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单词 Invented
1. Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting. 
2. Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.
3. He invented a new method to make bread.
4. He invented the first electric clock.
5. Edison invented the electric light.
6. Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
7. She invented a fictitious boyfriend to put him off.
8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
9. Watt invented the steam engine.
10. Who invented the steam engine?
11. The first safety razor was invented by company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.
12. They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.
13. She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.
14. He's a real person, not invented in a dream.
15. They invented a very convincing alibi.
16. He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.
17. He invented an ingenious excuse for his absence.
18. Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.
19. His stories were purely invented.
20. He was the man who invented the combine harvester.
21. Having been suggested by a bat, people invented sonar.
22. Printing was first invented by Chinese.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. The whole story was invented.
24. He invented some story about a cousin.
25. He invented a pathetic excuse about losing his watch.
26. Pneumatic tyres were invented in 1888 by John Dunlop.
27. They invented a new method for making the grafts take.
28. He invented an electric car, but it never really caught on.
29. Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.
30. Was it real or was it a dream? Something is true if it agrees with the known facts and is not invented:Is the news true?
1. He invented a new method to make bread.
2. He invented the first electric clock.
3. Edison invented the electric light.
4. Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
5. She invented a fictitious boyfriend to put him off.
6. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
7. Watt invented the steam engine.
8. Who invented the steam engine?
9. The first safety razor was invented by company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.
10. They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.
11. Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.
12. She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.
13. He was the man who invented the combine harvester.
14. Printing was first invented by Chinese.
31. He has invented a new method to reclaim valuable raw materials from industrial waste water.
32. I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details.
33. She invented false news.
34. Leonardo designed flying vehicle before anyone had invented engines to power them; he was born before his time.
35. He has invented a wholly factitious story about his past.
36. Invented in 1951, the rotary engine is a revolutionary concept in internal combustion.
37. Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.
38. She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.
39. Use an invented name, such as Anytown, not a real one.
40. He is said to have invented the sport of celebrity-watching.
41. The paper indignantly rejected charges that it had invented the story to boost sales.
42. These historical figures are combined with invented characters.
43. There is the disruptive experiment, invented by Garfinkel himself.
44. At first, these biographies were simply invented.
45. Once humans had invented civilization, they never lost it.
46. Von Neumann invented a mathematical theory of games.
47. I invented reasons for never seeing him again.
48. Television was invented in the 1920s.
49. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793..
50. Coinage was invented only comparatively late in human history.
51. Kai invented some excuse about having a headache.
52. Bell invented the telephone to help humans communicate.
53. They invented happy stories for each other.
54. Coppertone was invented by Miami Beach physician Benjamin Green.
55. Cornparative philology had not been invented.
56. Naismith invented basketball over a century ago.
57. He was a wise man who invented God. Plato 
58. The brig was invented just for him.
59. Bernie says he invented punk rock.
60. Gordon has invented his own auxiliary language of abbreviation.
61. The man who invented foil-embossed paperback covers. Aids activists.
62. Reversibility must therefore be invented by the child.
63. And what about the caveman that invented fire?
64. Cagoules and other modern waterproofs, so efficient today, had not then been invented.
65. Intensional descriptions are usually invented by some sort of generalizing method.
66. Women invented Liquid Paper, the Melitta coffee filter system, the Kevlar material used for bulletproof vests, and much more.
67. Yet even if Frankenstein had never been invented, Mary Shelley would continue to attract interest as the favoured child of romanticism.
68. We invented the half-round string in 1978, and then other manufacturers came out with similar strings.
69. By 1850 steel ships with steam engines and propellers had been invented.
70. They then invented various spirit beings who would terrify the women and keep them away from the lodge and from knowledge.
71. I was not even aware that, until I had my first bought suit, that flies had been invented!
72. The patentee almost lost his millions because rivals claimed that he had invented nothing, but merely copied the living world.
73. In 1887 Lyons ran a stall at the Liverpool exhibition, selling for a shilling a combined microscope-binocular-compass which he had invented.
