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单词 Vigorous
1, Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.
2, The vigorous young plants grew fast.
3, Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.
4, She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over.
5, They conducted a vigorous campaign for a shorter working week.
6, Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.
7, The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.
8, Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.
9, She made a vigorous speech in defence of her boyfriend.
10, Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.
11, The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.
12, They took part in a vigorous army assault course.
13, He is yet in green vigorous senility.
14, The old man is still vigorous and lively.
15, Bamboo is a very vigorous grower.
16, Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician.
17, She was a very vigorous sort of person.
18, A healthy society promotes vigorous debate.
19, African dance is vigorous,(http:///vigorous.html) but full of subtlety.
20, He takes plenty of vigorous exercise.
21, We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.
22, This plant is a vigorous grower.
23, The group is not vigorous enough in its opposition to the proposals.
24, Vigorous exercise will help to get rid of your spare tyre.
25, Vigorous efforts are being made to find a solution to the problem.
26, Vigorous action is needed to avert the danger of runaway inflation.
27, He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot.
28, He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.
29, Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring.
30, It's a good idea to stretch before you take vigorous exercise.
1, Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.
2, The vigorous young plants grew fast.
3, Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.
4, They conducted a vigorous campaign for a shorter working week.
5, Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.
6, The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.
7, Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.
8, She made a vigorous speech in defence of her boyfriend.
9, Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.
10, The old man is still vigorous and lively.
11, A deep - rooted tree is leafy ; an ambitious man is vigorous.
31, There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a new road.
32, Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.
33, Our attack was so vigorous that the enemy had to fall back to the river bank.
34, A deep - rooted tree is leafy ; an ambitious man is vigorous.
35, The council has waged a vigorous campaign against the proposal.
36, You will probably be asked about whether you partake in very vigorous sports.
37, These natural gifts she submitted to a vigorous discipline.
38, Williams' question started a vigorous debate among board members.
39, During vigorous exercise the brain generates chemicals called endorphins.
40, The economy needs vigorous resuscitation.
41, The word capitalist was more vigorous.
42, Apparently it's a much more vigorous place now.
43, Settlers demanded a more vigorous response, and got it.
44, The department has a vigorous research programme.
45, More vigorous action may sometimes be needed.
46, The final round tasting stimulated vigorous discussion and argument.
47, Williams cautioned that vigorous exercise can carry risks.
48, Despite a vigorous debate in Parliament last week, strong government majorities ensure that the proposal will become law.
49, An artist was finishing a vigorous painting of the Angel in the Apocalypse coming from the rising sun.
49, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
50, Vigorous appraisal of a problem and tenacious pursuit of its solution characterized Edward's whole life.
51, She believed that girls needed a fair dose of daily and vigorous exercise.
52, Thanks to its vigorous and far-seeing headmaster, it also found time for physical recreation, handiwork classes and art.
53, There was a vigorous life, both commercial and family, carried on in the basements of large Victorian terraces.
54, This latter proposition is not ideal as the more rampant plants will crowd out the less vigorous and often more desirable subjects.
55, After vigorous shaking, these were then counted in a Beckman scintillation counter.
56, Because it may be triggered by the vigorous smaller-scale fluctuations, such an instability will normally occur intermittently.
57, In low slack systems, vigorous competition in the environment prevents managers from easily tailoring their activities to achieve personal ends.
58, Much more vigorous action than is provided for in the Bill is needed.
59, Unlike the gentle technique described earlier, anti-cellulite massage should be vigorous to help drain away toxic wastes from the tissues.
60, Was the loss of consciousness preceded by vigorous physical exertion?
61, All that argues for the vigorous pursuit of nuclear non-proliferation.
62, Perspiring and trembling after a dissipated night, he is nevertheless vigorous as he plays the hopeful Lutheran hymns.
63, He is seen as having run a vigorous campaign, despite a lack of resources.
64, She was not too interested in the vigorous Claudine now that the light of day was here.
