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单词 Rated
1 He is highly rated as a poet.
2 Her latest film is classified/rated PG.
3 The manager rated him soundly and then dismissed him.
4 They rated their daily coal output at about 2,100 tons.
5 We rated his fortune at about one hundred thousand dollars.
6 The match rated as one of their worst defeats.
7 Our house is rated at £ 800 a year.
8 The cartoon was rated PG.
9 My property was rated at 200 dollars per year.
10 This movie is rated NC-17.
11 This building was rated at £2,000 a year.
12 They rated him highly as a colleague.
13 She is currently rated number two in the world.
14 She is highly rated as a novelist.
15 I rated my chances as zero.
16 Silver was rated more highly than gold.
17 She anchors the top - rated news show.
18 They rated the new film.
19 We rated him for his incompetence.
20 The schools were rated according to their exam results.
21 He came here rated 100th on the tennis computer.
22 He was rated as major in 1993.
23 He is generally rated Italy's No. 3 industrialist.
24 She has always rated herself above ordinary teachers.
25 Many rated him the best singer of all time.
26 The doctors rated her chances as nil .
27 The university is highly rated for its research.
28 Her husband often rated at her(), but he loved her none the less.
29 Rhodes is currently rated the top junior player in the country.
30 A large number of people rated him as one of the greatest scientists of the world.
1 He is highly rated as a poet.
2 Her latest film is classified/rated PG.
3 The manager rated him soundly and then dismissed him.
4 They rated their daily coal output at about 2,100 tons.
5 We rated his fortune at about one hundred thousand dollars.
6 My property was rated at 200 dollars per year.
7 She anchors the top - rated news show.
8 They rated the new film.
9 We rated him for his incompetence.
10 He was a geologist, rated by his cronies as the best in the business.
11 The insurance payments have to be rated up for people with poor health.
31 The film is rated R for language and adult themes.
32 He was a geologist, rated by his cronies as the best in the business.
33 She is rated very highly by the people she works for.
34 Her death only rated a few lines in the local paper.
35 His insurance payments were rated up due to his poor health.
36 Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.
37 The insurance payments have to be rated up for people with poor health.
38 The movie has been rated 'R' due to adult subject matter.
39 The show was rated a success by critics and audiences.
40 I never rated him.
41 It was rated the most livable city in the States.
42 It is rated as one of the city's best hotels.
43 Films are rated on a scale of poor, fair, good and excellent.
44 The movie is rated R for nudity and violence.
45 Not all the celebrities rated badly however.
46 Most rated it a hit.
47 She rated the course highly.
48 A basic page printer has a rated life.
49 Rated R for brief nudity and extreme violence.
50 And all four burners are highly rated.
51 He became the highest rated customer service adviser.
52 The doctors rated his chances as virtually nil.
53 Rated G.. Toy Story A knockout.
54 And 51 percent rated it above fighting crime.
55 I had just enough sense to appreciate that as a pain it rated no higher than a toothache.
56 We rated the Sovetskaya, the hotel with the grand pianos, which was encouraging.
57 The full supply voltage is applied to the winding and the current is rapidly boosted to slightly above rated.
58 This again, though enjoying some success, could not be rated foolproof.
59 It is also rated the most competitive newly-industrialised economy by the World Competitiveness Report.
60 Only words rated highly or this latter dimension were included in our lists.
61 Each situation is then rated on a five point scale according to whether it just bothers them a little or makes them really angry.
62 During the initial assessment interview clients were rated by the interviewer on a number of four-point scales.
63 Subsequently the highly rated manager develops creative solutions and provides new insights into problems.
64 Her death rated a few lines in the papers, but the full significance of her passing went unreported.
65 They can no longer lend at a profit to well rated corporate borrowers.
66 Jaq noted how wistfully Grimm regarded what he rated as gourmet ambrosia disappearing into the monster's maw remorselessly.
67 Highly rated were sisters who were approachable, oriented to nurse learners, and who gave explicit directions about nursing care.
