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单词 Divine
1. To err is human, to forgive, divine. Alexander Pope 
2. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. William Shakespeare 
3. He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
4. It is the divine will.
5. They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.
6. May your family be full of divine blessings on this Thanksgiving!
7. A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.
8. He went to church, perhaps seeking divine inspiration.
9. Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings.
10. The reason is easy to divine.
11. I don't believe that astrologers are able to divine.
12. Their new house is quite divine!
13. Some people saw the epidemic as divine justice.
14. "This food is divine," they murmur, falsely.
15. The congregation assisted at divine service.
16. Jesus is believed by Christians to have been divine.
17. You look simply divine, darling.
18. "They were divine," she sighs, dreamily.
19. The oracles were expected to divine the future.
20. These events were seen as a divine revelation.
21. We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.
22. No one has a divine right to success.
23. Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 
24. He saw the English victory as a sign of divine displeasure.
25. The Ayatollah described the earthquake in Iran as a divine test.
26. The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.
27. The king saw this victory as the direct result of divine intervention.
28. That basketball game we watch last night on television was simply divine!
29. They believe the soul is immortal[http:///divine.html], grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.
30. In the Christian tradition, the world exists only as an act of divine favour.
1. He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
2. They saw the floods as a sign of divine wrath.
3. He saw the English victory as a sign of divine displeasure.
4. A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.
5. The Ayatollah described the earthquake in Iran as a divine test.
6. You look simply divine, darling.
31. It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.
32. Astrologers claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.
33. He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.
34. The astrologer claimed to be able to divine the future.
35. Some religions have a common understanding of the nature of a divine being.
36. That mango tasted divine!
37. She clasped her hands, and glancing upward, seemed to implore divine assistance.
38. Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.
39. The old man claimed to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.
40. Being my wife doesn't give you the divine right to read my mail.
41. She prayed for divine guidance.
42. The Spirit is the mode of the divine indwelling.
43. It gives them the illusion of divine aura.
44. Nor did he find any room for divine intervention.
45. The emperor was considered the nation's divine spiritual leader.
46. Constantine was declared to be Emperor by divine right.
47. He offered a brief prayer for divine guidance.
48. His belief in divine aid was evident to all.
49. So how about a little divine intervention?
50. The ultimate power is a divine one.
51. Sometimes they were regarded as divine and worshiped.
52. The capacity of passion is both cruel and divine. George Sand 
53. Some might call that divine justice.
54. Nothing was divine any more; everything was profane.
55. He showed the almost divine side of human nature.
56. Also patron of divine intervention and pregnant women.
57. Iphigenia and the others are acting under divine guidance.
58. He was fully human as well as fully divine.
59. And barring divine intervention,[] also its last.
60. He was the first to realize that you can abandon divine creation of species without abandoning the argument from design.
61. The final surprise is that in the Old Testament the Spirit does not appear as a divine being.
62. The divine art of poetry was dedicated once to a religious purpose.
63. Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
64. I had a divine right and a solemn duty to warn them, but failed miserably.
65. The prophets they portray were at once more civilized than their masters and more closely in touch with the divine will.
66. And yet, the idea of a Goddess, a wholly divine being, actually being born struck them as bizarre.
67. The true whole divine power remained hidden and mysterious and mortal man was unable to see its perfection.
68. The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution.
69. He is using your partner as divine sandpaper to take off the rough edges.
70. Justice entailed bringing all relations within the ambit of divine order.
71. According to Gandhi, it is when symbols become fetishes and embodiments of the divine, that they might be construed as idols.