74. Daniel Oates has invented a repertoire of three-dimensional cartoon characters to populate his work.
75. I am proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill. Thomas A. Edison 
76. There has long been controversy over who invented the travellers cheque.
77. Between them they invented a sort of polka, in which their feet did not get too mixed up.
78. Often, these strategies were invented by the pupils rather than taught by the teacher.
79. He inherited a regular staff meeting and was penitent that he had never invented such a meeting in Durham.
80. Such an accusation is hardly likely to have been invented by his enemies if he had not performed miracles.
81. Until it was invented, this process took many people hundreds of hours of work.
82. That, next to law enforcement, is the biggest bunk slogan ever invented.
83. Finally the revolution in retailing that was embodied in Wal-Mart was invented in the suburbs of southern cities in the United States.
84. By the 1830s he was a revered scientist and had invented an electromagnetic coil machine.
85. The padres, to explain all this, invented two myths of their own.
86. The Victorians invented Christmas, according to the exhibition, as a pretext for selling toys.
87. Huxley invented the word agnostic and, like many of his contemporaries, became one.
88. Linked to the machine by electrodes, he had learned the best way to use every weapon ever invented.
89. Fortunately some of the neighbours intervened, and it was they who invented the sobriquet.
90. Not many years after these freed men invented their church organization, desperate militants inspired slave revolts.
91. Cities fostered competition between service providers and invented new budget systems.
92. Among the exhibits are the first modern electric fan, invented in 1886.
93. There was much subsequent controversy about who invented the word and how to spell its derivatives.
94. Thus, they invented their own language and communicated with other robots.
95. Indeed, more than one ground commander rued the day the helicopter was invented.
96. If you invented a completely new language, nobody would understand it.
97. If you'd invented a string of lovelorn swains you'd have had to pay customer prices.
98. I invented a means of preparing four dishes at once.
99. Sokolov's idea was good, but it had to wait more than 20 years before the technology to implement it was invented.
100. While a naval officer, he invented and designed the first-ever aircraft carrier, the Angus.
101. The slander spread like wildfire and was only checked when the drunk who invented it confessed in a magistrates court.
102. In the second place, he invented fishnets, a cruel device whereby innocent fish leap weeping to your frying pans.
103. With his brother he invented a paper-thin malt flavoured toasted flake of maize - the Corn Flake.
104. They've been doling out compassion long before the late Princess Diana invented it.
105. This process of coalition building is so well-known that some companies have invented their own language around it.
106. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is still widely used in radio and television sets.
107. They invented racial epithets that showed the same imagination which put humankind upon the moon.
108. The tariff is an instrument invented for the benefit of those who make to be used against those who buy.
109. Solomonoff and Kolmogorov independently invented a systematic way of measuring complexity.
110. One speciality was the measurement of high-speed events, such as explosions and gunshots, using his tram chronograph, invented in 1888.
111. Used many times every day, it is the most time and labour-saving device ever invented for cooks.
112. Language, invented sometime in the last few million years,[Sentence dictionary] involves some really fancy abilities for categorizing sounds.
113. The hand-held electric hair dryer was invented in the 1920s, and its basic shape has changed little.
114. Cut adrift from nearly everything I'd known before seven, I turned inward and invented story games to play alone.
115. It is not a theory invented to explain particular occurrences in the world.
116. It was proven that one witness's story had been invented.
117. Richard Garfield invented a game that constantly breaks its own rules.
118. Booth invented schemes to help the disadvantaged in the community.
119. Davos accommodated several hundred tuberculosis patients and their supporting relatives long before Alpine skiing was invented.
120. According to this account, the mind-body distinction as we know it was invented by Descartes.
121. Long before the advent of robots and personal computers, he invented a race of super-intelligent robots.
122. Till 1926 we had not invented a way of mortgaging property without creating equitable interests.
123. It was widely believed that Eleanor Coade had invented a new process for making artificial stone.
124. She invented a hundred little things to make him happy, to bring a smile to his face.
125. The Pap smear is officially called the Papanicolaou Test, after the doctor who invented it.
126. He invented a serious accident for his wife as an excuse not to see Eleanor for a while.
127. Extending this aim meant that signs had to be invented when no obvious word - sign equivalent existed.
128. In fact Meadowell is an Elastoplast name like Sizewell, invented in the 1970s to disguise what was already a running sore.
