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单词 Tooth
1, Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 
2, How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. 
3, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. 
4, He has a bad abscess under that tooth.
5, The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.
6, This tooth feels very loose.
7, I haven't even touched your tooth yet.
8, The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.
9, I've just had a tooth out at the dentist's.
10, My tooth is killing me.
11, A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.
12, They were fighting tooth and nail.
13, The tooth was removed under local anaesthetic .
14, You'll have to have that tooth out.
15, Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.
16, You'll have to have that tooth extracted .
17, He gave his tooth a sharp jerk and it came out.
18, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
19, I went to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.
20, A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.
21, If a tooth feels very loose,(http:///tooth.html) your dentist may recommend that it's taken out.
22, He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
23, A healthy tooth percussed with a metal instrument gives a metallic sound.
24, The dentist will treat my tooth.
25, I decided to have the offending tooth removed.
26, I cracked my tooth as I fell.
27, I have a filling in the tooth.
28, He chipped off a piece of his tooth.
29, She - ied with pain when the dentist pulled the tooth out.
30, Polly fell and knocked a chip out of her front tooth.
1, The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.
2, This tooth feels very loose.
3, I've just had a tooth out at the dentist's.
4, My tooth is killing me.
5, A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.
6, The tooth was removed under local anaesthetic .
7, You'll have to have that tooth out.
8, Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.
9, You'll have to have that tooth extracted .
10, I went to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.
11, Polly fell and knocked a chip out of her front tooth.
12, If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out.
13, He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
14, There's a cavity in the boy's tooth.
15, The dentist drilled my tooth.
16, The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement.
17, I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over.
18, I picked up a free booklet on tooth care at the dentist's.
31, She's very grumpy when her tooth aches.
32, This tooth of mine is sheer torture!
33, He fought tooth and nail to keep his job.
34, I gave the loose tooth a tug.
35, He's got a front tooth missing.
36, Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.
37, There's a cavity in the boy's tooth.
38, Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay.
39, The blow chipped the woman's tooth.
40, Billy's first tooth is now through.
41, I have a filling in my tooth.
42, That tooth should be pulled out.
43, I've had a tooth taken out.
44, The tooth was eventually extracted.
45, It's a messy business having a tooth taken out.
46, You've got a bit of lippy on your tooth.
47, When did she cut her first tooth?
48, I'll have my tooth stopped.
49, His tooth had started to throb painfully again.
50, The dentist drilled my tooth.
51, She fell and chipped her tooth quite badly.
52, The old man broke a tooth on a bone.
53, She's been going through hell with that bad tooth.
54, A corner of her tooth had broken off.
55, My tooth fell out.
56, A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.
57, He's getting a bit long in the tooth to be playing football.
58, My tooth is paining.
59, Police experts are sifting all the evidence with a fine - tooth comb .
60, My head/tooth/back aches.
61, The little girl's tooth came out when she bit into the apple.
62, I got an abscess so he took the tooth out.
63, In the past 10 years, preventive measures have radically reduced levels of tooth decay in children.
64, A few hours after he'd had his tooth out, the pain began to wear off.
65, We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.
66, When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.
67, I'm getting a bit long in the tooth for this sort of thing.
68, Aren't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate?
69, His face was puffed up with the infection in his tooth.
70, The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement.
71, She cried in pain when her tooth was pulled out.
72, I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over.
73, It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health.
74, You should get that tooth seen to by a dentist.
75, Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.
76, I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out.
77, Many infants do not cut their first tooth until they are a year old.
77, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78, The baby's cutting a tooth. That's why she's crying all the time.
79, She is to go and have a tooth extracted at 3 o'clock today.
80, I picked up a free booklet on tooth care at the dentist's.
81, Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.
82, The baby's crying because he's cutting a new tooth .
83, Her tooth came out when she bit into the apple.
84, The baby was cutting a tooth and grizzled all day long.
85, I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette!
86, I think the baby must be cutting a tooth .
87, The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.
88, He's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing jeans, don't you think?
89, "Look, I've got a wobbly tooth, " said my little daughter, proudly.
90, He's rich now, but he had to fight tooth and nail for it.
91, We fought tooth and nail to get these plans accepted.
92, Plaque is the culprit that causes tooth decay.
93, These people had a vicious sweet tooth.
94, I also have a very sweet tooth.
95, Danny's always had a sweet tooth.
