite?
23. They didn't invite any of us.
24. Don't invite him in,He's a dangerous man.
25. Let's invite them over for a drink.
26. Why didn't you invite them in?
27. I'll invite her, if you're agreeable to her coming.
28. It was mean of him not to invite her.
29. Let's invite them to dinner tomorrow.
30. If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner.
1. Who should we invite to the party?
2. What about Lola - shall we invite her?
3. The queen was gracious enough to invite us.
4. I'd like to invite you to a show.
5. We invite your attention to...
6. Perhaps we should invite them to dinner .
7. He seized the occasion to invite her home for.
8. Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner.
9. They invite me in.
10. We invite him over.
11. Did they invite you?
12. Whom did they invite?
13. Why don't you text all your friends and invite them to the party too?
14. It will only complicate the situation if we invite his old girlfriend as well.
15. I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks.
16. Why don't we invite Caroline and Mark and make up a foursome?
17. He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.
18. Let's invite her to the disco — she needs distraction.
31. I've got some other friends I'd like to invite.
32. Shall we invite them back after the theatre?
33. Let's invite them all for dinner.
34. I wouldn't invite her again at any price.
35. Invite Emlyn - and Simon as well.
36. He phoned to invite me out for dinner.
37. Mac's still sore because I didn't invite him.
38. Wasn't it nice of them to invite us?
39. Cover the jam! It's sure to invite the wasps.
40. I can't decide on who to invite.
41. Why don't we invite Jane? That'll liven things up!
42. Don't invite her! She's as common as dirt.
43. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.
44. Get on the blower and invite him round.
45. I'll invite some of the girls from the office.
46. They didn't invite any women, as usual.
47. Look about carefully before deciding whom to invite.
48. We'd better not invite him.
49. I now invite the President to take the floor.
50. Did you get an invite?
51. Why don't you invite Barbara along?
52. Let's invite some people over.
53. Who did you invite to the party?
54. You can invite whomever you like.
55. It was nice of them to invite us.
56. I meant to call him and invite him,() but I've been a bit crap about asking people.
57. Let's invite her to the disco — she needs distraction.
58. I think it would be inappropriate to invite her to a party so soon after her husband's death.
59. If a new leader emerged, it would then be for the Queen to invite him to form a government.
60. PS I forgot to invite you to our party next Sunday at six. PPS Please tell Ellis that he's welcome to come too.
61. We have to invite your parents and my parents, and then there's your brother.
62. Jenny wanted to invite all her friends, but I quickly vetoed that idea .
63. If you keep arguing with Gerry, they won't invite us back.
64. We would have liked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
65. Their frequent invitation places us under an obligation to invite them to our house for a change.
66. Do we really have to invite all my insufferable relatives to the wedding?
67. Why don't you invite Seb, or whatever he's called, to supper?
68. We need to invite three more girls to balance up the numbers .
69. Do you think it was forward of me to invite her to dinner when we'd only just met?
70. He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.
71. Thanks for your invite.
72. To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis.
73. If you can't make it Friday, we can invite somebody else .
74. Can I invite Mary?
75. I thought it appropriate to invite her to speak at the meeting.
76. Oh, blow it! I've forgotten to invite Paul to the party.
77. There's no one else I really want to invite apart from you.
77. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
78. It was rather tactless of you to invite his ex-girlfriend.
79. He said he would invite me to his new house after it was headed up.
80. Her paintings invite comparison with those of the early Impressionists .
81. "Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.
82. She began to count up how many guests they had to invite.
83. Richard often used to invite me back for coffee after the show.
84. I was thumbing through my address book to see who we could invite.
85. Mr and Mrs Wall invite you to the marriage of their daughter Ann to Mr Thomas Lea.
86. Let's invite Ted -- he knows how to bring a party to life.
87. Why don't you invite her for a drink at the club one evening?
88. Don't invite her to the party. She's so prim and proper.
89. Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.
90. She was making out a list of people to invite.
91. It seemed to her a happy coincidence that Robert should invite her for the weekend.
92. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.
93. I shan't invite him again in a hurry he behaved very badly.
94. And she didn't invite him? That was a bit mean!
95. I'm polite to his ex-wife when I meet her, but I'm damned if I'm going to invite her round for dinner.
96. I'd invite you to come with me, only it's such a long way.
97. It was a nice gesture to invite his wife too.
98. The film seems to invite comparison with "The Italian Job".
99. They'd invited us to dinner so we thought we'd better observe the proprieties and invite them back.
100. It's no business of yours who I invite to the party.
101. She is so fastidious about her food that I never invite her for dinner.
102. You can invite Keith to the party, but please don't ask that friend of his.
103. She's a good person to invite to a party because she's such an extrovert.
104. Invite her to an early breakfast.
105. Lord Justice Scott can only invite witnesses to attend.
106. Such authoritative statements do not invite skepticism.
107. Better yet, invite her to dinner.
108. Let's invite Margot - she's always fun.
109. A cultural gaffe would invite a pounding.
110. He sometimes would get carried away and invite more than his allotted guests, which generated some irritation among members.