129. A more rare and highly ingenious way of decorating carnelian was invented by the Sumerians.
130. They use the narrowest bandwidth radio frequency, transmission and reception yet invented.
131. All three companies are in a pitched battle over who invented the technology.
132. Olestrathe trade name is Oleanis unlike any other fake food ever invented.
133. The world has invented many industrial processes which often create pollutants of a kind that do not occur in nature at all.
134. The courts have invented new laws,() as in the new liabilities to restrain picketing during the miners' strike.
135. My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
136. During his whaling career, he had invented various items of shipboard gear.
137. The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his life.
138. It was Henry Ford who invented the Friday afternoon car, and also the Tuesday morning car.
139. High heels were invented by a woman who had once been kissed on the forehead. Rita Mae Brown 
140. And, in an idle moment, he invented a method for lining women's hat-boxes!
141. It may very well be, and I mean this seriously, that the adman invented the teenager.
142. Hawaiian Tropic was invented in 1969 by a 25-year-old high school teacher and part-time lifeguard named Ron Rice.
143. There's no elastic been invented that doesn't go all slack the minute a camera comes out.
144. Investment managers have invented various ways of making this kind of currency investment.
145. For already domestic class forces were being invented and manipulated at will to validate policy decisions.
146. The next day they invented another story[Sentence dictionary], and then another.
147. Whoever invented the golf cart deserves an honored place in the annals of sport.
148. The answer is one of the most neglected and abused kitchen appliances ever invented: the refrigerator.
149. We have invented new forms of assistance to match the overall situation.
150. He invented the Cornish engine, a beam engine of Brobdingnagian proportions used mainly for pumping water out of tin mines.
151. He is the nominee of the Reform Party, a secretive organization he invented, subsidizes and controls for his own purposes.
152. But then about the end of the seventeenth century Equity invented the separate use for married women.
153. Let these facts speak for themselves: By the time Barbie was invented, I was too old for dolls.
154. The word that is now used to cover all aspects of code work is cryptology, also invented by Friedman.
155. Sir Clive, 51, also invented the pocket calculator, home computer and the digital watch.
156. It was upon the advice of the Crown's United Kingdom ministers that the chimera of the Commonwealth was invented and installed.
157. I missed the maiden flight at Kitty Hawk and managed to be absent when Alan Dershowitz invented the appeal process.
158. He invented a precursor of the high-speed continuous extrusion freezer which could cut novelties out of slabs of vanilla ice cream.
159. If one man invented a steam engine and another a railway, then the two could come together.
160. What were pea soup rhythms and honda-honda basslines and who invented them?
161. It is extremely unlikely that if the House of Lords did not exist it would be invented in its present form.
162. She gave him a few things, all invented, and watched as he jotted some notes in the ledger.
163. Essentially, Goldsmith had invented the basic formula for Three's Company.
164. In the process it invented mass entertainment, the 10-lane freeway and smog.
165. The guy who invented Post-It notes must have made a fortune.
166. Theremin invented the weird electronic instrument that provided soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies.
167. Toys were few and far between, but the children invented games and played together.
168. Tesla asked if Westinghouse proposed to continue his missionary work for the alternating-current system he had invented.
169. The geodesic dome was invented by R. Buckminster Fuller in 1947.
170. The rumor was that I had invented him to perpetrate a hoax and had actually written the books myself.
171. He has invented a special fish dish which he calls Salmon Butter Yaki, better left undescribed.
172. Each will have a detailed invented past,[http:///invented.html] thoroughly researched and crafted.
173. They invented their own names for objects on the screen.
174. Those who invented new products would produce those products during the initial, high-profitability, high-wage, Stages of their life cycle.
175. They had invented a new social custom but they had also annexed a significant part of the working-class experience.
176. Evening Today I had four baths to fill in time and I invented you.
177. Development people have invented another of their precious acronyms for what everyone else in the world calls media.
178. I liked his new girlfriend.-Apple pie was invented in Irondale.
179. Sports Illustrated for Kids asked a handful of athletes whether they had invented anything when they were kids.
180. I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey. Mark Twain 
181. Although we were unaware of the wartime centrifugal launcher proposals, we have never claimed to have invented the idea.
