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单词 Conversely
1. Conversely, you might say that it is ridiculous.
2. He placed the box conversely.
3. In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, conversely, all good.
4. American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.
5. Conversely, impacts will also shatter rocks into small fragments.
6. Conversely, there was no significant association with portal hypertension.
7. Conversely, in acidemia, the extracellular hydrogen ion concentration increases.
8. Conversely, if a person expects that meeting deadlines will not earn praise, he or she may not be as motivated.
9. Conversely, it may not be hard to relinquish certain roles and tasks which were never experienced as rewarding.
10. Conversely, reading a right-wing paper had much more influence upon perceptions of Britain's performance than on perceptions of family circumstances.
11. Conversely, by painting your house you make the whole street look nicer and give consumption benefits to your neighbours.
12. Conversely, potassium and phosphate are the principal intracellular cations and anions, respectively.
13. Conversely, privately rented dwellings had fallen in proportion from 44.6 percent at the former date to 16 percent in 1975.
14. Conversely the under-confident person may be hesitant to predict danger or to react to it with sufficient purpose or determination.
15. Conversely, in motivating individuals to leave or withdraw, relative deprivation of individual rewards is a major influence.
16. Conversely, the lack of adequate financial planning is often a key element in the failure of many business enterprises.
17. Conversely, you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give.
18. Conversely, people who enjoy Mystery-Suspense may also like Romantic Mysteries.
19. Or conversely, if some one else were to use your browser, it couldn't tell the difference.
20. Conversely, shots taken from a low angle impart a feeling of inferiority or weakness.
21. Conversely a loosely woven fabric would not be successful for a Roman blind, which requires a firm, stable fabric.
22. Conversely, activities which seem on the surface to be the same may turn out to realize different underlying assumptions.
23. But, conversely, as long as more than one course of action is possible, the crisis has not been reached.
24. The more marked terms, conversely, represent pretensions of freedom and anarchy in writer, performer and audience alike.
25. Conversely, if you have been papering over the cracks of a relationship these same eclipses will seek them out.
26. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 
27. I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.
28. 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
29. Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
30. You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.
1. Conversely, you might say that it is ridiculous.
2. He placed the box conversely.
31. Conversely, many younger people will be the first generation in their family who can expect to inherit substantial amounts.
32. Conversely, it plummeted in the years after 1873, when the economy of the United States was acutely depressed.
33. Conversely, do not be bullied by the boat to leeward.
34. Conversely, victory for Bath leaves them very much in the title hunt, hot on the heels of Leicester.
35. Conversely, the absence of hypoxaemia predicts a low risk of death, even in the presence of radiographic pneumonia.
36. But conversely, music may also distract or annoy some workers.
37. And, conversely, does mimetic illusionism-the anthropomorphic statue-always fail as art?
38. Conversely, correct answers were sometimes treated as if they were incorrect.
39. Conversely, the perception of replacement presupposes that no such identity could be established at the correspondence stage.
40. Conversely, mediators produced by immune cells can influence nerve cells - histamine and prostaglandins both have this effect.
41. Conversely the tenant may contract to remove fixtures either unconditionally, or conditionally upon being requested to do so by the landlord.
42. Conversely, child survival can help lower fertility by increasing intervals between births.
43. Conversely, the higher the rate of interest, the greater the additional cost to industry of financing new capital investment.
44. Conversely, they were punished with a lower standard of living and consequent lower status if they chose to have large ones.
45. As the base potential rises, the voltage at the collector and on IC2 pin 5 falls,( ) and conversely.
46. Conversely, a high P/E ratio is presumed to show that the market expects high and/or non-volatile earnings from the company.
47. Conversely, while pupils are expected to conform to certain role images, pupils who exaggerate these are also problematic.
48. Conversely, some 15% of users intend to completely replace their mainframes with Unix boxes, and 4% with proprietary systems.
49. Conversely, the availability of different types of housing also affects the ability of persons and families forming separate households.
50. Conversely, if the base rate rises, your monthly payments stay the same.
51. Conversely(), the use of reliable and valid selection methods can save an organisation a considerable amount of money.
