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单词 Constantine
1, Constantine was declared to be Emperor by divine right.
2, He hadn't really expected to actually see Mrs Constantine; she was gaining a rather eccentric reputation.
3, Carried off by Constantine, mutilated by barbarians, the stump of it still stands in Constantine's Hippodrome.
4, He then led a revolt against Constantine in Gaul, which was defeated, and committed suicide at Marseilles in 310.
5, The pagan contemporaries of Constantine were not wrong in saying that he had carried through a huge religious and social revolution.
6, Philip died and was buried at Lydiard Constantine, near Swindon.
7, Constantine was tall, heavily built and had a commanding presence.
8, Constantine has built his literary career by writing about crime in the decaying western Pennsylvania steel town of Rocksburg.
9, Faith, for Constantine, was a political matter; and any faith conducive to unity was treated with forbearance.
10, After his release, Stephen stood be-fore a bewildered Constantine and chose to prove yet other points.
11, Emperor Constantine was said to visit the wise hermit for counsel.
12, At the end of dinner, King Constantine proposed the toast to the bride and bridegroom, then the dancing began.
13, Constantine still wears the International Hockey League championship ring from that season.
14, Under Constantine, the Sharks were 55-78-24 and made their only two postseason appearances.
15, When Constantine died, his three sons shared the empire.
16, Constantine I is the eponym for constantinople.
17, May l take your coat, Mr. Constantine?
18, Constantine I, baptized on his deathbed[], was the first Christian Roman emperor.
19, Constantine was best man at the 1985 London wedding of the now Serbian Crown Princess Katherine, who is Greek, and Serbia's Crown Prince Alexander. Both will be in London for the wedding tomorrow.
20, I knew from the thick fragrance that filled the air that it was Mrs. Constantine.
21, After Diocletian had surrendered power there was a time of confusion until Constantine the Great became Emperor in 324.
22, The cult of Mithras was Christianity's main rival at the time of Constantine.
23, Apart from these walls little remains today of the great Roman city laid out by Constantine and his successors.
24, It must be remembered that no complete version of the New Testament survives which pre-dates the reign of Constantine.
25, In 323-4 civil war ended with the elimination of Licinius,[http:///constantine.html] and Constantine was at last sole ruler.
26, Procedure became uniform in the third century, while early in the fourth the differences of form were abolished by Constantine.
27, A modern Roman Catholic authority recounts a story which brings them up to the fourth century - the time of Constantine.
28, George Grindal remembered that some twelve feet below him lay the remains of a Roman city where once Constantine was proclaimed Emperor.
29, What is significant, as Kee points out, is that the Roman Church assented to the role Constantine arrogated to himself.
30, Finally she came to a decision and went to see Mrs Constantine.
31, In that year, Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine.
32, At last Constantine was forced to summon a council to settle the matter.
33, Constantine chose Romanos as the husband of the 50 - year - old Zoe.
34, Earlier, Greece's minister for international economic relations, Constantine Papadopoulos, said leaving the euro would be "catastrophic" for Greece.
35, Belief of their own pagan, is the only non - Christians after Constantine emperor.
36, Both Aurelian and Diocletian made attempts to establish a stable monetary system, but the solution of the problem was reserved for Constantine.
37, The original structure was built by Bishop Makarios of Jerusalem at the direction of Constantine I of the Roman Empire following the First Council of Nicaea in 325.
38, By officially endorsing Jesus as the Son of God, Constantine turned Jesus into a deity who existed beyond the scope of the human world, an entity whose power was unchallengeable.
39, Constantine recommends using a gerund followed by a direct object (for example: "withdrawing funds" or "examining the passbook").
40, The Triomphe 28 meters high, according to ancient Rome, Constantine style construction of the Triomphe.
41, Historical traces everywhere obviously: Constantine Mungu sports arena, four river eruptive fountains, Spanish steps and ladders.
42, Constantine the Great becomes Emperor of Rome, and moves the capital to Byzantium( Constantinople ). He also makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman world.
43, Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian's accent was bad.
44, Constantine I was the founder of the East Roman Empire, who was the first Roman Emporor that admitted and was converted to Christianity.
45, During the regime of him, Constantine I made efforts on promoting a series of economic, political, military and religious new policies, expecting to reestablish the empire of Rome.
46, John Constantine is forced to find answers when Half - Breed Demons begin attacking him unprovoked.
47, But Newcastle Jets owner Con Constantine said another loan arrangement was out of the question.
48, The vision of St. Helena is a work that belongs to his mature stage and portraits the mother of Constantine I[], emperor of Rome.
49, In the 4th century, Roman Emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity and created a Christian empire, prompting the building of many new churches.
50, The nominal conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity indeed led to compromise and apostasy .
51, It is the celebration of Constantine the Great in 312 AD in a complete victory over his powerful enemy Maxentius, and unified empire was built.
52, The Emperor Constantine did not define the canon of the New Testament at the first Council of Nicaea in 325AD - in fact, the Council did not even make mention of the Biblical canon.
53, In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine.
54, The emperor Constantine the Great dedicated this column when he founded Constantinople in the year 330.
54, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
55, The functions of the Senates of Rome and Constantine were both municipal and Imperial.
56, The official recognition of Christianity by Constantine I did not increase sympathy of the religion in Gaza.
57, The vision of St. Helena is a work that belongs to his mature stage and portraits the mother of Constantine I, emperor of Rome. Raised in a humble home, St.
58, Constantine was a great emperor who kept the Empire unification and stability in Roman history.
59, This persecution was to be the last, as Constantine I soon came into power and in 313 legalized Christianity.
60, Constantine had two eligible daughters, Zoe and Theodora, although both were already quite elderly.
61, However, when Constantine the Great became emperor in 306, he legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the Roman Empire.




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