182. However, many of the tricks invented by hackers are widely published on the Web.
183. Then consider this invented dialogue from a language teaching textbook.
184. Who invented the zip-fastener?
185. Soon, Andrew Kay invented and patented a machine for grinding stones of a standard shape and improved finish.
186. I told myself that Stu was just nervous, here on the job, assistant manager, acting like he invented wiring.
187. Displays of early surgical instruments give a chilling glimpse of the pain the sick must have endured before anaesthetic was invented.
188. Touch-of-a-button access to all the required information would be the greatest boost to efficiency since computers were invented.
189. The institutions of economic, social and community development invented in the nineteenth century have kept pace with neither need nor aspiration.
190. This method of finding the way was used until compasses and maps were invented.
191. It was invented in June 1983,[] but not until 1986 did it dominate the mortgage market.
192. Perhaps religions have been invented to try to exorcize that condition.
193. We invented the submarine and were the first to purchase a military aircraft.
194. We invented something called the roar-o-meter to measure how funny something was.
195. He claimed later to have invented a method of transporting armed men across rivers using pontoons for shoes.
196. Britain invented world trade when we had an empire 100 or 200 years ago.
197. She was employed by cousin Gruner, the doctor, who had this work invented for her.
198. He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.
199. In 1979, it was the people who invented games rather than the participants who apparently needed to take drug tests.
200. Grammars and parsers were invented for the study of human languages.
201. I tied a monster knot, one I invented on the spot, and tugged it hard, Lincoln licking my ear.
202. That was the genesis of an idea that returned to him years later when he invented a smooth disc turbine without buckets.
203. The Flydaway was invented by Commander Francis Perrott,[http:///invented.html] a retired naval engineer.
204. Eisenstein invented cinematic techniques which are still in use today.
205. God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things. Pablo Picasso 
206. They exist solely in the mind of the man who invented them.
207. Dates were for Christmas, anything more unusual like melon was immoral and Kiwi-fruit hadn't been invented.
208. But detectives investigating her death believe she invented the story just to get the gun to take her own life.
209. It invented the suburb - the most successful invention in the history of human habitation.
210. Many of those foodstuffs would stand no chance of approval were they invented today.
211. He invented thermograph and uncomplicated telescope and microscope.
212. Esperanto was invented as an auxiliary language.
213. The paper clip was invented in 1900.
214. Edison invented the light bulb.
215. An English engineer invented the jet engine.
216. Was it how you invented the cotton gin?
217. Then, in the half-century from roughly 1670 to 1730, virtually every kind of furniture now common in Western homes was invented.
218. The "shock sheet", invented by a British anaesthetist , squeezes blood from the legs, boosting blood flow to the heart and brain.
219. A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.
220. When I visited Madame Vulpes, she let me speak to the spirit of the man who invented the microscope.
221. Ramos invented the Sympathetic Wands and created a fascinating variety of effects with it: effects that involve levitation, animation and Telekinesis .
222. Mister Bushnell liked the game so much he invented another, " Pong. "
223. In the 1760s, a scientist in England invented a way to put steam engines and wheels together.
224. The paper said that Sir John Herschel, a famous British astronomer, had invented a powerful telescope.
225. The invented medical analgesic fomentation bag is composed of heat generation agent, traditional Chinese analgesic and bag.
226. I will discuss how Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) was invented, its current status, and future developments.
227. The invented generator comprises rotor on shaft fixed in body case as a rotatable bearing(), and stator (8).
228. From the parched but mineral-rich Atacama Desert to haunting Torres del Paine National Park and beyond to stormy Cape Horn, "Chile, " wrote Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda, "was invented by a poet.
229. IBM launched the personal computer system in a Pig year (1983) and the transistor and self-starter motor were also invented in Pig years: 2007 will hold more major inventions.
230. Skype was invented here – and at the beginning of the year Estonia became the first Baltic state to adopt the euro.
231. It is the only steno machine invented to date that is compatible with personal computers (PCs) in China and can be connected directly to a PC to simultaneously process material.
232. In this study, we invented a scrapping that has instant disinfection[http://], haemostasis and sealing and local protection functions after intravenous injection.
233. You've invented not only the famous Kalashnikov machine gun itself but also a national brand which every Russian, every citizen of our country is proud of.
