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单词 Strings
1. The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.
2. The necklace consists of three strings of pearls.
3. He screwed the strings of his violin.
4. Most of these so-called special offers come with strings attached.
5. Strings vibrate when plucked.
6. The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.
7. When you pull the strings, the puppet's arms and legs move.
8. Guitar strings nowadays are made from steel or nylon.
9. This piece is scored for strings and woodwind.
10. The road strings out to the river.
11. When you tighten guitar strings, the note gets higher.
12. They used strings previously treated with powdered glass.
13. The opening theme is taken up by the strings.
14. Francis pulled strings to get him out of trouble.
15. I have broken several strings in my tennis racket.
16. I prefer his compositions for the strings.
17. He muted the strings with his palm.
18. She keeps tight control over the purse strings.
19. Who holds the purse strings in your house?
20. Good taffy doesn't break; it strings.
21. A violin has four strings.
22. The tree was garlanded with strings of coloured lights.
23. The piece segues into his solo with the strings.
24. The molecules join together to form long strings.
25. The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority.
26. She twanged the guitar strings.
27. He idly plucked the strings of the lute.
28. Even at 25 Janice was tied to her parent's apron strings.
29. You're 25 years old,[/strings.html] and you still haven't cut the apron strings .
30. As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.
1. The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.
2. The necklace consists of three strings of pearls.
3. He screwed the strings of his violin.
4. Most of these so-called special offers come with strings attached.
5. Strings vibrate when plucked.
6. Even at 25 Janice was tied to her parent's apron strings.
7. When you pull the strings, the puppet's arms and legs move.
8. You're 25 years old, and you still haven't cut the apron strings .
9. As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.
10. He idly plucked the strings of the lute.
11. He sat on the bed, idly plucking the strings of his guitar.
12. The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony.
31. She drew the bow across the strings.
32. The policy offers 15% interest with no strings attached.
33. His fingers swept the strings of the guitar.
34. He keyed up all the strings of his violin before his performance.
35. The bank's agreed to lend me £1000, no strings attached.
36. The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.
37. He sat on the bed, idly plucking the strings of his guitar.
38. Jeff is still tied to his mother's apron strings .
39. The different notes of a stringed musical instrument are made by vibrating the strings.
40. It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached.
41. I want to know who's pulling the strings around here.
42. The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43. He picked up the guitar and plucked at the strings.
44. Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.
45. She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.
46. I may be able to pull a few strings if you need the document urgently.
47. Someone was plucking at the strings of an old guitar.
48. The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony.
49. He played the cello and joined the strings in the school orchestra.
50. It all comes down to who holds the purse strings.
51. The government will have to tighten the purse strings .
52. From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.
53. George never comes out with the rest of us - he's tied to Martha's/his wife's apron strings.
54. You can pluck the strings on a guitar with your fingers or a plectrum.
55. The exhibition shows that he has other strings to his artistic bow.
56. My father pulled a few strings to get me into the Civil Service.
57. A violin has strings.
58. The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings.
59. I got a loan of £3000 with no strings attached.
60. She often plucks the strings of a guitar at night.
61. It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
62. It's found money, no strings attached.
63. However, the billions come with strings attached.
64. Maureen definitely holds the purse strings.
65. Few strings are attached to the Enterprise Allowance Scheme.
66. The scientists pulling his strings are erratic.
67. Complaints were of insufficient guitar strings, paints and brushes.
68. Now local transportation agencies decide where the purse strings.
69. A lift home, with no strings.
70. I heard the fiddler plucking at his strings.
71. This is not compulsory for functions which return strings.
72. The strings vibrate again, underscoring my panic.
72. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
73. We have freedom and no strings attached.
74. The guitar strings were loose, but none were broken.
75. But they attached strings to the aid.
76. Music plays: mysterious strings, tremulous with wonder and expectation.
77. Harp chords add great resonance to pizzicato strings.
78. Some of them have people there just to change the guitar strings.
79. Now they had turned into Chinatown, and were moving down its narrow, teeming gullies, under strings of paper flowers.
80. She looks in front of her, grasps the strings, pulls and shakes them, etc.
81. So, when he died, the puppets had no-one to pull their strings anymore.
82. Use of n-grams requires little storage or processing but is less efficient at discriminating between acceptable and unacceptable letter strings.
