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单词 Female offspring
1. She added, "We hope to continue studying the female offspring to see if they enter the mouse version of menopause earlier than mice whose mothers were not exposed to PAHs."
2. The body length of female offspring of T. elegans was significantly longer than of males.
3. The birth weight of all male and female offspring rats were measured on postnatal day 2.
4. Fertilization and embryo development toxicity in gravidity mice female offspring exposed to lead acetate was studied.
5. Female offspring of male rats on bad diets are more likely to develop diabetes-like disease.
6. The female offspring of low-licking mothers also showincreased sexual receptivity as adults.
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7. The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young.
8. The excess males must wait until large enough units have been generated through the maturation of female offspring.
9. The real surprise came when Morris's team went on to examine the obese rats' female offspring.These too had problems regulating insulin and glucose levels.
10. They were all paired with healthy, non-diabetic female rats of normal weight and female offspring of the obese and diabetic rats began showing signs of diabetes by week 13.
11. Conclusion:BPA exposure in utero can disturb the function of thalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, then affect the function of reproduction and development in female offspring rats.
12. In the mixed environment, asexual females were more likely to produce sexually reproducing female offspring.
13. After the mice gave birth, the scientists analyzed the uterus of female offspring and extracted DNA.
14. Advancing age not only reduces a woman's ability to conceive but also raises the risk that her female offspring will struggle to conceive later in life, scientists claim.
15. In return, the recipient families could help another family become self - reliant by passing on to them one of their gift animal's female offspring, so that the living gift is never - ending.
16. Additional provinces saw a similar trend in 2000, raising expectations that the country as a whole may have turned a corner with regard to female offspring.
17. Fathers eating a fatty diet can pass on health problems to their female offspring, according to a study in rats published in Nature.
18. That high-fat diet increased breast cancer in the rats' female offspring. And, more surprisingly, it apparently increased breast cancer in the granddaughters.




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