68 Of the Jones guys, Marcus is rated the better pass rusher.
69 He impressed last year on his rare appearances in the first team and is highly rated.
70 Twenty-five percent rated it as poor and 43 percent as fair.
71 Practical Transformers Another problem is that the output voltage of transformers seldom correspond exactly to the rated voltage.
72 The large main smoothing electrolytic C1 must be rated at about 5A ripple current.
73 The deficit and unemployment were rated most important by 8 percent of those surveyed.
74 Thirty-one percent of the 700 residents surveyed rated his performance as excellent / good and 34 percent called it fair.
75 The build-up of phase current to its rated value would be too slow for satisfactory operation of the motor at high speeds.
76 Which is rated as most dangerous, carbon dioxide or nuclear power?
77 This means that the voltage delivered at low output currents is greater than the rated voltage.
78 Of the 11 most highly rated wines, six were from California.
79 Ray's five League title medals with Liverpool are rated at £3,000 apiece.
80 But the experts rated Reno seventh for implementing the Clinton agenda.
81 Conde Nast Traveler magazine readers last year rated Lindbergh among the top 10 most-popular airports because of its proximity to downtown.
82 The poll found 29 percent rated his performance as good, 42 percent as fair and 19 percent as poor.
83 Its easy-to-clean hob fits flush with your work surface and incorporates four evenly rated burners sealed into two deep spillage wells.
84 The vote-worthiness of candidates for the Diet will be rated according to their commitment to reformist ideas.
85 Only 28 percent rated a video on-demand service as highly desirable.
86 Their efforts were rated very highly by the Telegraph judges.
87 I felt elated at beating Dennis,() he was rated a medal hope.
88 Any alternative must be rated at least 40V working and have minimum ripple current rating of 5A.
89 Rhodes was rated as the top high-school player in the country.
90 Rated R.. Waiting to Exhale A breath of fresh air.
91 Former Manchester United reserve Paul Dalton is rated extremely doubtful with a strained thigh muscle.
92 Rice is rated the better pass rusher, Hardy the better all-around player.
93 Statewide, 66 percent of men rated Bush highly, compared with 47 percent among women.
94 It contrasts markedly with the £4,000 perannum at which one of his biographers rated his income.
95 Most of the stimuli presented actually showed very normal driving situations and these would thus be rated as relatively low on risk.
96 Rating cigarettes by tar and nicotine content, much as gasoline is rated by octane levels.
97 Commercialism was not a quality she rated highly, but protection of one's children from outsiders was.
98 In a magazine article that compared the training rigors and athleticism in various Olympic sports, the rowers rated highest.
99 But £3 million-plus rated Keane is unlikely to see out the full term of his new deal because of contract stipulations.
100 This has rated some fish species impossible to keep as in the case of a number of polyp-feeding butterflyfish species.
101 They found that for first-level managers, managing individual performance was rated the most important activity.
102 Nearly all were rated as doing work of national significance.
103 Because their distortion is easier on the ear, tube designs tend to far exceed their rated power.
104 In one newspaper poll last week, 69 percent of respondents rated his performance good to excellent.
105 Brown Windsor was rated the top novice chaser of last season and began this season in handicap company in great style.
106 Questions on health(), self-care and education were all highly rated by over 70 percent of respondents.
107 The papers rated him as one of the hot young stars; there was talk about a future at higher levels.
108 But convenience is rated as the most important factor in deciding on a particular type of credit by the great majority.
109 The fact that there were generally fluctuations in rated subjective risk might appear to contradict zero-risk theory.
110 Many respondents said that the information fails to highlight critical issues and a majority rated such information as only poor or average.
111 The Merlin sleeping bag is rated as one to two season and comes with a well designed zip.
112 A possible comparison: Davis came here rated as the second offensive tackle, behind Florida's Kenyatta Walker.
113 Leaseholders of higher rated houses will also be given the right to buy the freehold of their property.
114 It is rated at 8,047 SPECrate-int92 and 10,(http:///rated.html)600 SPECrate-fp92 in eight-way configurations. 20-way systems are due in November.
115 The phase current can not be maintained at its rated value and therefore the torque produced by the motor is reduced.
