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单词 As it were
1. A friend is, as it were, a second self. 
2. He is, as it were , a walking dictionary.
3. He became, as it were, a man without a country.
4. I'd understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.
5. Teachers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled.
6. Jim Radcliffe became our idol, as it were, the man we all wanted to be.
7. She seemed very relaxed in her natural setting as it were.
8. He cornered the market in heroes, as it were.
9. The basic chords, as it were, are there.
10. He was there, as it were, in reflection.
11. To peruse the big picture, as it were.
12. A rite of passage, as it were.
13. Then the dragons pop through, as it were, and impress their form on this world's possibility matrix.
14. The rows of atoms, as it were, dislike being dug out of their comfortable trenches of lowest energy.
15. Um, the computer guru, uh, the wizards as it were, is going to be there for emergency calls.
16. The Central Area pulled all these parts together, as it were, and made them interdependent portions of the whole.
17. Labov's work to redeem, as it were, underprivileged speech also entailed a revealing critique of more privileged forms.
18. He became famous, as it were , for never having a hit record.
19. If he still refuses we could always apply a little pressure, as it were.
20. He is my best friend, my second self , as it were.
21. He'd been watching the water rising for two hours preparing to meet his destiny, as it were before help arrived.
22. Maps to particular places allow one to penetrate the maze, by appointment as it were.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. One can easily imagine how such warm, living illumination would bring forth spontaneous silhouettes, as it were from another world.
24. We do not have to try to remember ourselves in a vacuum, as it were.
25. His characteristic attitude is one of close scrutiny and interrogation; he puts his documents on the rack, as it were.
26. But this aim proved to be too large and the northern comprehensive school, as it were, took over my interests.
27. He spoke weightily - the words deliberately produced and, as it were, laid on the table.
28. It is not we who have to fight the battle for spiritual progress, as it were.
29. In that moment, he had known he could trust her - with his very life, as it were.
30. In the Brechtian aesthetic, the real struggles of life and oppressed peoples can not be shown, as it were, naturally.
31. Moses is caught between two fires as it were: a faithless people and a vengeful Lord.
32. He shook religion out of her mind, as it were, and into the vacuum rushed something rather disagreeable.
33. Yet we all know that it goes on - under the counter, as it were.
34. See my house - try it on for size, as it were?
35. We do have a few glimpses, through the keyhole as it were.
36. The basic signals are the same but each area has, as it were, its own dialect of calls.
37. The State Licensing office determined Singer was the rightful owner, as it were, of the deactivated license.
38. The social structure in a particular environmental setting creates, as it were, religious expectations.
39. You set the scene, as it were, for your presentation and then proceed to follow the pattern laid down.
40. That made me, by birth as it were, a member of the Strauss family.
41. For recession-weary washers, lower bills may sound just as attractive as greener laundry - as it were.
42. The dying man should be surrounded by his friends and family, should make, as it were, a day of it.
43. It is not hard to see how these two phenomena might, as it were, assist an ice age on its way.
44. The punishment, as it were, is so severe that they redouble their efforts to avoid encountering it again.
45. Its still sparse population seems shrunk, as it were, in such outsize garments.
46. Instead of growing up, I had, as it were, grown down, and thus reversed a natural biological process.
47. The landowners lived centrally, and around them, in concentric circles as it were, lived the working people.
48. After the umpteenth rubber-stamp this infuriating rite of passage, as it were, terminates: exit.
49. He was, as it were a walking dictionary.
50. She is, as it were , a walking dictionary.
51. He is, as it were, an eternal boy.
52. He is, as it were, a modern Sherlock Holmes.http://
53. He is, as it were, a bookworm.
54. He became his countrys spiritual leader, as it were.
55. The man is, as it were, a modern Holmes.
56. A friend is, as it were, a second self. - -- Cicero, Ancient Roman statesman.
57. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire.
58. Anna translated it, as it were , into Marion's normal voice.
59. While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending forward in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes gleamed with a mild and, as it were, ironical light.
60. What the state and the revolutionaries controlling it, did not realise, however, is that by "bombing", as it were, Afrikaans and Afrikaans institutions, it would also bomb the rest.
61. Presidential rage was excited by the observation, as it were, that the vicar was committing adultery behind the presbytery.
62. Then l'll just keep a lookout for ladies in distress, as it were.
63. " Oh, you know, " and Drouet waved her intelligence, as it were, with his hand.
64. Old Jolyon's sense of justice had risen, as it were, from bed.
65. And that first strike, which Jonathan and his armor-bearer made, killed about twenty men within as it were half a furrow's length in an acre of land.
66. The tropical rainforests and the Weddell Sea may, as it were, be polar opposites as habitats.
67. I am singl'd out and separated , as it were , from all the world to be miserable.
68. His face was like yellow wax, his eyes darkened, as it were sightless.
69. Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were.
70. As it were, financial derivative instrument also contained huge risk meanwhile it can spread risk and reduce the cost of capital.
