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单词 Trot
(1) Need makes the old wife trot
(2) You'd better trot along and finish your work.
(3) They won three games on the trot.
(4) Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland?
(5) You trot out that argument whenever I try to discuss this matter with you.
(6) I've been on the trot all day.
(7) The soldiers advanced at a swinging trot.
(8) The horse slowed to a trot.
(9) Her new job certainly keeps her on the trot.
(10) The horse started off at a steady trot.
(11) Her horse broke into a trot.
(12) She lost five games on the trot.
(13) Our horses slowed to a trot.
(14) They passed me at a trot.
(15) The trot is a pace of the horse.
(16) The horse broke into a brisk trot.
(17) He walked briskly,() but without breaking into a trot.
(18) He had broken into a trot.
(19) They've now won 3 games on the trot.
(20) We set off at a fast trot.
(21) He kicked his horse into a trot.
(22) She worked 30 hours on the trot to get the job finished on time.
(23) The girl broke into a trot and disappeared around the corner.
(24) In this book, John Pemble takes a brisk trot through the history and mysteries of Venice.
(25) I'll just trot round to the shops for some bread.
(26) When the horses reached the field they broke into a brisk trot.
(27) He climbed onto his horse and set off at a relaxed trot down the lane.
(28) The class has been cancelled three weeks on the trot now.
(29) The team warmed up for the match with a trot around the pitch.
(30) The pony's gait slowed from a canter to a trot.
(1) You'd better trot along and finish your work.
(2) They won three games on the trot.
(3) When the horses reached the field they broke into a brisk trot.
(4) Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland?
(5) He climbed onto his horse and set off at a relaxed trot down the lane.
(6) You trot out that argument whenever I try to discuss this matter with you.
(31) As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.
(32) She left her purse on the counter, so I had to trot down the street after her.
(33) She would happily trot behind him as he set off to commune with nature.
(34) The natural paces of the horse include the walk, the trot and the gallop.
(35) She broke into a trot and hurried on ahead of us.
(36) I start out at a brisk trot.
(37) With a click, the horse started into a trot.
(38) I'm going to trot over to the post office.
(39) Washington shuffles back to his bucket in almost a trot.
(40) I walked briskly one block over to Cabana, the wide boulevard that parallels the beach, and broke into a trot.
(41) She made them walk backwards and forwards, and then trot.
(42) As soon as we saw the ice-cream truck, we broke into a trot.
(43) They trot lightly down the path on the other side of the dip. Dixie waits for them to pass.
(44) Jules, entering into the charioteer spirit, drove standing up and the mare went along at a spanking trot.
(45) David Rennie earned Birmingham their fourth win on the trot with his first goal for the club.
(46) As I left the room at a trot everyone else was still pulling on shorts or even struggling with tightly knotted ties.
(47) The tired horse faced a journey of at least twenty miles across heavy country so he kept her at a sedate trot.
(48) Instead of proceeding at his normal brisk trot, he lumbered up the step-ladder and heaved himself ponderously inside the machine's cabin.
(49) You will be asked to walk, trot and canter around the ring with the other horses.
(50) The town was very quiet and once on land, they broke into a trot.
(51) And the idiot boys he grew up with would trot past the gate with their prizewinning bulls.
(52) The little man would trot around, mumbling contentedly, reenacting heroic skirmishes with rabid Orks in cramped subterranean Squattish strongholds.
(53) In a trot the forequarters and hindquarters are mutually co-ordinated while the back remains level, firm and relatively motionless.
(54) They may well crack altogether if Blackburn could win 3 or 4 games on the trot.http:///trot.html
(55) We must have had 20 groups of costumed revelers trot by us up on stage.
(56) Hrun slung the unconscious dragonlord over his shoulder and set off at a trot back to the arena.
(57) Nevertheless they mounted and rode at a good trot up the great road towards the north.
(58) The museum's permanent exhibition is basically an educational trot through London's history from prehistory to the present day.
(59) Looking forward to Joyce he too broke into a trot.
(60) Ralf Isambard came into sight along the pathway, splendid in black, riding at a gentle trot.
(61) They were going right through the Hacienda at a trot.