234. He invented an elaborate game for Leonard Bernstein's 50 th Birthday called The Great Conductor Hunt.
235. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.
236. The air- sparged hydrocyclone has been used as a centrifugal flotation device since it was invented in the 1980s.
237. Said invented composition also contains citric acid, phospholipin, cyclodextrin and its derivative or surfactant, and said invented product has good solubility and stability.
238. A second polio vaccine—this one in the form of liquid drops that children swallow instead of an injection in the arm— was invented by Dr. Albert Sabin and licensed in 1963.
239. On that particular day, we wanted to play a game called "wolf pack"which we had invented after watching a documentary about the hunting tactics ofwolves.
240. The curl was invented to help describe the properties of moving fluids.
241. I invented a new can opener that was a hot number in the stores.
242. Invented the first power dust control sweeper with vacant absorption force.
243. Samuel Morse invented relay stations for telegraphic signals when observing relay stations for horses.
244. The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods.
245. During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives.
246. Archetype is psychological terminology that was originally invented by Cart Gustav Jung.
247. When Johannes Gutenberg invented printing in the 15th century, he did, indeed, change the world.
248. The garments Otoko Kaoru, invented by a Japanese company, have special rose-scented micro-capsules in the collar which, when they come in contact with the skin, release a (presumably manly) fragrance.
249. ITER is what is known as a tokamak, a doughnut-shaped device invented in Russia at about the same time Zeta was active.
250. The German physicist Gabriel D. Fahrenheit (1686-1736) invented an alcohol thermometer.
251. A conventional thermos isn't good enough, but a Dewar flask, invented in the 19th century, holds cryogenic fluids like liquid nitrogen at temperatures of -196oC (-321oF) for months at a time.
252. Soil as a result of low tide, the Dutch accepted the Gauls invented by the French sabot, and hundreds of years in the history of the Netherlands, given its typical characteristics.
253. The crib seen in Christmas Nativity scenes was invented in 1223 by Saint Francis of Assisi who used it to explain the Christmas story to the local people.
254. This give occasion to happen Religion Crusade in Germany and Martin Luther invented chorale.
255. Man invented writing to specialize, i . e . preserve language.
256. He invented not only the phonograph, but the entire sound recording industry.
257. The game " Rugby " was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19 th century.
258. WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.
259. In 1995, British fake news show Brass Eye conducted an "investigative report" on a street drug they invented called "cake, " claiming it affected an area of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon."
260. This is a meaning also in the myth of the ancients, which tells how Athene invented the flute and then threw it away.
261. Punch card tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith. Wall Street Journal first published.
262. Langley invented a new device to measure the heat in areas of the sun.
262. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
263. A strange answer from the man who invented the psychoanalyst's couch?
264. Sweeney Todd was invented in the 1840s as what they called, "Penny Dreadful, " the kind of Dickens tickler...
265. He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922.
266. In 1642 Pascal invented a computing machine that handled addition by carrying from units to tens.
267. Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan.
268. Alec Jeffreys, the genetics professor who invented DNA fingerprinting in 1984 and went on to help police crack the Pitchfork case, is justifiably proud of his discovery.
269. No mechanical device has ever been invented that can satisfactorily replace teasel flower heads for raising the nap on cloth.
270. Afterwards, had intelligent young people to call Iraq mho Holland too Pu, when gave Egypt the pharaoh to fill left the king designed the grave, has invented one new method of construction.
271. A plastic film collector was invented with analysis of motional tracks and experiments.
272. Addison invented the electric light bulb record player and the movie projector.
273. It is not for nothing that the term "varietal wine" was invented in California.
274. Dewar invented a sort of strawberry shortcake snack for Hostess; yellow sponge cake with strawberries crammed inside.
275. Many leading scientists and constructors originated from Russia. They invented the first electric bulb, wireless telegraph, helicopter, bomber, colored photography and TV-set.
276. C. S. Lewis observed, "The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become - because he made us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be.
277. The so - called bone china, was invented by the British in 1794.
278. At Bell Labs, Lucky invented the adaptive equalizer, used in all high - speed data transmission.
279. After glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use.
280. Not many people know that the Tennessee flambe was actually invented by...
281. The incandescent lamp we use in daily life was invented by Edison.




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