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单词 Stimulating
1. The programme contains some creative and visually stimulating material.
2. I find his work very stimulating.
3. It is a complex yet stimulating book.
4. This is a drug for stimulating nerves.
5. Erotic images are often more sexually stimulating to men than to women.
6. Aerobics is one of the most stimulating forms of exercise.
7. The college offers a challenging and stimulating environment in which to study.
8. By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work.
9. Tax is a powerful mechanism for stimulating change.
10. Both educationalists and industrialists find these very stimulating. 10.
11. The atmosphere was always stimulating.
12. In normal circumstances, Melissa would have found him stimulating company but that evening she found her thoughts constantly wandering.
13. But Mr Sandy found it a stimulating, not to say exhausting, tour of duty.
14. George has tried stimulating the right temporal lobe while showing patients such actors' faces depicting a standard emotion like disgust.
15. Above all, Partnership has added an exciting and stimulating impetus to the development of our school.
16. Her lectures were always stimulating and covered a variety of subjects.
17. However, you may benefit from a more stimulating, uplifting aroma.
18. He belongs to the school of thought that says that competition can be very stimulating for children.
19. Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and stimulating.
20. I'm not sure if the argu-ment holds up, but it's stimulating.
21. It was in these studios that young painters found the support and stimulating competition of peers.
22. The gap between results and intentions strained his soul, stimulating wonderment.
23. The Faculty is a large but welcoming and intellectually stimulating community.
24. No civilization can survive without mobility: all are enriched by trade and the stimulating impact of strangers.
25. But now the struggle is for methodology to really be geared towards stimulating intellectual development and problem solving.
26. The Jockey Club Rooms, hung with many famous paintings of important horses, can also be included in these stimulating tours.
27. Nevertheless(Sentence dictionary), green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth.
28. In a similar vein, seventeenth-century doctors puzzled over the stimulating effects of coffee and tea.
29. Indeed, for many municipalities a concern with cost containment and with stimulating private investment became a practical necessity.
30. Placements provide a simple yet powerful mechanism for developing understanding and stimulating change through addressing the heart of the cultural divide.
1. This is a drug for stimulating nerves.
31. Much of the development takes place after birth, so the young puppy requires an environment with stimulating surroundings.
32. In general, what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already.
33. It has regularly attracted research studentships of various kinds, and provides a stimulating research environment.
34. As a personal experience I found it fascinating and stimulating.
35. Then George applied the stimulating current to the temporal lobe, just below the motor and speech areas.
36. However, you also need to give yourself a flying start by stimulating the circulation through massage and natural herbal extracts.
37. Images serve as cues stimulating the nervous system, causing muscles to respond subconsciously.
38. To choose suffering for the sake of the stimulating effects of running away from it is indeed a paradox.
39. As newly qualified teachers ourselves, and I can recommend it as stimulating rewarding and fun!
40. The cost in terms of technological advance and the dissemination of fresh and stimulating ideas, is incalculable but colossal.
41. It is clear that steps must be taken to prevent reactor disposal of this material from stimulating reprocessing of commercial reactor fuel.
42. On the whole, the show is appealing, stimulating and marked by an admirable clarity of presentation.
43. George was none the less stimulating the cortex, but at another spot, a short distance away from the previous site.
44. He found it addictive, stimulating, endlessly absorbing, and he allowed nothing-certainly no personal involvements - to distract him.
45. This liturgical pattern was also repeated in the vernacular literature produced by the Franciscans and aimed at stimulating lay piety.
46. Sandra Chalmers provides a workable set of stimulating games which cover the content area of Standard grade courses.
47. He never shared the extreme supply-siders' faith that tax cuts would pay for themselves by stimulating faster growth.
48. Such questions will often generate discussion among the students generally and thus provide a useful means of stimulating their interest.
49. Try to come up with something more innovative and stimulating.
50. Third, involvement with local industry helps to promote a stimulating and challenging curriculum. 4.
51. All in all, then, a pioneering collection of very worthwhile and stimulating music, ideal for guess-the-composer quizzes.
