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单词 At a loss
1. I'm at a loss for words.
2. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
3. I'm at a loss as to what to say.
4. He found himself at a loss for words of consolation.
5. Mary is at a loss what to do next.
6. Two of the mines are running at a loss.
7. They must sell the goods at a loss.
8. The bookshop was operating at a loss.
9. Tony had to sell the business at a loss.
10. I'm at a loss what to do next.
11. His comments left me at a loss for words.
12. We are now operating at a loss.
13. The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.
14. New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.
15. Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death.
16. Some suppliers were selling at a loss to shift stock.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. He seemed, for once(), at a loss for words .
18. I'm at a loss to know how I can help you.
19. The Dimblebys had been at a loss for words.
20. The partners had to sell out at a loss.
21. At a loss, Amiss stood there irresolute.
22. But the great inventor was not at a loss.
23. Lucie seemed at a loss for words.
24. It'd been running at a loss for years.
25. These can only be sold off at a loss.
26. Stafford was momentarily at a loss.
27. I am at a loss to understand all this.
28. The question was so unexpected that , for a moment , she was at a loss how to act up properly.
29. When her son finally left home, Emily felt completely at a loss.
30. These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.
1. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
2. I'm at a loss as to what to say.
3. He found himself at a loss for words of consolation.
31. He stared at the empty television screen, at a loss, silenced.
32. I felt rather at a loss. Inside the ticket hall, a team of volunteers were putting up posters.
33. Karevoll said many sellers sell properties at a loss, because they can buy a higher-priced property at a discount.
34. The other soldiers had wives and families to go to, but I felt slightly at a loss away from the TA.
35. Then suddenly, just before the exams, she became popular, and was at a loss to know why.
36. Now I feel strangely at a loss in the leaving because I must bequeath what was never mine to keep.
37. He thinks this keeps him on his mettle, but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word.
38. Benny was equally at a loss, she just shrugged and spread out her hands helplessly.
39. Like most game-machine makers, Bandai sells each Pippin at a loss, hoping to make its profits from the software.
40. Mark was at a loss to fathom why he resented him so much.
41. Asked if he had ever considered doing costume work outside wrestling, Ojeda was momentarily at a loss.
42. For once he seems to be at a loss for words.
43. But I am at a loss to resolve whether to take away the things he has given me or no.
44. Lord said he was at a loss to find room to play his shots in the first two games.
45. He can see profit where others are at a loss to see anything.
46. I am often at a loss to understand the sense of priorities or the lack of priority among Labour-controlled local authorities in particular.
47. Provision of unlimited money undermines incentives for greater efficiency which is why nationalised industries always run at a loss.
48. Very often a student creates his first phrase and then finds himself at a loss.
49. I need to introduce a different dimension and I am at a loss.
50. Still,[http:///at a loss.html] you will not be at a loss for conversation with such an unusual choice.
51. The party has had to bail out its merchandising section, Ecotrade, from party funds, whilst running at a loss.
52. Ask them what they think his significance is, and they are at a loss to tell you.
53. At this time I was at a loss to understand how it managed to hover for so long in the same place.
54. The inexperienced, particularly, can not face selling out at a loss.
55. Little clusters of guests were standing about on the cobblestones between the houses, looking at a loss.
56. When she won the award, she seemed at a loss for words.
57. The strait-laced senator, seldom at a loss for words, appeared uncomfortable.
58. Few months down the line, and he sells him at a loss.
59. Her performances were legendary, and I am at a loss to describe them now.
60. He was at a loss to explain to himself why he found it so appealing.
61. It was the first time that Jehan had ever seen a Sechem at a loss for words.
62. With the provisions stored away, Robbie was at a loss for occupation.
63. I was at a loss with you being so beautiful and intelligent and all that.
64. Looking at his personal relationships and achievements, he is at a loss to account for the degree of hostility.
65. By now finances were brightening and whilst still running at a loss, this was entirely because of spending on improvements.
66. Singleton is at a loss, love also indecision!
67. All his goods sell at a loss.
68. That year, Huang Ren third class teacher, was at a loss for the first time the.
69. The government does not want to sell at a loss, a point that Herbert Allison, Treasury assistant secretary for financial stability, emphasized in Congressional testimony on Thursday.
70. On dining table, when Haizi's eyes firstly looked at my pupils, I felt that he was inspecting me, it was an instant only, and his eyes were at a loss from limpidity.
71. The author often start with a care aging father"s daughter of sounds to express these thinking, this voice sometimes guilt-ridden, sometimes at a loss, sometimes they is full of love."
72. He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.
73. This is going to be an interesting question because they're not going to want to buy at that price if it forces them to sell at a loss on the export market, " he said."
74. A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and thereby increase its market power.
75. If you don't anticipate what may happen , you'll find yourself at a loss when sth . crops up.
76. He watched her narrowly ,[Sentencedict] but plainly she was at a loss . She shook her head wonderingly.
77. Posthouse official and the owner of tavern are at a loss what to do.
78. Whenever he put pen to paper he was at a loss for the right words to break the news.
79. But in fact cotton spinning enterprises generally sell at a loss, but it has not changed to sales zoom in, but, over time, enterprises continue to face ADB urges pressure on at the end of the year.
80. So that incomplete image comes up but it can be solved by making thicker and wider lines at a loss of aperture ratio.
81. In addition, as the prices of the assets have risen, improving banks' balance sheets, the banks face less pressure to sell at a loss.
82. He cannot disclose it, as a general thing , if he would; he would be at a loss to teach it to others.
83. Everyone is at a loss at the inexplicability of the issue.
84. That is, Tutankhamen mausoleum in at first opens, in the grave had also discovered many tenths groups "are at a loss thing".
85. Here is why it ordinarily is so strong. In mid-December, tax-conscious investors look through their portfolios for stocks they can sell at a loss, to offset gains on stocks they have sold at a profit.
86. Ben: My boss really put me in the hot seat. I'm at a loss for ideas.
87. She was at a loss when she lost her genuine diamond broach.
88. Ross and Lady Macduff are at a loss as to Macduff's flight.
89. Card spy answer says: " I will be astonied, be at a loss. "
90. Even if I am looking at you languidly, you are at a loss.
91. South Korean military officials were at a loss as to how he had survived unscathed the two-and-a-half mile wide minefield in the demilitarised zone and evaded North Korean border guards.
92. We were all looking at each other in dismay and at a loss for words.
93. I am at a loss for terms adequate to the expression of my gratitude.
94. My master's surprise equalled or exceeded mine: he remained for a minute at a loss how to address the ploughboy, as he had called him.
95. Theories abound, but scientists are at a loss to explain this infanticidal behavior.
96. He is afraid that father is scolded, stay over to be at a loss.
97. The firm sold its summer stock at a loss to be ready for the winter goods.
98. It's an ocean-going snail that carries around a very special escargot... but scientists have been at a loss to work out why.
99. Once people enter these, it will soon be at a loss if the unshielded , just get away.
100. He was at a loss how to cut the knot.
101. Businesses say the problem is caused by price controls that do not keep up with inflation and force merchants to sell at a loss.
102. We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and worm - eaten.
103. Somewhat at a loss to know exactly what I might expect in China two years after Tiananmen Square, and whether or how to proceed, I met with Pief Panofsky, director emeritus of SLAC.
104. Anybody has not spoken you to you to be supposed to go to make any, lets you think feels helpless at a loss.
105. The same countries will lead to large-scale buying at a loss.
106. I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss,losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly.
106. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
107. I am at a loss to find words with which to express my chagrin and grief.
108. Many makers of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) chips are selling them at a loss because of falling demand and low memory-chip prices.




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