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单词 Clung
1 He wailed and clung to his mother.
2 The mud clung to my shoes.
3 Leaves still clung to the branches.
4 The pages of this book have clung together.
5 The baby clung onto its mother.
6 The ship clung to the shore.
7 Many pages of his diary have clung together.
8 The baby monkey clung to its mother.
9 The children clung together in fear.
10 He clung to the rope with both hands.
11 She clung on to her baby.
12 They clung together, shivering with cold.
13 Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank.
14 They clung to each other/clung together as they said goodbye.
15 We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
16 They just clung to each other like two lost souls.
17 He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him towards the bank.
18 He has always clung onto old-fashioned ideas.
19 He clung on to power for another ten years.
20 The blouse clung damply to her skin.
21 Passengers clung desperately onto the lifeboats.
22 Early morning mist still clung to the hollows.
23 He clung to his own view.
24 The wet shirt clung to his chest.
25 His father's last words clung to his memory.
26 Her hair clung wetly to her head.
27 She clung onto my arm.
28 He clung to the upturned boat, screaming for help.
29 They still clung to the old ideals.
30 The ground mist clung closely to the hedgerows.
1 He wailed and clung to his mother.
2 The mud clung to my shoes.
3 Leaves still clung to the branches.
4 The pages of this book have clung together.
5 The baby clung onto its mother.
6 The ship clung to the shore.
7 Many pages of his diary have clung together.
8 The baby monkey clung to its mother.
9 The children clung together in fear.
10 He clung to the rope with both hands.
11 She clung on to her baby.
12 They clung together, shivering with cold.
13 Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank.
14 We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
15 They just clung to each other like two lost souls.
16 He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him towards the bank.
17 He clung to his own view.
18 I clung onto the branch for my life.
19 The child clung to his mother.
20 He clung tightly to the raft to keep himself afloat.
21 She clung to the hope that her son was not dead.
22 We clung desperately together.
31 The children clung to the upturned boat.
32 The ship clung to the coastline.
33 The smell of smoke still clung to her clothes.
34 The smell of cigarette smoke clung to her clothes.
35 A sickly smell clung to his clothes and hair.
36 Her hair clung to her hot damp skin.
37 I clung onto the branch for my life.
38 She clung to life for several weeks.
39 His wet shirt clung to his body.
40 The wet clothes clung to his body.
41 The child clung to his mother.
42 The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
43 The Prime Minister clung to his job like a limpet, despite calls for him to resign.
44 He clung to the hope that she would be cured.
45 She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself.
46 She clung to the belief that he would come back to her.
47 She clung to the hope that he was still alive.
48 He clung tightly to the raft to keep himself afloat.
49 She clung to the handrail as she walked down the slippery steps.
50 In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.
51 As the ship began to tilt, we clung on for dear life.
52 After her mother's death, Sara clung to her aunt more than ever.
53 Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.
54 His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble.
55 Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent.
56 The mother clung to her son as he said good-bye.
57 She clung to the hope that her son was not dead.
58 A few wisps of hay still clung to her skirt.
59 They clung together in terror as the screams grew louder.
60 We clung desperately together.
61 Another minister clung on with a majority of only 18.
62 An endless drizzle clung to the air like fog.
63 It clung to all the wrong places.
63 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
64 The koala clung to a eucalyptus.
65 They clung to the surface of things.
66 And its glorious past, long clung to, is over.
67 Flora clung to her, like a limpet.
68 I clung on, raging inside at Feeley.
69 Loi grabbed with both hands for a crossbar and clung on.
70 John came down the stairs with Ben, who clung to his hand.
71 Drains were overflowing, and globs of water clung to everything, but it had stopped raining.
72 He had lost the feeling in his fingers and a rime of frost clung to his moustache and beard.
73 At least he clung to me and let me wrap my arms around him.
74 The sky was grey, and mist clung to the tops of the cliffs.
75 They clung to each other, speaking in desperate whispers, sharing the shock and terror of a recently confirmed test result.
76 Heat waves dazzled off the chugging hood of the truck and fat black flies clung to its warm, splattered sides.
77 She pulled on her gown, unaware of how the thin silk clung to her still-damp skin.
78 He ignored me, jerked up and down and wailed bitterly as he clung to her.
79 While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.
80 Her subconscious had registered and clung on to those unfortunate comments made during the course of the operation.
81 Around it, a dwarf cluster of irregular shapes outlined the village that had clung to the church for 800 years.
82 Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.
83 Over east the yellow sun brimmed while along the western horizon the purple lip of night still clung.
84 Like Mao before him, Deng doggedly clung to power, despite becoming less mentally sharp in his final years.
85 Now, suddenly, those who clung to these notions were thrown on to the defensive and soon outnumbered.
86 We clung together for warmth and vowed to love one another more than anyone else for all time.
87 As they clung together in that unutterable pleasure, he felt that they were defying everything that had persecuted them.