52. It's exciting and stimulating; with a private client I love it when she trusts me.
53. Even with the technical drawbacks mentioned above, this is a most stimulating reissue.
54. Sharing problems, discussing policies and pooling ideas, have all proved helpful and stimulating.
55. The Ultratone Facial works by stimulating the muscles and giving them concentrated exercise.
56. It was difficult to imagine a more stimulating environment for bright children who might otherwise have lost out on their education.
57. The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
58. If you decide to give massage a try(sentence dictionary), be careful: Massage can be either sedating or stimulating to the body.
59. Frank was a stimulating conversationalist with up-to-date views on current topics.
60. As a reader of over 60 years I never found you more stimulating.
61. Just to dream of their stimulating discussions was enough to make his head spin.
62. It encourages creativity and allows pupils to use the language they have learnt in the context of stimulating and relevant projects.
63. A handsome male newscaster entered the room on the screen, providing sound, stimulating company.
64. His tutorials were always stimulating and ranged over a variety of subjects.
65. The lower language level does not mean a low interest level Headway Pre-Intermediate is full of stimulating and accessible texts.
66. But yes, it is still fun, thought provoking, stimulating, exciting and fast moving.
67. The professional qualifications material provides stimulating learning support for anyone in the hotel and catering industry.
68. It is exhilarating, stimulating personnel in a way that routine work can not do.
69. Efforts must be directed to stimulating latent creative abilities of rural people.
70. Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating.
71. Phenolphthalein apparently works by stimulating muscles responsible for forcing matter through the intestines.
72. For creatives, then, the strategy needs to be clear, brief; but also stimulating.
73. Scalp massage, for instance is an effective way of promoting healthy hair by encouraging and stimulating blood flow to the hair follicles.
74. Men who work with their hands might find a little attention with hand lotion could make them much more romantically stimulating.
75. Communities are overcrowded, with public facilities more often aimed at impersonal masses rather than stimulating intimate interaction.
76. Like any stimulating text it leaves the reader pondering on more questions than it answers.
77. Fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.
78. It is no use stimulating muscle growth if your protein intake is insufficient.
79. In addition, the Activity Book provides a stimulating range of tasks designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking skills.
80. De Boer has produced an equally stimulating epilogue, collating well the topics in the book into an integrating conservation framework.
81. The improved navigation schemes of the later eighteenth century had been beneficial in stimulating the local economy.
82. He could call in at the Informer office in Chancery Lane and use the telephone to arrange a suitably stimulating lunch.
83. It fully describes a variety of stimulating exploitation techniques that will involve students in active viewing.
84. This is especially-true for insomniacs, who seem to have a lower tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine than most people.
85. On the other hand, a generally ponderously sombre piece may need stimulating by interludes of contrastingly more vital movement.
86. That Clenbuterol, the stimulating steroid that got three Brits sent home, is known to its devotees as Dopers Delight.
87. The post-war period until the late 1970s witnessed governments playing a positive role in stimulating demand through reflation of the economy.
88. Are we willing to sacrifice our kids for the sake of stimulating our economy?
89. Monetary policy hasn't been working because interest rates have been reduced to almost zero without stimulating the economy.
90. New York has always been an exciting and stimulating place to be.
91. The department is very well equipped and provides a stimulating environment for postgraduate research.
92. We also offer a stimulating homebase from which to enjoy and learn within a rural setting.
93. This unquestionable carbohydrate malabsorption, leads to a pronounced change in colonic function and metabolism by stimulating bacterial proliferation.
94. Instead of stimulating production by giving people incentives, we collectivized them.
95. In addition to language, the visionary leader can use a range of dramaturgical devices capable of stimulating and arousing responses.
96. In addition to stimulating specific projects, a research centre for solar energy is due to be established.
97. At the outset, emphasis was placed on stimulating industrial demand.
98. There is nothing more encouraging and stimulating than successful communication.
99. I have always found it to be most informative, stimulating and interesting - a really excellent magazine.
100. In fact singing seems to serve two main functions in birds: defending territory, and attracting and stimulating females to mate.
