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单词 Psychiatric
1 He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.
2 The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing.
3 He has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital.
4 We finally insisted that he seek psychiatric help.
5 She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
6 He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder.
7 She's in the burns/paediatric/psychiatric unit.
8 Diane was placed under psychiatric surveillance.
9 Charles was suffering from a psychiatric disorder .
10 She received psychiatric care as an outpatient.
11 He landed in a psychiatric ward.
12 30 per cent of psychiatric hospital beds are occupied by people of no fixed abode.
13 The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.
14 This is an interesting psychiatric case study of a child with extreme behavioural difficulties.
15 The use of compulsion in psychiatric care cannot be justified.
16 The court has no power to order a psychiatric examination of the child's parents.
17 About 4% of the prison population have chronic psychiatric illnesses.
18 They transferred him to the psychiatric ward.
19 Judge: Do we have psychiatric reports?
20 He remained in the psychiatric hospital for three weeks.
21 Sentence was adjourned for psychiatric and pre-sentence reports.
22 The monastery of Konigsfelden today houses a psychiatric clinic.
23 And of course he was in psychiatric treatment.
24 Sentencing was adjourned while psychiatric reports are prepared.
25 Studies rarely include a psychiatric control group.
26 What do you expect, a nice neat psychiatric ward?
27 In a psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents?
28 She was in a psychiatric hospital last night.
29 Actually, this is the psychiatric ward.
30 Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
1 He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.
2 The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing.
3 He has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital.
4 We finally insisted that he seek psychiatric help.
5 The court has no power to order a psychiatric examination of the child's parents.
31 For Schroder-Sonnenstern, who lived in psychiatric institutions from 1919 onwards, drawing was a means of communicating with the world.
32 It will also give special care to those with medical or psychiatric problems such as memory loss and confusion.
33 Against this was a marked reduction in psychiatric symptoms, scores declining on average by 40 percent.
34 Dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder.
35 It would also lead to a better use of the skills of social workers, psychiatric nurses, physicians, and psychiatrists.
36 The judge will decide whether Barry will be sent to prison or a psychiatric hospital.
37 Since then, they said(), he has been in psychiatric treatment at a military hospital and has been taking medication.
38 A recent survey by the National Schizophrenia Fellowship has shown that 45 psychiatric hospitals will close by the year 2000.
39 A psychiatric report showed he was extremely dangerous, particularly to anyone with whom he formed a relationship.
40 Lacking white skills, disproportionately large numbers are incarcerated in penal institutions, alcohol rehabilitation centres and psychiatric hospitals.
41 A psychiatric nurse I talked to in Sheffield works twenty-eight hours and takes home £51 to keep herself and two children.
42 A new psychiatric unit will be added to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.
43 It is staffed by a team of community psychiatric nurses and a team of social workers together with psychiatrists approved under the Act.
44 Indeed, his first patient was a Philadelphia man who suffered from epilepsy and psychiatric symptoms.
45 Clinical and research interests include psychiatric, paediatric and adult nursing; midwifery; community nursing and health education.
46 Later, in his book Aromatherapie, he describes how he successfully treated several long-term psychiatric patients with essential oils.
47 He identified a variety of mild psychiatric problems, principally neurotic depression and anxiety neurosis, in 86 percent of them.
48 Sadly, too, psychiatric disorders are still viewed by many people with suspicion and prejudice.
49 She was labeled mentally disturbed and put in the psychiatric ward of a small hospital without any administrative procedure.
50 He had no one to confide in and would have seen seeking psychiatric help himself as a sign of weakness.
51 The third group includes patients who mutilate themselves, usually in the context of a serious psychiatric illness.
52 There has been a drop-off of medical students' applications for psychiatric residencies.
53 The multimillion-dollar hard sell for psychiatric drugs reflects a striking shift in attitudes toward mental illness.
54 Psychiatric reports were eventually obtained and recommended that he should be detained in hospital for treatment, not in prison.
55 For these serious psychiatric conditions the onset of new cases in later life appears to be very rare.
56 The remainder would be in psychogeriatric assessment wards and in the long-stay wards of psychiatric hospitals.
57 The judge asked for more psychiatric reports on Borgois before passing sentence.
58 There must always be an opportunity for psychiatric inpatient care when required.
59 Secondly, admission to a psychiatric unit has presumably been the result of distress which in many cases will persist after admission.