83. Snakes unwind all over the floor like ribbons and strings, or shimmer like livers.
84. But if he was the puppet, who was pulling the strings and to what dance?
85. Samuels pulled strings to get her daughter a job in Mitchell's office.
86. Why, for instance, does Dahlia continue to control the purse strings after Ella is revealed as the rightful heir?
87. A string such as can be parsed into six different word strings even when the word boundary is known.
88. We invented the half-round string in 1978, and then other manufacturers came out with similar strings.
89. We have said that the strings are the most expressive and flexible group in the orchestra.
90. It is almost as if the muscles controlled the fingers as marionettes are controlled by their strings.
91. All these issues add up to political fire works on Capitol Hill before Congress loosens its purse strings.
92. Howard's agreed to lend me the money with no strings attached.
93. However, I was going to try to pull the right strings.
94. The syntactic analyser identifies the most syntactically acceptable word strings, whilst the semantic analyser identifies the most semantically plausible.
95. The speaking I strings together signifying chains according to socially acceptable codes of meaning.
96. Unconditional strokes come with no strings attached and are given simply because a person is OK with you, warts and all!
97. One of Syl's ways of expressing displeasure was by tightening the purse strings.
98. A couple of sets of Scalar strings, courtesy of Selectron, will be winging their way to you soon!
99. A Speech Manager will also enable applications to generate synthesised speech from text strings.
100. Firstly the storage requirement is significantly reduced since integers may be stored in a much smaller space than strings.
101. One of the strings on my guitar snapped when I was tuning it.
102. The bridge is a simple, chromed, face-mounted affair, with the strings located through the turned-up tail section.
102. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
103. There are many and various racket strings to choose from.
104. The emission or absorption of one particle by another corresponds to the dividing or joining together of strings.
105. However, we found indications in the last chapter that this could lead to a very large number of possible word strings.
106. The utility of the new revenue as well as its potential for conflict hinged on the strings attached to its use.
107. Only letter strings which appeared in this dictionary were considered to be correct.
108. She was too wound up, too much on edge(), her nerves as taut as violin strings.
109. The emotions have been likened to a musical instrument and it is a man's task to play upon its uttermost strings.
110. There are instructions to move strings, to compare them, and to perform the usual logical operations.
111. Strings vibrate more quickly if they are short and thin.
112. The strings and the weight of the top seem perfectly balanced, and it just goes boom!
113. This is how Ovation do it, and it certainly means less hassle when it comes to changing strings.
114. In fact, such sounds may be picked up in their whiskers, resonating like guitar strings, rather than by their ears.
115. His first distinctive works were for percussion instruments or pianos prepared with nuts and bolts inserted between the strings.
116. The public buildings are floodlit and on all the main roads in and out of Funchal appear strings of white light bulbs.
117. The Government have no intention of giving power to anyone except those who hold the purse strings.
118. The visual memory is being worked hard here; the child has to carry strings of words, related by meaning.
119. This, of course, leaves Karadzic amply able to pull strings from backstage.
120. She reminded me that we both knew the deal - no strings.
121. Not only in agriculture, but in industry generally, grant money should have strings attached.
122. Now the smell has become rosy, it evokes strings of memory that weave into something new.
123. Given some output from the pattern recogniser, all possible candidate strings should be generated.
124. The woodwind maintained a perfect pitch and, like the strings and brass, produced a consistently voluptuous sound.
125. Racket strings are divided into two groups - natural gut and synthetics.
126. The bridge is interesting, too, with six fully adjustable knife-edge saddles, one for each pair of strings.
127. A boyfriend offered me a weekend in Amman, with no strings attached.
128. The strings unfold a sequence of shivery chords, and voice and oboe briefly entwine before the singer is left in solitude.
129. How he must have wished to have been in the puppet's place, no policies, work and no strings attached.
130. Elfed could and did pull strings on the local Co-operative committee.
131. When boar is finished cooking, remove strings and set on platter. Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.
132. Instead[Sentence dictionary], Tania Maria's voice floats sexily around swelling strings and simple acoustic guitar.
133. The strings in the recogniser output column are the calculated top ranked candidate string for each word.
134. To put it bluntly, nobody cares about strings of nucleic acids at all!
135. Strings of spittle hanging from pointed teeth to lower lip reflected moonshine as the cadaverous head arched skywards.
136. We don't know how to change the strings and my son hasn't got a clue who Hank Marvin is!
137. There are four pianos in the pit, two with sheets of paper laid across the strings to produce dull percussive sounds.
138. Nevertheless, the purse strings have been loosened sufficiently to provide a palatable enough feast.
139. In their accompaniments, the strings could have contributed greater warmth and colour - particularly by using more vibrato.
140. V.. How to create and modify setup strings varies among operating systems and specific software.
141. Of most concern is getting the best sound out of the instrument without the strings pulling it apart and needing returning too often.
142. They did acquit themselves well with heavier strings and a flat pick, but in the main they were seen as fingerpicking guitars.
143. Using n-grams, those candidate strings which are found to exist in the list of n-grams are then stored in a list.
144. A field system could be defined as strings of coordinates following each field boundary, along with reference names or numbers.