52. Conversely, he knows that a drop in gross income will de-motivate.
53. Conversely Mortimer should not have invoked the earls to revolt against the king.
54. Conversely, if middle-class parents stay, if they stay and fight, they can turn things around.
55. Conversely, the motility index is decreased in those with diarrhoea, so that the sigmoid behaves like a sphincter.
56. Conversely, circulating eosinophils have been shown to be negative, whereas they apparently may express L1 after extravasation into inflamed tissue.
57. Conversely, by the same token, no statement is immune to revision.
58. Conversely, to be angry, quarrelsome, or brave marks one off as not human.
59. Conversely, we found a highly significant association with the severity of liver disease as measured by the Child's classes.
60. Conversely, some people are introverted, and seek out relationships with very few people and then only on their own terms.
61. Scandinavian cruises are very popular in the summer; conversely, the Caribbean is most popular in the winter.
62. Conversely, any fool can sit down at a slot machine.
63. Conversely, Conservative Members wish to protect the public further from trade union activities.
64. Conversely, residents of unincorporated Pima County and the proposed new cities may be better off if the supervisors call the shots.
65. Conversely, state hospitals in the National Health Service involve public sector production of private goods.
66. Conversely, of course, those who have little in common have to place greater reliance on the language.
67. Conversely, a significant proportion of the companies operating in this country are off-shoots of enterprises whose head offices are situated abroad.
68. Conversely, if the egg had just popped into existence and then exploded, what could explain this bizarre event?
69. Conversely, it is unrealistic to give a confidence unless the other person is prepared to reciprocate in confidence.
70. Conversely, I have a rather splendid dress I bought from a charity shop for £10 a couple of years ago.
71. Conversely, disturbed sleep patterns can cause periods to become irregular or stop altogether.
72. Conversely, conditions in deaf institutions and asylums were often grim and unhygienic.
73. Conversely, we can see that the unhappy coincidence of an invalid self-description and a negative evaluation creates a disastrous scenario.
74. Conversely, they attached little value to questions to which there were simply short right or wrong answers.
75. Conversely, a small male does worse than a small female because he fails to win a mate at all.
76. Conversely, often the most ardent champions of a particular nation are people who have little or no ethnic claim to it.
77. Conversely, operations that divert bile away from the stomach will ameliorate dysplastic features induced by previous gastric surgery.
78. Conversely, future taxes and government expenditure may influence current incomes, as where they are capitalized in asset values.
79. Conversely the long winters allowed considerable time for off-farm work, particularly in the forests.
80. Conversely, in languages with relatively fixed word order there will be greater instances of tension between syntax and communicative function.
81. Conversely, the economies of the New World benefited immeasurably by the exodus from the old.
82. Conversely, Cafe Pinot bathes in the light of learning shed by the L.A.
83. Conversely, those to whom citizens accord deference have been characterized by having an in-bred sense of duty.
84. Conversely, for window sizes of less than four words, strong overlap alone is the most effective.
85. Conversely, the focus to please one's partner brings personal pleasure proportionate with achieving the goal.
86. Conversely an admiring glance, a word of praise or an encouraging smile provide rewards for conformity to social norms.
87. Conversely, it is easy to see how Blanche brings her problems on herself.
88. Conversely, those under attack from undertakings in dominant positions from other member states have valuable defences to attacking market dominant undertakings.
89. Conversely, an electricity tax that makes robots more expensive would shift the balance in the other direction, back toward labor.
90. Conversely, the fact that we are able to predict events is experimental evidence against singularities and for the no-boundary proposal.
91. Conversely if the definition changed, there would probably be a corresponding change in the pupil's actions in that context.
92. Conversely, co-operative feeding and care increases the likelihood of rearing those young that are produced.
93. Conversely, suppose the United States was to solve its trade imbalance by imposing import quotas.
94. The direct-manipulation interface allows users to select a link object and be shown a paragraph or conversely.
95. Conversely, political behaviour helps influence the contours of the Constitution.
96. Nor, conversely, does it aspire to art-pop status, because its aim is to be truthful to its mediocre soul.
97. Conversely, poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms.
98. Conversely, producers in this situation tend to be a relatively homogeneous group, collegially organised.
99. Conversely, patients with quiescent disease who continue to have persistently abnormal blood tests have a high recurrence rate.
