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单词 Freed
1. He freed himself of the charge of stealing.
2. His family are agitating to get him freed.
3. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.
4. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
5. Winning the prize freed him to paint full-time.
6. He expects to be freed quite soon.
7. We freed time each week for a project meeting.
8. He was freed on bail pending an appeal.
9. We freed him from his financial obligations.
10. A good kick finally freed the door.
11. They were freed yesterday by their kidnappers unharmed.
12. More than 200 people were freed by military decree.
13. She freed herself of worry.
14. She longed to be freed of her responsibilities.
15. Three people were freed from the wreckage.
16. Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.
17. The press has now been freed from political control.
18. That country is now freed from imperialist slavery.
19. They freed the birds from the cages.
20. The press was freed from political control.
21. The committee is working to get the prisoners freed.
22. The hostages were freed in the commando raid.
23. He had finally been freed of his responsibilities.
24. She was freed from prison last week.
25. At last the country has been freed from its enormous debts.
26. Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past.
27. The act had a specific intent,(/freed.html) to protect freed slaves from white mobs.
28. The court ruled that he should be freed on bail of $50,000.
29. This movement overthrew the serf system and freed a million serfs and slaves.
30. The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States.
1. He freed himself of the charge of stealing.
2. His family are agitating to get him freed.
3. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.
4. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.
31. Both men were freed from the wreckage after a four-hour operation.
32. Paul was put into the cell,his wrists were finally freed from handcuffs.
33. At last the country has freed itself from the chains of the authoritarian regime.
34. They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance.
35. Anti-vivisectionists last night freed a number of animals from a laboratory.
36. Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
37. All the victims have now been freed from the wreckage.
38. We have freed up some staff to deal with the backlog of work.
39. They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.
40. They will run wild freed from the fetters of control.
41. She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.
42. By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed.
43. We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.
44. With remission for good behaviour, she could be freed in a year.
45. But they were eventually freed and given amnesty.
46. He freed a hand and wiped away the spit.
47. The third was freed on police bail.
48. A fourth person was freed on £50,000 bail.
49. His carefree choreography freed something in them,() as well.
50. He was freed on £600 bail.
51. To Freed, it purely and simply meant money.
52. Sudhu Ram was freed from bondage in 1988.
53. The export sector was freed before the import Sector.
54. The kidnappers freed the last two hostages unharmed.
55. Freed in the slipstream of profanity, it took wing.
56. Mann was finally freed by his captors.
57. Their boon is life for ever freed from toil.
58. They freed the slaves and got rid of dictators.
59. Last Friday Jacqueline Fletcher was freed from prison.
60. In 1962, Freed was fined $300 and blackballed from radio.
61. There were calls for political detainees to be freed and chants in support of the new opposition group, New Forum.
62. They freed their hostages, including the ambassador, and left the embassy peacefully on Oct. 7.
63. Hopkins was among the first to say that awakening could not truly take over a heart until its owner freed slaves.
64. The great thing about our experiment was that it freed painting from all imitative or conventional contexts.
65. There, surprised Felix Holt finds her when he is freed from prison.
66. His spirit, freed from his body, was in communication with her.
67. A ship freed of barnacles is not yet a ship on course to its destination.
68. The major was aware that the main suspect had been freed on the orders of the opposition leader.
69. Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain 
70. The rate was freed to float in line with market demand today.
71. He was recently freed after serving a sentence for leading anti-government riots.
72. Irwin compared Davis' experiences on parole to his own studies into the difficulties that convicts face when they are freed.
73. Freed from the stones' strange attraction to its parts, H-5 regained its composure and lived up to expectations.
74. A man who lives near Sharpness docks was arrested yesterday and questioned overnight in Gloucester before being freed.
75. Private rented accommodation has been increasingly freed of rent control, taking it beyond the reach of the young homeless.
76. They were freed after 30 rescuers had clawed away rubble with bare hands in temperatures of 100F.
77. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves. Nelson Mandela 
78. Only 24 percent said the slowdown in building activity had freed up enough planners and inspectors to speed up processing time.