60 There are indications that at least the local psychiatric community knew exactly what was going on, and did nothing.
61 Three years later the first psychiatric clinics were held at Sighthill.
62 This may be made worse if the patient feels stigmatized because he has been a psychiatric inpatient.
63 Officers came to the hospital and lined up inmates from the psychiatric ward.
64 Psychiatric symptoms Further data concerning the prevalence of a variety of psychiatric symptoms are available from the health and lifestyle survey.
65 The timely provision of psychiatric care can dramatically reduce the use and costs of medical care for these patients.
66 One third of all prisoners suffer from a psychiatric disorder.
67 This is a psychiatric rehabilitation centre for people unable to cope with daily problems.
68 Only a few of the surveys of homeless mentally ill people have inquired about any history of psychiatric treatment.
69 He required physical restraint and was then taken to the local psychiatric hospital by the police.
70 Clinical topics on psychiatric and neurological disorders will also be covered.
71 In terms of young people, two major social concerns served to invite the psychiatric gaze.
72 No country has managed to do away entirely with reliance on state psychiatric hospitals.
73 Psychiatric hospital units for the treatment of anorexia commonly find that weight loss recurs after the patient is discharged from hospital.
74 Secondly, there may be a continuity of psychiatric problems only if the risk factor also persists.
75 She also remarked at the outset that her personal belief was that the category had no place in a psychiatric manual.
76 The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms.
77 Determinants of childhood disorder Emotional and conduct disorders are the most frequently encountered psychiatric disturbances of childhood.
78 And in our psychiatric rehabilitation centres for men and women of all ages recovering from mental illness.
79 The psychiatric symptoms of complex partial seizures are said to be indistinguishable from those of true psychiatric disorders.
80 But he criticises staffing levels in the prison's acute psychiatric unit.
81 The prevalence of this dimension of psychiatric disturbance in institutions has not been reported.
82 This is particularly important in the case of people with serious behavioural problems or continuing florid symptoms of psychiatric disorder.
83 Narcolepsy is not a psychiatric or physiological problem, but rather it is believed to be a genetic one.
84 The provision of psychiatric care to these areas must, necessarily, be different from that for densely populated cities.
85 Although it was promoted particularly to psychiatric units, they have shown little interest.
86 They were trying to insinuate that I belonged with the psychiatric patients.
87 By mistake I had been put through not to the hospital but to a psychiatric ward.
88 A history of psychiatric disorders also could contribute, some researchers believe.
89 After psychiatric evaluations found that he was competent to stand trial, Harwood pleaded guilty July 16 to second-degree murder.
90 Recently, six Humberside teenagers ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a form of schizophrenia after taking the drug.
91 I was transcribing an interview with a former administrative executive of a private, for-profit psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents.
92 Ken Mentle argued that Trevor needed psychiatric treatment more than another chance in an Athletico shirt.
93 Read in studio People who survive road accidents can go on to develop severe psychiatric problems, according to a report out today.
94 The unnamed man, from Baden-Baden, about 40 miles from Stuttgart, was taken to a psychiatric clinic.
95 Throughout the modern era, psychiatric care has been misunderstood and stigmatized.
96 But McQuay was released directly from the psychiatric prison and driven to the San Antonio lockup by prison officials.
97 He put her on probation for three years on condition she remained an in-patient at a psychiatric hospital.
98 It results from the attempt to provide relief from psychiatric illnesses and has only recently begun to be recognised.
99 Referrals to community psychiatric nurses are chargeable to the fund but those to social workers are not.
100 Early attachment behaviour is crucial to understanding later psychiatric problems.
101 Is it the specific disorder, a particular personality trait associated with the disorder, or a general vulnerability to psychiatric disturbance?
102 Unfortunately, the very psychiatric definition of identity that helped fuel this affirming development also helped fuel a rising prejudice against gays.
103 We now have a new healthcare worker -- a psychiatric nurse practitioner.
104 The campus is an inpatient psychiatric hospital specializing in adult care.
105 This patient was put on a yeast-free diet, and given a second psychiatric assessment when her bowel symptoms had resolved.
106 She checks herself into the psychiatric ward of our local hospital.
107 She works as a psychiatric nurse in a local hospital.
108 About 30 percent use injection drugs, and 33 percent have a psychiatric disorder.
109 Since September, du Pont has been undergoing treatment at a state psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
110 The use of compulsion in psychiatric care is not just a procedural, professional matter.
111 Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
112 The other pattern is that the child has psychiatric or psychological problems or is dependent on drugs or alcohol.
113 In others, the general hospital psychiatric service will be able to provide aftercare, including where necessary, family therapy.