100. Conversely, expectations of falling prices and income will tend to decrease the current demand for products.
101. Conversely, people may have different opportunity sets but the same measured income.
102. Conversely, pursuing a mundane, poorly paid job or no job at all may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
103. Conversely, a low fibre diet did not lead to changes in cellular proliferation which might be associated with mucosal instability.
104. Conversely, political integration will inevitably fall apart if there is no financial benefit.
105. Conversely,(Sentencedict) the school tests for explicitness do not tell us very much about the exercise of multiple points of view.
106. Conversely, when a nation begins to see itself historically and destroys its mythology, the result is secularization and spiritual malaise.
107. Conversely, the smallest market towns were scarcely distinguishable from populous villages.
108. Conversely a child who is weak in visual perceptions can be helped to use auditory and verbal skills to comprehend other children.
109. Conversely, because early death prevents the use of heparin altogether, mortality may be falsely high in the no-heparin groups.
110. Conversely, a body may be styled a tribunal and yet be a court for present purposes.
111. Conversely, there might be too little capacity for decisive action in a cabinet system when there is no stable majority.
112. Or, conversely, do alleged causes finally need to make sense in a system of rules and rational choices?
113. Conversely, do they trust you sufficiently to discuss with you those delicate and sensitive issues which need confidential handling?
114. Conversely, there are times when readers do have rights to affect written discourse.
115. Gearing has the effect of accentuating any gains; conversely it will exacerbate any losses.
116. Conversely, opposition to Darwinian evolution, even among scientists, came from the socially conservative.
117. Conversely, throughout this period Government Ministers strenuously denied that unemployment and social deprivation were significant causes of urban unrest.
118. Conversely, half of all cattle come from ranches with fewer than 100 head.
119. Conversely, it takes a quite massive amount of scientific evidence to have a substance positively recommended for health.
120. Conversely, neither gender choosy in low - population areas.
121. Conversely, sucralfate had no antisecretory action.
122. Conversely, the universe provides a laboratory.
123. Conversely, it feeds the accounting package with XML messages.
124. Conversely slowing down a blink can be sexually attractive as it mimics a wink.
125. Conversely, manganese but not copper atoms are found in the cytosol, in the middle of the cell.
126. Conversely, injecting oxytocin inhibitors into the brains of mother rats impaired their performance on memory - related tasks.
127. Conversely, if you do not have knowledge of photography, see the photo, it will only sense the dynamic effect of the actual situation and white, or even mistaken for a bad shot the photos.
128. Conversely, it is possible to create colours by the addition of coloured lights.
129. Conversely, knockdown GRP 78 by sina sensitized ovarian and breast cancer cells to apoptosis.
130. Conversely, the disappearance of class caused the disappearance of class subjectivity.
131. Conversely, given its aloof nature, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness.
132. Conversely, as the mood improves, craving for sweets may abate.
133. The harmonious development of culture and economy will promote the economic development actively. Conversely, it will prevent the development economy or lead to the deformed development.
134. Conversely, building an animated status display into the face of a program might require a thousand or more lines of code .
135. Conversely,(Sentence dictionary) test made in full - scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile.
136. Conversely, stable plaques were thicker, more common in equal signal intensities and significant enhancement of the signal in the corresponding sequence.
137. Conversely, severe androgenetic alopecia conferred a 2.6-fold higher risk of metabolic syndrome compared to moderate androgenetic alopecia after adjusting for age, family history, and smoking status.
138. Conversely, the broader image ? ? s denotation is, the narrower image ? ? s connotation will be.
139. Conversely, astrometry works best when a planetary system is "face-on" when seen from Earth, because then the star's movements in the orbital plane are most pronounced.