(62) He broke into a trot as he headed up the path to the staff-cabins.
(63) It wasn't until she was completely out of his sight that she allowed herself to break into a swift trot.
(64) What about the 10 superb games he had on the trot recently?
(65) It always annoys me so much the way you girls trot it out like you're saying something so astute and revealing.
(66) But Schuey was in top form and the triple world beater always looked odds-on to score his fifth win on the trot.
(67) The evidence of video films is that the police advanced at a trot and that at all times they were controlled.
(68) The inhibitions of the average citizen were hot to trot.
(69) Pick of the plonk and pies Fiona Beckett Wines to trot out with the turkey.
(70) He kicked his st'lyan into a trot across the wide stone-paved courtyard.
(71) In response to the protesters, Western policymakers often trot out the line that globalisation is good for the poor.
(72) Margarett learned the turkey trot from her brother Frank and passed it on to Eddie.
(73) The footfalls drummed a fast, regular pattern of coordinated trot.
(74) Before he could close it the crowd swarmed past him in their hundreds and set off towards the castle at a trot.
(75) He broke into a trot and the three surprised young men did likewise, aware that something must have gone wrong.
(76) Without waiting to find out what it meant, she broke into a trot and hurried on round the next corner.
(77) The animal was struggling with a loose shoe and was in no mood to break into a trot.
(78) Jumping Skipper showed a pleasing boldness in his jumping, which was still often done from trot.
(79) Bob Simpson believes a bad trot is always about to end - not that it is bound to be extended.
(80) When you first trot these out, you may find that to your ears they sound artificial and contrived.
(81) The system is somewhat analogous to one that might be devised as a trot for students of Latin.
(82) The horses ran along the track at a swift trot.
(83) We need to catch up 4 points. 4 wins on the trot will put us on course.
(84) The weather is glorious, so we trot through the suburban roads and leafy lanes, and find a hitherto undiscovered park.
(85) One of the men shouted after her and she broke into an awkward trot.
(86) Ballet Imaginaire sold out three nights on the trot in Lincoln.
(87) In those days all the cutters were laid up on the trot piles in the river Hamble during the winter months.
(88) They broke into a trot and found Mary standing in the middle of a thicket.
(89) Skipper worked nicely on the flat, so John built us a six inch cross pole to trot over.
(90) We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.
(91) He heard a horse approaching at a spanking trot.
(92) Compare run , trot, jog, gallop, sprint and race.
(93) Eccentric Fox - Trot in C for Bassoon Quartet.
(94) We rode at a spanking trot.
(95) Trot out the horses for the buyers to watch.
(96) Philip has won three races on the trot.
(97) He's able to trot out some encouraging numbers.
(98) Jog trot forest, and your chat again surfacing.
(99) They have won three races on the trot.
(100) The back, while moving in a trot, will remain firm and flat.
(101) The movement a terrier trot typical of the long - legged terrier.
(102) Indeed, they begged for songs all the time, especially in their cribs, where Id trot out all the novelty tunes like "Mairzy Doats" or "Three Little Fishies."
(103) Suddenly he slowed his long, effortless jog trot up to the steep.
(104) A slow, cadenced trot in which the horse alternately raises and returns to the ground first one diagonal pair of feet, then the other.
(105) But President Obama eventually decided not to release the photos(), saying: "We don't trot out this stuff as trophies."
(106) I like the old styles of dance, such as fox - trot, waltz, rumba, tango and so on.
(107) The rain pelts down as the doctor and a burka-wearing midwife cling to their horse and donkey as they trot up a slippery slope, leaving the roaring river below.
(108) Physicists have a stock phrase they trot out whenever someone claims to have made an astounding new discovery about the universe.
(109) The magnificent white horse slowed to a gallop, then a trot, and the unknown Elf rider moved to the front of the line at a slow, almost ghostlike pace.
(110) He is always able to trot out some new excuse.
(111) If I fired back that playing video games wrecked one's eyesight, he'd trot out a study proving that they improved a person's field of vision.
(112) You can't arrive to do business in Beijing and trot out English--- that won't do.
(113) If a search engine wants to seem twice as good as a competitor, they need only trot out a bar chart showing they have twice as many documents as their competitor.
