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单词 Lessen
1) They gave her an injection to lessen the pain.
2) We invest broadly to lessen the risk.
3) Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain.
4) Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.
5) The new project will lessen the effects of car pollution.
6) A healthy diet can lessen the risk of heart disease.
7) Too much background detail tends to lessen the impact of the central image.
8) Several drugs are used to lessen the severity of the symptoms.
9) Gaullist control of broadcasting did not lessen.
10) The noise began to lessen.
11) To get out of Palma would lessen her chances of running into Fernando.
12) However,[http:///lessen.html] mechanical aids can do much to lessen the disability of impaired body structure.
13) He felt her grip lessen, and heard her hit the ground.
14) It was felt that these arrangements would lessen the risk of the association being drawn into difficulties if anything else went wrong.
15) Sympathetic typifications of Catholics do little to lessen the obvious problem of being attacked while walking the beat.
16) This process should lessen the chances of pricing too low or of needlessly giving away other concessions like favourable payment terms.
17) The company is trying to lessen the impact of the oil spill on marine life.
18) On the one hand this might lessen the load of dementia on local authority care.
19) Social inequality tended to increase rather than lessen in the 1980s.
20) He is used to a lot of attention from his wife, which will inevitably lessen when the baby is born.
21) Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.
22) Beyond a quieter plane ride, NoiseBuster is said to lessen the effects of jet lag.
23) And if it can, does that in some way lessen the experience?
24) He shifted his position a little, in order to lessen the pain in his leg.
25) In fact, various techniques and a belated statutory intervention have combined to lessen the effect of the omission.
26) This could be seen to increase the gulf between special and mainstream education and lessen the chances of functional integration.
27) The individual is always trying to reconcile his inner and outer world and lessen the anxiety of the internal situation.
28) It achieves this by forming an ice barrier to lessen heat loss from the ground it covers.
29) For her things would never heal, but for Marguerite time would lessen the pain and her memories would help.
30) Having a harvester which is more gentle with the crop should reduce damage and so lessen spoilage in the clamp.
1) He is used to a lot of attention from his wife, which will inevitably lessen when the baby is born.
2) Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain.
31) This group favors high minimum wages to lessen the competition from low-wage workers.
32) Using those areas for sampling would lessen the chance of an undercount of minorities, she said.
33) He made the decision to lessen the angle of impact by closing the throttle, applying hard up elevator and full right rudder.
34) Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to lessen jet lag.
35) The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
36) Then there are pethidine injections, which are also quite commonly given to lessen the pain.
37) Bread will stop you feeling hungry, and lessen the temptation to binge on high-fat, high-calorie foods.
38) All the methods we tried to lessen the torment failed.Sentence dictionary
39) A careful strategic analysis as described in chapter 4 will help to lessen the disadvantages of using leading indicators.
40) Any attempts to lessen his prison sentence will cause public outrage.
41) These will go a long way to lessen the real danger of accidental war or nuclear catastrophe due to misinformation.
42) In old age, deterioration of vision and hearing can lessen the ability to communicate effectively by causing distortion of sensory input.
43) The heat will lessen during the evening.
44) A good handler can lessen faults.
45) These measures can't help to lessen the existing tension.
46) The approaches to lessen pollution of graziery are discussed.
47) However, there are ways to lessen the financial burden.
48) Doctor used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.
49) Objective To lessen coxa joint pain, keep joint steady and good function.
50) The paper also made some research on how to lessen the ethical load of biological weapon through the way of high techniques.
51) "Anything that defense attorneys can have to latch onto to save their client's life or to lessen their client's culpability, they will do it, " Lecroy-Schemel says.
52) They are doing everything possible to lessen tensions between the two nations.
53) An experiment in Japan found certain ingredients of beer, such as pseudouridine, melatonine, and abromine can lessen the harm done by radiation to the human body.
54) Moreover, Jianru's illness can even lessen a little of my own feeling of self - condemnation.
55) This water filter will also prolong the life of your refrigerator as it was designed to lessen the sediment deposits in your refrigerators ice machine.
56) When eaten raw may cause upset stomach . Cooking can lessen toxicity.
57) So shifting to a forefoot running style, as people do when running barefoot, may lessen your risk for a stress fracture, and up your chances of developing a muscle strain or tendinitis.
58) The government wardship makes sure of the realization of the effective competition among the public enterprises, and lessen the out negative cost brought about the production activity of them.
