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单词 cagey
释义  cag·ey /ˈkeɪdʒi/ adjective  SECRETunwilling to tell people about your plans, intentions, or opinions 〔言谈〕小心谨慎的,守口如瓶的 OPP opencagey about He was very cagey about the deal. 他对这笔交易守口如瓶。 —cagily adverb —caginess nounExamples from the Corpuscagey• As a result, agents are becoming even more cagey about developing raw talent.• The manager was more cagey about this.• She's very cagey about what she spends her money on, don't you think?• Yet he was cagey and knew when to be blunt.• His habitual London expression, cagey and mournful, was never to be seen.• He has to be cagey, Billy, you should know that as well as anyone.• Coach Bob Dwyer is playing it cagey over his choice of a replacement skipper.• The rest of the league has been waiting for a belly flop, but the Giants' cagey right-hander refuses to wilt.• He gets very cagey whenever I ask him about his job.• If he hadn't played so cagey with her, she'd have told him.cagey about• The White House is being very cagey about the contents of the report.cag·ey adjectiveChineseSyllable  tell your intentions, people or unwilling opinions about to Corpus plans,




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