72. It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries.
73. He suggests at the start of verse 3 that it is a sort of divine reassurance from his dead friend.
74. Not even the Divine Sarah, apparently, could be allowed to interrupt his train of thought.
75. At its head soared a great fountain on which stood Columbia, a divine giantess, on the Barge of State.
76. Those with such an awakened spirit might be blessed in this life with divine dreams and revelations.
77. Some bicyclists apparently think they have a divine right to ride wherever they want.
78. Every question was considered in light of the King's conscience and of divine precepts.
79. Spoken words were not crucial because people should be able to divine the next move.
80. We thought there was some sort of divine providence which would somehow or other get us away.
81. But such divine activity does not obviate the urgent need for witness.
82. The combination of sweet prunes and rabbit in this classic dish is divine.
83. In all divine offices in the abbey, in reading and in meditation, he associated with the brethren in the cloister.
84. Others will divine whether the Martins were lucky hobbyists or party stooges.
85. Such is what the traditional doctrines of divine omnipotence, preservation and providence are really saying.
86. The boy's parents believe his illness is divine retribution for their sins.
87. The San Francisco quake was mild compared to the roar of divine judgment soon to come.
88. The group who were the most uncompromising in their attachment to divine and hereditary right were the Nonjurors.
88. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
89. What is truly disconcerting about the story is the result of the fall, and the divine purpose behind it.
90. Anyone who challenges my authority will have to stand up to this divine power when I come to Corinth.
91. The future, politically and economically, looks quite too far gone for anything but a divine intervention to help.
92. The people who made these images of divine beings and snakes did not do so arbitrarily.
93. Although the innocent might suffer, such tragedies were often accepted philosophically as part of the divine will or punishment.
94. The powers residing in herbs, stones, and aromas were both natural and divine.
95. Gods on the upper end of the divine hierarchy mostly granted favours, and punished humans only with good cause.
96. He felt the change with amazement and the belief took hold of him that his visitor had been divine.
97. The core, on the other hand, consists of divine goodness.
98. It represents a direct divine revelation that delivers a capacity for understanding beyond the parameters of normal discourse.
99. History shows a variety of such sources: immemorial custom, divine law, the law of nature, a constitution.
100. The finding did seem a divine sign, since henceforth the missions would need no outside support.
101. Anglican clergymen busied themselves with preaching up theories of divine right and non-resistance.
102. From there, they progressed to the enthralling problem of human and divine love.
103. When we see existence itself as the divine body we create a more reciprocal relationship.
104. Only immediate action was appropriate in abolishing a system which infringed divine law.
105. That is why the divine providence revealed himself in story.
106. But divine providence interceded, for the wheel broke, the spikes flying off and injuring many bystanders.
107. The ensuing silence indicated that I had not helped matters. l stared at my Keds, hoping for divine guidance.
108. Col. 10 of the Derveni papyrus draws attention to the violence perpetrated by one divine generation against another.
109. They merely mentioned it once or twice as a divine possibility.
110. His good fortune in surviving subsequent assassination attempts increased his belief in his divine protection.
111. Then on Easter Sunday, in what must have seemed like divine intervention, the drillers broke through.
112. As the Gospel narrative unfolds we are quickly made aware that the good news signifies more than rescue from divine wrath.
113. Does not the divine drama seem to suggest that the Devil is calling the tune?
114. Divine Mission airs at 3 today, and 9 p. m. Wednesday, November 19, on Channel 6.
115. In fact all matter had within it a divine spark of life.
116. On the one side the appeal was to reason; on the other, to faith and special divine revelation.
117. Subjects therefore had to obey the laws of their earthly governors, in whatever they commanded that was not contrary to divine law.
118. The alliance, whether viewed as divine or malign, was formally enshrined in the School Certificate examination defined in 1917.
119. The death of a child is commonly seen by members of the tribe as divine punishment.
120. Presumably what he means is that at that point they will have lost their representative character and become embodiments of the divine.
121. He is certainly not intended to be regarded as divine.
122. For Divine, the test is whether it can hold its own against the multinational chocolate companies.
123. As long as matter was considered to be inert, its motion could be ascribed to the divine will.
124. This, of course, brings us right back to the beginning of the divine drama.
125. Their dreadlocks flew like skipping ropes, their bodies gleamed, their eyes were closed in divine ecstasy.
126. Love came down at Christmas; love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas, stars and angels gave the sign. Christina G. Rossetti 
127. He was now a young Anglo-Catholic who acquired the Catholic sense of divine rights in the Church which no State can touch.