116 Stepper motors are rated by the torque they produce.
117 Actuator holds rated torque at reduced power level.
118 At rated load (vibration weight) any position of rotor.
119 Never lift up load beyond rated capacity of crane.
120 This motor cannot offer the given rated output power.
121 How many is the rated current of these alternators?
122 Load Life: 1000 hours at rated power.
123 Working condition of boiler's rated load.
124 He rated the achievement high.
125 When forced air cooling can over 40% rated capacity.
126 He rated very high in his class.
127 He was rated as a midshipman.
128 Operation, the test units, request frequently condition in temperature, pressure, motor rated current more than the allowable value should be the emergency stop.
129 Bag in package contains qualified certificate , qualified certificate contains: type, rated voltage.
130 Those who'd held the hot coffee rated Person A significantly warmer— friendlier , more generous—than those who held the ice coffee.
131 Under all conditions, the difference of output current between inverters is less than 2 % of rated current.
132 It describes some concepts such as independent working station, cross working station, independent action, cross action, maximum beat and rated beat.
133 He was rated one of the richest men in Texas.
134 The hand drill is rated to draw maximum current of about 3.5 this is a reasonably efficient transfer of power!
135 The greatest number of defects found were rated as simple, indicating that the requirements analysts had not devoted sufficient attention to the glossary of terms -- a common problem.
136 The ten countries rated most repressive were the same as last year except for two.
137 It is applicable to the soft start, soft stop and protection of 6.6kV (rated voltage) large and medium-sized cage type AC asynchronous motors or asynchronous-start synchronous motors.
138 It was the same when different rated capacity boilers with similar coal worked under the similar load.
139 The efficiency is quite low when the motor is running under the rated load.
140 The Condenser is constructed of AISI316L stainless steel with a condensing surface comprised of independent stainless steel coils. It is rated for full vacuum.
141 If using busbar bridge between switchgears or inlet wire cabinets, should provide rated current-carrying capacity, span and height from the ground of the busbar bridge.
142 The flue dust emission concentration from heavy rated capacity boilers was high when different low rated capacity boilers worked under the similar load.
143 At that point most of the psilocybin subjects once again expressed more satisfaction with their lives and rated the experience as one of the five most meaningful events of their lives.
144 Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius - rated IQ of 152.
145 But three African countries were rated higher: Benin(), Namibia and Mauritius.
146 Rated capacity of 0.8-3000 AH. Products company with high capacity, small size, light weight, long life, low self-discharge advantages, to achieve an annual output of 1.5 million.
147 He's hardly rated at all, and best known for losing a popularity contest to Blake Griffin.
148 Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art.
149 PC Download World - the Internet collection of tested, rated and reviewed freeware, shareware, demos, and trial software.
150 A properly compromise rated appointment system should be instituted by changing rigid management into flexible management, and the one-level system into a multilevel system.
151 Customers should provide the rated voltage AC motors. In order to determine the start Reactor insulation level. Must bear launch capacity and starting current two parameters.
152 IPS automatically shutdown if overload exceeds 120% of normal value for 10 seconds, IPS automatically resume work if overload comes to rated load.
153 Boiler pressure is higher than rated pressure to release energy, the valve can not be a timely pop-up, the boiler unexpected serious incidents occur.
154 As a result, President Andrew Johnson, a fervent white supremacist who opposed efforts to extend basic rights to former slaves, was rated "near great."
155 Bolivia, in 16 th place, was rated highest among less - developed countries.
156 Selection of fuses must be carried out according to their use conditions, mainly they are system voltage, rated current, short circuit capacity, protection suitability etc.
157 In most studies, encapsulation bras reduce up-and-down breast bounce best, particularly for large-breasted women, but are rated the least comfortable bra, which matters.
158 He is rated as one of the rich men of the city.
159 This element is of proper shape and cross-section to carry rated current continuously and to melt in accordance with a specific time-current characteristic on heavy overload or short circuit.
160 Can be rated as the most anomalous the most licentious the whole world bestial acts!
161 At high wind speed, pitch angle is adjusted to keep rated output power using adaptive fuzzy control based on variable universe.