96, Tooth dentine and bone is less affected.
97, Fluoride is helpful in fighting tooth decay.
98, The baby's cutting a tooth.
99, They fought tooth and nail.
100, One finger curled into her broken tooth.
101, Grover smiled mysteriously, his gold tooth gleaming.
102, I nearly cracked a tooth biting into it.
103, A client could hold on to his jaw, and people would assume he was headed for a tooth extraction.
104, We had to fight tooth and nail to get the government to admit they were wrong.
105, This can be the case with ivory, which is pretty nearly tooth material.
106, He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen.
107, Although they were solid and durable,(http:///tooth.html) the old machines were getting a bit long in the tooth.
108, Professor Keen denied yesterday that natural sugars were a significant cause of tooth decay.
109, They fought tooth and nail to protect the solicitors' monopoly of conveyancing but eventually compromised by not objecting to licensed conveyancers.
110, Thy tooth is not so keen, because thou art not seen, although thy breath be rude!
111, Kleinberg says that fluoride, which is in most drinking water and toothpaste, protects against 30 percent of tooth decay.
112, Mr O'Sullivan filled an enormous cavity completely painlessly, while a video screen showed a blow-up of the tooth being worked on.
113, This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself.
114, Sugar in chocolate and other forms of confectionery is one of the major causes of tooth decay.
115, Legislation aimed at forcing the power firms to clean up their act is being fought tooth and nail by the polluters.
116, The man with the gold tooth leered and slapped his hand on her knee.
117, It was the tooth that held my pipe - surely it couldn't be that one.
118, I know we doctors have fought you tooth and nail.
119, The basic approach is to apply a slurry of fine alumina powder to a model of the tooth stub.
120, Perhaps he thought she was refusing because of his broken tooth.
121, Its rough surface traps the microflora responsible for halitosis and tooth decay.
122, It may vary from just around one tooth, to a whole section of your mouth and is not usually painful.
123, Total abstinence from any sweeteners can cure a sweet tooth permanently - which is much better in the long term.
124, Hanging over the sidewalk was a wooden sign with a large white tooth painted on it.
125, The jaw action is scissor-like and both tooth and jaw bone can perform the cutting function.
126, It's worth the extra money Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet 840C looks, if anything, a little long in the tooth.
127, In contrast, we evolved a system with a single tooth replacement, of milk teeth by adult teeth.
128, My parents' anxiety stirred like a loose tooth in my head.
129, What caused excitement were the variables: size and condition of tooth; age and strength of the victim.
130, A real character, but getting a bit long in the tooth.
131, Jack was in his suit, Amy in hers and Mum was resplendent in dog's tooth and large black hat.
132, He fought tooth and nail for 15 months before going to sleep one final night last week.
133, It is now thought that it is a special protein unique to tooth enamel.
134, He's very crabby right now because he has a bad tooth.
135, The operation also included straightening a tooth that grew out at a 45-degree angle.
136, In an attempt to shake me off, his elbow smashed into my face, breaking my nose and a canine tooth.
137, The girl, who was having a tooth removed under general anaesthetic(/tooth.html), developed breathing difficulties.
138, Fedallah Personal Description: Tall, swart, with one white tooth evilly protruding from his steel-like lips.
139, A sweet tooth One of the most curious symptoms of candidiasis is a craving for sugary foods or for foods containing yeast.
140, If the tooth is loosened in its socket, modern dental surgery may be able to fix it to adjacent teeth.
141, Such levels can damage developing tooth cells and produce dental fluorosis.
142, Billy was teething, and his first tooth is now through!
143, A tooth was knocked out and he also suffered bruising.
144, The dentist can not see my toothache, only my ailing tooth.
145, However, if the tooth is knocked out completely, little additional damage can be done by fighting on.
146, From the way Hanson set his elbows it looked as if it might be a wisdom tooth coming in.
147, Satisfy your sweet tooth with natural sugar - fructose - from fruit and berries.
148, The University of Florida researcher has come up with a brilliantly simple way to tackle tooth decay.
149, If you have a sweet tooth, it is much better to make them part of a meal.
150, But half the sugar in the drink came from the milk and was not thought to cause tooth decay.
151, I remember seeing a tooth being stripped of its enamel by soaking in lactic acid.
152, Each tooth has a separate winding which produces a radial magnetic field when excited by a d.c. current.
153, The enamel comes from the cell sheet and is induced by the cells of the underlying tooth germ.