88 His eyes clung to her like thirsty leeches, watching for any movement, the revolver trained on her back.
89 At times, Alvin clung slavishly to what little he had observed firsthand of the process of making dances.
90 How she had clung to life in the last ten years.
91 Those were the things that seemed real and that she clung to.
92 She clung to the raft of her identity as the hurricanes and tidal waves lashed her.
93 The faith that something would and must be done to save the city was desperately clung to....
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94 Little dots of sweat clung to his mustache, and his limbs were trembling with fever.
95 Luckily, he landed on some rocks, where he clung for his life.
96 A hope she clung to was that the man charged with the killing would be held accountable.
97 The smell of oil clung to her as strongly as it did to the rags in the van.
98 Six-year-old Michael Smith and his parents were spotted by a passing yacht as they clung to a tiny buoyancy bag in darkness.
99 They still clung to many of their old pagan beliefs and practices.
100 Mrs Roberts, indeed, who felt completely disoriented, clung on absurdly to the reality of Martin Parr.
101 A buffeting wind rushed over the land, bringing with it salt that clung insistently to Elisabeth's face.
102 Sea-weed and patches of dark, leathery skin clung here and there to the bleached bone.
103 She had clung terrified to her hiding-place as it was carried and dropped with several others just like it.
104 In the environmental movement, it was women who led demonstrations and marches and clung to trees to stop them being felled.
105 He clung to the traditional view, stating that the problem was scientifically indeterminate.
106 It clung slightly to her still-damp skin and again she surveyed her image in the mirror, this time full-length.
107 They clung to the towns, venturing out only by day, their big battalions sticking to the roads.
108 A cold damp hung about the beechwood furniture and clung to the velour drapes.
109 Strands of early morning mist still clung to the hollows as the sun tried to break through the patchy cloudscape.
110 But the only thing there was a fragile gecko, which clung splay-footed to the wall and watched me with cloudy eyes.
111 I clung to her hand, offering her a mooring line in that churning sea of grief.
112 We clung helplessly to the upturned optimist until rescued by the instructor with a motor boat.
113 The evergreens' roots sought anchoring crevices at the rocky summits, and clung precariously to the steep slopes.
114 I clung to him as if I expected to be pulled away from him.
115 A few leaves still clung optimistically to the lime saplings planted either side of the path leading to the reception.
116 Lucy's sobs stilled a little and she clung to Jay.
117 We rolled heavily as I clung to the shrouds scanning the reef as best I could.
118 The small lead to which Samuel had previously clung had entirely disappeared.
119 I clung on to Hugh, the best on-stage partner I'd known.
120 He was slipping, the door he clung to was swaying, and the debris below was anticipating.
121 I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln 
122 Mr Harrison was slashed across the chest three times and stabbed, yet he clung on, trying to overpower the attacker.
123 Her fingers still clung to the spokes,(http:///clung.html) keeping one wheel out of action.
124 Women orbited about surfers on the beach; they clung to them in cars; they occupied their houses in loose liaisons.
125 The ground mist clung closely to the hedgerows, discouraging the birds and damping down all sound.
126 An 18-year-old San Jose man clung to life late Wednesday after being shot in the head during a robbery.
127 Her thin denim jacket was sodden and clung to her like a wet tea towel.
128 Tight denims clung to her legs and she wore knee-length leather boots.
129 A furry white ermine moth clung to one of the spikes.
130 She clung to Jacob's arm, saw him spirited away on a tide of compliments.
131 Reagan clung to the belief that he was not paying ransom but merely rewarding an intermediary for services rendered.
132 He clung to the sides of the basket with all his strength and tried not to look down.
133 The silvery substance clung to his skin, looking like tiny beads of mercury, as slippery as graphite between his fingers.
134 Times were not good, we had basically clung to outdated ideas and we were on the verge of closing.
135 To call the bit of silk that clung to her body a dress was ridiculous.
136 She had tangled brown hair, a small and lively face, a dress of dark red material that clung to her.
137 It was cold outside and the smell of stale tobacco clung to their winter coats.
138 The atmosphere of grey repression that clung to the eastern side of the city is being purged at an astonishing speed.
139 The international community clung to Resolution 242 despite its growing obsolescence, as the only agreed basis for a solution.
140 I clung so hard to the window frame that my hand ached.
141 Several of the youngsters cried out in fright and clung to one another.
142 He clung to the thought as to a talisman, or a reliquary of supernatural power.
143 Our shadows clung to the shine of the metal doors.
144 A white T-shirt clung faithfully to the contoured steel of his pectoral muscles.
145 Even the most dismal and unstable circumstances can become something to be clung to.
146 She had clung to the hope even for that length of time, but it had never happened.
147 It was made of a fine gossamer fabric that clung to her smooth, flawless skin.
148 The child was awash in the boiling water; her drenched little dress clung to her.
149 For we have not clung to obsolete and impalpable assumptions concerning our society purely as the result of obtuseness and ignorance.