65, Substantial possibilities of popular upheaval, mobilized by a vigorous left, were very real.
66, Taylor would sometimes be compared to Theodore Roosevelt, a man similarly favored by circumstances and with a personality no less vigorous.
67, Linked to this have been a series of vigorous campaigns against paedophile organisations, including the use of the conspiracy laws.
68, Heavy pruning can promote vigorous new growth, which can increase susceptibility to the disease.
69, The government's spending programme is the subject of vigorous debates.
70, Made from a mixture of egg white and icing sugar, it involves vigorous beating to incorporate as much air as possible.
71, M26 is quite similar to M9, but a little more vigorous.
72, Scant make-up was applied, and her pale gold hair was treated to little more than a few vigorous strokes of a brush.
73, Terri's personal space occupied an area roughly the size of Mull and therefore required vigorous defences.
74, The more vigorous and acute the illness is the quicker things change.
75, Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands. Thomas Jefferson 
76, Essential to his effort was the restoration of a vigorous and self-conscious clerical caste.
77, The result was a triumph for Keynesian economics: a vigorous and expanding universe, filled with material objects.
78, Jones is mounting a vigorous legal and public relations challenge to the scientific evidence collected against his client.
79, All three were very vigorous: none was prepared to let the others eclipse it.
79, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
80, Noncontributor calls get through too, but who wants to bet which will get the most vigorous response?
81, Vigorous efforts were made to tip the balance more in favour of those with greater needs.
82, This is partly because the word itself tends to conjure up the picture of performing some type of vigorous sport.
83, Such fresh awareness can occur in the midst of vigorous action.
84, This is especially important for anyone who has been sedentary or who has not engaged in regular vigorous physical activity.
85, I agree with my hon. Friend that Hampshire county council waged an extremely vigorous campaign against the proposal.
86, Naturally enough, for vigorous growth, a medium consisting of some clay or mud is needed.
87, I found the Sanctus, though essentially vigorous, perfunctory in its lack of subtlety in emphasis and articulation.
88, Skiing is vigorous exercise, and it takes muscle power to control your skis on a downhill run.
89, We had fourteen check-ins a day, classes in Latin, a vigorous program of athletics and every night a study hall.
90, And it has certainly opened up a vigorous debate that will not now be stilled.
91, Buchanan, by contrast, has waged a vigorous Arizona campaign, wooing voters with his anti-immigrant, anti-corporate and anti-Washington themes.
92, A strong, small-scale transition field could, however, correspond to particularly vigorous dynamo action.
93, The improved blood circulation enables practitioners to perform tasks in a more vigorous and healthy manner.
94, After half an hour or so of vigorous boring with the hand drill, we both worked up a sweat.
95, The US intends to pursue vigorous programs in space science.
96, The choreographer's problem is how to make subtle or vigorous gesture visible to those on the other side of the footlights.
97, Another approach would be to help the patient find other means of discharging tension. Vigorous exercise is one.
98, What he actually offered was a vigorous defence of the mixed economy with a passing assault on Treasury investment rules.
99, Equally important was its decision to combine support for the war effort and for the Government with the most vigorous campaigning politics.
100, Then he took off in fast flight, and l saw him in vigorous chase after a snowshoe hare.
101, The group is warning Borders Regional Council to expect vigorous opposition whenever a school is singled out for review.
102, The problem is the vigorous shaking of the trunk puts a strain on the roots.
103, His voice was vigorous and his tone was sharp as he spoke to large crowds at two campaign rallies.
104, At 80, Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.
105, The grass was scythed, the elm trees well-pruned and vigorous in their growth.
106, Unlike the preceding species this plant is much more manageable as it is less vigorous.
107, Vigorous and often hostile debate has persisted among the advocates of these three conceptions of how politics works.
108, The rate of decrease of the pulse after vigorous exercise is a good indication of the overall fitness of an individual.
109, This does not mean embarking on extremely vigorous pursuits, although people in their 70s and 80s still run marathons!
109, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110, Summer's herbaceous perennials can quickly transform the garden scene with their vigorous growth.
111, His vigorous attacks on his Republican opponent and Dewey's polite, complacent campaign made a sharp contrast.
112, Comments: This attractive dwarf-lily is less vigorous, but produces beautiful, delicate-looking leaves.
113, He indicated that a vigorous recovery programme was being carried out 90,000 reminders had been issued and thousands of summonses sent.
114, Clarke engaged in a vigorous debate with the doctors but found public sympathy running against him.
115, The median age of the 28, 000-plus permanent residents is a vigorous 44.
116, The same vigorous speech was heard on the streets, through which surged hosts of excited men..
117, Permission for the development was granted in the teeth of opposition from a vigorous local campaign.
118, Walking and swimming are activities which can be as gentle or as vigorous as you care to make them.
119, Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
120, There is exhilaration to be had from his fresh vistas, vigorous assertions as they are of a truly independent mind.
121, Avoid running or other vigorous exercise during the heat of the day.
122, The left is hardly vigorous today; and, for the moment, there seems little chance of mobilizing a conservative society.
123, The Promenade track receiving the attention of a vigorous track gang near Central Pier.
124, In telling his tale of the 30s Brendon paints a vivid and vigorous canvas.
125, In his recent appearances, Yeltsin has looked vigorous and sounded very much in charge.
126, He had been a gregarious collegian, intrepid traveler and vigorous outdoorsman.
127, Tussive syncope, which usually occurs in the context of bronchitis, consists of loss of consciousness with vigorous coughing.
128, I was all in favor of a vigorous campaign offensive, but this simply exceeded the bounds of good taste.
129, Q: My teen-age daughter has acne that has gotten worse despite various diets and the vigorous use of different soaps.
130, He was sly, shrewd, meddling, as well as fresh, charming and vigorous.
131, Fig. 8 Arm muscles Ballistic stretching is more vigorous, as the name suggests, and involves bouncing and jerking movements.
132, An open and vigorous debate is the mark of a healthy democracy.
133, I was not only losing weight but I felt better: fitter, more alert, more vigorous.
134, As I said, we're an old established company, but we're forward-looking and vigorous.
135, This was a vigorous defense of the bill and not without merit.
136, He's retired, of course, but he helps out at St Clem's and he's still very vigorous.
137, Poor, lacking cohesion, she could not pursue a vigorous foreign policy.
138, Suppleness Exercises ranging from yoga to vigorous swimming engage the body's muscles in regular and rhythmic movements.
139, Mr. Redwood I can promise that the Department will take vigorous action where there are good cases.
140, Clark's vigorous campaign against the dumping of nuclear waste will continue.
141, According to a recent survey, a quarter of people over twelve get no vigorous exercise at all.
142, The Great Seducer was on the loose and quietly and anonymously returned to a more vigorous social exchange.
143, However, the orchestra gave a vigorous account of the work with a truly thrilling end.
144, Firstly, he certainly thwarted some papal provisions by taking vigorous action against any bishop involved in the process.
145, In the absence of a vigorous middle class the intelligentsia lacked any effective levers through which to bring about change.
146, Next there was a vigorous Russian dance, with plenty of stamping of feet and clapping.
147, She put herself through many risky experiences on the road, along with some vigorous political activity.
148, Plants tend to grow big and lush on heavy soils, a feature worth enhancing by going for vigorous species.
149, Vigorous exercise increases the core body temperature by about two degrees Fahrenheit.
150, Thomas was renowned as a vigorous opponent of affirmative action or reverse discrimination, espousing minority self-help rather than racial quotas.
151, He combined outstanding intellectual ability with a vigorous, highly disciplined, and formidable personality.
152, As I mentioned earlier, you must always bear in mind the effect of poor fertility, and less vigorous habit.
153, The general idea behind them was that they would provide a setting for vigorous entrepreneurs, capable of generating an industrial renaissance.
