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单词 Mate
1. He's an old mate of mine.
2. Many birds mate in the springtime.
3. You're minging, mate! Go and take a shower.
4. Cats do not mate with dogs.
5. Birds mate in the spring.
6. I was with a mate.
7. Where is the mate to this glove?
8. It is often difficult to get animals to mate in captivity.
9. The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.
10. Don't blame me, mate - I had fuck all to do with it!
11. The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.
12. A male bird sings to attract a mate.
13. Come on mate, things aren't that bad.
14. Have you got a light, mate?
15. A donkey mate with a mare.
16. They want the males to mate with wild females.
17. Fair go mate, let the others have a turn!
18. Do foxes ever mate with dogs?
19. Pandas rarely mate in captivity.
20. Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.
21. Lend me a fiver, mate?
22. Around here, mate, what I say, goes!
23. She has been a faithful mate to him.
24. Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.
25. The blackbird called to its mate.
26. If you paid £50, you were done,(http://) mate!
27. Where are you off to, mate?
28. He worked as a bricklayer's mate.
29. Give us a light, mate.
30. These birds have colourful feathers to attract a mate.
1. Many birds mate in the springtime.
2. You're minging, mate! Go and take a shower.
3. Birds mate in the spring.
4. I was with a mate.
5. It is often difficult to get animals to mate in captivity.
6. The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.
7. Don't blame me, mate - I had fuck all to do with it!
8. The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.
9. The mate is one rank below the captain.
31. He has found his ideal mate.
32. Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters.
33. The mate is one rank below the captain.
34. Yeah well bollocks to you too mate!
35. This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box.
36. He had worked as a ship's mate for ten years.
37. Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.
38. It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate.
39. If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.
40. "How are you, mate?" — "Not bad, mate, how's yourself?".
41. What's the time, mate?
42. It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.
43. If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well.
44. The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.
45. The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.
46. She is clearly from a different mould from her team mate.
47. The first mate was elevated to the position of captain.
48. She's my best mate.
49. The blackbird sat on the nest waiting for the return of her mate.
50. Shove up mate, there's no room to sit down here.
51. The mate observed regretfully that he could not account for that young fellow's whims.
52. Better news of his team mate, Ari Vatanen.
53. Would you trade your mate for a million bucks?
53. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54. Eat humble pie and get used to it mate.
55. What happened to this sock's mate?
56. Terry's an old mate of mine.
57. Her team mate Karen Bleakley won the B event.
58. Listen, mate, I wouldn't drop you in it.
59. But I've got the inside story from my mate.
60. It will be easier to find a soul mate elsewhere than in one's own backyard.
61. If the female gets really aggressive towards her mate he should be removed, or a tank divider installed.
62. Their progeny mate inside the fig before the young females disperse to new figs.
63. The young viewers were kept fully informed of developments and on one programme a possible mate was being discussed.
64. Stallions may show a lack of normal courtship behaviour, raping or savaging mares or displaying an inability to mate.
65. Buying a wedding gown is something like looking for the right mate.
66. Many birds live in colonies but mate monogamously within the colony.
67. And would it be advantageous for the two groups to meet and mate?
68. Males that misread the body and facial postures of a potential mate get bitten or kicked.
69. Farm Site Mate is the new handheld mapping package from Farm Works.
70. Sinnott's Liverpool team mate Pat Taylor looked good when she won her heat of the under-15 sprint hurdles in 11.7 seconds.
71. This, his first mate, is known as the primary female.
72. One example may be the male red deer which competes vigorously with other males for opportunities to mate.
73. As a consequence they typically occur in very small groups and males therefore mate with fewer females each year.
74. A spare room with no room mate was available, thank goodness, at the Loch Leven Hotel.
75. I believe the First Mate, Mr Brown, treated me kindly; he consigned my dead infant to its watery fate.
76. At the same time they try to make sure that no other males get the opportunity to mate with their own female.
77. Instantly Oliver lashed it harshly with the whip, lashed its mate, leaped to the ground and kept on lashing.
78. Another goal in picking a running mate is to avoid selecting a candidate who might add trouble to the ticket.
79. Three times he watched his first mate get blown to bits.
80. Richard Wrangham has speculated that human beings practice mate guarding in absentia.
81. Below the wood, a curlew started from the grass and winged beneath us, its mate calling from across the dale.
82. She must be mated again, and the first mate has to guard her or risk his groundwork going to benefit another.
83. In other words, some males are extraordinarily successful while others may never mate.
84. Everywhere you went, you'd meet a mate who had some gear.
85. What about everyone else - ever been a mate, colleague, love-child of anyone who's ever played for us?
86. After a couple of intense, passionate but ultimately destructive relationships, I craved a gentle, understanding mate.