128. Every window into the divine has its own angle and there is an infinite number of angles.
129. It is, however, true that Roman aristocrats were usually wary of divine origins.
130. You can still divine water with a rod and be an agnostic.
131. If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
132. People think that epilepsy is divine simply because they don't have any idea what causes epilepsy. But I believe that someday we will understand what causes epilepsy, and at that moment, we will cease to believe that it's divine. And so it is with everything in the universe. Hippocrates 
133. But if - for whatever reason - you take the Devil out of the redemption story, the divine drama is lost.
134. Many people would refer to them more as superhuman than as divine characters.
135. Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine. Gordon B. Hinckley 
136. Nothing was going to spoil a divine day for a Saturday hike.
137. Grace, the sacraments, the church is divine, Our Lady, the saints, etc.
138. Both acts are morally wrong - Edward should not have abused his divine right and curried favour by dishing out peerages.
139. The modern anguish stems from the absurdity of the allegory, once its center, divine Will, is removed.
140. Instead, they recognized an interlocking trinity of types: animal, human, divine.
141. But whether the Orphic writers claimed the soul to be divine goes beyond the evidence.
142. Yet one had to admit that the divine selection could take singular forms.
143. The kind of order that makes the hushed voices expect little divine intervention.
144. Arius differed from Origen in seeing the coming forth of the divine Word as a service to the inferior created order.
145. But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace.
146. Nefertum: the divine lotus or a man with a lotus blossom on his head.
147. Now every place where the Meal of the Lord is celebrated is made holy by this divine presence.
148. The stained glass is divine[/divine.html], the carpets rich and colorful and the tapestries simply beautiful.
149. These references to Niagara Falls as a manifestation of the Divine would become even more frequent as the century advanced.
150. One is that devout patients may forgo treatment and wait for divine intervention.
151. Her husband, the Rev. George Butler, understood it as a true reflection of divine love.
152. Perhaps deities were transported in ships to describe a magic circle of divine protection round the whole island.
153. That would entail the existence of causal relations between such persons, in all their physical complexity, and the divine being.
154. The earthly commonwealth being a reflection of the divine, secular power was therefore subordinate to spiritual.
155. As a gift of divine origin, there was nothing sacrilegious in their use.
156. By distinguishing too sharply between the divine Word and the divine Spirit the Church has lost a most important biblical perspective.
157. The emperor, who many believed to have divine origins, appeared to be merely human after all.
158. This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
159. They were collecting, they claimed, divine energies for Mr Rowse to dispense during the coming week.
160. But at times the divine value seems absent from nature, and man is left alone with his idealism.
161. It finds a place for everyone within the divine purpose, regardless of their background, status or gender.
162. At a stroke the party managers and fixers have lost their assumption of a divine right to power.
163. For tens of thousands of years the creative power of the divine female body dominated spiritual awareness.
164. But it does make clear a belief that the divine being reveals or manifests its nature in the world.
165. It is a mystic power not of the world of material facts, a divine gift in compensation for our ephemeral life.
166. I find this a powerful image-the Divine reaching down, humanity reaching upward.
167. There were twenty days in the month, each being regarded as divine and of distinctive omen.
168. When his worship spread to a town where there was already a divine ruler the two were slowly fused into one.
169. The accountants who continued to divine clever ways of justifying this structure?
170. The ultimate divine mystery is there found immanent within each.
171. Another piece of divine retribution for all those hours spent ticking others off came relatively recently.
172. Even the claim that the natural order reflected the contingency of a divine will could pull in two directions.
173. He can move from place to place through the air at crucial moments, supposedly by inspiration of divine spirit.
174. Also it was expected of Rangers to attend divine worship.
175. At this meeting the ministers asserted that their form of Church government was established by divine ordinance.
176. I find divine creation, or several such creations, a completely unnecessary hypothesis.
177. The road along which the divine bearers marched in relays had neither beginning nor end.
178. He considered that it was his primary duty to be a divine and theologian rather than a political bishop.
178. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
179. Whereas human personality is present in bodies, divine personality is present in what is inanimate also.
180. Faith, revealed through Muhammad, had imparted to humanity a divine message.
181. Once crowned, his position had divine sanction, was regarded by the church as sacrosanct, and so was considerably strengthened.
