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单词 apt
释义  apt /æpt/ ●○○ adjective  1  be apt to do something OFTENto have a natural tendency to do something 倾向于做某事,易于做某事 SYN tend to Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays. 有些职员星期一往往迟到。2  RIGHT/PROPERexactly right for a particular situation or purpose 适当的,恰当的 SYN appropriate ‘Love at first sight’ is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her. 用“一见钟情”来形容他见到她时的感觉再恰当不过。apt for The punishment should be apt for the crime. 罚应当其罪。3. an apt pupil/student formalINTELLIGENT a student who is quick to learn and understand 聪明的学生 SYN able —aptness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusapt• Gibson refers to NARA as an organization, but "social club" might be a more apt description.• Mugezi's excremental duties are an apt metaphor for the punishing regime in which he finds himself trapped.• Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.• The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.• In this situation professionals are most apt to allow their normal reserve about commerce to lapse, and to give meaningful information.• And the more successful a company has been, the more difficult and painful this process is apt to be.• When a moving object catches their attention, babies are apt to focus on it.• She asks him to remember her, and he replies that he is more apt to forget anything else.• And I am apt to nudge my boys to join me in folding the laundry while we watch a television show together.• Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.apt description• In 1955, Gibson formally dubbed it an organization, though social club might have been a more apt description.• The manual suggests that you move the carriage as if ironing and this is a very apt description.• We were travelling along the Lofoten Wall, an apt description for the mountains protecting this huge sea fjord.• This time, the term attenuation band is an apt description of each range of frequency.• More than half of them said it tastes like melted-down bubble gum, which is an apt description of Josta.• There could not be a more apt description of this mountain in miniature.Origin apt (1300-1400) Latin past participle of apere “to fasten”apt adjectiveChinese  have to tendency do Corpus natural a something to




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