79. Her batting average there: five stays of execution, one commuted to life in prison, and two men freed completely.
79. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
80. Not many years after these freed men invented their church organization, desperate militants inspired slave revolts.
81. They had slid his noose from their necks and freed themselves of him.
82. Only after Coleridge returned from Shrewsbury, freed at last from immediate financial worry, could vague hopes be transformed into clearer intentions.
83. Some remarkable men are now being freed after a quarter century in prison.
84. Nano, imprisoned on what he insists were trumped-up corruption charges, was freed as the disorders heated up.
85. The President has renewed a push to get the hostages freed.
86. Then I felt freed, as if I were untying fetters.
87. Patients and their carers would have a realistic choice freed from fears of favouritism and unfair influence.
88. The industrialist, who was captured on November 24th, was freed after 84 days in captivity.
89. Juan is freed when a letter is discovered granting him pardon for his crime.
90. The initial three-year sentences on two others was confirmed while the other person was freed.
91. Farc commanders said the freed prisoners would not return to combat.
92. There wouldn't be any later, unless somehow, at the eleventh hour, I freed Karen from her sterile remorse.
93. With the introduction of agriculture mankind entered upon a long period of meanness, misery, and madness, from which they are only now being freed by the beneficent operation of the machine. Bertrand Russell 
94. When the islanders knew themselves freed from the tyrant it was easy for Perseus to find Danae and Dictys.
95. L.. Douglas Wilder, ruling the punishment did not fit the crime, granted Iverson conditional clemency and freed him.
96. The 18-month-old boy tipped over his buggy, freed himself from the straps and crawled into the pond at Chatham, Kent.
97. Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.
98. His brothers, Abbas and Shahbaz, who were serving jail sentences for corruption, were also freed and allowed to leave.
99. Some of my most satisfying work at Arky, Freed was done on behalf of Eastern Airlines flight attendants.
100. I freed myself from the antiquated strait jacket of his verbose speech patterns.
101. Bubbly feeling:THE Marquess of Blandford, freed from jail after a judge admitted a mistake, toasted his liberty with champagne.
102. The act freed for ever slaves used by rebels to aid or abet the insurrection of the states.
103. Detained in July 1991, he had been freed on bail in November and had apparently slipped bail.
104. Most had escaped but some were freed by owners newly inspired by the idea of liberty.
105. Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another.
106. Her thick honey-blonde hair, freed now of its plait, brushed against her neck in silky waves.
107. On the year of jubilee all slaves are freed, all debts are cancelled and the land lies fallow.
108. Freed from electoral politics, she became an oracle of sorts.
109. Unknown to Peevay, his mother had been kidnapped and raped repeatedly by Jack Harp(Sentencedict), a freed convict.
110. Ewan's former opponent, freed for a second, thrust forward with his spear.
111. In three days of releases in early September 465 prisoners were reported to have been freed.
112. Lifeguards at that time reported that the whale appeared lethargic and did not attempt to swim away once freed from the kelp.
113. Once his boots were satisfactorily freed of mud, Jonadab strode into the house, leaving the rest to follow.
114. The posts thus freed were then available as inducements to other potential government supporters.
115. In contrast Farc released a video showing its freed guerrillas saluting stiffly as they were greeted by an honour guard of rebels.
116. Treatment has freed Jenna from her drug addiction, allowing her to live a productive life.
117. As the tense muscles begin to relax, sometimes pent-up emotions are also freed.
118. You are freed from the tyranny of a limy soil as long as you use an ericaceous compost.
119. Two weeks ago firemen freed a woman after a practical joke ended in her unable to release herself.
120. Funds long used for defense and aggression are at last freed for peaceful uses.
121. He is freed by Britomart, his betrothed, whose chastity gives her great military powers.
122. Reagan lifted the pipeline sanctions and Britoil went up for sale and Lech Walesa was freed.
123. The allies arrived in Brussels on September 3rd and Antwerp was freed the next day.
124. They also would be freed from most government restraints on what and how much they plant.
125. This traditional migration to the high pastures freed by summer is called transhumance.
126. Anyone belonging to these categories who had been taken captive was to be freed.
127. Virtual reality can be that much more convincing when the user is freed from the headset.
128. Their fins and tail are freed for guidance and rapid propulsion.
129. A jammed hinge or latch can be freed with a penetrating oil such as Plus Gas.
130. Whenever he's freed, his solicitor added that Paul Rachael remains full of remorse for what happened.
131. The Guildford Four were freed in 1990 after it became clear that evidence used against them had been fabricated by the police.