87. There is not normally any corresponding selection on males to be choosy about who they mate with.
88. He has not yet found a running mate, although he has approached several minor political figures.
89. These mate, fly away and the females find new plants to lay eggs on.
90. Never mind taking a taxi in from the airport, mate.
91. Course, as Derek says, his mate is basically a very decent bloke.
92. To father a daughter, the man must fertilize his mate with an X carrier.
93. And we're not just talking about your mum and your best mate.
94. He wondered how much Lorton's mate had creamed off on top of his percentage.
95. Far more often, though, the discovery that one's mate is unfaithful leads to a lot of pain.
96. The food-finder might instead single out one other nest mate, and then lead it alone back to the food source.
97. During that time he may mate with other females, and add the eggs to his collection.
98. The chief mate watches the pick from the small flying bridge that is cantilevered out over the water.
99. Certainly it must help them locate a mate and induce a feeling of social togetherness.
100. Oh Fiona what do you think of our new flat mate Tony then, not bad looking eh Fiona.
101. The third mate is Flask, who seems to have a personal grudge against every whale in every ocean on the globe.
102. Don't share with anyone - not even your best mate or your partner.
103. Yes, your heroine will be united with her destined mate.
104. In the past great difficulty was encountered in persuading chimpanzees raised in zoos to mate successfully.
105. Fitness Mate is designed to keep track of several athletes participating in many sports, tracking their achievements in each.
106. Majerus, O'Donald, and Weir, for instance, were interested by the genetical control of mate selection in ladybirds.
107. Conversely, a small male does worse than a small female because he fails to win a mate at all.
108. His racial theory was almost certainly a red herring, 5 but the notion of selective mate choice was not.
109. Yet the woman who finds a genuinely protective mate in a less glamorous man may still feel romantically deprived.
110. His room mate, who was considerably older, was due to preach a sermon at St Paul's Cathedral but fell ill.
111. I slipped the heavy derringer into the holster while the mate watched proudly.
112. Starbuck and Ahab almost communicate with each other as the first mate pleads with Ahab to repudiate this vengeful mission.
113. Well, hard luck,(http:///mate.html) mate.
114. For example, be a different gender from your neighbor because he or she will probably turn out to be your mate.
115. He had joined the ship just as we sailed, somehow browbeating the mate into letting him board.
116. It was like a shipwreck, where the resourceful child passenger becomes the first mate.
117. A male gorilla or sage grouse does not refuse to mate with a female because of her appearance.
118. Different criteria of mate preference develop in different cultures at different times.
119. Mate fidelity between breeding seasons is relatively low, so a high proportion of the population re-pair each year.
120. It seemed unsettled, as if trying to cover a lot of territory, possibly looking for a mate.
121. Blindness is also a major handicap to the recognition of a potential mate, as is deviant colouration.
122. On the way back again to rejoin his mate he inadvertently walked over some gravel, and the noise alerted the guards.
123. Mr Bean's mate was bringing out an extraordinary white horse covered in black spots.
124. I think I've always found it hard to talk to people except for my best mate.
125. They are, however, found only among insects whose females mate many times.
126. Termites and ants do it seasonally when the time comes for them to mate, disperse and set up new colonies.
127. Occasionally she sat still while he hovered above her and briefly touched down to mate.
128. Our experience shows that stud males only mate efficiently if they are used regularly but not more frequently than alternate nights.
129. Sometimes these two-survival and acquiring a mate are conflicting goals.
130. To me, as well as being my old mate, he's a fine, outstanding example of a White Poplar.
131. Within a species, a male has at least a chance of persuading his mate to accept his donation.
132. It would be quite wrong to suggest that the only influence on mate choice is relative familiarity.
133. When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature. Sigmund Freud 
134. We trooped along and he more than likely brought his mate John Grey along with him.
135. I tell you though, my best mate thinks we haven't done it quietly enough.
136. What a man wants is a mate and what a woman wants is infinite security,’ and, ‘What a man is is an arrow into the future and a what a woman is is the place the arrow shoots off from. Sylvia Plath 
137. A man, by contrast, is seeking a mate who will use his sperm and his money to produce babies.
138. There is Star-buck, the chief mate of the Pequod, a native of Nantucket and a Quaker by descent.
139. And they mate, laying their eggs in the shallow tepid pools.
140. The final day will feature speeches by Dole and his running mate.
141. Those that are particularly good at judging readiness to mate may wind up with a lot more offspring.
142. It's surely summer. for there's a swallow: Come one swallow, his mate will follow, The bird race quicken and wheel and thicken. Christina G Rossetti 
143. The captain read the funeral service and the first mate raised the plank and tipped the small bundle into the water.
143. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
144. Here then the first mate and the captain are diametrically opposed.
145. I know it has something to do with a battle, a running mate and a presidential election.
146. The Midi Mate allows you to send up to three patch changes on three different channels and offers three different operational modes.
147. In addition to this, the bureaucratic leaderships do not facilitate bringing revolutionary Marxist educational mate rial to the ranks.
