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单词 Credibility
1 The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
2 The certificate has great credibility in France and Germany.
3 There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.
4 The use of computers adds credibility to the forecasts.
5 The police have lost their credibility.
6 The report gives an appearance of scientific credibility.
7 It's a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility.
8 BBC backing for the scheme will enhance its credibility.
9 They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government.
10 Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.
11 His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
12 A mistake like that will do his credibility a lot of harm.
13 There are serious questions about the credibility of these reports.
14 The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.
15 His credibility is in tatters after a series of defeats and failures.
16 Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.
17 There is little credibility among scientists for the book's claims.
18 The prime minister's credibility suffered in his handling of the crisis.
19 Funding from the World Bank lends credibility to the project.
20 The government is desperate to regain credibility with the public.
21 Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between what he said and what he did.
22 Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between her policies and her achievements.
23 Recommendations from two previous clients helped to establish her credibility.
24 The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.
25 One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — "Politicians have lost credibility(),[]" he complained.
26 The fact that he had lied before robbed his words of any credibility.
27 After the recent scandal, the government has lost all credibility.
28 The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.
29 He has been using every opportunity to boost his credibility as a budget cutter.
30 After the recent scandal the Government has lost all credibility.
1 The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
2 The certificate has great credibility in France and Germany.
3 There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.
4 Recommendations from two previous clients helped to establish her credibility.
5 The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.
6 One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — "Politicians have lost credibility," he complained.
7 BBC backing for the scheme will enhance its credibility.
8 Athletics'anti - dope campaigners are faced with a credibility problem.
9 The prime minister's credibility suffered in his handling of the crisis.
10 The government is desperate to regain credibility with the public.
31 He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.
32 He would lose all credibility with the Coptic community.
33 This rather undermines his credibility as a detached observer.
34 With whom is Washington going to lose credibility?
35 The scandal has ruined his credibility as a leader.
36 It takes time and work to build credibility.
37 Harris has lost credibility among his colleagues.
38 Or, if that failed, to destroy my credibility.
39 It gives me credibility with the reps.
40 On the other hand,[Sentencedict] honesty is an absolutely necessary policy as a matter of principle and also credibility.
41 Here was her big break, a star role to confirm that all-important credibility.
42 After years of political repression, the education system has little credibility with those it is supposed to serve.
43 At the same time, two financial scandals have damaged the government's credibility.
44 Reliable eyewitness reports of actual events, when embedded in such a list, suffered a serious erosion of credibility.
45 They lose credibility quickly with a resultant adverse impact on employee performance and profit.
46 Hume believed that four factors undermine the credibility of reports of miracles.
47 A poor attendance record leads to a credibility gap with superiors. 2.
48 To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.
49 He even told Eleanor her age and name to add credibility.
50 Don't plan twenty similar letters on one subject; your people lose credibility again.
51 They can add their credibility when I have to go back and talk to the client.
52 The cost to our presumptions and our credibility as a democracy is greater still.
53 Why Clinton administration officials have opened such a yawning credibility gap is hard to say.
54 The benefit to competitiveness would be short-term, while the damage to our credibility as an economy would be massive.
55 And Moore, although mannered, builds just enough credibility to click in her role.
56 But as it happens, there may be credibility to her account.
57 Her distance from the moneymaking machine reduced her credibility as a disciplinarian to zero.
58 Backed by a combination of sticks and carrots, the advice often gains credibility only because it is taken.
59 Hence the need for a coalition government in Moscow that would have the credibility which Mr Gorbachev's jaded administration now lacks.
60 There are moves to reintroduce public service broadcasting which lost all credibility under Pinochet's dictatorship.
61 Being part of the partnership therefore gives the teacher placement organiser greater credibility.
62 Only a handful seemed to appreciate the advantages in actively building trust, credibility, and cooperative relationships with peers.
63 Resolving this conflict was critical in fully accepting the responsibility in being a manager and developing credibility.
64 The firm lost credibility with its most important potential customers.
65 The World Yachting Grand Prix has now gained credibility by attracting renowned and respected sailors.
66 The aim is to build Labour's credibility by creating an economy which will sustain higher spending on its social programme.