162 The average of the line currents at rated voltage is the no-load current.
163 The clamping snubber circuit was set to the rated breakdown voltage of the MOSFET (600 V and 800 V respectively).
164 Germany dual-system vocational education is rated as the world first-class, and plays a enormous role for the economic liftoff of Germany.
165 Conclusions SRHMS is an effective instrument to measure self - rated health and evaluate clinical effects.
166 Oil loading capacity is unfavorable exceed rated load oil quality, the collective density conversion! ! ! ! !
167 Test signals are mixed with noise signals according to a given SNR and the Chinese speech intelligibility are rated by listener.
168 The tasters rated the cheese they ate with the California wine as being better quality, and they ate more of it.
169 The Tai Long Wan coast nearby showcases a breathtaking coastal landform of volcanic rocks, and justifiably rated as No. 1 of "Top Ten Hong Kong Natural Attractions" many times.
170 A good battery can accept and hold a charge, and deliver its rated amperage on demand.
171 In the flow, the leakage rate 10 rated flow coefficient.
172 Applied working voltage to capacitor which do not exceed the rated working voltage of capacitor.
173 Scoreboard: Who are the highest rated leaders in the tech industry?
173 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
174 Soft startup and stop, and the current is not above the rated value , thus eliminating big current rush.
175 Attention shall be paid to whether the rated value of local supply voltage is accordant to that of "XINYAN" charger or not during traveling.
176 Change over from normal to emergency mode shall occur at not less than 0.6 times rated supply voltage, It shall not occur at greater than 0.85 times rated supply voltage.
177 ... , including assembly work instruction, standard material consumption, rated time, etc.
178 If we will not reach that switch point after that time the test specimen will be rated bad.
179 Load matching is intended to make induction heating power to the rated output power, and improve efficiency.
180 Full rated output is available at the output shaft of the unit.
181 KEMET introduces the T521 Series High Voltage Polymer Tantalum Capacitor, the first 35 volt rated polymer tantalum chip capacitor.
182 But once the occupiers have left, the chances that the Iraqis will entrench and cherish a stable, federal, pluralist democracy must still be rated at less than even.
183 Rated voltage of the electromagnetic brake is 205V(DC). Supply voltage of the rectifier si 220v(AC).
184 The Gallop poll, conducted in mid-July, found that only 30 percent rated the Fed as doing an "excellent/good" job.
185 This phenomenon explained why many seeds rated and lost activity in the course of Phellodendron amurense fruit releasing seeds in previously studies.
186 Please specify the current tranormer model name, tranormation ratio, accuracy class, rated burden, and required installation method, when placing a purchase order.
187 Starting FWG all alone, checking the vacuity achieve the rated value whether.
188 The intended use of this impact wrench is with impact rated sockets operating upon threaded fasteners.
189 The comedy, which stars Paul Rudd as a naive do-gooder, was rated R and appealed to an older demographic that was more likely to stay home because of the storm.
190 Star - rated Hotel, Economy Hotel, Apartment House and also we good at housekeeping service and management, etc.
191 The has a UL approved 15 amp rated outlet and circuit breakers.
192 Not exceeding the number of servos rated for your specific BEC.
193 As the pressure of pipeline system overtop the rated pressure, safety valve be opened up, then liquid begin to circulate in pump, insuring safety.
194 Typical modules have a rated power output of around 75 - 120 Watts peak each.
195 Emilio Moro is nowadays one of the most prestigious vineyards in Spain, many of its wines are rated over 90 points by the Wine Advocate.
196 At the same time, leakage magnetic coefficient of commutating pole is calculated and analyzed by magnetic flux in itself and gap at rated load.
197 AA- rated by Standard amp Poor's, Euler Hermes is one of the top 120 companies listed on the Premier Marche of the Paris Bourse.
198 For accelerated stress testing, the load resistance may be selected to draw a level of current higher than the rated current of the power supply.
199 With this designed regulator, the stator terminal output voltage of the synchronous generator will be regulated to the rated value in a very quick time during its spinning up.
200 Low-voltage circuit-breakers of rated frequency 50Hz may be used in the circuit of 60Hz while at 60Hz the cutoff current is higher and the breaking time is less than that of at 50Hz.