101. English is energizing, stimulating, and fascinating.
102. Reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimuLating.
103. To win a prize always stimulating g.
104. The pesto vinaigrette added a stimulating sharpness.
105. This is a natural offshoot of stimulating the chakras.
106. Some of the lessons were stimulating, some dismal.
107. Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), Chicken anti-Human, Biotin.
108. Ecology as a subject has many stimulating characteristics.
109. Its stimulating rhythmical style is full of life.
110. Microelement -Chromium can enhance the immunity of Chlamys farreri by stimulating and strengthening the vitality of its SOD and CAT.
111. The intake from diets, application of erythropoiesis stimulating factor, the selection of dialytic membrane and the adequate dialysis all rendered influence on their nutrition.
112. It can stimulate luteinizing hormone ( LH ) and follicle - stimulating hormone ( FSH ) releasing from the pituitary gland.
113. Recombinant human granulocyte cell stimulating factor can increase remission rate of acute granulocytic leukemia, reduce infection and provide good condition for curing leukemia.
114. Insert a smooth curved table knife handle in your vagina - and wiggle it with one hand while stimulating your clit with the other.
115. There was the slow, fresh, saliva - stimulating smell of looking cotton seeds.
116. Results : Positive and negative waves could be recorded in bilateral sternocleidomastoid when stimulating the infraorbital nerve on one side of normal subjects .
117. It's particularly useful in stimulating user-centered ideation, evaluation of design ideas from user's point of view and showing the role of a product in context of use.
118. Conclusion Estradiol valerate, small dose of aspirin and vitamin E had certain effect on stimulating ovulation and endometrium development.
119. Objective:To explore the change of serum granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G CSF) in critical patients.
120. Objective: To demonstrate the hematopoietic enhancement activity of recombinant human macrophage colony stimulating factor ( rhM CSF ).
121. PurposeThe main components , stability and its stimulating immunity on mice of chlorella growth factor (CGF) were investigated in this study.
122. Objective : To investigate the cell source secreting the granulocyte granulocyte colony - stimulating factors ( GM - CSF , G - CSF ) in human placenta.
123. After 65 days , serum thiiodothronine ( T 3 ), thyroxine ( T 4 ) and thyroid - stimulating ( TSH ) were analyzed by enzyme exaggeration radioimmunoassays.
124. Then threaded concentric pin electrode into gastrocnemius with intrafascicular electrode as stimulating electrode, the signal was recorded.
125. Objective:To investigate the relations between level of thyroglobulin and thyroid stimulating hormone in pregnant women.
126. Objective: The intensive stimulating methods of upper extremity proprioceptive sensibility after hemiplegia were introduced with emphasis on its curative effect.
127. Well it was a French doctor in the 1860s who went to the trouble of stimulating facial muscles with electrical currents to discover just what reveals a genuine smile.
128. In most insects mating factor, secretions of male accessory glands, induces "mating response": stimulating egg laying and reducing rate of receptivity in female insects.
129. Objective:To know the diagnostic value of different stimulating points on locating nerve dysfunction in patients with acute carpoptosis.
130. Work fulfilment – personal autonomy, stimulating, influencing, achieving something of societal importance.
131. This unique arcadian ziggurat is thus removed from the category of a mere visual or functional object and achieves a new level of green architecture connecting to and stimulating all of the senses.
132. In discussions of Hayek's succession to Mach, the points stimulating to the Hayekian students consist mainly in four aspects: connectionism, reductionism, positivism and ontology.
133. Secondly, dual- or tri-bend rectangular waveguide transmission line was designed to realize the transmission of TE01 mode, without stimulating higher order modes.
134. The effectiveness and the mechanism of human growth factor on wound concrescence and immune system activation, cell energy improvement and stimulating cell conversion were introduced.
135. In the first sign of Conservative pressure for a change of course, the London mayor Boris Johnson said: "You have to look at ways of stimulating growth now.
136. Lentinan enable host cells to generate antitumor immune response by stimulating and enhancing immunological function response, and can control and kill tumor cells.
137. Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free tetraiodothyronine (FT4) levels were detected after operation or 2, 3 and 4 weeks after drug withdrawl.