154, Mr Jack Kemp, the new housing secretary, promises vigorous enforcement of the law.
155, It's a vigorous campaign and I've suffered from it before.
156, Northampton Town's followers bestowed the well-meant, if dubious, honour on Graham Reed, a vigorous and gritty right-back.
157, It is a vigorous climber bearing masses of exotic flowers followed by yellow, plum-like fruits.
158, The meet was way off schedule, and a vigorous wind chilled the stadium.
159, A vigorous round of denials and, yesterday, the suspension of the archivist followed.
160, A poor planting medium controls vigorous growth and almost checks the development of floating leaves.
161, As we have noted, only in comparatively few nations was the tradition of a vigorous opposition press established prior to independence.
162, Skeletal muscle also plays a part in propelling lymph, by massaging the ducts, particularly during vigorous exercise.
163, Baxter shareholders have voiced vigorous opposition to an acquisition of National Medical.
164, The test solutions were prepared in emulsion form by vigorous agitation of the components before administration.
165, Stove-blacking, coal-scuttle filling and vigorous work with the washboard were definitely out.
166, There are also more vigorous attempts to relate education to industrial training, particularly for school-leavers.
167, Studies of Whitehall civil servants in 1973 and 1980 suggested that vigorous exercise at weekends was associated with less heart disease.
168, Its monetary and fiscal policies would short-circuit recessions and promote vigorous growth.
169, Despite a vigorous campaign on the part of Alan Shepard to get the chimp grounded, the doctors insisted.
169, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
170, Listen to the dirge of the dry leaves, that were green and vigorous but a few moons before!
171, Indeed, if the stroke were a vigorous one, all kinds of subsequent histories might potentially unfold upon the table.
172, Summer comes early and is hot, but the humidity does not stifle vigorous activity, except in the landlocked plains.
173, The golden rule is to begin gently and not to plunge into a sudden regime of vigorous exercise.
174, Strombolian activity in the summit craters was vigorous, with spatter and bombs thrown 200m into the air.
175, But above all Fitzgerald envied Hemingway's vigorous worldliness, his swagger and adventurism.
176, Isaacs named the substance interferon, and for some years vigorous efforts were made to develop it into a practical therapeutic agent.
177, In recent years many governments have mounted vigorous campaigns against drinking and driving.
178, There are two main techniques, carbonisation and gasification; both require very vigorous conditions, especially high temperatures.
179, Further on sits a middle-aged man with a vigorous shock of gray hair.
180, Plums, peaches, nectarines St Julian A Fairly vigorous, best for large gardens or poor soils.
181, Administrative procedures must be tightened up, and effective publicity should emphasise prompt and vigorous action in the courts.
182, Loose eggs will hatch if vigorous aeration keeps them in constant motion.
183, The notary gave Broussac a vigorous shove which sent my companion sprawling into the open sewer.
184, Also the rapid growth of unemployment in the later 1920s convinced him that more vigorous short-term measures were appropriate.
185, a vigorous campaign against tax fraud.
186, His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.
187, Vigorous plant growth, good commodity rate.
188, Shannon arose, calm, forceful, vigorous, much younger.
189, He was vigorous , hardy, intelligent and straightforward.
190, The F 1 plants were vigorous and somewhat intermediate.
191, Under this situation, the government had to face the disorderly society and took vigorous action to adjust the division of the local administrative district.
192, Impregnable pass is overflowed , pu Dingzheng is striding strong and vigorous walking hasty and forward.
193, Vigorous young red elm trees thrust emerald - green crowns through a canopy of waist - high weeds.
194, Firstly, the part explains that A Q has vigorous vitality.
195, Flame red, multi _ petalled ; green petals in centre from ovaries, flowers inclining to one side, vigorous.
196, Zhang's vedio world starting from the boundless field of sorghum presents a dynamic and vigorous national soul, expressing a sense of pain that is mixed with bloodiness and profound love.