154, Urine was recommended as a mouthwash because its acidity was thought to prevent tooth decay!
155, We have, we are told, a sweet tooth, and we're rather proud of it.
156, Henry cracked a tooth biting into a piece of hard candy.
157, They provide you with fibre and healthy nutrients in place of the usual surplus calories, tooth decay and guilt.
158, The ball hit him in the face and chipped a tooth.
159, Dentists will only resort to extraction of a tooth when all other treatments have failed.
160, If you are determined not to let your character make you an inferior person, or stop you from being an achieving person, fight your negative values and habits tooth and nail, it is possible for you to win the battle. Dr T.P.Chia 
161, Even sociology, it turns out, can be red in tooth and claw.
162, I haven't played in a series against them where it's been tooth and nail.
163, In some parts of the country fluoride is added to the water to help prevent tooth decay.
164, Tooth loss in people under 60, however, is usually caused by dental caries.
165, What mechanisms built the jaw's distinctive pattern, each tooth unique, the bone an asymmetric array of lumps and bumps?
166, He fell off his bike and chipped his front tooth.
167, You can see this tooth and its position in the upper jaw of the horse in photo six.
167, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
168, Home of the tooth relic sacred to Buddhists, it is a bustling grid of weird and wonderful shops and hotels.
169, In a perfect world, a dentist would be able to predict the rate of decay of a tooth.
170, Opponents in Parliament, which has to vote on the measure, vowed to fight it tooth and nail.
171, The advice was not restricted to the prevention of tooth decay.
172, The taller man with the gold tooth asks Mundin, the only boy here, where his father is.
173, I tried to thank him but my lip was split, and a dislodged late baby tooth impeded articulate expression.
174, Remember that the teeth run in an upward direction and the last tooth sits a couple of inches below the eye.
175, The sign on the door tells the visitor he can have a tooth extracted for a trifling sum.
176, Some of our vehicles are getting a bit long in the tooth.
177, It is theoretically possible to identify a person from just one tooth if the tooth is unusual.
178, He worked the hot ember loose, leaving an empty socket like a pulled tooth.
179, Mia has hired a top firm of lawyers and will fight the move tooth and nail.
180, It stood out, jagged and broken like a decaying tooth, and it was covered with pale pink roses.
181, Exceptionally, if a Bill is extremely controversial, the opposition may fight it tooth and nail even at this stage.
182, The precision of the method when used to date tooth enamel is in the order of 10-20 percent.
183, Jake may not have many teeth yet but developing a sweet tooth now could lead to decay later.
184, Once she fell and when he picked her up, her front tooth was broken.
185, What, then, is a melancholic with a sweet tooth to do?
186, DataEase is a worthy contender, although it's a bit long in the tooth.
187, They fought tooth and nail through an initial series of leagues and finished in seven knockout matches.
188, Brushing your teeth regularly helps to fight against tooth decay.
189, Some toothpaste manufacturers force feed sweets to monkeys to study tooth decay.
190, The man with the gold tooth starts to laugh, cackle really.
191, Mr Hendricks ordered until Billy opened his mouth, revealing the black gap of a missing front tooth.
192, Is there baa new song recently Orphean tooth?
193, I have no tooth for confection.
194, Do you have a sweet tooth?
195, The tooth was drawn from the upper jaw.
196, Can You Pop an Abscessed Tooth?
197, Front tooth is unplugged tooth nerve, how to do!
197, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
198, Face width: the width of the tooth measured axially.
199, Eat lollipop much can the tooth ache?
200, For a sweet tooth, a long tongue evolves.
201, The child has a sweet tooth.
202, What method can kill the borer in the tooth?
203, Your sweet tooth will benefit only your dentist.
204, They went at it tooth and nail.
205, Cycloid was used to modify the involute tooth profile.
206, Confined by the operation condition, intra-oral measurement can't make a precise result of tooth wear in a period.
207, This is a powerful enemy who will not wait to see you on a ship before trying to lay into you tooth and nail.
208, And emphasizes the form principle of the evolute and involute tooth profile curve.
209, In this paper are proposed the methods for evaluating the contact accuracy of gears with the tooth flank error measured by means of 3-coordinate measuring technique.
210, And the normal engagement angle of approaching double-point tooth area is deduced. The special dressing method of shaving cutter has been adopted.