(114) The Field Spaniel should be show at its own natural speed in an endurance trot, preferably on a loose lead, in order to evaluate its movement.
(114) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(115) When at a full trot, the Puli covers ground smoothly and efficiently with good reach and drive, the feet naturally tending to converge toward a median line of travel as speed increases.
(116) If he can just get her in his mouth, he could trot away and figure out exactly what she is without anyone disturbing him.
(117) The changeups start with 300 and Watchmen director Zack Snyder, who switches from male-on-male violence to trot out a quintet of lingerie-clad ass-kickers in Sucker Punch.
(118) They are not, however, asked whether they wear their T - shirts for three days on the trot.
(119) Sales of new cars rose in May for the second month on the trot.
(120) His novel trots out a rich heiress ; always able to trot out some new excuse.
(121) Riding at a gait between a trot and a gallop: the cantering soldiers.
(122) The Passage is a measured , very collected , very elevated and very cadenced trot.
(123) Manufacturers fared almost as badly, and have now lost jobs for 21 months on the trot.
(124) Chinese officials merely repeated the stock phrases they trot out whenever trouble occurs on the peninsula, about the need for restraint from both sides.
(125) Cadence is shown in trot and canter, and is the result of the proper harmony that a horse shows when it moves with well-marked regularity, impulsion and balance.
(126) So she set the little creature down, and felt quite relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood.
(127) Rising trot---the action of the rider when rising from the saddle at one beat of the trot sequence, missing the next, and returning to the saddle on the next.
(128) Four sailors came up the hill toward the house at a jog trot.
(129) A short trot down the sloping greensward brought Simon to the massive gatehouse.
(130) We have no risk control group we can trot out with a PowerPoint presentation.
(131) Just twenty years ago, when my parents had friends round for dinner – or worse, when I did – my dad had a ready arsenal of stinkers he'd trot out when conversation dipped.
(132) Pop science loves to trot out research on rodents to confirm or challenge behavioral assumptions.
(133) The horse started to trot and suddenly shied as the white man threw up his hand.
(134) Maybe it's a sign of idealism, in an endearing belief in the goodness in people and the brotherhood of man that makes people trot out their lowest moments like circus ponies.
(135) When I was very young, my mother used to trot me out in front of relatives and ask, "Alan, what's thirty-five plus ninety-two?"
(136) A lazy student can dispense with the original and use the English text as a trot.
(137) When most politicians trot out their listening tastes, you get the feeling it is just the work of spin-doctors trying to send a particular message.
(138) Softly jog trot Jinjiao Shi, cherish the time to read it.
(139) Guys like a girl who can be as vulgar as their guy friends, but don't trot out your award-winning burps or four-letter fiestas until at least the second or third date.
(140) There she alighted, walked for an hour, rejoined her brougham and returned home at a fast trot.
(141) So, that makes three defeats on the trot, all by a single goal margin.
(142) Learn how to stop the horse from an extended trot when riding bareback - free video.
(143) Like a spaniel, I trot proudly over to Wagner a fine white net through the ironweed.
(144) We have had three clean sheets on the trot, which is encouraging the 31 - year - old said.
(144) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(145) They trot out a plausible theory with computer models to go with it.
(146) A suspended trot with joint flexion when viewed from the side.
(147) The character of trustee ? ? civil compensation liability of breach of trust should be trot liability.
(148) Dad comes up from the basement in his gimpy comic trot, concerned, takes a bullet in the chest, drops to his knees, takes one in the head, and that's that.
(149) A somewhat popular dance in the very early 20th century was the "turkey trot".
(150) Half passforward and sideways movement at the trot or canter where the horse crosses its legs.
(151) Characteristic of the Otterhound gait is a very loose, shambling walk, which springs immediately into a loose and very long striding, sound, active trot with natural extension of the head.
(152) Modern ( Modern Dance ), including waltz, Viennese waltz, tango, fox trot and step step dance.
(153) She set the little creature down, and felt quite relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood.
(154) Down the quiet street Archer heard the approaching trot of her horses.
(155) Little Trot, a tiny spaniel was comfortably curled up on her back.




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