197, Trunk tall, straight, vigorous strong, two adults in order to encircle over.
198, In many schools across Asia, vigorous give-and-take is the exception.
199, With this kind of structure there have the merits: guaranteed the security, guaranteed the vigorous and healthy, guaranteed the truly thin client.
199, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
200, In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action.
201, This routine is dynamic but static, ups and downs, with Qi and strength, solidness and softness, it feels agile but vigorous.
202, Its musical style includes irregular rhythmic patterns, vigorous bodily movements.
203, With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.
204, Specifically for vigorous cultivating of entrepreneur, mechanism brings forward self viewpoint.
205, The synthesis ofm—Cresol from o—toluic acid by air oxidation was studied in a 1 liter reactor under vigorous stirring conditions in order to eliminate film resistances.
206, A ladies' man given to vigorous wall-shaking, the writer turns a blind eye to the hotel's decrepitude even as he keeps its female guests fixed in his sights.
207, They combined vigorous brushwork with decorative arrangements of form and colour.
208, Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, like the hair of an active man.
209, African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety, requiring great strength and control.
210, In history, the Tsengcheng litchi chinensis's output was not stable, and it started the vigorous development only in the past 20 years.
211, Lotus Domino attachment and object services has been through a vigorous beta test phase. Feedback from beta test customers has been positive and enthusiastic.
212, Alas, the hope of this happy result attracts intense competition, so vigorous in most years as to cause the P/C industry as a whole to operate at a significant underwriting loss.
213, Information manager system based on computer and communications technology is in a period of vigorous development.
214, Endometriosis vigorous exercise may menstrual blood from the cavity counter-current into the pelvic blood flow, with within endometrial debris may have grown in ovarian cyst, form.
215, His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.
216, Overview Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose from non carbohydrate precursors and is important for the maintenance of blood glucose levels during starvation or during vigorous exercise.
217, Bodybuilding, like many forms of vigorous exercise, is an aphrodisiac.
218, The book is full of heavy, simple and vigorous historical atmosphere and aroma that are rich in beauty of elegance, earthliness, sadness and r...
219, On all but the most favorable soils, Delaware should be grafted on a phylloxera-resistant rootstock to ensure vigorous growth.
220, The vigorous tour activities promote consumption, flourish economy, enrich people's life, and abet luxury as well.
221, Alien substitution lines are vigorous and fertile, indicating that the alien chromo-somes are able to compensate for the missing chromosomes.
222, Italian painter who introduced vigorous colors and the compositional use of backgrounds to the Venetian school. His works include the altarpiece The Assumption of the Virgin (1518).
223, I sincerely wish this CSW a successful session for vigorous new momentums to global gender equality.
224, Or away from the bad past anyway, the recent, misbegotten past, and into a better past, all mythy and sweetly vigorous, into that America where the future was full of endless possibility.
225, The movement itself is caused by the vigorous, whip - like lashings of the tail.
226, Vigorous activity can come from sports such as football squash netball and basketball and activities such as aerobics circuit training speed walking jogging fast cycling or brisk rowing.
227, Strengthen the formation of ossein, keep skin firm and vigorous with high luster.
228, Swimming methods improved: Some whales developed thick, powerful tails, bulleting ahead with vigorous up-and-down undulations of their lower bodies.
229, The few night - flitting things - bats, moths, owls - were vigorous in the warm darkness.
230, Vigorous exercise can bring on transient abnormalities in the functioning of the left ventricle.
231, More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.
232, In athletics, women's triple jump helped to build a vigorous and graceful shape most.
233, The principal mechanism underlying the acute rejection is the vigorous adaptive immune response against allogeneic antigen.
233, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
234, Spring is like a vigorous youth with ferreous arm and waist, leading us progressing.
235, And every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing a new home, honey bees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building.
236, The latent uneasiness in Darnay's mind was roused to vigorous life by this letter.




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