114 She was ordered by a judge to undergo psychiatric evaluation, the source said.
115 The psychiatric model added other, more pejorative, associations with overweight.
116 Were he alive today, Tchaikovsky would be a candidate for psychiatric counseling and drug therapy.
117 At one point, when no physical problem that might cause the vomiting had been found, a psychiatric consultation was requested.
118 Professional counselors, psychiatrists, and psychiatric hospitals have great gifts to offer.
119 In recent years a policy of discharging long-stay psychiatric patients into the community has been introduced.
120 As with anorexia, the condition tends to recur after traditional forms of hospital treatment in medical or psychiatric units.
121 There are strong indications Applewhite had a history of psychiatric disorders and was once under heavy medication with psychotropic drugs.
122 It was Boxing Day afternoon, and the third psychiatric session that week which had been attended by Hargreave.
123 The therapist did not think Charles was depressed nor suffering from any other psychiatric disorder.
124 Nearly 1,000 of the 6,000 population of Leros, for example, are employed in the psychiatric institution.
125 The upshot of the interview is that Jimmy be referred for a psychiatric evaluation in order to assess the need for medication.
126 Then they took me to Montefiore Hospital to the psychiatric ward.
127 In fact, many of the non-anti-social symptoms in childhood seemed completely unrelated to adult psychiatric status.
128 And a newly recognized disorder serves to show how one comes to be recognized amid the psychiatric morass.
129 A large psychiatric unit will have admission wards specific to people with mental illness, continuing care areas and rehabilitation facilities.
130 The man, Peter Jaffe, is undergoing psychiatric evaluation, Grotz said.
131 So after psychiatric sessions, Angela came to Uncle Sammler to hold a seminar and analyze the pro ceding hour.
132 Clients are usually only referred to them, however, when they are already suffering serious psychiatric problems.
133 Small time offenders in need of psychiatric help are being jailed by the courts because of a rundown of psychiatric hospitals.
134 In line with EEC directives, the programme now includes experience of geriatric, paediatric, obstetric, psychiatric and trauma care.
135 They determine whether to sentence him to prison, confine him in a psychiatric facility or make some other appropriate disposition.
136 Llanos came to Washington, apparently to enter a psychiatric treatment facility for priests in Maryland.
137 Brett was eventually confined in a psychiatric hospital, where he committed suicide.
138 Indeed the psychiatric hospitals themselves may, in many areas, cease to exist.
139 Such patients are uncommon in general practice; they are more likely to be seen in psychiatric outpatient clinics.
140 Special considerations: there was no indication that the appellant was suffering from psychiatric disorder.
141 These sources confirmed that most patients were cared for within psychiatric services.
142 Defense psychiatric experts claim Erik suffered from the disorder at the time of the killings.
143 And psychiatric treatments consist these days primarily of drugs, psychotherapy, and shock treatments.
144 It is in that spirit that we shall use conventional psychiatric terminology here.
145 Additionally, 22, 472 children were placed in state psychiatric hospitals nationwide in 1986.
146 And it says the decision not to assign a psychiatric nurse was made on medical and not financial grounds.
147 Behaviour in patients with complex partial seizures is usually more repetitive and stereotyped than in psychiatric illness.
148 Psychiatric hospitals have rules on the use of restraints on patients.
149 In this case, however, doctors at the psychiatric hospital asked that Hawkes not be moved, according to police.
150 Children brought up in community homes are also over represented among psychiatric clinic attenders.
151 Art brut was work produced by psychiatric patients, criminals and clairvoyants.
152 The authors' purpose in this paper was to attempt to dissect psychiatric symptoms and cognition in schizophrenia.
153 But experts at the Coney Hill Psychiatric Hospital are alarmed.
154 In psychiatric research and theory, self-knowledge could eventually replace objectivity as the basis for understanding.
155 Chris and Pauline met while being treated at the same psychiatric unit of a local hospital.
156 Subsequently, many opportunities exist to specialise, for example, in intensive care, in midwifery or in community psychiatric nursing.
157 A major worry for patients in psychiatric hospitals has always been money and access to it.
158 If this can not be assured, then the person may require admission to a psychiatric unit.
159 But what defines any psychiatric disorder is the combination of symptoms and how long they last, not one particular symptom.