211, Objective To evaluate the effect of autotransplantation impacted anterior tooth and premolar.
212, The method of how to calculate the profile quantity in tooth profile trace is proposed.
213, Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
214, Conclusion:The canine tooth A exploding apparatus and the water quantity of 5% is the best way to manufacture the pear layer powder.
215, Objective To investigate the preventive effectiveness in reducing tooth decay and decalcification of different concentration of fluoride toothpaste for orthodontic patients.
216, With the advent of dental materials and technology, we can replace a broken tooth root with a titanium root analogue, that is, dental implant.
217, But before they reach that point of open and avowed defeat, they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the standard of excellence to which they have become accustomed.
218, By the finite element method, the following were calculated, the force acting point on the new type arc tooth flank of the belt and the compliance coefficient of the belt teeth.
219, Carriage drive system AC servo motor control, tooth shape driving belt, no oil needed. 32 speed selection and freely programmable.
220, Objective: To study the clinical curative effect of metronidazole in the local treatment of acute pericoronitis of wisdom tooth.
221, The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
222, Analysis of the forming principle of tooth flank of modified type worm gear pair was based on different geometry and spatial engaging theory.
223, Calcium is necessary for healthy teeth. Fluoride in toothpaste helps us to prevent tooth decay.
224, The tooth surface form has the determinative effect on the performances of a hypoid gear drive.
225, Reattachment is a new treatment method for the fractured tooth.
226, Criminals must be made to see the consequences of their crimes. "An eye for eye and a tooth for tooth " is the very basis of Justice.
227, The rough gear milling is the preceding working procedure of finish gear milling(/tooth.html), which influences not only the machining efficiency of gear but also the final machining accuracy of tooth flank.
228, Such machines provide continuous indexing and generate the gear tooth surface as the envelope to the family of tool surfaces.
229, One doctor claims that sleep bruxism results in 250 lbs. of pressure on the tooth [source: NY Times].
230, Objective To Probe into the curative effect of tooth implantation technique on the restoration of molar anodontia.
231, The additional enamel (much harder than the dentin in tooth interiors) makes hypsodont teeth more wear-resistant than low-crowned teeth are.
232, Gear tooth surface appearance affects strongly friction and lubrication property of gear.
233, Because of the tooth thickness of the dedendum is larger than that of the common involute gear and the Pitchs do not contact each other, the beam strength and surface strength of tooth are increased.
234, For example, in looking at survey data on the health behavior of middle and high school students, the factor I found that best predicted whether or not a kid was obese was tooth brushing .
235, If you go over the carpet with a fine - tooth comb, you may find your contact lens.
236, The results from calculating show that the precision of the replaced tooth is quite good, while it is much easier for the manufacture of the pinion cutter.
237, Get some assorted nuts, raisons (or other dried fruit), and maybe some carob chips or yogurt chips if you have the sweet tooth.
238, The contacting line equations between the ball or tooth of the planet gear and the stator helical surface and the ones between that ball and the rotor worm are also given.
239, In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper.
240, According to the theory of gearing, equation of the meshing line can be deduced from the tooth profile of basic rack.
241, The paper theoretically analyzes the non-chain drawing mechanism with involute cycloidal compound tooth in a coal machine and researches the photoelastic test.
242, Saw - tooth fretting on the rollers of Baosteel No.2 Slabbing - blooming mill influences slab and bloom quality.
243, Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses.
244, Root canal treatment and finished tooth, lost in the pulp cavity nutrition supplies such as nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic, makes itself become more brittle fracture of teeth.
245, In this paper, a. new algorithm substituting an optimized round arc for the outline of tooth curve of an epicyclic gear tooth with long amplitude is discussed.
246, Moreover, a gear pair with curvilinear - tooth traces operates without axial thrust force.
247, My wife is fond of chocolates; She has a very setter tooth.
248, Thus, the basis of founding loaded tooth contact analysis calculating method of hypoid gear is brought about.
249, July/August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera, the 10-day festival honouring the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha, and also the time for the Kataragama Festival in the South.
250, Before extraction of the tooth, the gingival form and bony architecture must be evaluated.
251, Older approaches to biomechanics and orthodontic tooth movement included the implied, intuitive "stick in the mud" model, which was rather effective in explaining traditional Tweed mechanics.
252, After 3 years follow - up , there was no recidivism and loosening of tooth but normal occluding relation.