201 An energy feedback control circuit was introduced to stabilize the output energy and its stability is less than 1 % of the rated value of accelerator energy.
202 Abdominal adenopathy is usually rated by computerized abdominal tomography, gallium scanning, ultrasonography, or lymphangiography.
203 The battery is substantial: a 700-lb, 33.8- kWh pack stowed under the floor. By comparison, the Leaf's battery is rated at 24 kWh.
204 This product applies for connecting wire of electric appliance , apparatus or computer , used in distribution equipments with rated voltage up to and including . 450/750V or . 1000V.
205 Frequency-sensitive equipment shall be tested at rated frequency, and equipment marked with more than one frequency shall be tested at the frequency that will produce the maximum temperature rise.
206 For this reason, DC-DC converters will not work in best condition at battery rated output voltage.
207 Ustinov rated his satisfactions in this order: 1) writing novels, 2) writing short stories, 3) playwriting, 4) acting, 5) directing and 6) producing.
208 Conveyors and crushers shall be sized such that two out of three shifts operations shall be able to deliver 100% of the power plant's daily coal consumption at rated capacity.
209 To clarify the weight to load and the flatbed's rated load; it can not be overloaded.
210 Governments are rated on economic performance, and this influences policy in favor of boosting GDP, the value of goods and services produced over a calendar year, he said.
211 Rated primary current, rated voltage ratio, accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form.
212 Refers to the electrical generator rated voltage at rated operation conditions, the terminal voltage after the rectifier and the deduction of the DC link output voltage drop.
213 Electrical property instructions of cables, including the relationship of transmission capacity (A) with the environment, grounding type, rated current, overload current.
214 By 1840 the city was rated the fourth port in the world; after the 1840s canals and railroads diverted produce eastward to New York City.
215 The rated power is a relative multiplicator the shaft power multiplied by the safety coefficient in specific condition.
216 Rated at 100% at 90 angle. 100% magnaflux crack detection.
217 Despite some claims to the contrary, Montreal still maintains it is the cultural capital of Canada, and the city is often rated as one of the world's most livable.
218 Traore is highly rated at the French club and they were hoping to tie him down to a new long-term contract.
219 "Mia and the Migoo" is rated PG (Parental guidance suggested). A tunnel collapse imperiling a parent, flame-thrower violence and apocalyptic devastation.
220 The front panel is rated NEMA 4X/IP65 and an optional splashproof cover is available to protect the back of the instrument.
221 Aerial insulated cables of rated voltages up to and 1kV, This product is applicable to the aerial power distribution lines of rated voltage 0.6/1KV and below as the fixed laying lines or service wire.
222 Sinclair essayed a smile but it could hardly have been rated as a success.
223 The bulb has four LEDs, a switch for high or low settings, and a safety hook for hanging. It's rainproof and impact-resistant, and rated from minus 4 to 131 degrees.
224 Therefore, how to designing more reasonable grab type, making the best of the rated load of the port machine, increasing the parameter of grab's performance, has been a grand task for grab design.
225 He found that those rated attractive on the basis of their graduation photographs went on to earn higher salaries than their less well-favoured colleagues.
226 Sunderland are rated a "normal risk" but suppliers to West Ham United are warned that the club are "a little higher than average risk.
227 This allows 100% of the slings rated Working Load Limit to be achieved.
228 But after reducing rated SF 6 gas pressure, the breaking and dielectric performance will be affected.
229 Under the condition of rated load and rated speed operation of a generator set, over-vibration phenomena appeared in the planetary gearbox's bearing and the rear bearing of the generator.
230 A simple standard frequency tunable method which can be used to measure frequency switching time under the rated frequency deviation is presented.
231 Krakatoa, rated 6 on the VEI, was equivalent to about 200 megatons of TNT – at least three times as much as Tsar Bomba.
232 When load current is meeting, the load voltage is the rated value.
233 Three-phase machinery and control equipment are smaller, lighter in weight, and more efficient than single-phase equipment of the same rated capacity.
233 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
234 The mean variance, capital rated and capital interest arbitrage are also devised.
235 To selection of the optimum type transposition from the test results at rated load and overload operation are compared and analyzed in the paper.