160 We could respond to their needs at any time of the day or night, whether for psychiatric help or respite care.
161 A trained psychiatric nurse, he is the current artist in residence at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
162 As a psychotherapist for children and adolescents, she has placed kids in psychiatric hospitals.
163 Sometimes it is incorrectly assumed that listing patients' problems precludes inclusion of psychiatric diagnosis.
164 Why didn't she become a rape counsellor or a psychiatric nurse?
165 There was a strong element of a gamble on the future in any psychiatric hospital closure.
166 With a combination of psychotherapy and new psychiatric drugs, between 80 percent and 90 percent of depressed patients get relief.
167 Some severe cases require psychiatric treatment and / or referral to a pain center.
168 The court heard that 5 psychiatric reports had been prepared at Broadmoor.
169 A number of different types of psychiatric crisis intervention services had become available by the 1980s.
170 Stevenson was arrested for murder and confined in a hospital for psychiatric tests.
171 In fact, many childhood difficulties may not, in isolation, raise psychiatric risk at all.
172 In particular they had considerably more marital difficulties, and were much more likely to be currently suffering from psychiatric disorder.
173 So, despite much that is progressive and encouraging in psychiatric hospital provision, there is still much room for improvement.
174 At the time we saw her, Jean was living in a hostel in North London and attending a psychiatric day centre.
175 The incident, caused by his impaired mental condition, cast a spotlight on the dearth of psychiatric facilities in the state.
176 Our experience indicates that the majority of in-patients in psychiatric hospitals are not particularly suitable, even if their major problem is anxiety.
177 Results - Agreement between team and research diagnoses ranged from 90% to 99% for the specific psychiatric disorders studied.
178 Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.
179 On the psychiatric ward, Muetzel and the others gathered themselves and then the patients to search for a way out.
180 I have no idea who they are, which just goes to show the ephemeral nature of psychiatric certainties.
181 Consequently, they have continued to dominate the style of psychiatric practice in many districts.
182 There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder, although it was clear that she had become withdrawn since the breakup of her relationship.
183 A welcome exception are the social clubs for former psychiatric patients run by voluntary organizations.
184 Prisons, too, are forced to handle men with profound psychiatric problems in conditions which are totally unsuitable.
185 The woman was attacked yesterday afternoon while working in the psychiatric unit of the Torbay Hospital, Torquay, Devon.
186 The differential diagnosis includes both primary psychiatric illness and a wide range of organic acute brain syndromes, including substance abuse.
187 She was also fitted with a hearing-aid and conciliation with the neighbours was engineered by a community psychiatric nurse.
188 Health insurance companies will not cover alcohol or drug related illnesses or psychiatric care.
189 The case illustrates a growing crisis for the mentally ill in Mississippi and other states, where psychiatric facilities are scarce.
190 Ranby prison, midway between Worksop and Retford, would turn to Bassetlaw Hospital for its prisoners' psychiatric care.
191 She sought discovery of psychiatric reports held by the defendants who were the education authority.
192 Hospital records were sought for such patients who had died in care outside psychiatric hospitals.
193 O'Connor had had sentence deferred for psychiatric and social background reports last month.
194 Thus, for example, they were more likely than the psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric disorder or recommend inpatient care.
195 In some cases the psychiatric service did not admit people to hospital early enough.
196 Nor was there a difference in the proportion of those committing suicide who had previously been in touch with the psychiatric service.
197 The number of psychiatric facilities in the state has dropped from 63 in January 1993 to 45 today.
198 If we do take on such students what about improved links with hospital and psychiatric services?
199 The dangerous alternative to the psychiatric help he is offering is Despair.
199 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200 Suicide Although suicide is not, in itself, a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health.
201 Mr Justice Jowitt adjourned sentence for social inquiry and psychiatric reports.
202 Care on discharge A carefully planned programme of subsequent care should be arranged before a patient is discharged from psychiatric inpatient treatment.
203 Design - Retrospective review of hospital records of patients aged less than 73 years admitted to psychiatric hospital with various diagnoses of dementia.
204 Rudman was sent to a psychiatric hospital last year after admitting the manslaughter of his wife on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
205 Concluding comments Attempted suicide continues to present a very challenging problem for medical and psychiatric services.
206 It was a combination that destroyed his ability to cope with life, and he sought psychiatric help in 1950.
207 Next day I decided to speak to Inder Lal about psychiatric treatment.
208 Though he had been a psychiatric nurse Bob attached more value to medication and group therapy than to dream interpretation.
209 Those with serious psychiatric disorders, especially depression with serious suicidal ideation or significant impairment of insight.