150 How the leaves which still clung to the branches of the pear tree were silvered on their undersides.
151 She still clung to life by some unknown strength of character and Fon loved her for it.
152 A mist was already descending and clung to the bare branches of the trees.
153 For two days the children camped out in the hospital waiting-room as their father clung on to life.
154 We clung together, breathless, until we had to pause for breath.
155 He found it and clung there for a while, then pushed clear and knelt among the waves, head lowered.
156 It is a terrible thing to be clung to by a sick child if you are not used to it.
157 The way the pastry mixture clung to your hands if you mixed it with too much water.
158 At the top of the banks some thin, dry grass clung to life.
159 The dark hair clung to his forehead and his body was flushed and glistening and bathed in the dull crimson glow.
160 Although it was the size of a pantry, they endlessly clung to the bars and clamoured to be let out.
161 Fernando tried to slow the pace and Ruth clung to him breathlessly.
162 She froze, unable to move suddenly, her body as rigid as the pretty statuette she clung to.
163 Rain-drops like pearls clung in a line to the wooden slat at the bottom of the awning.
164 He hadn't shaved for a few days and a sickly smell clung to his clothes and hair.
165 Ruth clung to him as her wide eyes drank in the nightmare splendour of the illuminated stalagmites and stalactites.
166 He had clung to the remembrance of things past.
167 The sudden height dizzied her and she clung tightly.
168 She clung to her father, beseeching him for consent.
169 He clung to the past determinedly.
170 Her sweat-stained clothing clung to her body.
171 The nickname clung to him throughout his life.
172 Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers.
173 The dog clung like a limpet to the thief.
174 Her gaze clung to him in entreaty.
175 Mary clung to my arm and her footsteps were a little jerky.
176 Theresa clung to him for a moment and shook her head.
177 Old Slattery, who clung persistently to his few acres, in spite of repeated offers from Gerald and John Wilkes, was shiftless and whining.
178 Big, quite flakes that clung to twiggy bushes and snuggled in little drifts against the tree trunks.
179 Yet a faint air of disreputability always clung to him.
180 Like Franny Glass, who clung to her copy of The Way of a Pilgrim as a kind of dog-eared talisman, Salerno has a spiritual relationship with Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.
181 It held a charge so well that it clung electrostatically to the production vessel, making it difficult to extract.
182 "Jean, if monsieur pleases, " replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another.
183 Vanya and Maroosia had jumped up to welcome him, and when he opened his big sheepskin coat, they tumbled into it together and clung to his belt.
183 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
184 He clung to his mother like a barnacle , ie followed her closely everywhere.
185 Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs ans rocks of the river bottom, for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current what each had learned from birth.
186 My shy little sister clung to me like a leech all through the party.
187 Tony was madly clung to the indifferent dressing Billie and then they cohabit.
188 Investors are also likely to be looking for any shift out of the defensive stocks they have clung to for months into more cyclical ones.
189 Grief-stricken, his father and I sold our home, where memories clung to every.
190 He clung to the destruction, impinge and arrogation of the civilization by death. Hiding behind the figures of women, he expressed his rebel mind with extreme sense stimulation.
191 He noted with chagrin how little hair clung to his head.
192 Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs and rocks at the river bottom, for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current what each had learned from birth.
193 Dressed in a pale blue coat and grey trousers, Aiko shrank back and clung to her mother, Crown Princess Masako, when the characters approached to shake hands.
194 We felt duly ashamed, and also not well-disposed towards that other pupil, but this did not help to dispel the darkness which clung to that black volume.
195 A silver bracelet with some intricate scrollwork . clung to his right wrist.
196 She absentmindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb.
197 She clung to him, hugging him hard , her wet check to his.
198 Passepartout, not yet recovered from his stupefaction, clung mechanically to the carpet - bag, with its enormous treasure.
199 Being stubborn, however, he clung to the hat as to a talisman.
200 Mist clung there among the bluish tree shapes, beyond range of the lamps.
201 Administr in Great Britain is handled by separhpost executive stock out of clung burning ashrs of the Depgrecreditent of Socias Security. In Northern Ireland the Socias Security Agency.
202 It was a muggy day and his shirt clung to his sweat.
203 And currently in lanzhou petroleum project work's dad, still clung to be starfish borrowed to buy oil sand in the money, old compensate off with this thing advised her don't fry.
204 Crass's fat face was pallid with fear as he clung tremblingly to his seat.
205 As if willed to live by Diana's determination, Danae clung to life hour after hour, with the help of every medical machine and marvel her miniature body could endure.




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