140. And conversely to you Americans, " Don't you dislike the British? ".
141. Conversely, if expenses exceed revenue, the income summary will have a debit balance representing net loss.
142. And conversely,[] the people who attack them for verbally berating the Japanese also have their reasons.
143. Conversely, it is still within recent memory when every shopper in Ghana would go to the market with his or her own basket or bowl and would cover purchased groceries in them with a tea towel.
144. Conversely, pain is a relatively rare symptom in patients with intra-articular phalangeal osteochondromas, just as is the case in those with conventional osteochondroma.
145. Conversely, CXL recovered the NK cell activity in the tumor bearing mice.
146. Conversely, if epithelial have secrete the ability that sticks albumen, inbreak bacterium cannot the union accepting put oneself in another's position with epithelial surface.
147. Conversely, when forests cleared or die back because of global warming, they emit carbon.
148. Conversely, a second school believes that making the first offer puts the buyer in a weak position.
149. Conversely, an expansion is accompanied by a temperature decrease unless heat is added.
150. Conversely, the headhunter should not expect to match the firm's qualifications and expectations quickly and easily.
151. Conversely, in cooperative multitasking, a process does not stop running until it voluntary decides to do so.
152. The academic knowledge on book is the summary of practice and sublimate, direct palpability, but need to examine with practice again conversely.
153. By getting the simple the discharge formulas, the linear graphic method is introduced into the method of isolated-well to conversely calculate the hydrogeology parameters.
154. Conversely, in other regions such as the hippocampus and olfactory bulb, which is associated with smell, gene expression was more contained.
155. Finally, the influence of orbital errors and potential coefficient errors on the gravity gradient measurements are conversely found out.
156. Conversely, certain general principles (e.g. neighbourliness, or charity) are seen to be universal and consistent.
157. Conversely, a diminished or absent S1 in mitral stenosis suggests a rigidly calcified valve that cannot "snap" shut.
158. Conversely, the use of a dedicated routine to read and write local DBM files has at least one benefit: There is no possibility of SQL injection when there is no SQL back end to access.
159. Conversely , thoughts of loss may enhance physical or psychological pain.
160. Conversely, the more application-specific a protocol is, the less shareable it is.
161. Conversely, when forests are cleared or die back because of global warming, they emit carbon.
162. Conversely, a simple text field can accept any alphanumeric data a user keys into it. This open-ended entry idiom is an example of an unbounded entry control.
163. Conversely, undesirable mood can cause viscera function to be mixed mussily reduce resist the ability of the disease.
164. Conversely, a very small number of services (or a single service) containing a large number of operations likewise indicates inappropriate service granularity.
165. Conversely(sentence dictionary), diffuse or multifocal necrosis is not characteristic of the intrinsic toxins.
166. Counterpoise conversely card price rises, at the same time stock price falls, have earn!
167. The conclusion, conversely, help us with our overall comprehension of Chinese apposition.
168. Conversely the conduct of facts again provides basis for the further fore causerie.
169. Conversely, if face a few sporadically grind feel lose one's head, such settlement means also not without advantage.
170. Generally speaking, the keyword with lower price is emulative smaller, jump over conversely tall.
171. Conversely, when a technology lacks a killer app, it tends to be very telling.
172. The resistance of a conductor varies directly with its length, conversely withits cross-sectional area .
173. Conversely, this section will help you find the pattern that's most applicable to your specific design issue.
174. Therefore, the compressive strength can hardly reveal the damaging effect from wetting-drying process on solidified soil body, but conversely splitting strength can do it.
175. Conversely, if the descending sort is matched, the left-swipe condition is set. The eventString variable holds this condition and will be executed as shown below.
176. Conversely, when performance of an oral contract is impossible during a one-year period, this provision of the statute of frauds will bar recovery on an oral contract.
177. Conversely, in many experiments it is possible to measure all the velocity vectors.
178. And conversely, emotions often communicate in the language of the body: a tension headache, for example, or stress-induced upset stomach.