111. If Daddy was home, she'd invite him in for a coffee and a clean-up.
112. Why did you invite me all the way out here from London to mastermind your publicity campaign, Roman?
113. He said he'd been meaning to invite us to dinner ever since he arrived.
114. You can’t progress unless you learn not only to receive criticism, but also invite criticism. Gulzar 
115. He did not invite Sandoz to sit but rather left him standing in the center of the room.
116. I shall invite them to join us in putting the pound, franc and lira into a new currency bloc.
117. To discipline your character is to ensure a bright destiny. To pamper your character is to invite a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
118. Mama didn't bother to invite him when she hauled over Lord George Sanger's circus two weeks ago.
119. Now you reset the glasses and invite others to accomplish your feat.
120. This would seem to invite an invidious comparison between white youth who are unemployed and their more successful black peers.
121. I invite Chris to attend any type of public forum where Bucky performs.
122. The leaflets would explain the work of the Trust and invite people to make a donation.
123. Theo, we'd like to invite you to dinner in appreciation of your hard work this week.
124. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. Dave Barry 
125. In terms of young people, two major social concerns served to invite the psychiatric gaze.
126. Gay employees at Xerox are encouraged to invite their partners to company picnics, or to dinners with top executives.
127. Senators and congressmen take their calls, invite them to testify before official hearings and act on their advice.
128. Open gates invite attention and disequilibration; closed gates preclude attention and disequilibration.
129. I invite him to be more forthcoming here and now.
130. Getting an invite to one of the chi-chi parties and receptions is a bit more problematic.
131. This prompted two Republican candidates who are faring poorly to invite Mr Weicker back to the party; he refused.
132. When I invite a woman to dinner, I expect her to look at my face.
133. Invite a professional writer into your group, whether a company technical or marketing writer or an outside consultant.
134. To oppose McCarthy was to invite hints about one's own loyalty.
135. Now they want to invite us to a football match at the next sales conference at Brighton in January.
136. The poisonous snakes invite a certain deference, and the rattlesnake is even canned occasionally for human consumption.
137. We cordially invite you to learn more about our community, enjoy our warm hospitality and join in the fun!
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
138. It will invite expressions of interest in fund holding, which will be available from April 1993.
139. A country's strategic geographical position might invite super-power attention and meddling in its internal affairs.
140. To do so would be to invite instant condemnation from Congress.
141. Brenner's remarkably assured claims did, however, invite considerable interest and scrutiny among social and medical researchers.
142. In this case Highlander staff will invite the group to attend a residential video workshop at the Highlander Center.
143. The back avoids eye contact and confrontation, but it may invite the surreptitious gaze.
144. I invite the hon. Gentleman to consider that and to endorse the Bill.
145. Solicit means to invite entice, appeal to, or request another person.
146. Once, the King sent a herald with banner, trumpet and tabard, to invite the captain of Famagusta to surrender.
147. Then blindfold them and invite them to take four steps backwards followed by four forward before trying to blow out the candle.
148. In March 1981 the office-holders of the association decided to invite the newly appointed Ambassador Popov to lunch.
149. We hope that the review will also invite individual submissions through your pages and other media avenues.
150. In about 60 days the Port will invite developers to make proposals for this landmark structure. 7.
151. I now invite you to complete the enclosed form detailing your sports events for the second half of the year.
152. I invite them to examine the Opposition's policies to see how they would fare under a Labour Government.
153. He would then have drawings and quantities prepared and would invite tenders for a fixed sum.
154. I think you should pluck up the courage to invite him out.
155. He did invite me to become a parliamentary Labour candidate in the 1945 election.
156. He could invite friends to a fancy restaurant or away on a weekend trip.
157. Hardworking and prudent people attract good luck. Lazy and reckless people invite bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
158. I'd invite you in, but my place is a disaster.
159. They argue that to assume the worst is often to invite disaster.
160. Termination would leave the government with no option but to invite bids for a new concession, or abandon the project.
161. This was the kind of outfit that would invite a hundred beatings in the Handle.
162. His Buddhist piety led representatives of the thousands of Untouchables who had embraced Buddhism to invite him to be their leader.
163. Mixed, she said, because it had given the theatre the opportunity to invite P.L. O'Hara to step into the breach.
164. She had wild visions of being obliged to invite him to dinner every night.
165. But Simmons emailed executives and told them not to attend Muhammad's summit, and refused to invite him to his own.
166. It is very important to ensure that all clients understand those documents you invite them to sign.
167. I invite and acknowledge only positive thoughts and people who create happiness in my life. RVM 
168. The lightness and wit of Brooke-Rose's novels do, however(/invite.html), invite comparison with those of Muriel Spark.
169. I invite Opposition Members to acknowledge the concessions that I have made and to withdraw amendments Nos. 75 and 76.