67 Not badly at all, given the immense difficulty of restoring credibility to Labour as a party of government.
68 Being infected should not add to her credibility, while not being so should not disqualify her from comment, she says.
69 Not money well spent, and reflects badly on the credibility of their political coverage and on market research as a whole.
70 Charity knew that to protest any more would only undermine her credibility.
71 The practices of the press were to further undermine its credibility.
72 If a government minister dissents then he's out, for the sake of the government's credibility.
73 It is the credibility of this biological explanation which allows them to assimilate other female-male differences to it.
74 The conference on Using effective communications to build environmental credibility will take place in London on 24-25 March 1992.
75 Jim slipped on his overcoat and grabbed his briefcase as well as his large portfolio case to lend credibility to his story.
76 Evidence depends upon witnesses and, to some extent, their credibility is dependent upon their performance in the witness box.
77 News of the freebie started a credibility slide of avalanche proportions.
78 Furthermore, the value of editorial can not be quantified against equivalent advertising cost because of the greater credibility of editorial.
79 The best reasons are the objectivity and credibility of an independent audit.
80 The F-111s are ageing and their credibility as a deterrent depends upon their ability to penetrate increasingly sophisticated Soviet air defences.
81 He habitually risked not only his financial security but also his credibility as a writer with any consistent principles.
82 Because Dave had already established his credibility with the department managers,() they were willing to take him at his word.
83 This kind of cop-out is also likely to undermine the parents' credibility and the trust put in them.
84 The Liverpudlian is to use his street credibility to try to get the anti-vandalism message across to schoolchildren in Wrexham Maelor.
85 The managers were surprised to find out how difficult it was to build credibility and trust.
86 This can be reassuring to an audience and help to build credibility.
87 The number of leaks is beginning to undermine the credibility of those who claim emails can be made secure.
88 They soon stretch beyond any form of credibility as he jokes with his advisers.
89 Social, economic and political developments crushed the eighteenth-century constitution and hence the credibility of the established constitutional theory.
90 The Red Cross has a great deal of credibility with employees.
91 During this time you will have developed the personal credibility to communicate persuasively at top management level.
92 Even some analysts who have serious reservations about enlargement cite a potential credibility problem if the initiative is halted.
93 Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
94 Has this neglect of basic business principles destroyed the credibility of all online business ventures?
95 The theory gained credibility when Lewis was elevated in October 1993 to president, a post formerly held by McColl.
96 Simply to imagine it is to defy credibility: A phone rings in a boarding house in Mobile, Alabama.
97 The director involved thought that perhaps larger consultancies offered more credibility among candidates, but he was not convinced.
98 Its credibility has been severely damaged and its attempts to find a solution to the problem have resulted in abject failure.
99 The Bible's miracles, so far from supporting its claim to supernatural authority, served rather to undermine its credibility.
100 Successful application of these strategies can, in turn[sentence dictionary], build additional power bases of reputation and professional credibility.
101 One problem faced by inspectors/advisers is building their authority and credibility within schools.
102 Failure to address these issues will destroy its credibility among financial intermediaries.
103 And he denied Mr Major would lose all credibility by not pressing ahead with the treaty.
104 In each case, performance inevitably improves, with each small improvement restoring a measure of organizational credibility and self-respect.
105 Evaluations show these educators have a high impact and real credibility with 13 to 18 year olds.
106 I think Tomlinson will do a good job and restore credibility as chief inspector.
107 Your impressive track record on paper must be matched by your ability to talk about it, otherwise you will lose credibility.
108 If they do, juries should be told of the circumstances in order to assess the credibility of a witness.
109 Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
110 But that would damage the credibility of the government further and certainly affect the financial markets(), analysts said.
111 The purpose of the audit is to add credibility to financial statements for the immediate benefit of the shareholders.
112 Inaccurate though this perception may be, it creates a credibility gap which Peavey must yet cross.
113 In doing this, public relations creates confidence in a company's management and its products, which builds credibility.
114 Others suggested that because of its rigid op-position to birth control, the Church had forfeited its credibility in the reproductive debate.