179. Conversely, a waveform can not be specified without these three quantities.
180. Or, conversely, when suddenly confronted with real live humans, I get overexcited, speak too much, interrupt.
181. Conversely any indication that a rate hike may be in prospect will be AUD supportive.
182. Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.
183. Conversely, it will also upshift when engine revs are too high.
184. Buying luxury goods, conversely, tends to be an endless cycle of one-upmanship, in which the neighbors have a fancy new car and — bingo! — now you want one, too, scholars say.
185. Conversely, it put straight tooth profile at a great disadvantage. In fact, the hob is basically a worm which has been f...
186. Conversely a hierarchical system can also realize the I O relation determined by a fuzzy system.
187. Many local dynamos, conversely, take full advantage of the cheap workforce at their disposal.
188. Others, conversely, argue that it will strengthen state - controlled unions but do little for downtrodden workers.
189. Conversely, general acceptance can sometimes span national and tribal borders.
190. Conversely, tests made in full - scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile.
191. Conversely, since unbelievers have no promise of eschatological consummation, they have no obligation to observe the sign thereof.
192. Compared with the prior art, the conversely rolling fork-shaped actuating device hass compact structure, stable performance, reliable operation and long service life.
193. Conversely, if you disable the depth buffer, you have to pay attention to the order in which you draw your 3D objects.
194. And sale leather or flix criterion conversely, but economic benefits however prep above is former.
195. An inadequately torqued fastener can vibrate or work loose; conversely, if the tension is too high,(http:///conversely.html) the fastener can snap or strip its threads.
196. Conversely, depletion of blood vessels from xenografts ablated self-renewing cells from tumors and arrested tumor growth.
197. Conversely, they often described physical processes in legal terms and believed them to be in need of enforcement, even though the objects required to "obey" the laws were inanimate.
198. For the good on certain occasions we treat as bad, and conversely the bad as good.
199. Conversely, applying excitation electric field, medium to generate mechanical deformation, called the inverse piezoelectric effect.
200. Conversely, when a patient hypoventilates whilst breathing room air, SpO2 will fall.
201. Conversely, the Absolut Vodka bottle design was universally panned in focus groups.
202. Conversely, studies have shown that endurance sports are positively correlated with development of AF, even in multivariable ana-lysis.
203. If China still needs to learn how to become comfortable with dissent, conversely, American and European leaders should understand that stridency with Beijing can backfire.
204. Conversely, as a considerable part of the building needs to be temporarily curb further play down the role of real growth, and will increase the purchase price adjustment expected of confidence.
205. Conversely, on an airplane going east the north - seeking effect might be expected to increase.
206. There are, conversely, indications that some heliacal risings and settings were noted by the ancient Chinese.
207. Conversely, some applications represent data as a matrix of many small contiguous pieces of data.
208. Conversely, because every mental test is "contaminated" by the effects of specific mental skills, no single test measures only g.
209. Conversely, why does the house cat grow obese and lethargic, while a bobcat with nearly identical genes stays fit?
210. Conversely, it put straight tooth profile at a great disadvantage. In fact, the hob is basically a worm which has been fluted ...
211. Conversely employee's trust on organizations affect the validation of organizations' incentive measures.
212. Conversely, the will to mayhem weakens nobody has ever worried about a Long Hot Autumn.
213. Conversely, the lift planning is based on the conventional manners of manual computation and some CAD software presently, which makes planning lifts become strenuous and low-efficiency.
214. Conversely, herbal therapy was associated independently and positively with CKD and CKD stage only in participants who did not use analgesics.
215. Conversely, computerised bees that blindly followed the waggle dances of others without first checking whether the site was, in fact, as advertised, led to a swift but mistaken decision.
216. Judges should not condone shyness or viciousness. Conversely, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness.
217. Conversely, all the old forces, however numerous, are bound to be eliminated.
218. Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote.
219. Conversely, if you are working on an interactive system such as a web application, then a low latency garbage collector is generally the best choice.
220. Conversely, we can also say that the development of society and culture has left ineffaceable marks on the human body.
221. Conversely, an increased SF level does not necessarily mean iron overload.




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