170. Good luck is kind and generous to diligence, knowledge and wisdom & idleness, ignorance and stupidity will invite bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
171. We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. George W. Bush 
172. To discipline and improve your character is to ensure a a better future, and to pamper your character is to invite a bleak future. Dr T.P.Chia 
173. Unitar will invite the delegates from the government agencies and commercial entities in each country.
174. He intends to invite some of these couples and top fertility clinic experts to appear before his panel.
175. No, I just dropped by to invite you to dinner on Saturday.
176. In neither case is there any need to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine.
177. We also invite our children to participate fully in conversation.
178. Maybe Gray should invite his new coach out for a bite to eat.
179. A bad padlock invite a picklock.
180. We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
181. It doesn't pay to invite a teaser like that.
182. Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.
183. They also invite DPRK to is co host.
184. Thailand people love to invite the customer to durian.
185. Don't invite her. She's such a killjoy.
186. I was a bit miffed when they did not invite me to the party.
187. We invite human initiates reading our materials to embrace the sacredness of all of life.
188. "Look," she said, getting a brainstorm, "Why don't you invite them here?"
189. The reason of lumbago? Invite answer of professional occurrences in human life!
190. Occidental don't often entertain guests; but Chinese often invite friend to dinner.
191. Choose your music and invite your friends a funky good time!
192. We invite you to partake in this type of work as much as you wish.
193. The men who seek intoxicating cups are men who invite their fates.
194. Invite a least one Rotary Foundation alumnus or alumna to join your club.
195. I would like to invite you to attend our wedding ceremony.
196. I'd like to invite you to attend our wedding ceremony.
197. Invite Mr. Bartleman to take skip - rope(http:///invite.html)[], tug - of - war and hoop rolled match.
198. Every year at Christmastime, we invite children to the White House for one special program.
199. Sarah: Zoom in on the invite and print a copy.
200. He warned this might backfire and invite sympathy for the party.
201. Maybe I'll invite a few friends over to watch an old movie or a board game.
202. And I invite her every morning into the Oval Office to stay for a while.
203. We would like to invite you to our annual Beanstalk Sports Day.
204. I, Earth Mother, invite you to go out into nature.
205. Must go to invite doctor, Otherwise these casualties were incurable.
206. So, when do I start? A slightly obnoxious quip. Don't invite yourself into the job.
207. We at Bethel Automotive cordially invite you to join us.
208. Datum: Invite the visitors on the basic of the yearly buyers'datum.
209. MIKE : Oh , you invite them over for a home - cooked meal and you order takeout.
210. Tall professional content can invite a client more accredit you.
211. Invite some students to act both spoken language and body language.
212. Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavowal or disagreement.
213. Steinbeck and myself, which I invite you to interrupt at any time with questions, comments or suggestions.
214. The decision not to invite Joe was antecedent to his illness.
215. To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule.
216. Zhonghang Inst must invite suitable person to break this kind of aspect of slow development.
217. It's really difficult to decide who to invite to the wedding reception.
218. I, Earth Mother, invite you to begin to tune inward.
219. Isn't It'stinking of tracy not to invite father to the wedding?
220. Do you want to invite Bill to our Halloween party?
221. " Nice clothes invite pointing fingers, High climbers god's good will defy. "
222. We will invite a geomancer to check the terrain before they build a building.
223. Why did you invite Tom ? He is such a stinker.
224. But such an action would have little effect other than to infuriate China and invite retaliation.
225. I heard my mother rattling on and on about the day I get married, what I must wear, how I must act, who I must invite.
226. I'd love to invite that party animal to the party. He'd liven up the mood!
227. We will invite some experienced Toastmasters members to serve as group discussion leaders.
227. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
228. The teenagers don't invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket.
229. France dismissed criticism about its decision to invite Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.
230. He's coordinating the wedding, and then we're not going to invite him?
231. Good, Ilsquo ; ll invite out when youlsquo; re here.
232. He has had no trouble rustling up 35 friends and colleagues to invite to his wedding.
233. Include guarding Zhou go up to explore , go to nautical mile to invite swim.
234. Gemini might spontaneously elope and then invite family and friendsgather together and celebrate later.
235. Because the bereaved requests himself to invite the expert to participate in the postmortem examination.
236. Two features of folds in stratified rocks that contain strut members invite special attention.
237. Since you are preeminent, I want to invite you to join our society.
238. Its wraparound U - lounges fore and aft, invite friendly conversation and camaraderie.
239. Insofar as they took some action to invite the advertisement, they may even find it useful.
240. The rules of organisational life also invite workers to cover up any infringements.
241. Greedy beggars !'he observed , making for the provender.'Why did not you invite me, Ratty?
242. Now invite enterprises dealing in tea, tea set, antiques , painting to enter.
243. Scored out that last name, I no longer intend to invite her.
244. When there has been death, hanging clothes from a doorknob would invite misfortune.




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