182. She is the embodiment of the divine cosmic power of destruction.
183. In the moulding of my clay did you take pleasure, or chuckle with divine delight at every quirk of personality?
184. Next in order came a few mortals so excellent in their art that they almost equaled the divine performers.
185. Looking back from the 860s, Charles saw this as the direct result of divine intervention.
186. The future holds unlimited possibilities for those who will accept divine guidance and grace.
187. In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
188. How did the ancient people regard the divine body and its physical reality?
189. The divine has long been made an intimate participant in male experiences of violence, in war and in political martyrdom.
190. One need not be a Nobel Prize economist to divine the logical extension of that trend.
191. The worshipper who entered them felt as if he or she were entering a divine body.
192. In every human body, they insisted, there remains a spark of the Divine Principle which once irradiated its entire being.
193. Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire. Wayne Dyer 
194. We launched Divine with half a million pounds, 60 per cent of which was spent on working with the producers.
195. The first Christians also knew that divine resources were more than a match for the dark powers.
196. That this substance is divine and intelligent is demonstrated by the orderliness of the universe.
197. For most philosophers of classical antiquity the world was both animate and divine.
198. To perform them is to conform to the divine order which governs all human affairs.
199. The form of prayer is unimportant; whatever the form its aim is to bring us into communion with the divine.
200. He would be unwise to underestimate the disruptive potential of its particular form of divine discontent.
201. If there is no divine law men must try to agree among themselves what is right and what is wrong.
202. The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles, conundrums and endless interpretations.
203. In short, there never was a series of divine cataclysms, and the existence of mankind on earth was relatively short.
204. We believe that human beings have a divine origin and an eternal destiny.
205. Paul says' the weapons we fight with ... have divine power to demolish strongholds.
206. Ideas of Divine Right were, it is true, becoming increasingly difficult to justify in intellectual terms.
207. Homer says that he felt awe to slay a man who had been taught his divine art by the gods.
208. The earthquake was seen by some people as divine retribution.
208. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
209. But strangely enough she did not care long for her divine lover; she preferred a mere mortal.
210. We hope that Divine is one modest step to redress the balance.
211. A simple enough rule which struck his rather undeveloped mind with the force of divine inspiration.
212. Their descriptions seem sufficiently close to one another to be taken as descriptions of the same divine being.
213. They would have said that their obsession was with divine grace.
214. The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.
215. In the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha. Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him. Osho 
216. He had half expected a divine pre-emptive strike, a thunderbolt maybe, as he queued for the body and blood.
217. To deny the reality of the divine love is to enter the dark territory where it can not be found.
218. What we may recognize as a scientific principle was enunciated via the theological concept of divine immutability.
219. James sought to reassert the divine right of kings, and Parliament combined against him.
220. They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
221. Here they were, the wise ones, sitting around the table contemplating their divine duty.
222. These two chapters move through the entire world of images and ideas surrounding the divine body.
223. The Emperor was transformed from a divine figure into a constitutional figurehead.
224. Encountering him there, Dinah calmly tells him that she can not do without him-it is the divine will that they marry.
225. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of our contemporaries, the connection of events.
226. Nor do I accept the criticism of those who say this is a lightweight view of the divine purpose of humankind.
227. All things in heaven and earth were mysteriously linked with the divine powers, but beautiful things most of all.
228. The divine king brought prosperity to his country and therefore his health and power were vital.
229. To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
230. He began to recite an act of resignation to the Divine Will.
231. The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
232. He had to be seen to be human but not so human as to challenge his credibility as divine.
233. Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
234. A divine work! Athens, diviner yet.
235. Waterloo bears divine right on its crupper.
236. I'm currently writing a commentary on The Divine Comedy.
237. I pant for the music which is divine.
238. These 60-metre giants are known locally as the Tree of the Gods and an appropriate home for one of India's most divine creatures.
239. He is at once a hedonist who preaches prudence and temperance, a theist who rejects divine intervention and the survival of the soul,[ ] and an atomist who upholds both mechanism and free will.
240. They feel that Mohammedanism implies some Divine aspect to Muhammad himself.
241. In their eyes, it is a special place whose specialness is part, and even proof, of a divine purpose.
242. He perceived that by some means or other she, like himself, had divine the truth of her father being the murderer.
243. "Isn't it divine?" she said. "I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it."
244. In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the early church, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divine natures in his own single person (hypostasis).