115 Last year was clearly about gaining credibility again, saying we were going to cut costs and then doing it.
116 She knew she stood a good chance of losing credibility, and perhaps even her job.
117 This was Antonio Lozano Gracias, whose appointment as attorney general Zedillo hoped would give the assassination investigations credibility.
118 Economic statistics are losing their credibility and capacity to depress.
119 He had to be seen to be human but not so human as to challenge his credibility as divine.
120 No one would deny that there's a big job to be done retrieving the credibility of science.
121 Rimal stresses the importance of "source credibility".
122 Social proof is similar to "street credibility."
123 Can we believe in the credibility of fly-by-night companies?
124 They are empty of humanity, credibility, and motivation.
125 It verifies the reliability of integrated navigation system, increased system redundancy and improve overall system fault tolerance and information credibility.
126 What all this shows is that minimum effort, in the form of symbolic gestures alone, will not give firms enduring environmental credibility; instead, it lays them open to accusations of deceitfulness.
127 Unfortunately, the current Commission on Human Rights, where countries with records of serious human rights abuses like Zimbabwe and Cuba sit in judgment of democratic countries, has lost credibility.
128 Meanwhile open competition implies the credibility of the life and work style!
129 Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye.
130 An official may also exploit press coverage in order to establish his agency's credibility with constituency groups, or to bring pressure to bear on other government agencies.
130 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131 It doesn't refer to credibility - checking of original MSDS data in our MSDS Translation Service.
132 DSP's output circuit, keyboard and display circuit, high precision measure circuit and credibility protect circuit are analyzed, and the software design is given.
133 Based on VI and PXI bus, a servomechanism test system with high credibility, high precision and self-diagnosis capacity, is built up.
134 Analysis the result, the method is credibility and stabilization and optimization soil - nailed length in reason.
135 "Traceability is a key word - traceability means transparency and transparency means credibility," she added.
136 Character : favorable Credibility, condensability, soft and elasticity , high-thermal conductivity, nature viscosity, no need extra surface bond and meet the demand of the ROHS and UL.
137 Based on the MPC8260 together with the RTOS of VXWOKS. the embedded system can provide more credibility implementation of the data link protocol for the signalling system.
138 A person is character personified only if he has enough creibility. Credibility is an essential attribute that is built on the elements of integrity, reliability, veracity, competence and commitment.
139 Oddment ! Tweak! I have heard some rather ridiculous interpretations of these words, but these stretch credibility to the breaking point.
140 Its credibility depends largely on the reflected glamour of natural selection which biology proper is said to legitimise.
141 On this basis, the writer discusses and includes the evaluation of evidential matter in two ways which are credibility and effect of evidence.
142 With the social development,[] credibility of academic journal editors has moved beyond the category of ethics and personal pursuit into a requirement of social operation and system postulation.
143 All of the compliment and complaint beyond the main mission are redundant and if the missioner transmits those unnecessary supplemental his credibility will be degraded by others.
144 In this paper, we investigate quality control chart construction under random fuzzy environment on the foundation of the axiomatic credibility measure theory.
145 Since I had very early on discovered that the socioeconomic value of a man's clothing is important in determining his credibility with certain groups.
146 But Toyota, a company that built its reputation with meticulous attention to quality, is now facing a credibility crisis as little-known problems are surfacing with many of its models.
147 By preassigned credibility and precision, effective estimate of sieving rate of connectivity sieve is achieved.
148 Trying to do something socially constructive, like being a role model, will make you seem overearnest and probably hurt your street credibility .
149 The static route is the most basal kind of routing protocol, it is simple, efficiently, and credibility.
150 A company should not argue the inarguable, for it only harms credibility and makes motives and priorities suspect.
151 When conducting transactions, producers and consumers shall follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility.
152 ATP simulation results prove that the protection algorithm can delimitate between faulty lines and non-faulty lines accurately and credibility.
153 For ensuring both detection speed and precision, and improve the credibility of interesting point, this paper presents linear search and area search methods for credibility enhancement.