138. Stimulating domestic demand is an essential and long - standing factor underlying China's economic growth.
139. " Tem NSFC an "activator, inhibin, follicle stimulating hormone regulation in PGS elements(), " new technology 15. Chinese Physician magazine editorial that the Chinese Medical Journal editorial that.
140. A balance between the aluminum and the frangipani garden in the internal courtyard has developed a stimulating spatial experience.
141. Methods: The microelectrode recording technique was used to explore the electrophysiological properties in the Mauthner cell when stimulating the right vagus.
142. Through his photographic reenactment of history, though his return to the historical stage, his footsteps touch on our memories, stimulating our consideration of reality.
143. My first semester at college was stimulating in a somewhat anarchic way.
144. It contributes to heartburn by stimulating the secretion of stomach acid.
145. Practice has proved that equity contribution can reduce the establishment costs of company. Stimulating the enthusiasm of investors and enhancing competitiveness.
146. They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions.
147. At the same time, the landlord and his agents sometimes play a role in stimulating production./stimulating.html
148. No interhemispheric propagation was manifested. The initiation of the depression wave could be prevented by local application of 10% procaine solution at the stimulating electrodes.
149. CONCLUSION TVAP accelerated skin wound healing by stimulating proliferation of epidermic cells and fibroblasts.
150. His style of stimulating thought through question asking has been adopted by many modern teachers and is known as the Socratic method.
151. The company will offer starters excellent pay and conditions and a stimulating working environment, as well as the opportunity to build a career in an exciting field.
152. RESULTS: The results showed that the measuring electrode, skin-electrode, contacting impedance, and stimulating frequency all influenced the measured signal.
153. The important frequencies for stimulating tissue repair are all in the biologically important extremely low frequency (ELF) range.
154. shower gel containing plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on the skin.
155. Pinnate horizontal multilateral well is an emerging stimulating technology in recent years.
156. Dopamine produces nausea and vomiting by stimulating the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ).
157. Objective The study try to establish a new model of focal atrial fibrillation(AF) by stimulating the ganglionated plexus(GP) located at the base of the pulmonary veins(PVs).
158. Objective To study the effect of transverse tibial bone transport method on stimulating revascularization in a dog hind limb ischemic model.
159. EBV may play a role in inducing B lymphocyte activation by stimulating the hyper-expression of CD23 in pSS. Thus lead to the injury of glands and outer glands.
160. Some unknown factors in natural diets such as bloodworm and squid may also play an important role in stimulating maturation through the endocrine system.
161. The principal factors affecting the stimulating effects of the field tests are shown. 341 above tests have been made with additional output of 28375t and input-output ratio of 1:2.
162. More communication activities can be involved in phrasal verb teaching, for the purpose of stimulating students' interests and keeping high motivation.
163. Methods:BR was induced by stimulating the supraorbital branch of trigeminal nerve, the recording electrodes were placed in bilateral musculi orbicularis oculi.
164. Finish with a cool-water rinse, which is not only stimulating but also helps tighten scalp pores, firm hair fibers, reduce hair limpness, and increase sheen and body.
165. In the stimulating planning of 4 trillion of China, banks loosen the loan restriction, at the same time Central Bank of China lowers the loan rate.
166. To discuss the relationship among granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor(GM-CSF), the change of trophoblasts and macrophage in decidual basal plate and preeclampsia.
167. A story on Cuban government website charged the game of stimulating "sociopathic attitudes" among American youth.
168. Metoclopramide sensitizes tissues to acetylcholine to stimulate upper GI tract motility without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic secretions.
169. A moderate increase in both investment and consumption will play an active role in stimulating the market.
170. Objective To study the effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on acute granulocytopenia complicated with primary hyperthyroidism.
171. Our toddlers eagerly embrace the world around them as they experience captivating circles, stimulating sensory opportunities and dramatic play experiences.
172. Objective To observe the effects of combined drug treatment on stimulating ovulation for anovulatory infertile women.
173. C an elegant, sophisticated gathering place for vibrant people and stimulating ideas.
174. But there was something stimulating about him, something warm and vital and electric.
175. The gastric motility was not significant changed during stimulating AP after the vagus nerves beneath diaphragma were cut.
