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单词 Pathogen
1. Not every pathogen will respond instantly to events.
2. But now suppose the pathogen becomes the tiniest fraction more virulent: say the infectivity becomes one point zero one.
3. Trichostrongylus is rarely a primary pathogen in temperate areas, but is usually a component of parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants.
4. Another example is the water-borne pathogen Cryptosporidium, a minute organism found in the excreta of farm animals.
5. The pathogen could disrupt these vital cells, which would cause the capillaries to become leaky.
6. At least one avian disease pathogen has been found.
7. Compost is not necessarily pathogen - free.
8. The pathogen was almost instantly detected by automated systems.
9. The causative pathogen is influenza virus.
10. Bubonic plague is an extremely dangerous pathogen.
11. A pathogen of black spot of citrus limon is primary identified by some observations and fungi cultivations of slices of ground infested leaves or fruits.
12. The oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans is the causal agent of potato late blight, one of the most devastating diseases of potato worldwide.
13. The distribution pattern, damage degree, symptoms of pathogen Hypoderma desmazierii Duby were studied. The research focused on the epidemic trend of the disease on masson pine.
14. The host range test showed that the pathogen could also infect Notopterygium incisum, Angelica biserrata and Datura stramonium.
15. It was found that invasion of the pathogen on tomato fruits was most popular through petal residue (81%), and also through chapiter.
16. The interaction between rice host and its pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) at cell level was studied using a resistant somaclonal mutant HX-3 and its donor Minghui 63.
17. The fifteen newborn SPF ( Specific Pathogen Free ) piglets obtained by caesarean operation were randomly divided into three groups.
18. Gyrodactylus I have probably seen this skin fluke parasite on more fish in my laboratory studies than any other pathogen.
19. He approach should be a cheap, highly effective method of reducing human exposure to the deadly pathogen, they say.
20. In addition, samples containing granulomatous lesions from patients with acute disease should be most likely to contain a causative pathogen.
21. Not all studies using molecular techniques have produced evidence for M tuberculosis as the pathogen in sarcoidosis.
22. It is the T-cells which stimulate the B cells to produce the necessary antibodies to protect the body against an invading pathogen.
23. The chief aim is to reduce the solid volume of waste, offensive odours and to effect pathogen removal.
24. Although the rate of mycelial growth and sclerotial germination of the small round disease pathogen were superior to that of small black disease pathogen in all different to drought water potentials.
25. It is generally considered that tuberculid is a hypersensitivity response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis or its metabolic products, but not directly caused by this pathogen.
26. The symptoms of plantain head blight were systematically observed, ant its pathogen was identified.
27. Results: Incidence of nosocomial lung infection was as high as 85.7% with Gram negtive bacteria species as main pathogen.
28. He thought, for acute pyelitis, the beginning was a new affection syndrome and aincubative pathogen syndrome secondly.
29. Objective:The study was designed to evaluate the antiseptic efficacy of Tinidazole stilus against periodontal pathogen.
30. The tomato Cercospora leaf mold broke out in Xinxiang, Henan province in 2003. The symptom of the disease was observed and described, the pathogen and the biological characteristics were studied.
31. Early results show that extract from Cuminum cyminum L. have good control effect to plant pathogen, and in vivo experiments with excellent bioactivity against Phytophthora capsici and Blumer graminis.
32. Tuberculosis ( TB ) is a chronic respiratory infectious disease caused by the pathogen Afycobacterium tuberculosis ( MTB ).
33. The outbreak of stevia leaf blight was investigated and analyzed on pathogen and its regularity according to 5 year data in the Southwest of Shandong.
34. Plant defense signal uses the similar mechanism in the animal immunity system, and it can be initiated by non-parasitic pathogen and mediator.
35. Vibrio vulnificus, a an opportunistic pathogen causing septicemia and wound infection in humans.
36. According to a series of laboratory examination, combine the clinical symptom and pathologic varieties, this pathogen was identified as Pasteurella multocida.
37. The pathogen of this disease is belong to Reoviridae Fiji genus.
38. The gastrointestinal tract (55.07%) followed by the lower respiratory tract(22.7%) was the most infected site. The salmonella typhimurium was the most bacterial pathogen.
39. In the experiment, the pathogen was isolated from pathogenic and typical spots of sainfoin leaves in the field.
40. Common pathogen is bacterium of generalization pus sex to wait like grape coccus , streptococcic, coliform organisms more.
41. Objective : To study bactericidal effect on pathogen and irritation to human body.
42. Nosocomial infections by Staphylococcus epidermidis: how a commensal bacterium turns into a pathogen.
43. It has been demonstrated that Schistosome is pathogen of schistosomiasis, and the mammalian animal (the end host) and snails (the intermediate host) are their two hosts.