132. One 63-year-old freed prisoner revealed that captives were kept in metal cages without sanitation or adequate food.
133. Carrie freed herself from repression by both her schoolfriends and her religious fanatic of a mother.
134. His supporters are demanding that he be freed from prison.
135. Many of these young offenders should have been freed a long time ago.
136. Jackson was freed on bail Monday while Medina remains in jail unable to meet the conditions for his release.
137. Farmers with reasonable sized holdings were in a matter of years freed from the stranglehold of money lenders.
138. Couple Freed: Firefighters had to release a man and woman from handcuffs.
139. However, the party's representation flounders when it is freed from the rigours of the quota system.
139. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
140. Months later, Heather freed the slaves and sold the plantation.
141. All the pumps were frozen and had to be freed with burning straw.
142. The present store area within the Exhibition Hall should be freed to allow for conversion to classroom use.
143. Ship's captain Konstantino Stavridis, 43, arrested after the shipwreck, was freed yesterday on £5,000 bail.
144. I was even beginning to consider myself freed, until dinnertime that evening.
145. But why Zeus changed his mind and whether Prometheus revealed the secret when he was freed, we do not know.
146. In the easier version for younger children, they are freed by touching their outstretched arms.
147. After being freed Tuesday, the whale swam toward the ocean.
148. The farm was her prison until her inheritance from her father's estate freed her in three years' time.
149. How do we get back the passion that poor immigrant children and newly freed slaves once had for education?
150. His recovery of survival potential increased in ratio to the amount of energy freed from the engram bank.
151. They want to find out what it would be like to be a woman freed from all those age-old taboos.
152. Now, a half-dozen veterans on the reservation say Lonetree should have been freed long ago.
153. It freed scholars to pursue their researches without having to look over their shoulders at the Holy Office.
154. Now these students will be able to use the time freed up by dropping GCSEs to focus on practical skills.
155. This freed the geologists from this task and gave them more time to write memoirs.
156. Political, economic, and scientific functions had gradually freed themselves from religious control.
157. A strange light frightens her, and she screams to be freed from the room, falling unconscious when escape is denied.
158. The exception are aristocrats, who are served by a sufficient number of other people to be freed of this daily burden.
159. The incident appeared likely to diminish the chances of the prisoners being freed last night.
160. If I can make these changes, I can be freed from my captivity to unwanted stress.
161. Arky, Freed had quite a few public companies as clients.
162. Freed of its burden, the cab sped on, rammed into a low concrete wall.
163. Would it stay here for ever or be freed only when his murderer was brought to justice?
164. In 1988 Sea World freed three gray whales that had become tangled in drift nets.
165. The family, shaken but unhurt, were freed by one of the van drivers.
166. The dolphins will be freed into the ocean once their injuries have healed.
167. Under Augustus legislation was passed to allow freed slaves to marry and their children to become Roman citizens.
168. Sea World freed three gray whales in 1988 which had been tangled in drift nets.
169. When the freed slaves landed(http://), they enthusiastically started replicating the lifestyle of their erstwhile masters.
170. He told her of the disease, of its origin, of the blind foolishness that had freed it.
171. Marshall was freed, and detectives even spoke of arresting our reporters.
172. If the rabbits are to be shot then the man required to do the shooting must be freed from all other responsibilities.
173. Harte was freed and flew to Ireland, where he was arrested on arrival in Dublin.
174. Late last year the Northern Ireland sentence review board recommended that Adair be freed from Maghaberry.
175. And when it has come, the armistice will begin, and the hostages on both sides will be freed.
176. It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday's protests have been freed.
177. Read in studio A prison librarian who was held hostage in a cell for thirteen hours has been freed.
178. The house was surrounded by police and after Rennie had freed Marita, police went in and arrested him.
179. But other jocks of the period, notably white announcer Alan Freed, took money regularly.
180. On Jan. 31 state television announced that all but 34 of the 232 people arrested on Jan. 21 and 22 had been freed.
181. Working at Arky, Freed provided an atmosphere that encouraged me to express my feminism in daily professional dealings.
