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单词 Conditioned response
1 If a conditioned response occurs, you will begin alternating escape scenes and pairing scenes.
2 What would be the conditioned response? Fear. Excellent.
3 What's the conditioned response? Nausea. Perfect.
4 The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus.
5 Instead of the rat making a conditioned response, we pick up response immediately from the brain.
6 How do you make conditioned stimulus, conditioned response things go away?
7 Behavioral psychologists believe that this automatic or conditioned response accounts for human mental activity as well, although they dislike that word "mental".
8 Instead of the rat making a conditioned response, we pick up the response immediately from the brain.
9 The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.
10 And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response.
11 Alternate pairing scenes with escape scenes to insure the firm establishment of the conditioned response.
12 This will require you to monitor and record the point at which your client initiates a conditioned response within each scene.
13 Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.
14 But are women more sleep-deprived and more susceptible to conditioned response than men?
15 Through the simple tools of classical conditioning then, the shoe becomes a conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response of sexual pleasure.
16 Then there is the realization that the mind is the past, the mind is this conditioned response.
17 A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld.
18 A fundamental law of conditioning is that any pattern that is continually reinforced will become an automatic and conditioned response. Anything we fail to reinforce will eventually dissipate.
19 "Whenever I saw a queue on the street I had a conditioned response to queue, because I knew that there must be something my family needed," Wang said.
20 The more this happens the more it becomes a conditioned response.
21 In this case, the movie is the bell and sleep is the conditioned response.
22 And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.
23 Psychology To bring about the extinction of ( a conditioned response ).
24 I can't say it requires any self-discipline to do this every morning because it's a totally conditioned response.
25 But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.




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