44. Mostly because abortion, labor, surgical operation or not clean sexual behavior come cervix uteri's damnification, the pathogen penetration comes the infection.
45. The bacteria-free filtrate of biogas slurry had obvious inhibitory effects on Botrytis cinerea pers and Botrytis cinerea, while the weak inhibitory effects on the other 5 vegetable pathogen.
46. This paper reported the pathogen and its prevention method of the serious disease which caused large scale death on the cage cultured Trachinotus ovatus in Hainan.
47. The drug sensitivity test of strain A5 revealed that the pathogen was sensitive to drugs such as ofloxacin, gentamicin, tenebrimycin and piperacillin.
48. So, despite the fact that most adult Americans either have HSV-1 or 2, or are at very high risk of contracting it in their lifetime, not enough is being done to stop the pathogen.
49. Tuberculosis ( TB ) is a chronic respiratory infectious disease caused by the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( MTB ).
50. Candidiasis is a common mycosis, most of which is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen , albicans.
51. The identification and Growth Characteristics of the pathogen of Valencia orange green spot were studied.
52. A human lung oat cell carcinoma was transplanted and serially passaged in BALB/CA/ JCL nude mice,() cultivated under a specific pathogen free condition.
53. It was identified that Cytospora leucostoma was the pathogen of bayberry stem rot.
54. Rickettsia - like organism was an important pathogen which caused the fish disease.
55. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the pathogen most frequently encountered. Seven of the ten patients had underlying disease, and hemoglobinopathy was frequently associated.
56. Objective To study on the distribution of pathogen of bacteroidal dysentery and their susceptivity to drugs in our area.
57. The pathogen is able to travel like a stowaway, remaining viable in the mud on shoes or tires and on crates and cages in which birds have been transported.
58. The MI15 strain of Agrobacterium radiobacter can produce Agrocin MI15 which inhibits the growth of Agrobactium tumefaciens, a pathogen causing grape crown gall.
59. Avirulence gene is genetic factor of pathogen. It encodes elicitor which triggers specific interaction of plant and pathogen.
60. Comparison of sensitivity of different primer sets for the detection of HLB pathogen.
61. Method:To mensurate absorbence value of Medilac- Vita with different concentration by tube continuous dilution on enteric pathogen, conditioned pathogen and their bacterial L form.
62. Conclusion Some patients with radiation mucositis do exist pathogen, and we must sleet antibiotics by the bacterial cultured results.
63. Brevibacillus brevis JK-2 isolated from the soil was studied for its biocontrol effect and inhibition against the pathogen of tomato Fusarium wilt.
64. This paper deals with isolation and cultivation of the pathogen of crown gall in kiwifruit, and studies the morphological, physiological, biochemical and serological characteristics of the pathogen.
65. The methods, such as the hypothesis and reasoning from logic, etc. are important means in the science , and the dispute in pathogen and civet cat hypothesis are directly proven its functions.
66. Vibrio vulnificus, a worldwide virulent pathogen, is mainly found in warm coastal waters.
67. Here, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease is shown in human blood.
68. A pathogen must prevent one of three stages of immune function: detection, activation, or effector function.
69. Objectives To search for the divergency, types and significations of enteric pathogen L-form in the children with acute diarrhea.
70. In a Biological Safety Level 2 lab, scientists grow a batch of Erwinia Herbicola, a plant bacteria that is a simulant of a dangerous pathogen, but which itself is not dangerous.
71. All those results showed that the pathogen of infectious proventriculus disease of chicken was a member of coronaviridae and had close correlation with IBV to some extent.
72. This gives us the best evidence yet that in a community with domesticated animals but before dairying, the infecting strain was actually the human pathogen.
73. AIM : To develop a simple and accurate technique for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and identification of Leishmania pathogen.
74. Equine arteritis virus (EAV) is the pathogen of equine viral arteritis(EVA), one of the infectious diseases in equine to be exported or imported, which should be inspected by all countries.
75. In order to provide reference for pear storage, pathogen of pear ring rot was separated and purified cultured, and pathogenicity of pathogen was test, taking Pyruspytifolia Nakai cv.
76. In addition, the estimated probability of tonsillar bacteriology by surface swabs varies with the type of the pathogen.
77. This review focuses on the methods of isolation and cultivation of pathogenic free-living amoebae, including sample treatment, culture conditions, passage culture, pathogen detection, and maintenance.
78. Causes neck of uterus the rotten to the core pathogen to he many for fester character the bacterium, like staphylococcus, gonococcus, large intestine liver fungus and so on.