182. The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus.
183. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.
184. Authorities freed the socialite early this morning.
185. Freeing of memory involves inserting the freed node back to the free tree.
186. The son said he would recite the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita until the time all the souls trapped in hell were freed .
187. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.
188. Where the bondsman performs his responsibility, the bonded person shall not be freed from his obligation to complete Customs formalities.
189. So many psychopathic murderers – fortunate to have been under Barker's radical tutelage – had been declared cured and freed.
190. When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious.
191. Applications are freed from hard-coded dependencies on a particular data engine or storage schema.
192. Suddenly, we have been freed to use our finances to pursue endeavors far greater than those offered at our local department store.
193. His successor, Anwar Sadat, freed political prisoners, revived the economy and won a peace agreement with Israel that got back what Nasser had lost.
194. When he'd heard enough, de Roquefort freed the microphone from thewindow and withdrew with his two associates to the safety of a thick stand oftrees.
195. Founded as a French trading post in 843, it was named Libreville after freed slaves settled here (848). Population, 235,700.
196. More than 1,000 baby turtles were freed by villagers on the Salvadoran coast.
197. Main storage space is allocated for it dynamically and is freed after the operator command contained within the CIB has been processed.
198. Thirty-four million more children in Africa are now in school in large part because their governments used money freed up by debt relief.
199. Selected by Israel from among the 6,000-odd Palestinians it holds in its jails for terrorist (as opposed to mundanely criminal) offences, they are to be freed in two months' time.
199. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
200. They freed him only after he signed a deal to renegotiate compensation packages.
201. The United Nation's security general has urged Cuba to build on its decision to release up to 52 political prisoners, first of whom freed last week.
202. The 17th-century English soldier and political theorist Henry Ireton wrote the foundation of liberty is "that those who shall choose the law-makers shall be men freed from dependence upon others."
203. The stack gas, to a great extent freed of fuel, passes to electric filter for after-cleaning and is emitted through the stack.
204. Calm is the thought, calm the word and deed of him who, rightly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipoised.
205. Freed from the rigid provisioning required by SONET, carriers can dynamically allocate bandwidth using ATM virtual paths and virtual circuits on a temporary or permanent basis.
206. "While obviously we all want to see particular political prisoners freed, no one is satisfied by that kind of tokenism," he said.
207. He was freed Monday only after his wife and daughter protested outside the municipal government building.
208. I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright.
209. The boats were tied down beyond the reach of the storm tide, but she freed one and dragged it to the water.
210. It became entombed in the permafrost, where it remained until recently freed.
211. Hoover Dam provided the two key ingredients - water and power - that freed the Southwest and southern California to go on a 75-year growth spurt.
212. The moon had freed herself above the poplars. and poured her unreality on the garden.
213. Israel is hinting it would trade hundreds of Hamas prisoners for Corporal Shalit but is balking at some of the names Hamas wants freed.
214. It had freed him for a while from the Devilfish and its exacting captain.
215. The answer was found in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which had been enacted after the Civil War as a way to protect the newly freed slaves from discriminatory southern officials.
216. In mid-June, China rolled out a new currency policy that freed the yuan from its two-year de facto peg to the U.S. dollar.
217. Founded as a French trading post in1843, it was named Libreville after freed slaves settled here(1848). Population, 235, 700.
218. It's wise stake out each freed prisoner for a few months after out of prison.
219. If out of the ashes of Labour, Mr Osborne creates a self-reliant nation freed from benefit addiction, yesterday's pain will not be in vain.
220. In northeastern Mexico, troops killed three suspected drug cartel gunmen in a gunbattle and also freed a kidnap victim near the industrial city of Monterrey, the Defense Department said Saturday.
221. When my great, great, great grandmother was freed from slavery, she vowed she would never work for someone else again.
222. It claims to have freed more than 500 abducted by the group.
223. Many prisoners, on being freed , regress to a life of crime.
224. The ship, with its freed crew members, has arrived in the Kenyan port of Mombassa.
225. Memory usage is kept near optimal as buffer memory becomes allocated only when necessary and is freed as soon as possible, thus minimizing memory leaks.
