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单词 Accretion
1 The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
2 A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
3 Every culture is an accretion.
4 The principal means of growth and development including accretion, redefinition and invention.
5 Or is development just the accretion of a variety of different mechanisms?
6 If volatiles are acquired during accretion then most of the volatiles are initially buried deep in the planet.
7 Coral growth and the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves will compensate.
8 Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
9 GM contagion of accepted and amoebic aliment is accretion.
10 The inner single debouch bar develops accretion sand bodies.
11 Nevertheless, astrophysicists have persisted in their belief that accretion disks are indeed turbulent.
12 Volume change of mass, accretion state and haemorrhagia amount during the operation were analyzed.
13 The Thick Accretion Disk Model and Self - gravitating Accretion Disk Model of QSOs.
14 The multiple migration - accretion concept of Gruner deserves mention.
15 An accretion of sediment at the mouth of the river caused serious flooding.
16 For example, some accretion disks in binary star systems occasionally undergo large, temporary increases in luminosity.
17 The planetesimals accretions of the Earth obviously have two stages, including initial accretion and late accretion.
18 The large 1-s spin period is close to its equilibrium value, suggesting Eddington-limited accretion at some time in the near past.
19 The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
20 The surface of the Moon is the result of accretion and of subsequent impacts and slow-acting erosional processes.
21 In these theories the late heavy bombardment can be separate from accretion, as in curve B in Figure 6.9.
22 It could only have been relatively cool gases that could initiate accretion processes.
23 The thickening of the crust beneath the Cordillera Blanca was by magmatic accretion since the Miocene.
24 Part of the difficulty is a process called photoionization, in which the high-energy photons conveying the x-rays strip away electrons from atoms within the accretion disk.
25 The continental crust was formed through the continental nucleus, platform, Pangea, continental splitting, continental accretion, intercontinental collision and orogeny in its progress.
26 Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.
27 Chinese olive ( Canarium Album ) tend as the accretion of density likely distributing equably.
28 The results showed 8 cases were diagnosed as local recurrences of tumour and 4 cases as tumour caused by cicatrix accretion.
29 With the increase of the velocity and acceleration of the moving target, it produces a large accretion of dynamic error of O-E theodolite.
30 The subduction of oceanic plates has two tectonic actions of subduction accretion and subduction erosion, which ar interconvertible in different time and space.
1 The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
31 Primitiveness, one characteristic of Han popular beliefs, results from the historical accretion of primitive culture in the course of social changes.
32 There is a gradual accretion in lumbar segments from top to down.
33 This formation, called an accretion disk, may be very important in some stellar birth sequences.
34 In this thesis, using the new model of anomalous viscosity, we discuss the structure of magnetized thin accretion disks, the magnetic instability in the accretion disks and .
35 In fact, this process of accretion is more efficient at releasing energy than even nuclear processes.
36 PTC believes that the transaction provides a compelling earnings and operating margin accretion opportunity.
37 However computer models suggest that, if the rate of sea-level rise is reduced by the stabilisation or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, wetlands could survive by accretion or migration.
38 For a stationary, adiabatic flow the specific energy E, specific angular momentum L and mass accretion rate M are constant in space.
39 The evidence was in the steady accretion of Gmail features like instant messaging, audio-and then video - chat, and so on.
40 The accretion phenomenon was firstly discussed by Kelvin et al. on the 19 th.
41 This paper focuses on the application of hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics to solar oscillations and accretion process and outflow in star formation.
42 Objective:To investigate the interaction effect of parathyroid hormone(PTH) gene polymorphism with calcium intake on bone mass accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.
43 There are two main theories concerning massive star formation accretion and merger.
44 The eight planets are the dominant end products of disk accretion and differ recognizably from the vast populations of asteroids and KBOs.
45 So it retains the original natural nourish ingredients, no chemical accretion . It is safe to enjoy.
46 The TSU-headed group have challenged the planetary accretion theory as the sole planet-forming mechanism in favor of a faster "gravitational collapse" model.
47 The rejection rate decreases with accretion of pressure and cycling flux and rises with increment of temperature and mass fraction of the material.
48 The rotational energy of the spinning accretion disk adds momentum to the outflowing jet.
49 From the basic magnetohydrodynamics equations, the accretion disk model with a quasi-dipole magnetic field is discussed in this paper.
50 A glacier is formed by the accretion of many particles of frozen packed snow.
51 The dollar amount difference between the purchase price and the maturity value represents the yield or accretion value.
52 Over the course of millions of years, this accretion disk would have become more "clumpy. " As it cooled, the dust would stick together, slowly forming the rocky seeds of planetary cores.
53 The soil bank may be summarized two type: colluvial deposit and accretion. The different original cause provide them different characters on colluvial deposit stability and stability under water.
54 Altai orogeny , as one of notable crustal accretion areas, is famous for its abundant mineral deposits.
55 It introduced technology for health dried chicken floss with chicken-breasted used as main materials, chicken-bone paste used as accretion of calcium-strengthened and flavoring assisted.
56 We attempt to recover the paleoenvironments recorded in the accretion of a typical new-type hydrogenetic ferromanganese crust from the deep water areas of the East Philippine Sea.
57 Our scientific knowledge of nature grows through a self-correcting accretion process.
58 It is well known that accretion disks are hydrodynamic disks with anomalous viscosity.
59 An accretion disk with vertical structure is studied by using a new anomalous viscosity.




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