154 Doing so has ruined the credibility with me that the pro-vax community has claimed only they should have.
155 Improve the credibility of the training function by quantifying training's worth to the organisation.
156 The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility?
157 The need for EA seems to be more pressing than ever, yet efforts to professionalize EA do not necessarily lead to increased credibility and adoption, at least not yet.
158 A country that gives up its monetary sovereignty by dollarising or adopting the euro may gain greater credibility on inflation but may have to pay more to compensate investors for counterparty risk.
159 Honesty and credibility as a social norm and an informal code of behavior plays an important role in our society.
160 Credibility is an essential attribute that is built on the elements of integrity, reliability, veracity,[] competence and commitment.
161 The rationality and the credibility of the algorithm is verified by the practical example, it provides a new way for making the optimal operation chart of cascade reservoirs.
162 Technological transactions shall be conducted in adherence to the principles of voluntariness, equality, mutual benefit with compensation, honesty and credibility.
163 The principles of publicity, justice, honesty and credibility as well as fair competition, standardized services, voluntariness and onerousness shall be complied with in intermediary activities.
164 He is a futurist with a track record and enough credibility for the National Academy of Engineering to publish his sunny forecast for solar energy.
165 Chapter 5 gives a summary of this paper and shows the prospects in the further study of fuzzy entropy based on credibility distributions.
166 The interests of a surety are imbalanced in a suretyship, which is based on the credibility and property of a person to ensure the satisfaction of the creditor's right.
167 Confidence intervals play a similar role in frequentist statistics to the credibility interval in Bayesian statistics.
168 Innovation and Quality Credibility and good after-sales service well received by users.
169 Improving audit quality may increase the credibility of the accounting statement.
170 This paper focuses on the reasons of the price beguilement in tourism, and points that only the credibility can ensure the sustained and healthy development in the tourism industry.
171 The right of priority in stock ownership exists in rules of the company, the principle of honesty and credibility and the idea of making private laws public.
172 It is astonishing that these superstitions, in the partial guise of sophistical successor versions, retain any credibility.
173 In order to be effective with these skills, there is a strong dependency upon the credibility skills as well as the "soft" skills mentioned below.
174 Having run into trouble as a youngster, Humphrey has "street credibility, " something social workers from more middle-class backgrounds may lack.
175 This type of code has the similar power spectrum to the original AMI code, and though its code efficiency decreases, rapid synchronization will avoid losing data and increase the credibility of data.
176 Objective:To investigate the credibility and utility of ultrasonography in diagnosis of common iliac vein compression syndrome (CIVCS)and its criteria.
177 As the only Democrat to win two terms in the White House since Franklin Roosevelt, William Jefferson Clinton retains considerable credibility when it comes to politics and economics.
178 The CES net method can supply a gap of the traditional analytic hierarchy process(AHP), and it is more suitable to solve the simulation credibility evaluation problem.
179 This paper analyses in depth conductors shield principle, points out it is different from electrostatic shield of conductor, and explains why fibre transmission possesses more credibility.
180 But he cannot wish away the trade-off between liberal values and street credibility.
181 Article 4 In civil activities, the principles of voluntariness, fairness, making compensation for equal value, honesty and credibility shall be observed.
182 Trying to do something socially constructive, lke being a role model, will make you seem overearnest and probably hurt your street credibility.
183 The sector is easy to install or dismantle. this set is navigability and running credibility.
183 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
184 Anyone who has ever filed a defect report against a piece of software knows that a screen shot that actually shows the problem establishes more credibility than a written or verbal description.
185 On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.
186 In addition, AMD has the aforementioned credibility issue because the company never competed in ultramobile space with the exception of its Geode processors on the very low end.
187 Adopt the lead-in of GPRS delivers the method correspondence method simple, and safe credibility.
188 The incident, which ignited a heated public discussion, has alerted employers, who are now leaving no stone unturned to crosscheck their job applicants' credentials and credibility.
189 Most risk assessment methods only give a qualitative account of the network threat events without the quantitative value, and the evaluation results lack objectivity, dynamics and credibility.
190 A survey of 257 academicians of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering shows that they think highly of the impact of mass media but think poorly of its credibility.
191 But democracy activists have to be careful not to be labeled "pro-American, " because that would destroy their credibility.




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