145. Strings of paraffin lamps gleam along the upper decks and dance in the inky water.
146. Local officials sometimes complained about adverse decisions and strings attached to the grant but generally seemed satisfied.
147. Janir leaned against her back, toyed with her hair, crawled into her lap and played with the nearest harp strings.
148. Whatever else you do, please avoid musicianly prattle about your favourite brand of guitar strings.
149. Note that only crotchet rhythm is given to the strings.
150. I had never heard cellos and low strings added to rock songs.
151. Arnold hangs strings of popcorn and berries on them for the winter birds to eat.
152. In the case of the tokens these are converted into strings of ASCII letters before being listed.
153. So he played gently enough not to make the hammers of Stein's pianos bounce up and hit the strings again.
154. The other half of him is Yorkshire, giving us yet again a man strangled by his own purse strings.
155. The piano appears to be located just behind the strings and in correct dynamic relationship throughout.
156. Their performances were shambolic with guitar strings snapping - as ever - and the timing fluctuating erratically.
157. Lexical lookup is more demanding of storage and processing but is better at rejecting unacceptable letter strings.
158. Initial comparisons Four trees were constructed from the same word lists, and candidate strings from a test sentence checked against them.
159. However, the short scale, coupled with such light gauge strings for a bass, severely limits this facility.
160. Hundreds of them were clutching the strings lashed to the big steering wheel above them.
161. He glanced at the clock and nodded his approval without breaking the rhythm created by his fingers on the strings.
162. Although there were fleeting moments of engaging interplay between the lower strings, the performance was strangely dispiriting.
163. This is not recommended because it is unreliable for large strings of data.
164. Hanns Ebensten describes the puppets as' marionettes, on strings, about fourteen inches high.
165. Long strings of paper looped from limb to limb in the giant trees over there.
166. If attaching strings to future generations without their consent is wrong, the Social Security system is indefensible.
167. But there are strings attached, and a fresh bureaucratic and political obstacle course lies ahead.
168. Clutching the strings of their red balloons, they watched in astonishment as Marie and Benjy passed with Omar.
169. The resulting strings produced by applying the rules are searched for in the lexicon in the normal way.
170. Other patches revealed supply columns, horsedrawn wagons, ambulance units, strings of gun carriages.
171. I felt limp, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
172. There are no frets or strings on the guitar neck, and thus nothing to do with your left hand.
173. There is no free lunch, there is no donation without strings.
174. I had nothing to do with the recording and creative side but I changed guitar strings and that kind of thing.
175. He reached for a more conventional musical palette, strings and woodwinds.
176. The moon went behind a cloud, and Guy heard Blondel dear his throat and touch the strings of his lute.
177. Many had strings of beads attached to their already encrusted surfaces.
178. Consequently no clearly visible political strings were attached to relief operations there.
179. I use heavy gauge strings: 11, 13, 18, 28, 38, 48.
180. The mnemonics used in the Relationships Listing map on to the text strings used within a module header.
181. In his own way, he knew how to pull her strings.
182. Taking all candidate letters from the data will give many more strings, in this case a total of 1,204.
183. Proteins are strings of 20 kinds of amino acids, which usually fold up to form a large globular molecule.
184. These boxed kits are supplied to the dealers who restock it as the individual strings are sold.
185. The business leaders wanted the state to loosen its purse strings and give the schools' budgets a healthy boost.
186. After I divorced Martin, the big blonde tugged strings and he became consultant designer for a detergent manufacturer.
187. At the same time, a canopy of strings induce sympathetic vibrations in resonant aluminum panels suspended between the monitors.
188. It's almost a piano but with a MIDI pickup on five of the high strings.
189. Is he also aware that there is apprehension about the possibility of strings being attached to western aid?
190. Rather than build the compound tree from the actual strings that form the compound, the tree is built from the root-indices.
191. Drago applied his fingers to some of the strings and adjusted a turnkey on the end of one of the tusks.
192. Sayre states that in most cases, there are less than four resulting alternative letter strings,[http:///strings.html] and usually one.
193. The associated information from the strings is merged according to prescribed information combining operations.
194. However, if this is not the case we may find a combinatorial explosion of word strings.
195. An inspired pizzicato movement showed the Philharmonic strings off to fine advantage.
196. She, who had always pulled the strings, to have found herself in this position.
197. Forbes, similarly, is remaining virtually free of financial strings in the form of contributions.
198. Around the corner, their classmates practiced pulling small-fry violin bows across squeaky strings.
199. The girl harpists' skeleton hands were still resting on the harp strings-or where the harp strings once had been.
200. Swindon's John Reynolds the man who pulled the strings for Andre Agassi.
201. Much better reduction is given by the lexical check of candidate strings compared with the n-gram results.
202. Praise him with tambourines and dancing, Praise him with flute and strings.
203. The same hopes as any other pensioner, unless of course that pensioner happens to hold the purse strings.
204. This means restraint in public spending and holding back the natural enthusiasm of a clutch of new ministers to open the purse strings.