176. Results Visceral nociceptive evoked responses of 148 neurons in ACG to stimulating contralateral GSN were recorded.
177. The effects of stimulating or inhibiting of trivalent arsenic on DNA synthesis were always stronger than that of pentavalent arsenic.
178. Objective: To study the significance of granulocyte colony stimulating factor( GCSF) expression in malignant ovarian tumor patients.
179. As every day brought her stimulating emotion, so every night yielded her recreating rest.
180. To understand the mechanisms of urine formation through the influence of Normal saline, noradrenalin , glucose solution, vagus nerve stimulating and furosemide on urine volume.
181. Mammals stimulating the lateral hypothalamus seem to be caught in a loop, Panksepp writes, "where each stimulation evoked a reinvigorated search strategy" (and Panksepp wasn't referring to Bing).
182. Based on the set point theory, an implanted chip system was designed to regulate the blood pressure by stimulating the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) according to the feedback of blood pressure.
183. By electrically stimulating the area, doctors hoped that could restore some of Jerry's vision.
184. Conclusion:The nerve electromyograph is an effective detecting method in early diagnosis for acute carpoptosis, and the second group's stimulating points is better.
185. This is a powerful and potent holistic therapy, which is re- energising, invigorating, purifying and stimulating to the body and mind, a truly enchanting experience.
186. Specialists recommend that pregnant women whose thyroid - stimulating hormone elevated should be given thyroxine supplementation in time.
187. The Chinese president has complaints of his own, particularly with Federal Reserve policy aimed at stimulating the economy.
188. Conclusion: Progesterone has a multi stimulating effect on the differentiation of fetal rat calvarial osteoblast, but no effect on cell proliferation.
189. It is a simple stimulating method by tapping small Seed - shape herb on the auricular point.
190. We must develop high and new technology industries to provide breakthroughs in stimulating economic growth.
191. Finally, the transconductance amplifier of the stimulating circuit linearly translates the voltage signal into cu.
192. Objective To determine the bioactivity of Luteinizing hormone(LH), follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), abnormal toxicity and pyrogen of highly purified FSH product.
193. It concludes that, foreign direct investment has important positive effect on improving China's export structure, increasing net exports, stimulating domestic investment, promoting China's innovation.
194. Conclusion: To stimulating vertebra artery small effect to whole blood pressure.
195. The results were as follows: Stimulating PVH induced significant pressor response and cardioacceleratory response.
196. Mass marketing: Seller mass produces, mass distributes, and mass promotes one product to all buyers to reduce product cost to decline price, stimulating market demands to attain more profit.
197. Objective: To observe the effects of combined drug treatment in stimulating ovulation for anovulatory infertile women.
198. The explicit goal of the research is stimulating multidisciplinary publications and research proposals.
199. Conclusion Different stimulating amount of acupuncture can induce different responses of vasomotorial functions of the affected limbs.
200. Stimulating the NC system with the M-sequence signal produced by computer and sampling its output data, this method identifies the model of the closed-loop system with the Least Square Estimation.
201. Objective: to study the possible autonomic nerve pathway and effective substance of AMI rats with electric needle stimulating PC16.
202. You are not an iconoclast but you do become bored with dry, repetitive studies and you gravitate to areas that are stimulating and require fast responsiveness to changing circumstances.
203. A quick blood test can assess your level of thyroid - stimulating hormone ( TSH ).
204. And those who took insulin - stimulating drugs were 2.55 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.
205. Conclusion Stimulating melanogenesis is one of the mechanisms of Xiaobai Mixture in the treatment of vitiligo.
206. Conclusion: The needle crystal of calcium oxalate is one of the stimulating components in Pinellia ternata.
207. Methods:In experimental study, the antalgic efficacy of the drug was evaluated by stimulating rat tail with electricity.
207. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
208. What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically designed to fascinate small children?
209. And they tend to be engaged in stimulating or intellectually challenging activities.
210. ObjectiveTo observe the effect of muscle stimulating instrument in enforcing muscle stone of children with cerebral palsy after selective posterior rhizotomy(SPR).