148. In fact singing seems to serve two main functions in birds: defending territory, and attracting and stimulating females to mate.
149. Tonight, and only tonight, the opalescent squid will mate.
150. The first mate was studying to become a master.
151. The black widow kills her mate immediately after copulation.
152. A robot equipped with Ompa robot mate is more cost competitiveness compared with the same payload robot.
153. Pheromones, looks and our own learned predispositions for what we look for in a mate play an important role in whom we lust after, as well.
154. The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.
155. Fattened and then abandoned by mothers who leave to mate anew, weaned elephant seal pups stick close together until ready for a first season at sea.
156. The male elephant seal fight over females for the rights to mate.
157. Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together.
158. When a female emperor penguin is ready to mate, she approaches the male and lies flat on the ground waiting for him to impregnate her.
159. Chief mate, give me your bunker records please. I have to check them one by one.
160. An Argentinian breakfast -usually consists of "mate" (an infusion drink made with leaves of "yerba") or dulce de leche with "facturas, "a croissant-like typical pastry.
161. Someone says:you must look for a mate in the same camp to make your dream come true.
162. In winter, foxes meet to mate. The vixen (female) typically gives birth to a litter of 2 to 12 pups.
163. They are hermaphrodites who produce both eggs and sperm but while they are able to reproduce asexually, they do usually mate with other giant snails.
164. The mate is set free and gathers two loose genes, which it assembles into a clone of the original replicator.
165. There never was a rock that bounded like a kangaroo, never a pebble that crawled like a beetle seeking a mate, never a sand grain that swam like a water flea.
166. Yerba mate leaves are rich in substances called polyphenols which have known antioxidant activity.
167. If a customer wants an industrial robot with 800Kg payload capacity; a budget for 300Kg payload capacity robot equipped with an Ompa robot mate would meet its requirements.
168. A seemingly unlikely sight as it crosses a salt pan, this Flap-necked Chameleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) is probably searching for new feeding grounds or possibly a mate.
169. Ompa Robot Mate promote your robot to be 2.5 times payload without power consumption, low-carbon emission for environment protection!
170. To successfully mate, the male skink must corkscrew his body around the female and align their genitals. If the alignment is off, so is the courtship.
171. The definition of a soul mate changes to be anyone you choose to grow with; be they lovers, friends, children, co-workers or family.
172. Having met Robbie on several occasions through his great mate Steve McManaman, I've always found him reserved but friendly, generous and endearingly quick with deadpan one-liners.
173. A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.
173. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
174. Naturally his mate should be Guinevere—or Jenny, as I called her.
175. Midland's race began in unusual fashion, as fast-starting Christijan Albers swept across from the left-hand side of the grid and promptly swiped team mate Tiago Monteiro into the pit wall.
176. McCain also praised his vice-presidential running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, saying she has a clear record of reform.
177. ARIES MATE You will not tolerate being bossed around by your mate.
178. Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
179. Phenylacetonitrile, or PAN for short, normally governs swarming behaviour in adult males who also use it to warn other males to leave them in peace while they mate.
180. Among lingcod, Bishop explained, the male not only chooses the nesting area—which he uses to help attract a mate—but also guards the nest after the female deposits her eggs there.
181. They believe that yerba mate helps: increase longevity, purify and relax the body, lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy appetite, and cure insomnia and fever.
182. The way to reproduce an outbred ancestor is to mate two individuals that mimic the appearance and pedigree of the ancestor's parents.
183. A passionate encounter with your mate should help alleviate that pent - up energy.
184. The only time we see lightning bugs lighting up is when they a quest toa mate?
185. But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.
186. And speaking of McCain's running mate, another effect of the crisis is that it seems to have ended, finally, the Palin-mania phase of the race.
187. The disclosure was made just days after Palin was chosen as John McCain's Republican vice-presidential running mate in the presidential election.
188. Chief mate, I want to check the sounding and bottom water in 1 C with MMC.
189. Your mate will consider this a personal put-down and will immediately move into a defensive posture.
190. Chief mate, too much remaining in 3 C , I want to take sounding with oil stick.
191. Many male mantas follow a single female, mirroring her behaviour in a bid to attract her as a mate.
192. "In the species that I study, the zebra finch, they make lifelong couples, and it's very important for them to recognize their mate," he says.
193. When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger, it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle.
194. The customized LEVEL MATE II meter displays data from the transmitter, provides excitation voltage and transmits an analog signal for remote recording, alarm or control functions.
195. Old-time Reaganites point out that the issue of Reagan's age evaporated when he chose a safe pair of hands in the form of George Bush senior as his running mate.
195. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
196. The fairy twin brother of the devil one went back to England and took pills after festers caused by AIDS have dotted all over him, leaving his late life mate agonise alone.
197. Energy drinks typically contain other compounds that are also high in caffeine, such as guarana, yerba mate and cocoa.
198. My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.




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