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单词 Moneylender
1. The moneylender intends to have his pound of flesh.
2. He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators.
3. Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders.
4. The moneylender has been bleeding me white with high rate of interest.
5. No figure is given for moneylenders.
6. Springall was also a moneylender, a usurer.
7. Prices started to rise. Black marketeers and moneylenders mushroomed.
8. It's his job to bring the murderer of the old money-lender and her sister to justice.
9. The plaintiff moneylenders offered a loan to the son on the security of his parents' property.
10. Sir Oliver is sorry to hear that; but would he not be too smartly dressed to look like a money-lender?
11. The resulting squeeze brought an end to the love affair between the Reichmanns and the money-lenders.
12. Black marketeers and moneylenders mushroomed. In the hinterland, the peasants' meagre savings evaporated rapidly.
13. The moneylenders then looked to Sim for the cash and threatened him and his family.
14. This Shylock was a money-lender and a cruel man—everyone hated him.
15. I won't borrow money from the moneylender.
16. They fell into the clutches of the moneylender.
17. The female moneylender, who was old, fat and ugly fancied the farmer's handsome son, Cliff.
18. There lived moneylender named Shylock in Venice. He earned a lot by lending money to merchants.
19. Lk .7:41 A certain moneylender had two debtors : one owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty.
20. You can borrow money from a moneylender named Shylock. He always has money on hand.
21. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles.
22. The cunning female moneylender suggested that they let Providence decide the matter.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. Families with money problems often fall into the hands of the moneylenders and get further into debt.
24. Everyone, however, sympathized with junior officials; and everyone constantly wished a violent death on usurers and moneylenders.
25. The mandarins also kept an eye on any emerging capitalists, merchants, moneylenders and nouveaux riches.
26. After World War I, 50 percent of the land was mortgaged to moneylenders by owner-tenant farmers.
27. Samuel's large stall was in the rue de Sanghines, the street of the moneylenders.
28. The Carey family had to rely on a house provided by a Bengali moneylender to save them from destitution.
29. Some of your family had already emigrated during the last century and set up as moneylenders.
30. As Antonio did not have any money just then, he went to Shylock, a moneylender.
1. The moneylender has been bleeding me white with high rate of interest.




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