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单词 Cry for
1. She struck into another song, Dont't Cry for Me, Argentina.
2. Most suicide attempts are really a cry for help.
3. Her cry for help dulled.
4. Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help.
5. Her actions were an inarticulate cry for help.
6. I heard cry for help from inside the building.
7. They heard a cry for help.
8. I think taking the pills was a cry for help.
9. Her suicide attempt was really a desperate cry for help.
10. I suppose underneath it was a cry for help.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. Meanwhile, another cry for help.
12. Janie's suicide attempt was obviously a cry for help.
13. Could make him cry for mercy.
14. Nowhere is there a clearer cry for justice.
15. Opening his mouth to cry for help, he -!
16. Who was there to cry for us in kok, announcing our death?
17. It's the cry for us all to hear, See the message writ afar.
18. Newspapers sometimes appeared to be providing the rallying cry for future demonstration.
19. It couldn t possibly be misconstrued as a cry for help.
20. I so worry about her, I sometimes cry for hours to myself.
21. For a start he should-but probably won't-ignore the cry for David Beckham to be captain.
22. His prayer is a cry for deliverance from his brother.
23. "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" is the only piece of music I can play.
24. If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lose.
25. The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry for action.
26. His speech attacking the government has proved a rallying cry for party dissidents.
27. Oh no ... what on earth was there to cry for?
28. This rhetoric offers both a posthoc justification for the changes, and a rallying cry for implementation.
29. If you are truly loyal to Ulster then rally behind the cry for independence.
30. Goals must never be from your ego, but problems that cry for a solution. Robert H. Schuller 
31. Don't cry for a man who's left you- - the next one may fall for your smile. Mae West 
32. Without adequate built-in safeguards, there will be other Susan Allens who will pull the trigger before they cry for help.
33. I think I had not heard him cry for six years.
34. Within 10 minutes Leicester were in full cry for the distant try line.
35. Self-denial and self-help, however, would make a poor rallying cry for the hustings.
36. Other similar psalms add one extra dimension, the cry for vengeance on those who have put him there!
37. Newly hatched wood storks cry for food, sending parents to hunt for newly plentiful minnows.
38. With the raffle short of a grand by just a few quid, the cry for the remainder went up.
39. Will Hollywood heed the growing cry for less violence in movies?
40. The cry for forgiveness was also the cry for inward healing and deliverance from the mental and physical effects of sin.
41. It was only later you focussed on yourself enough to cry for the little comfort flesh can offer.
42. To cry for no apparent reason was not considered odd.
43. As well as being a cry for security, however,[] it is also an assumption that liberalism has failed.
44. A little girl may cry for hours and scream angrily whenever her parents try to play with her.
45. We shouldn't cry for the moon.
46. Please don't cry for me andbe sad again, ok?
47. Do not cry for the moon.
48. Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?
49. Hearing a cry for help, he rushed out.
50. I hear a cry for help in the night.
51. One day, the people on the seashore heard a cry for help.
52. He was a mere child in the world, but he didn't cry for the moon.
53. Yells : Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit.
54. Her cry for help meet with no, some , little , etc response.
55. If you wanta knighthood, you might as well cry for the moon.
56. O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
57. D'Artagnan was not the man ever to cry for quarter.
58. That night Jane listens scuffle and a cry for help in the room only above ITs.
59. But in both cases it was probably more a cry for help.
60. The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservative forces.
61. Its owners say the nightclub's name was inspired by the US leader's rallying cry for change.
62. If you want a Ph. D like that, you might as well cry for the moon.
63. On hearing a cry for help, many people ran from many places.
64. Out here, no one could hear a cry for help.
65. I watch you cry for me; you see but I don't see.
66. Don't cry for the moon. The only way to get a good grade in the exam is to work hard.
67. On national security, he frameshis non-interventionism as both a cry for fiscal sanity -- wars are expensive-- and a defense of the Constitution.
68. Carlo, despite his tremendous physique, offered no resistance,[] gave no cry for mercy or protest.
69. Later the little boy asked his tither, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
70. Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens: his nom de plume derives from the Mississippi boatmen's cry for "safe passage".
71. He said that what I'd done seemed like a cry for help.
72. She developed bulimia, and began injuring herself in a desperate cry for help.
73. Cry for the moon: He asked his dad to buy him a yatch as a birthday present. I think he was asking for the moon.
74. Who will then cry for us when misfortune befalls us one day?
75. Suddenly, he was awakened by a kind of desperate cry for help.
76. The Chaldean bishop of Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, said: "I cry for Iraq, I have no other feelings."
77. Just about every time a police officer dies in the line of duty , there's a hue and cry for some kind of preventive action.
78. Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation aion kinah emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin aion kina boards.
79. Instead, the battle cry for the '90 s will be the demand for performance and accountability.
80. Cry for the moon.
81. I read a book that was a real tear - jerker. It made me cry for a week.
82. It's times like these that I plaintively cry for my phantom butler.
83. The cry for reform has gone up again and again.
84. There is a cry for a set of installing simulation system for bridge to solve the problems for the sake of training professional repairing teams and wartime railage kilter.




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