226. Hundreds of brick kiln slaves were freed in 2007 following raids in northern China.
227. A decision not to indict should immediately be reported to the court in writing by the foreperson so that the accused may promptly be released from jail or freed on bail.
228. When a person drinks the water, the cyclop is killed by the acidity of the stomach and the larva is freed and penetrates the gut wall.
229. It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.
230. Freed of overseeing Chinese operations in Burma, Wedemeyer also relinquished the role of Chinese lend-lease administrator.
231. Most have a history of vassalage to China, from which they have freed themselves only in the past century because of China's misfortunes.
232. We should not be less vigilant to plagiarists and their followers because of our victory. Designers who are freed of originalism will put themselves in a passive position.
233. In 1854, however, Pope Pius IX declared that Mary was freed from original sin by a special act of grace the moment she was conceived in the womb of Saint Anne.
234. Ironically it was Mr. Liao's English skills that freed his creative passion, when an instructor asked him to translate the catalogs of the contemporary American artists George Segal and Jeff Koons.
235. Thirdly, the concept and the pattern which monarch and scholar - officials shared a common state power freed scholar - officials in their mentality, restrained ...
236. They were made to sign bonds for their loyalty, fined for trumped-up infractions, or hauled before his "council learned" for no reason, except to pay money to be freed again.
237. LONDON (Reuters) - Patients with chronic kidney failure could be freed from fixed dialysis machines, thanks to a wearable artificial kidney that has shown promising results in a pilot study.
238. He freed himself from unwholesome thoughts and became contented and happy.
239. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery.
240. The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
241. Skorzeny landed by glider with fifty paratroopers, stormed the hotel and freed Mussolini.
242. The country which had bloodlessly freed itself of communist ideology and had ended the cold war was experiencing a collective inferiority complex.
243. The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him.
244. The father said, "My dear son, because you recited the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita, you freed me from a ghostly form."
245. At the same time, matter was freed of the radiation pressure that had resisted the contraction of dense clumps .
246. Gorillas were freed and have lived up until this time in their original form.
247. When the native returns, not only has it not freed the global reference, but the application also no longer has a way to get the reference in order to free it later — so the object will live forever.
248. The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
249. They support the protests as a secular reaction to the Khomeini revolution, as the first step towards a new liberal-democratic Iran freed from Muslim fundamentalism.
250. Since the beginning of the civil-disobedience movement, more than 300 of them have been questioned by police and pressured into signing a disavowal of their spiritual guide before being freed.
251. Officials at Gorakhpur jail in Uttar Pradesh state say Mr Bihari, who requires regular hospital visits, was freed on humanitarian grounds.
252. In main, after returning from foo(), namestr is actually a dangling pointer, because foo() has freed that memory before returning.
253. He freed the TV crew, effectively commuting the execution order -- but there was a catch.
254. The banks would be freed faster than you can say "swing voter".
255. The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar.
256. When the timer is fired, the reference count on the structure is incremented, because the last thing you want is for the data structure to be freed before the timer expires.
257. As the workload demands fall below the threshold level, the instances of resources that were allocated are freed up.
258. Freed from Romish oppression, the nation and greatness it had never before reached.
259. The young filly needed to be freed from the tree after curiosity got the better of it and it wedged its head between separate sections of the trunk.
260. In 1854, however, Pope Pius IX declared that Mary was freed from original sin by a special act of grace the momentqhe was conceived in the womb of Saint Anne.
261. This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French.
262. In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.
263. Court documents show that after Ms. Bush's June arraignment, which she attended by telephone from Hawaii,(http:///freed.html) she relinquished her passport and was freed on her own recognizance.
264. It had freed him for a while from the Devilfish.
265. There are many Catholics who need to be freed from poverty," the prelate said.
266. Applications are freed from hard-coded on a particular data engine or storage schema.
267. The period from 1980 to 2000 illustrates how well markets can perform when freed from even some of the collectivist constraints of the past.
268. Ponce de Leon, freed of his governorship, decided to explore areas to the north, where there was rumored to be a fountain of youth that restored the youth of anyone drinking from it.
269. There was no time to investigate the release order that had freed them, either, but Lang promised to look into the matter later on.




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