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单词 Galileo
1. The pick of this year's 3-year-old racehorses is Galileo.
2. Galileo lived in the city of Pisa.
3. Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
4. The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.
5. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
6. Galileo ended his days under house arrest.
7. His book challenged Galileo in the most spiteful way.
8. When, in 1609, Galileo constructed his first telescopes and trained them on the heavens, he made dramatic discoveries.
9. Galileo rendered his new conceptions meaningful and increasingly more precise by means of illustrations and thought experiments.
10. Galileo was not the first scientist to be forced to retract his theories.
11. Galileo was certainly conscious of this, rejoicing that there was an escape from the refuse.
12. Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
13. Galileo was even prepared to give the Bible jurisdiction over scientific hypotheses that had not been rigorously demonstrated.
14. Atlantis was to carry the Galileo space probe on the first leg of a six-year voyage to Jupiter this afternoon.
15. It was an enormous humiliation and Galileo was left a broken man, almost mentally deranged by the months of pressure.
16. Galileo had written a pious preface in which he ridiculed the Copernican theory as wild and fantastic and contrary to Holy Scripture.
17. Galileo was no sailor, but he knew of the longitude problem-as did every natural philosopher of his day.
18. Upon the impressive foundations that Galileo had laid, Newton was able to erect a cathedral of superb grandeur.
19. As with Galileo, he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
20. Contrary to the popular myth, Galileo seems to have performed few experiments in mechanics.
21. Like Galileo, he was committed to the Copernican system as a cosmology and not merely as a mathematical hypothesis.
22. Galileo and Kepler certainly strengthened the case in favour of the Copernican theory.
23. These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
24. Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo[ ], and others.
25. The first astronomer to study the surface of Mars was Galileo Galilei, who noted the phases of the planet in 1610.
26. On the same day, about 25 miles to the west, the Mission Bears will visit undefeated Galileo.
27. Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
28. Copernicus's findings laid the foundations for the later work of Galileo.
29. This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
30. NASA officials found a way to work around the technical glitch on the Galileo spacecraft.
1. The pick of this year's 3-year-old racehorses is Galileo.
2. Galileo lived in the city of Pisa.
3. Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
4. These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
31. An initial reluctance on the part of Galileo to publicize the Copernican system should not automatically be ascribed to fear of clerical censure.
32. Galileo pleaded ignorance of any such document and promised to produce that signed by Bellarrnine in 1616.
33. The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo, was fast becoming a dilemma.
34. The third of these great insights of Galileo was a beginning of an understanding of conservation of energy.
35. Oresme even drew an analogy with what would happen on a moving ship, as Galileo was later to do.
36. Galileo was humiliated in Rome in a manner that has no exact parallel in Protestant countries.
37. Galileo development is initially being funded by vendors - under pressure to win new procurement contracts.
38. After Galileo s stargazing it became increasingly clear that the Earth was just another planet, part of some one else s heavens.
39. In spite of these obvious difficulties, Galileo had designed a special navigation helmet for finding longitude with the Jovian satellites.
40. His writings deeply influenced many later mathematicians and scientists, most notably Galileo and Newton.
41. The Galileo affair illustrates a further difficulty for the apologetic use of history.
42. So Galileo set out to devise a method of considerable precision.
43. Even after he had been summoned to the Holy Office in April 1633, Galileo could still arouse sympathy in high places.
44. Galileo was to read medicine and so be able to earn a living.
45. Galileo was able to outmanoeuvre his rival in the fruitless game of the invention of adhoc devices for the protection of theories.
46. Given his admiration for the scientific achievements of Galileo and Harvey, it is no surprise that Hobbes shares their methodological ideas.
47. If Galileo gets safely off the pad, that will improve the odds considerably.
48. Galileo was mainly concerned with the motion of objects under gravity.
49. Galileo was forced to recant his belief in the Copernican theory.
50. An exasperated Galileo was able to show up the inadequacy of his rival's position in a characteristically witty way.
51. Michelangelo, Gioacchino Rossini, Galileo Galilei.
52. Everybody here knows the story of Galileo Galilei.
53. Galileo departed radically from the Greeks.
54. This space of emplacement was opened up by Galileo.
55. This is Galileo the " technologist. "
56. 1642- astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Italy.
57. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy,[http:///galileo.html] in 1564.
58. The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.
59. The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
60. I had heard of the likes of Einstein, Galileo." But, he added that he "didn't have a clue on earth as to what they were all about."
61. Galileo designed a clock using a pendulum as the time keeping element in 1635.
62. This year is the International Year of Astronomy, marking 400 years since Galileo Galilei first looked to the skies through a telescope.
63. The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who burned to death.
64. In 2001, Galileo detected that an asteroid had struck the moon, forming the Valhalla impact basin.
65. Just as Euclid illuminates Newton and Galileo, so they in turn help to make Einstein intelligible.
66. Scientists such as Galileo, Louis Pasteur, and Edward Jenner were laughed at because they held theories that were not accepted.
67. In my opinion, nothing occurs contrary to nature except the impossible, and that never occurs. - Galileo Galilei.
68. Galileo is said to have conducted his revolutionary experiments with falling objects from the off - kilter belfry.
69. And while he spent time in Europe, he met Galileo and Rene Descartes.
70. Run either one or two gels simultaneously on these versatile vertical separation systems from Galileo Bioscience.
71. In this way, Galileo is a force for democracy, becomes Galileo the " dissenter. "
72. His work was defended, expanded upon, and corrected by Galileo Galileiand Johannes Kepler.
73. In 1610, Galileo Galilei became the first person to observe Saturn's rings; however, he described them as "ears."
74. Frank Bucking now on the long illuminating life of the space probe Galileo.
75. And if your smart-alecky kid, full of all that Galileo stuff they get in school nowadays, should ask just where this Judgment business takes place, D'Souza provides you with a response.