253, I looked over this place with a fine - tooth comb.
254, And the results are as follows:(1) According to the theoretical tooth face , the bit shift speed and acceleration expression are analyzed. And the necessity of modification is indicated.
255, Fill to fill dental cavity of drill hole, or install a tooth hat.
256, Song Dynasty water - tooth pattern tile with lotus and branches hook in the first four - watt light used.
257, Objective To investigate the relationship between tooth abrasion and long - term chewing betel nut.
258, This paper describes the tooth forms of an external toothing and chamfering gear shaping cutter and chamfering gear shaper cutters designed by old routine.
259, Incident: Only susan of 28 years old is having not short smoke however age, her tooth must be fizzled out again by sootiness black.
260, Contains fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of cavities caused by acidic food.
261, In the mouth medication, we can determine accurate 3D-world coordinate from their 2D image coordinate, and compute the length of tooth root according to a non-contract camera.
262, Objective To investigate the features of primary tooth structure in hypophosphatasia.
263, Conclusions It is a good way to make PFM bridge restoration for anterior tooth space.
264, Objective To study how to avoid excessive absorption alveolar bone in order to keep the height of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction.
265, Conclusion Restoring tooth crown longitudinal dehiscence is of the effective Methods: To keep the sick tooth.
266, This paper advanced a practical and succinct formula for tooth number choice of involute gear.
267, Objective : To investigate effect of sandwich restoration on repairing tooth deface and preserving the gingival.
268, Then, According to the cutting tooth processing principle, establish hypoid gear model, and conduct virtual assembly, interference checking, provides the precise model for the following analysis.
269, It is the same as the American and the French version, so the child goes to bed with the baby tooth under the pillow. A mouse, not a fairy, takes it during the night.
270, Aim the Tooth brush holder toward the base, and put in position.
271, If you have a sweet tooth, you might even think of chocolate chip cookies.
272, The flexible-tooth worm gear is provided with a flexible groove which decreases the cross section of the tooth root of the flexible-tooth worm gear.
273, I ' M a bit long in the tooth for doing such a job again.
273, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
274, During adjustments, axial play of large and small bevel gears will make tooth clearance and tooth flank imprints have changes.
275, She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl.
276, The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth, but not the alone factor.
277, He doesn't bite me but when we play, I get one or two tooth mark on my hand.
278, In fact, according to a 2005 U.K. study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.
279, CD For the rebus-impaired, the above tags include 'sexual deviate', ' tooth doctor', ' hate foreign trucks', ' Democrat car', ' elephant', a symbol of the Republican party, and 'Government sucks'.
280, Conclusion Casting full crown is one of the effective restorative procedures in the majority anodontia of posterior tooth.
281, "The hardness of the enamel and dentin of the bioengineered tooth was equivalent to those of a natural adult tooth, " they wrote in response to questions from the media.
282, I have a major sweet tooth. I love chocolate and ice cream!
283, The tooth contact and kinematic precision of the modified worm gearing with manufacturing errors has been investigated by the TCA method.
284, The X-ray photographs of 400 cases of mandbular impacted third molar were observed and the impacted molar types and relations between impacted types and complications of impacted tooth were analysed.
285, He'll fight tooth and nail to keep you safe: chasing down suspects, finding hidden narcotics — even summoning the willpower to avoid tasty treats when in hot pursuit.
286, The valves for the coordination of control point contact arc tooth cylinder warm drive cutters and worm parameters are presented.
287, Objective:To evaluate whether the renal capsule is a suitable implanting place for tissue engineering of tooth root and periodontal tissue.
288, The auger bit and hose bit with panhead tooth are designed. Combined technique of more bits is also innovated and used.
289, This paper is based on the features of tooth profile and helix tolerance zone of transmission gears.
290, The distribution feature and the fluctuation tendency of the temperature in the vicinity of the worm wheel tooth surface were investigated and analyzed.
291, Gear tooth thickness at the site are unilateral wear, so gear can be rotated 180 degrees to use.
292, And that, says Strait, suggests that simplistic ideas about australopithecine diets, based on tooth and jaw size, and why they went extinct, need to be reevaluated.
293, The tooth fairy will come during the night and leave a gift of money.
294, Kao Sung-nien's fat but firm face was like an unleavened millet-flour steamed bread. "Voracious time" (Edax vetustas) could not make a dent on it. There was not a single tooth mark or crease .




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