236 Soft Starters must be rated so that the junction temperature of the SCR does not exceed 125oC.
237 Among them the rated electric current of the digital delegate ammeter before bracket, the number inside bracket shows kilowatt-hour meter to allow the biggest electricity that carry.
238 The battery has strong ability to recover from deep discharging. Within 12 hours after deep discharging, the battery can be charged to 95% of the rated capacity.
239 Rated GPM: Gallons per minute. Describes the pump's output under ideal ( open flow ) conditions.
240 Should a company controller's position be rated higher than that of assistant to the president?
241 Rated R for strong sexual content, graphic nudity and language.
242 After each interaction, study participants rated partners on physical attractiveness and five major personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
243 The peak value of the ripple voltage should be less than the rated voltage.
244 DD862 single phase watt-hour meter is an induction meter which is applicable to measure the rated frequency of 50 Hz , and power loss of single-phase intercourse grid.
245 The throttle plate moves toward the closed position as rated speed is reached.
246 Finally, availability factor is classified into un-rated availability factor and rated availability factor, which can clearly express the detailed information of wind turbine operation.
247 Please Never exceed the rated load capacity of lifting objects, rated load hook plate in the beginning has been marked.
248 We had a huge jackfruit tree in our front lawn that we deco rated. Once we glued white styrofoam balls to the tree, pretending they were snow.
249 Mechanical refrigeration units are rated accoding to their ability to remove or produce heat.
250 It is recommended that several BIL should be prescribed for each rated voltage level to provide allowance for selection.
251 Results Those samples ingredients easy to volatilize were mainly toluene, butanone, gasoline, ethyl acetate, acetone, etc. All of them were rated as low toxic for their acute toxicity.
252 I rated somewhat lower the wisdom evidenced by such degrees.
253 The study rated understanding at three levels: basic, proficient and advanced. Forty-two percent of students reached the proficient level. Three percent tested at the highest achievement level.
254 In addition, the output frequency of a motor generator set shall not vary by more than 5% when operated at rated output voltage and current.
255 What's the max allowable vibration value of the turbine at rated speed?
256 Each output can within current range. But total output power can't exceed rated load.
257 The inguinal region should be carefully rated for significant lymphadenopathy.
258 In order to satisfy the operation requirement of the rated thrust of the propeller, the propulsion motor performs only in rated torque on the low speed, so the motor power is low.
259 The 19-year-old forward, who has Surinam origins, is rated highly by former Milan star Marco Van Basten (pictured), who included him in the Netherlands' squad for the World Cup in Germany.
260 Apart from carrying the rated current continuously, fuses are generally designed to take a certain amount of overload for a predetermined period of time before they operate.
261 In one embodiment, the lamp is dimmed from its full rated output level to 1 % of its full rated output level.
262 "Salt" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). Fisticuffs and gunplay, accompanied by swearing.
263 The wear ring is set for minimum clearance from gate for full rated back pressure.
264 By analyzing the hoisting and feeding-off models under the rated load, the maximum dynamic loads and dynamic coefficients of fast line, dead line, every travelling line and derrick were obtained.
265 Introduction was made to using pithy formula experience coefficient to estimate transformer rated capacity and current.
266 If make three rated above penal code , impose death penalty.
267 Trade-in vehicles must be rated at no more than 18 mpg to qualify, meaning it will benefit truck, SUV and van owners more than passenger car owners.
268 At this time, no other manufacturer has announced the release of a polymer tantalum chip capacitor rated above 25V.
269 All components must be rated for peak voltage and current .
270 At rated voltage and rated load ( vibration weight ).
271 Introduction was made to the bus-bar of medium-voltage switchgear for in addition to meet rated voltage, working current, the standard requirements of temperature rise and voltage down losses etc.
272 JBK3 series machine tool control transformers apply to the exchange of 50-60HZ, output voltage not exceeding 220V, input rated voltage not exceeding 660V circuit.
273 The biggest starting current unit for rated current operation unit nearly 1.5 times, which reduces the unit to start the impact of the power grid.




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