245. My Prayer:Please help me clearly hear, see, feel , and know the Divine guidance that I have asked and prayed for.
246. " The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in "the end of the war rescript" Japan also known as "Divine", but Japan and China is obviously the two.
247. Louis believed strongly in the divine right of kings, saying that he was the sun and that his courtiers and France should revolve around him like planets.
248. Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture, no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God.
249. According to Thoth, the divine language form represented in the Alphabet of the Ark, is contained within the matrix of this greater Archangelic flame script.
250. In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
251. Based on the Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante, it shows his encounter with souls damned for the sins of the flesh.
252. Buber also offered an evolutionary aspect of the divine he referred to as "dialogical spirituality."
253. When one inhales, one should syncopate their breath of life with both physical and nonphysical counterparts breathing together in divine timing.
254. One day a man came to ask Third Fairy's divine aid in curing an ailment.
255. To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law.
256. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth, and divine guidance.
257. We also highly recommend opening fully to divine guidance, and asking only for guidance that serves what is best for all of us.
258. In these documents the natural divine filiation of Jesus even as man is strongly asserted, and His adoptive filiation , at least in so far as it excludes the natural, is rejected as heretical.
259. The conception of the Mother of God was beyond all comparison more noble than that of St. John the Baptist, whilst it was immeasurably beneath that of her Divine Son.
260. They had leaders and noble families, but no quasi - divine monarch surrounded by an elaborately organized court.
261. It doesn't really matter if this is correct or a load of old hooey because it gives me the chance to talk about the divine Jane Lynch.
262. The divine soul is everywhere in the Miltonic body, the human body.
263. Tony sipped from his glass. "Mmm. Ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Divine. Wonderful."
264. The high the latest fashion that autumn winter series contains clarity is delicate divine marrow, the outside indelicacy of firm independence shows meticulous woman idiosyncratic.
265. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine has then assumed the role of trigger point for all of the Master Crystals.
266. I next appeared and claimed that being the initial letter in the divine name IHVH, it was the best for the work of creation.
267. He didn't know he'd won when he sat down to dinner on Tuesday, but he spent the evening cannily trying to divine the result from the way the cameras were positioning themselves.
268. Titian made another painting of the divine huntress and Cadmus's grandson: The Death of Actaeon, which hangs in the National Gallery in London.
269. Hardly anywhere else can your soul relax quite like this. The pictures that you see spring from the Divine Reality.
270. Inside the compound stood a shrine to Banbibi, the divine protectress of the forest, and to Dakshin Roi, the tiger god.
271. Dante Alighieri was the greatest poet of Italy, his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature.
272. We do not become more Christlike without the divine power of God's Spirit.
273. The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating, dying and being reborn, were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities, and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ.
274. There are certain key features of Deuteronomistic thought that are evident from Joshua through 2 Kings One is the belief in the divine election of Jerusalem.
275. Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope.
276. Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
277. When the infant Heracles caught Hera"s two serpents in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child"s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy .
278. We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
279. The music is divine, and the flautist has the most impressive I-hate-tourists sneer I have ever seen.
280. And this garb was a perfectly transparent sheath, through which he recognized the glory of the Divine Immanence.
281. Some nights you simply don't have the price of admission to touch the divine.
282. Before one can embody divine union, the masculine and feminine must cease to be at war with one another within.
283. Dante for a genealogist, and could reckon back to the Divine Comedy.
284. It is to safeguard human beings against this that Allah has provided Divine Guidance through His prophets and messengers.
285. The self is seeking union and nothing divine is possible in the current happenstance.
286. The Kena-upanishad discusses the qualities of the divine essence (Brahman) and the relationship of the gods to the divine essence.
287. These are Sacred Technologies and are inherent to our original divine structure and are necessary for us to heal the distortions that are currently part of our core template.
288. Everlastingly , with all the divine bliss within me,[sentencedict .com] I eternally suffer for one and all – thus I am crucified eternally and continually for all.
289. In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.
290. In order to serve Him aright, we be born of the divine Spirit.
291. Peter saw Jesus' Messiahship in a different way to the divine plan.
292. The literary standard came into being in the 14th century, largely through Dante's Divine Comedy and the works of Petrarch and Boccaccio .




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