210 Some have shifted their focus to other psychiatric disorders, such as eating disorders.
211 Perhaps it is Upjohn that is being highly selective regarding evidence on serious psychiatric reactions to triazolam.
212 In units with long-stay residents or psychiatric units this may be particularly important and is a necessary part of the programme.
213 One Bostonian donated an old car, another, free psychiatric care to help with traumas of war.
214 All psychiatric problems are brain problems, and the psychiatrists are changing their classification scheme to try and avoid that cartesian dichotomy.
215 And says if he'd been given his own psychiatric nurse ... he would never have jumped off the train.
216 The group was made up of an educational psychologist, a psychiatric social worker, an educational welfare worker and myself.
217 But why does that prove that the lousy conduct is a psychiatric illness?
218 Eighty-nine percent of men and 84 percent of women were previously known to the psychiatric services, indicating longstanding problems.
219 Improving models I work in a psychiatric hospital on a unit caring for functionally ill elderly people.
220 The Secretary-General rejected Graham on the basis of his psychiatric report.
221 Organic has tended to mean obvious damage of some sort, producing psychiatric symptoms.
222 It is also possible for patients to be admitted directly to general hospitals and never to psychiatric hospital.
223 The boy drew cartoon images of a courtroom sketch artist and a reporter Wednesday while Easton made plans for his psychiatric evaluation.
224 Limbic system disease, which causes both epilepsy and psychiatric symptoms.
225 Impotence has for some time been the leading complaint at most college psychiatric clinics.
226 In psychiatric hospitals, the countywide average stay has plummeted from 22 days five years ago to 13 days now.
227 Carol Buckley became so depressed that she attempted suicide and spent 1 years in and out of psychiatric hospitals.
228 Even after years of psychiatric treatment, she was full of hidden anger.
229 The drug produces more psychiatric effects and probably more cardiac toxicity than does levodopa.
229 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
230 This might be based on a psychiatric clinic or a voluntary agency such as the Samaritans.
231 There was some sort of radical psychiatric treatment involved.
232 Conclusion:The hospitalization fastigium of psychiatric correlated with season.
233 Our intention in this study was to identify factors that increase the risk of postpartum psychosis in women without a history of psychiatric hospitalisation.
234 Others argue with equal force that gender dysphoria , as it is known, is a psychiatric affliction and that mutilating the body to fit the afflicted psyche is to inflict a double injury on the patient.
235 This phenomenon, known as confabulation in psychiatric jargon, is also found in people with frontal lobe disorders.
236 The community vocational rehabilitation of mental disorder is main stream in psychiatric medicine in twentieth century.
237 Jaspers' psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins' nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception.
238 It is a psychiatric classification and describes the problems related to transgender identity, and transvestism.
239 Pizza Man: And everyone at the psychiatric hospital is an FBI agent?
240 But they saw how well behaved I was and decided it meant I could behave well only in the environment of a psychiatric hospital and it proved I was mad.
241 Therefore, the evidence plays an important role in psychiatric appraisement.
242 Kids at that time brought cartoons into the age of psychiatric help.
243 This unit group includes registered nurses, nurse practitioners, registered psychiatric nurses and graduates of a nursing program who are awaiting registration (graduate nurses).
244 The inquiry team criticises staff at the psychiatric hospital for the low standard of care.
245 Objective To study quality of life of nurse in psychiatric hospital.
246 They may work in psychiatric facilities, nursing homes, counseling centers, crisis intervention centers, and a variety of other clinical settings.
247 The patient developed eczematous lesions on exposed area after she had worked at a psychiatric hospital for 6 months.
248 As a final question, setting aside the relative magnitude of disclosed or undisclosed financial relationships, is psychiatric practice biased by industry?
249 “The study indicates there are long-term implications for early behavioral regularity,” co-author Linnea Burk, Ph.D., of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics, told Psychiatric News.
250 The low importance attached to psychiatric treatment also poses a problem.
251 Jeremy : Who am I kidding? This is a full on psychiatric facility.
252 Sometimes a medical illness or another psychiatric condition can masquerade as depression.
253 Objective: To elevate the quality of psychiatric nursing by evidence based nursing ( EBN ).
254 Neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effect upon these American sailors.
255 The new American *Psychiatric* guidelines released today conflate several psychotherapy approaches equally because at least one or two randomized trials has shown them to be effective.
256 "Symptomatically, this is a good prognosis, " said Mary Zanarini, Ed. D., lead author of the study, in an interview with Psychiatric News.