211. Majority Democrats are expected to call Congress back into session in mid-November to focus on the U. S. financial crisis and possible new legislation aimed at stimulating the U. S. economy.
212. To evaluate the effect of external electronic pulse stimulating vesica (EEPSV) and sum up nursing methods of diabetic neurogenic bladder (DNB) patients.
213. The effects of stimulating V. P. L. on the nociceptive discharge of FO nucleus evoked by stimulating the splanchnic nerve in a cat were studied.
214. Cola drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only soft drinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing.
215. Ironically, in some instances, purposely stimulating capsaicin receptors can alleviate pain.
216. These medications work by blocking the stimulating effect of epinephrine ( adrenaline ).
217. Stimulating domestic consumer demand would be a far more direct — and potentially a far less destabilizing — way of reducing saving and trade imbalances than a currency realignment would be.
218. He smoked cigarettes and drank whiskey, and he thrived on good wit and stimulating intellectual conversation.
219. But Swiss researchers found such experiences could be artificially induced by stimulating the right temporoparietal junction in the brain that plays a role in perception and awareness.
220. Conclusions:Zhi-Tang-Shu had the stimulating effects on the intestinal movements like acetylcholine and neostigmine .
221. Imbalance of stimulating apoptosis and anti-apoptosis will become an important way in the way of ALD pathogenesy.
222. At the federal level, the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry.
223. Conclusion: This nerve stimulating block apparatus is applicable to various herve block such as analgesia in operation, analgesia, obturation and even monitoring the recovery of nerve or muscle block.
224. On the basic of TV home shopping and impulsive buying, stimulating factors of impulsive buying was analyzed, and its influence was settled through verification setting.
225. Vanke price reduction legislation in effect, stimulating rapid turnover rose.
226. An evergreen shrub(Catha edulis) native to tropical East Africa, having dark green opposite leaves that are chewed fresh for their stimulating effects.
227. Urine pregnanediol 3 glucuronide ( PdG ) and follicular stimulating hormone ( FSH ) were measured by enzyme immunoassay ( EIA ).
228. These results indicated that ethephon treatment at boom growth stage could promote sugar transportation and energy metabolism, thus stimulating the plant growth.
229. It's beyond peradventure that the 2010 World Exposition will bring Shanghai lots of opportunities, stimulating Shanghai 's economy to greater development.
230. The phenolsulfonphthalein in medium and the endogenous estrogen in NBS had stimulating effect on the cell proliferation of MCF 7.
231. Conclusions the drynaria has the effect of estrogen, it can prevent and cure post-menopausal through stimulating the growth of osteoblast and improving the building of bone quantity.
232. Stimulating neurogenesis could also lead to a new type of treatment for depression.
233. Endogenetic ROS were produced by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulating human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), detected by CL and identified with specific antioxidants.
234. Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle.
235. Especially it uses the image stimulating technique, which provides an impersonal visual space, drawing the testee's recall and cognizing of past event, recurring the past and accurately detection.
236. I got queasy , found it unappetising and didn't find it stimulating particularly either.
237. As a result, the nonpublic sector of the economy is playing an increasingly bigger role in stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, increasing tax revenue, and invigorating the market.
238. In addition, the serum had bacteriolytic activity, and the activity could be enhanced by stimulating of E. coli.
239. They include blood tests, various imaging procedures, and stimulating thyroid function.
240. Conclusion: Stimulating "Zusanli" with TEAS, injectio ad acumen and moxibustion can all prevent exercise-induced fatigue satisfactorily, and TEAS is superior.
241. A current stimulation neural signal regeneration IC which consists of a detecting circuit and a stimulating circuit is presented.
242. Walking at comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system by stimulating the lungs and heart, but at a more gradual rate than most other forms of exercise.
243. To meet the needs of certain type of aircraft avionic system ground test, a set of air data computer stimulating system was designed.
244. Then the reasons and priority of using ant algorithm to solve the problem are researched, meanwhile the initial information intensity and stimulating factor are also improved.