76. Galileo Galilei, co - founder ( with Newton ) of the Scientific Revolution.
77. Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than 200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
78. Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.
79. Indeed the church would imprison Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, for advocating the sun-centred model of the universe a century later.
80. Galileo, I have already indicated that Hobbes had met, William Harvey, Rene Descartes; a handful of others who were part of what we think of as the modern scientific revolutionaries.
81. The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who was burned to death.
82. In the front rank among the physicists of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo.
83. Google unveiled this logo to celebrate the 400th anniversary since Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer, showed Venetian merchants his new creation, a telescope.
84. Then there are genius like Galileo and Newton. Ettore Majorana was one of these.
85. I recall that we discussed scaling and we used - the interesting example of Galileo Galilei-- an animal, and the animal has legs.
86. Two sulfurous eruptions are visible on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io in this color composite image from the robotic Galileo spacecraft that orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003.
87. Catholic Church had made a bad mistake with Galileo when it tried to lay down the law on a question of science.
88. And that may have convinced Galileo Galilei that that's the reason why the largest animals are as large as they are.
89. He has made the rehabilitation of Galileo a major goal.
90. The last time in human history in astronomy that we leaped a factor of ten, in one step, was when Galileo stopped using his eye and put the first telescope to his eye.
91. In his portrait, Bellarmine stares into one's very soul. and in February, 1616, he solemnly warns Galileo the Copernican doctrine is not to be held or defended. Galileo agrees.
92. You have just read a pamphlet entitled The Starry Messenger, by a mathematician at the University of Padua named Galileo Galilei in which the author reports remarkable observations about the heavens.
93. Follow the footsteps of Archimedes and Galileo who grew smart from numbers too!
94. ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.
95. It's uncommon sense that was needed to recognize that the Earth was turning on its axis. The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who burned to death.
96. After all it was Galileo Galilei who invented it right?
97. Wine is sunlight held together by water—poetic wisdom of Italian physicist, philosopher, and stargazer—Galileo Glilei.
98. Galileo Galilei traces the great scientist's education, describes his maverick experiments in Padua and Pisa, and recreates the ingenious pathway of his famous discoveries.
99. Go through the old streets to the Belvederi Palace. Open a safe. Take out a file Codex 1181, Proceedings against Galileo Galilei .
100. Galileo was by no means the first person to use a telescope.
101. Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.
102. 1612 – Galileo Galilei becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he mistakenly catalogued it as a fixed star.
103. The Galileo project, Europe's biggest single space programme, has been plagued by delays and squabbling over funding that ended only when the 27-nation EU agreed to funnel public funds into it.
104. SELEX Galileo, a Finmeccanica Company, will showcase its world-class capabilities in Surveillance, Electronic Warfare, Electro-Optics and Naval Systems at the Aero India 2009 air show in Bangalore.
105. Galileo Galilei , 1564 - 1642, Italian physicist and astronomer.
106. As to the Galileo affair, it is quite enough to point out the fact that the condemnation of the heliocentric theory was the work of a fallible tribunal.
107. Although his work was instrumental in bringing the Copernican system into prominence, Galileo was far more than just an astronomer.
108. Modern work on gravitational theory began with the work of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.
109. On the roof of the Collegio Romano, the old Jesuit headquarters, Galileo and his supporters the Jesuit astronomers and Bellarmine , used to observe the stars.
110. Galileo pioneered "experimental scientific method" and was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important astronomical discoveries.
111. The scientific innovations of Galileo Galilei are pivotal to our understanding of the laws of the natural world.
112. Italy Embassy Minister Counselor Mark David La Tour tower, said: "From the age of Galileo, China and Italy in science and technology, culture and development was inextricably linked."
113. Galileo was never able to duplicate the idealized experiment in the laboratory.
114. Galileo was a famous Italian scientist by whom the Copernican theory was further proved correct.
115. Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler,[] Isaac Newton and N. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design.
116. SELEX Galileo is a notable provider of Unmanned Aerial Systems, with the tactical Falco representing Europe's only UAS system exported to date.
117. From Aristotle - Ptolemy's geocentric said Copernicus - Galileo said that the heart of the evolution spent time in 2000.
118. In1609, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei watched space though the telescope.
119. Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter's moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.
120. This year it will be four centuries since Galileo discovered Jupiter's four large satellites, at a stroke quintupling the number of moons then known to humanity.
121. As a result of his " indiscretion ", the university refused to grant Galileo his doctor diploma.
122. Or that the Church wasn't right to silence Galileo, with his absurd theory (actually written by his proctologist) that the earth moves around the sun.
123. In 1609 Galileo tweaked a toylike spyglass, pointed it at the moon and Jupiter (not the neighbors), and astronomy took a quantum leap.
124. Galileo used a mercury clepsydra to time his experimental falling Bodies.sentencedict .com
125. In Electro-Optics, SELEX Galileo strongly values partnerships and is actively working with Indian Industry to assist in the development and support of its Infra Red products.
126. Galileo Galilei asked himself the question: Why are mammals as large as they are and not much larger?
127. US GPS and Russian GLONASS are two independent global satellite positioning systems. European GALILEO is an autonomous independent global multimode satellite positioning navigational system of Europe.
128. The third law was discovered by Kepler, who was a contemporary of Galileo.
129. Now I can subtly produce that my smartphone and have the entire skyscape at my disposal to make me sound like a regular Galileo.
130. In 1632, Galileo was still publishing, and John Locke was born.
131. In this paper, the Galileo program is introduced briefly and its services, configuration and application in maritime affairs are discussed.




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