257 The most widely - prescribed psychiatric drug in the country is an anti - depressant.
258 Chronic alcoholism could contribute to impairment of nerve system and brain functions, even some psychiatric disorder such as hallucination, heteroptics, acousma and so on.
259 Gabbard echoed Ferri and Clemens in emphasizing that psychodynamic principles were crucial to all aspects of psychiatric practice,(http:///psychiatric.html) including inpatient care and psychopharmacology.
260 Objective: To assess psychiatric in-patient care among immigrants, and to compare immigrants and natives with respect to sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.
261 Antisocial personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by chronic behavior that manipulates , exploits, or violates the rights of others.
262 Stimulants like Ritalin are by far the most commonly prescribed psychiatric medicines in children.
263 Having a psychiatric disorder such as depression or anxiety on top of a brain injury often leads to worse neuropsychiatric outcomes, he said.
264 Michael Sateia, director of sleep medicine at Dartmouth - Hitchcock Psychiatric Associates in Lebanon , N . H.
265 In fact, given the unique contribution that we can make to cancer treatment teams, I think there should be a subspecialty of psychiatry devoted to the psychiatric aspects of cancer care.
266 Nifurtimox is also contraindicated for people with a background of neurological or psychiatric disorders.
267 Those outcomes included substance abuse and dependence disorders, smoking, and antisocial personality disorder (Psychiatric News, January 1, 2010).
268 The new departments would make care more readily available for patients with common psychiatric problems such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
269 He's been committed to a private psychiatric hospital in Newark.
270 Objective To explore the characteristics of results of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) of schizophrenic Patients in psychiatric expertise.
271 This unique capability opens up a door to the study of cytoarchitectural changes of cerebral white matter in neurological or psychiatric diseases.
272 Ketamine is not approved for depression, and it has a checkered past in psychiatric research.
273 McCormick was the at this year's Conversations event, sponsored by the American Psychiatric Foundation.
274 "Psychiatric populations may or may not be more susceptibleto the neuropsychiatric effects of the [smoking-cessation] drugs, but we do not have the answer now, " said Newcomer.
275 Projects to reintegrate people back into the community from psychiatric hospitals involve programmes of support which can include help to find employment.
276 Methods study the questionnaires results of 99 psychiatric inpatient and find the influencing factor on bibliotherapy.
277 aims at mapping the intrinsic functional topography of the brain, evaluating neuroanatomical models, and investigating neurological and psychiatric disease.
278 "We have started a multicenter replication study in which we will recruit 320 young people in eight cities in Europe and Australia, " Amminger told Psychiatric News.
279 About this time he was petitioning the Veterans Administration for psychiatric care to treat "long periods of moroseness and suicidal inclinations."
280 The utility model relates to a drinking water tool for nursing psychiatric patients, which consists of a handle, a cup body, a cup cover and an alcohol thermometer.
281 This is a disease of psychiatric origin in which the patient refuses to eat.
282 If I had to be in a psychiatric ward, I would listen to Nick Drake. Nick Drake and contentedness are related, too – for me.
283 Methods Surveys and controlled analyses were conducted with the SCL-90 in 98 nurses of psychiatric department and 104 ones of general medicine.
284 The phenomenon, which the newspaper dubbed "Paris Syndrome", was first detailed in the psychiatric journal Nervure in 2004.
285 Who spent the last 20 years of his life in a psychiatric institution?
286 Questions about the neurologic and psychiatric effects of topiramate and the cardiovascular impact of phentermine are expected.
287 Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.
288 Cameron, an ex-president of the World Psychiatric Association, chose Montreal's Allen Memorial Institute to conduct potentially lethal experiments on non-US citizens.
289 Between psychiatric hospitalizations,() he was evaluated in Tashkent by a board of psychiatrists who declared him to be without serious mental illness.
290 The so-called "cathartic method" was a treatment for psychiatric disorders developed during 1881-1882 by Joseph Breuer with his patient "Anna O.
291 Essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3s, are proving valuable in treating Depression and other psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, as well as benefiting infant brain development, Green said.
292 There is also some evidence that people who engage in non-suicidal self-injury are at an increased risk of suicide, although the link is strongest among psychiatric patients.
293 Outcomes for psychiatric disorders no better than in the Victorian period.
294 Researchers say future studies could look at the effects of the brain chemical in patients with other psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
295 A breathalyzer test for alcohol proved negative, but police are still awaiting the results of drugs tests and a psychiatric examination.




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