205. Some days we passed other groups of Rabari with their strings of camels.
206. Strings sound silky but not close and the woodwind come to us from a perfectly judged distance.
207. And there are long strands of fixed points, a bit like beads on long strings.
208. Who is really pulling the strings at the White House?
209. Character handling on word-oriented computers Most modern computers attempt to provide facilities for manipulating strings of characters and possibly decimal digits.
210. It will give that tight West Coast strum with the bass strings becoming almost percussive.
211. Mrs Naulls was in Sunningdale because her son Stanley was a Hilderbridge councillor and had pulled strings.
212. Like many supposed puppets, Mr Castro learnt to tug on the strings that tied him to his masters' hands.
213. While the woodwind and low strings were reasonably well replicated, the violins, timpani and brass left much to be desired.
214. Some are interrupted by strings of material that appear to code for nothing.
215. He pulled strings to get the two of them into a university.
216. It's a straight-ahead good solid piece of wood, with a good pickup and four strings.
217. He grew his fingernails long on the right hand, saying that made it easier to pluck the strings.
218. The next morning the only remnants are a few indelible plastic strings ironed into the pavement.
219. This simply ensures that both E strings are equidistant from the edge of the fingerboard.
220. Beads can choke babies if swallowed, and long strings of beads can also half-strangle older children.
221. Flittern Rattletrap hammered the strings of a low-throated stringed instrument, his feet stamping time.
222. In the following chapters we discuss possible ways of reducing the number of word strings.Sentencedict
223. Areas include compositing - merging images, colour correction, cropping and erasing the strings from special effect sequences.
224. There were two snow-white cotton ditty bags inside with their tie strings done in dainty bows.
225. By pulling strings he was able to get a plane from New York to Lisbon.
226. This is how I like things - me pulling the strings, getting them to dance to my tune.
227. Before concluding this chapter a few remarks on the subject of doubling strings by wind may be useful.
228. Those who are holding the strings then go to opposite ends of the room and hold the strings taut.
229. Gooch has developed as a captain, too, pulling strings whereas before he might have retreated.
230. String Variables and Garbage 2.4.3 Strings Unlike numeric variables, string variables do not have a fixed length.
231. This settling period ensures that the necks get used to the tension of strings before their final truss rod adjustment.
232. The intermodulation distortion between the strings is virtually eliminated.
233. A punctuation character used to delimit character strings.
234. Michael said coldly, " No strings.
235. Can only separate strings using a single character delimiter.
236. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
237. Strings, bassoon, tuba, timpani and gran causa ( bass drum ) march along with moody determination.
238. VARCHAR Stores single-byte or multibyte text strings of varying length (up to 255 bytes); supports code-set order collation of text data.
239. I watched Ray's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free.
240. If you try to keep him under control and tethered to your apron strings there will almost certainly be a row.
241. The L10N team uses the translation database to translate new strings and retranslate changed strings.
242. She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.
243. Bytes vs . strings comes again and again throughout the book.
244. " Cheer up, " he said, as she tied the bonnet strings.
245. Indicates whether comparing strings within the DataSet is case sensitive.
246. Use standard arithmetic operators for numbers and a concatenation operator for combining strings.
247. Within a statement, you can use variables, expressions, and literal data such as strings and numbers.
248. Dot - matrix alphanumeric strings if not show identification, the VC available ICON resources to determine the editor.
249. If the note of D is sounded on a harp, all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate.
250. Is he overly attached to his mother and her mythical apron strings?
251. This paper introduced one of the key tools in sand control strings, model SPDS sand control releasing tool.
252. Any settlement would come with strings attached, perhaps even on conflict avoidance.
253. Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.
254. The inner rim supports the soundboard, iron plate and strings while enhancing the transmission of sound energy.
255. A lexer is a software component that divides text strings into individual words, or tokens, so that the individual words can be indexed.
256. The count for strings does not include the terminating character.
257. The preprocess procedure of the automatic check processing system is produced, including the extraction and segmentation of the handwriting numerical strings.
258. And the Dagda took his harp and swept his hand across the strings in three great, solemn chords.
259. With the resource files, you could manage the localized strings for different locales and put the image binaries as a common resource for all locales.
260. Music was cathartic, something I reverted to and expressed what I was going through, hopefully not in a self-indulgent, 'get the violin strings out' kind of way, but [something] more ambiguous.




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