71. I wished to become self-possessed, to be able to play with hostile minds as Hamlet played, to look in the lion's face, as it were, with unquivering eye-lash.
72. My mind standing on the brink called out, as it were, with an eager waving of hands to the ferryman sailing away across the waves to the other side. For Life longed to start on life's journey.
73. The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto- relievo . (6) The ornamented grounds of villas which will one day be built here may still preserve some trace of this.
74. It's in acquiring this "uncommon visage" that the meaning of human existence seems to lie, since for this uncommonness we are, as it were, prepared genetically.
75. Each linguistic theory assumes a model of stylistic analysis, as it were.
76. This book give , as it were, a picture of the evil old society.
77. Indeed, true mastery requires a muscle sense, a motor image, as it were, in the brain's motion-planning areas of the movement in question.
78. A Groovy Closure is an anonymous function that can access its enclosing scope, can be called repeatedly at will, and be passed around as it were data.
79. The new manager is not equal to the task, as it were.
80. We must, as it were , be born again to a new life in Christ.
81. "Ah, yes, " the lighthouse keeper consented, as it were with humility.
82. Though keeping to his playful ways, he heightens the sense of linkage between prehuman and present-day experience, the biological depth, as it were, of our species.
83. Reader must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.
84. The measured chant attracts the animals, who, always curious, first come to find out what the sound is, and are then almost hypnotised, as it were, by the monotony and rhythm of the chanting .
85. Sport news photography, as it were, is a process of choosing beauty in the course of stereo - graphic observation .
86. Most of these changes "come out in the wash, " as it were, but this post is an attempt to explain a few of the changes as they pertain to LM.
87. The conceptual structure as representation of stored knowledge in the mind is as it were a network: Once some node is activated, adjacent nodes and connections can be triggered as a consequent.
88. The details of what is going on — the vole story, as it were — is a fascinating one.
89. I must've wrapped my legs around it at some point and put the needle on the record, as it were, because I soon figured out that I could basically get on top of it and hump it and have orgasms.
90. His spirit rose, as it were, with a bound, and attained a nearer prospect of the sky, than throughout all the misery which had kept him grovelling on the earth.
91. A deep and as it were secret sigh went through the Department.
92. After the first blush of sin comes its indifference; and from immoral it becomes, as it were, unmoral, and not quite unnecessary to that life which we have made.
93. Just for a bit, you know? Privy to, you know, cool information, as it were.
94. The soloist awakes as the orchestra departs, yawning in G minor as it were, and beginning a notorious five-minute cadenza.
95. This universe existed in the shape of darkness, unperceived , destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep.
96. So even if there were a Chinese government agent behind it, you know, it might represent a fragment of policy as it were.
97. Indeed, they sometimes dive below as it were by mistake, and are undeceived.
98. Over time Nansen came to "laugh at the ice; we are living as it were in an impregnable castle."
99. The two are distinct, soul being as it were the middle term between body and spirit, or the bond between the two.
100. With this customer, he felt himself , as it were, casting pearls before swine.
101. Knowing any man's mainspring of motive you have as it were the key to his will.
102. A friend is, as it were(), a second self. ---- Marcus Tullius Cicero.
103. But with every instant he felt clearly and, as it were, tangibly , that something firm and unshakable as that vault of heaven had entered into his soul.
104. Many seem to regard human rights solely in terms of the guarantees they afford us as individuals: underwriting, as it were, the moral and cultural solipsism of the "me generation".
105. It is because of this rather petit cranium that its eyes and ears seem to appear so exaggeratedly large but rather than make the animal seem foolishly overdrawn (as it were), it adds to its appeal.
106. There are, at any point in time, a number of possible futures, each, as it were, a state of partial equilibrium.
107. He gets the solid shape, as it were, inside his head.
108. They will be able, as it were , to see and hear us in action.
109. To man time is given like a piece of land, as it were, entrusted to him for faithful tilling; a space in which to strive incessantly, achieve self-realization, more onward and upward.
110. Professor Smith is, as it were , a walking dictionary.
111. After Chinese traditional Latten Festival, given international flights in some of mainland airports have been almost looked by migrant workers, as it were, migrant worker chartered airplane.
112. The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto - relievo.
113. Man is, as it were, sandwiched between heaven and earth, between idealism and realism, between lofty thoughts and the baser passions.
114. When he came back his dirty dishes were still in the sink as it were, there on the lab bench; but he noticed something weird about them.
115. In regard to such magnitudes the specific understanding of the sciences of human action is a substitute, as it were, for the unfeasibility of measurement.
116. He was lucky in the fact that opportunity tumbled into his lap, as it were.
117. This was, as it were, his unspoken apology to everyone.
118. Man is, as it were, sandwiched between heaven and earth, between idealism and realism, between lofty thoughts and baser passions.
119. In the long run everything that happens is, as it were, no more than the initial disturbance of a perpetual state of rest which forever attempts to re-establish itself.
120. That passage is often taken to be, the beginning of chapter 15, the essence of Machiavelli and realism, a kind of Realpolitik, as it were.




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