79. The action of a pathogen and an insect vector changed the ecology of the rabbit.
80. Using false smut of rice (FSR) sclerotia isolation, the pathogen of FSR was cultured in PSA medium.
81. Considerable media attention has focused on a new potential pathogen , Pfiesteria piscicida , a toxic dinoflagellate associated with fish kills in coastal waters .
81. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
82. Testing VD pathogen through PCR may efficaciously prevent, cure and control VD.
83. In this experiment, the pathogen of poplar crown gall were isolated and identified.
84. In addition, the estimated probability of tonsillar bacteriology by surface swabs aries with the type of the pathogen.
85. The biocontrol effects of different bacteria on soybean root rot pathogen(Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium oxysporum) and Heterodera glycines were tested.
86. The researchs were confirmed that Leuconostoc mesenteroides could produce much acid and pure with abilities to have antioxidation and antagonism towards pathogen.
87. Objective: To investigate the current status of taeniasis and the pathogen of taeniasis in Binyang and Rongshui counties of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.
88. ObjectiveTo study the clinical manifestation of lung cancer complicated by hospital acquired pneumonia, pathogen and its drug-fast strains to provide applicable clinical evidence.
89. Objective: To study the pathogen of opium poppy downy mildew and its biological characteristic for further research on the disease.
90. Molecule genetics test shows the pathogen is Aeromonas hydrophila with aer-toxin.
91. The uninucleate Rhizoctonia is the first report in China and also the first report as a pathogen of turf-grasses.
92. Causes the NGU pathogen mainly for the blister mantle bacteria reconciliation urine mycoplasma.
93. Separated from rot seeds' tissue , 6 strains of pathogen and one eelworm have been purified .
94. The pathogen of Amorphophallus soft rot disease is Erwinia carotovora subsp carotovora (Ecc).
95. Mycoplasmas are widespread in nature as conditional pathogen, which may be the unique prokaryote that can cohabit with eukaryote and interact permanently with mammalian cells.
96. The pathogen in the waters are viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths.
97. Chancre: Primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen; specifically, the typical skin lesion of primary infectious syphilis.
98. In the invading metaphase , the hyphae of the pathogen can invade the cortical area of cells of susceptible varieties, but only can invade the outer cortex cells of resistant descendants.
99. During the infection of pathogen, a series of pathological changes occurred in host tissues and cells, such as plasmolysis, disruption of cytoplasm, decomposed of organoids and necrosis of cells.
100. Objective To investigate the effect of propionibacteriumacnes (P. acnes), which is the pathogen of fatal bacterial granuloma after trauma, on the proliferation and apoptosis of microglia (MG).
101. The study of inhibiting mechanism demonstrated that the fermentation liquor can inhibit the hyphal 's growth and spore's sprouting of pathogen Verticillium dahliae.
102. While on a diplomatic mission to Monor II, Mara was secretly infected with a coomb spore, a deadly bio-engineered pathogen crafted by the Yuuzhan Vong.
103. Objcctives:To evaluate the application of C reaction protein(CRP) and prealbumin (PA) in distinguish the pathogen in children with acute respiratory tract infection.
104. Itwas found that the intracellular primary hypha of the pathogen was developed and deposited by a layer of accidented electron-opaque material after invading host tissue.
105. Gram - positive cocci was the main pathogen, one case of superficial infection was caused by Actinomyces.
106. Vibrio vulnificus is a gram - negative opportunistic pathogen inhabiting the marine environments.
107. CONCLUSION: Leishmania infantum is the pathogen of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Karamay, Xinjiang, and P. major wui, the vector of this disease.
108. A basic dichotomy in epidemiology is whether a pathogen is residual or continental.
109. Objective To explore the pathogen and molecular basis of cryptogenic cirrhosis in a patient.
110. Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR.
111. The fungus, Candida albicans,(http:///pathogen.html) interacts with epithelial cells in the human host both as a normal commensal and as an invasive pathogen.
112. Molecule genetics test shows the pathogen is Aeromonas hydrophila with Aer - toxin.
113. Epitope - based vaccines provide a new strategy for prophylactic and therapeutic application of pathogen - specific immunity.
114. Method:To examine the pathogen through massaging the prostata and collecting the EPS.
115. The optimal medium of the pathogen for the mycelium growth and sporulation was PDA.
116. Conclusion Fungus has become one of the very important pathogen in NICU, the candia albicans is the major pathogen.
117. Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia (APP) is an important contagious pathogen causing different age porcine infectious pleuropneumonia, and lead to severe economic loss to the swine industry.
118. Many factors lead to the prevalent of important zoonosis or emerging zoonosis emergence such as environment changes, human and animal demography, pathogen changes and changes in farming practice.
119. The pathogen was identified as cucumber target leaf spot according to Koch s Postulation and biological characteristics.
120. We think that the swab cultures taken from the tonsillar surface may not always reveal the real pathogen of the tonsils.
121. Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) was the pathogen of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ( AIDS ).
122. From the absolute value of control effect, "Priority of the pathogen inoculation"means the disease has happened in the practice, the case is not meaning for controlling the pine needle blight.
123. The survival rates of pathogen in the seed potato inoculated with metalaxyl resistant isolates were 80 0%.
124. Biocontrol strains ZK7 and IPC may not be recognized as a pathogen of tobacco roots, but they are similar to symbiosis relation between plant and mycorrhiza or endophyte.
125. This Example can be seen that structural biology to the study of pathogen biology provide a unique vision of the micro-atomic level.
126. Vibrio anguillarum, a severe pathogen of marine fish, is the causative agent ofvibriosis which is a highly fatal hemorrhagic septicemic disease.
127. The biological characteristics of the pathogen showed that Rsolani causing carnation basal stem blight was strong adaptive in environment.
128. Acquired immunity relies on the long-term survival of sensitized T and B memory cells, which can proliferate quickly upon reinfection by the same pathogen.
129. Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision.
130. To explore the directive significance on the differentiated treatment of rapid-progressed nephritis (RPN) by toxic pathogen.
131. The occurance of Melampsora rust on poplars in Shanghai was studied. The sprouting and infestation of uredinia and telia of the pathogen were tested.
132. The toxin may be formed within the pathogen and released when it dies (endotoxin), or secreted through its cell wall (exotoxin).
133. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a widespread nematode in southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, is believed to be the main pathogen resulting in human eosinophilic meningitis or meningoencephalitis .
134. Objective: To isolate and differentiate the pathogen of the STD.
135. Shigella, the most regular pathogen in Enterobacteriaceae, could easily cause human enteric infection.
136. More recently , Enterobacter cloacae became a fast spreading pathogen bacterium among transplantation center.
137. Objective To determine the pathogen of respiratory system infection and drug resistance in patients with cancer.
138. Sphaeropsis saline is a destructive pathogen of coniferous species in many areas of the world.
139. Pestilence is a fierce and infective disease which is caused by the pestilential pathogen.
140. Role of the pathogen of gonorrhea , Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma urealiticum in acute pelvic inflammatory disease.
141. F. miletus would appear therefore to be a natural reservoir for pathogen on plague bacilli, tsutsugamushi disease and epidemic haemorrhagic fever (Korean haemorrhagic fever) viruses.
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142. It suggested that the occurrence of this disease related to this endophyte bacterium and it was weak pathogen.
143. A pathogen was isolated in ulcerous Channa maculata from a nursery in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.
144. The enterotoxins produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are the main diarrhea-causing pathogen, and they were divided into two groups: heat-labile toxin(LT) and heat-stable toxin(ST).
145. They then compared the sequences with those of a closely related plant pathogen, Ustilago maydis, and a distantly related human pathogen, Candida albicans, which causes thrush.
146. Finally, implement and application have stated to the BSE Pathogen Rapid Autoanalyzer.
147. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a newly-emerged disease that causes high mortality. Its pathogen is the ebola virus, but the mechanism of pathogenicity for ebola virus is still unknown.
148. We describe, for the first time, identification and purification of hyaluronate lyase from the zoonotic pig pathogen Streptococcus suis.
149. High dose irradiation by ionizing radiations kills effectively micro-organism pathogen in foods, in order to ensure food safety and prolonged shelf life.
150. It is the key factor regulating programmed cell death in pathogen, evocator and hormone responses.
151. Legionellosis is the illness caused by exposure to the bacterial pathogen Legionella.
152. Conclusions: There were many kinds of pathogen in children with lobar pneumonia in Zaozhuang region, however mycoplasma was the mainly etiology.
153. Animals can host the human pathogen parasites, especially T.b. rhodesiense; thus domestic and wild animals are an important parasite reservoir.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
154. The avirulence gene fragment is homologous in all races of the pathogen of Xoo.
155. Study on biological characteristics andchemical control effect of pepper southern blight pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
156. IE results from a complex interaction between a bloodstream pathogen and the target site of endocardial-cell damage.
157. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve the decline of pathogen numbers during anaerobic digestion of the small cow manure digesters.
158. The results of artificial infection demonstrated that the pathogen of EEDS in 1993 was hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus.
159. For laboratory work, Marburg virus has been classified as an extremely hazardous pathogen and can be handled safely only in specialized high-containment laboratories.
160. Test data management of the BSE Pathogen Rapid Autoanalyzer must save the test data for analysis.
161. Objective To study primary pathogen and mixing infection of NGU.
162. Survival was monitored over a 14-day period, and the ability of alveolar macrophages to phagocytize the pathogen in vivo was investigated after 1h.




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