245. Their logomachy was far more stimulating to his intellect than the reserved and quiet dogmatism of Mr. Morse.
246. This improved - type horniness removing gel, containing essence of tea tree essential oil, has a non - stimulating.
247. The industry design is the outcome of commodity economy; it has a function of stimulating consumption.
248. Ethacridine lactate injection has an effect of stimulating uterus to contract.
249. As a disseminator of environment protection, designers should emphasize social and ethic values, and turn the old idea for stimulating consumption into a new idea for rational consumption.
250. We found a technique for recording SSMEP of musculi tibialis anteriors by stimulating the points between spinous processes.
251. He has seborrhea, and shouldn't have too much stimulating food.
252. There are two reasons for such a relation: one of reasons is the stimulating from getting benefit of investment is higher than from interest on deposit.
253. Objective To investigate the neonatal umbilical cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level in the universal iodized salt areas and put forward the cut point, then analyze its application.
254. Wherever the Bethune family found itself, home life was stimulating, rich and warm.
255. The evolution of American judgment on the character of Sukarno government and its external policy intention is a key factor stimulating Johnson administration to change its policy toward Indonesia.
256. Association between a heterocyclic compound stimulating lipid and carbohydrate metabolisms and an antioxidant agent for treating obesity.
257. A laboratory procedure was then used to "suck out" the eggs, which were matured with stimulating hormones and frozen in liquid nitrogen.
258. Convinced that the camellia tisane was not dangerous, he took a sip of it and found that it tasted refreshing: aromatic, slightly bitter, stimulating, and restorative.
259. The stimulating effect of recombinant-erythropoietin (EPO-A) on erythropoiesis has raised interest in its administration as an alternative.
260. Methods Experiment group was treated by electrotherapy combined with pressing seed method for stimulating ear point group, control group was treated by methadone maintenance therapy.
261. Objective To establish a bioassay of follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) in serum of rhesus monkey.
262. Therefore, a medication for stimulating the left prefrontal lobe of the brain would be an effective treatment for clinical depression.
263. In the near ten years, export drawback system, which starts in 1950, play an important role in promoting economy of our country and stimulating the growth of China's export.
264. The insurance of the housing mortgage credit plays an important role on dissolving Bank credit risk and stimulating personal house consumption.
265. This is simply a fixed royalties to be much more stimulating.
266. Objective:To investigate the relations between level of thyroglobulin (TG) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in pregnant women.
267. The results show that the breast cancer patients had significantly higher levels of antithyroid autoantibodies and higher levels of serum thyroid stimulating hormone.
267. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
268. Neither are they habit-forming. Generally antidepressant medications have no stimulating effect on those not experiencing depression.
269. Those that work indirectly by first stimulating some process in the brain (substance: apomorphine ).
270. Objective To study the stimulating effect of activin A on the transdifferentiation of renal tubule epithelial cells cultured in vitro.
271. Higher concentrations of albendazole and mebendazole exhibit no killing effect on C. sinensis, besides stimulating the motor activity of worm oral sucker.
272. The motor areas of pallian are the superior nerve centre, which control the motive ability. Stimulating different areas of pallian with electrical stimuli can cause muscular motion of different parts.
273. Conclusion:The cardiotonic and parasympathetic stimulating effects of deslanoside probably take part in the defibrillation of PAf with and without SI respectively.
274. Galvanization means coating metal with zinc, or the act of stimulating action.
275. Through the econometrics tools, it observes and studies on the stimulating effects of technology spillover in international trade upon China's economic growth.
276. In a lucidly written book that is intellectually stimulating yet still true fun, Dr. Pfaff has accomplished the seemingly impossible.
277. General introduction of neurology, the 4 main signs, stimulating signs defect signs, releasing signs, shock signs.
278. The remainder of 1972 and into '73 was, for Celia, an exciting, stimulating time.
279. Feng ditches his usual sharp-tongued humor and feisty characters to concentrate on stimulating the tear ducts through traditional but polished storytelling technique.
280. Objective:To observe the therapeutic effects of treating insomnia patient by giving Ginkgo Biloba Succi through Umbilical Cord and stimulating Shenque acupoint with pulse cupping.
281. Researches showed that there were abundant immune active substances in immune milk, such as immune globulin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, growth stimulating factor and etc.




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