59) The parabola would control air flow in a way that would lessen the shockwave, NASA says.
60) These things help children get a good start in life and lessen the chances that they will later have serious health problems or trouble learning.
61) Those occasions when the taking of photographs is relatively undiscriminating, promiscuous, or self-effacing do not lessen the didacticism of the whole enterprise.
62) This system can requirements of The Theory of Information and Coding objective questionnetwork test, it can lessen teachers' burden of work.
63) The hand operation is a simple, easy to learn, to lessen and eradicate the symptoms.
64) The research was funded by the UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as part of ongoing work on age-related muscle wasting and how to lessen that effect.
65) With professional advice, you can often dramatically lessen the amount of nail-biting and red ink you have to endure before the business takes hold.
66) The law stipulates that employers must help cover those costs, and feminists are seeking a system of state-supported childbirth insurance to lessen discrimination.
67) That would tend to lessen the possessiveness factor, I believe.
68) Aescin can effectively remove free radicals, lessen the damages caused by the free radicals on cells of blood vessels and thus promoting the anti- oozing effect.
69) Reverent but prejudicial Ancestor Worship - one of China's immense Cemeteries, which seriously lessen her productive land area.
70) I wish something would happen to puncture her ego, ie lessen her conceit.
71) B , Main shaft is equiped with a lubricating systein to lessen wear and service life.
72) Conclusion It is also important to psychologically comfort men patients when they are under venipuncture so as to lessen their pain.
73) Through empirical model, in order to lessen the housework burden by married woman, the most efficient tool relies on the income she has and the income differential from her husband.
74) The practices show that it can not only lessen the burden of operation staff but also give help to instrument mender.
75) However, the other side of the means is that it is likely to cause aberrancy of the truth of news, do harm to the public or even the innocent, and lessen the power of criticism.
76) It is a fine approach to actualize the Demand SideManagement (DSM) to lessen the pressure of peak load period under the situation thatthere are limitable financing for electricity build.
77) In order to guarantee judicial proceeding, protect legal interest and lessen the heavy work of court, our civil procedure law should enact the obligation of truthfulness at the minimum limit.
78) Shrinking it would lessen the threat to GE's cash - pumping industrial operations, but not remove it altogether.
79) The sick man had recourse to drugs to lessen his pain.
80) Conclusion Rabbits vasal ligation that is distant from the scrotum and epididymis via a ventral midline incision could lessen surgical trauma and reduce early post-operational complications.
81) Microelement selenium (Se), as a major component of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), can induce to excrete lead, and lessen the toxicity of lead by many ways of bioprocess.
82) The effects of parasitic parameters on the CM current spectrum are also analyzed. To lessen high frequency CM EMI, suppression of surge voltage across the switches is studied.
83) This will help strengthen your internal and lessen the negative effects of the naysayers.
84) As far as logistics is concerned to enterprise, logistics reduce stock, accelerate turnover, lessen circulation cost and strengthen enterprise competition.
85) Doctors used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.
86) The length of the menstrual cycle and periods may vary; flow may lessen or increase.
87) That it does not follow the so called "verifiability" of our present scientific methods does not lessen it's assurance.
88) So the money supply shouldn't adapt the demand, but lessen the money sediment and increase the fluidness.
89) St John's wort can lessen the effectiveness of various birth control pills and can also interfere with an anti-blood clotting drug.
90) With the support of signature card, gives the adaptive solutions to lessen the difficulty of the employment of PKI and gain the security of application based PKI.
91) Besides that, the paper also analyzes the probable deviation and state some measures to lessen it, then it further put forward some assumptions of validity check.
92) Is cross - server implementation the way you are going to lessen Battleground queues then?
93) To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility.
94) Trichroism . As of now, no such treatment has been used successfully to lessen or remove color, that is why you can always be sure that they are not treated.
95) To learn nasal bone normal variation, we can lessen the misdiagnosis of nasal bone fracture.
96) ILO Economists say some nations have come up with polices to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis. An example of these is work sharing with government subsidies.
97) Orthotics and arch supports can lessen leg fatigue and muscle cramps associated with pes planus.
98) It provided with automatic lubricating system to lessen abra sion and prolong service life.
99) Hence, where CEOs have significant shareholdings in enterprises,[http:///lessen.html] their ownership incentives may likewise lessen the need for outside director monitoring.
100) To lessen the risk of getting a bad configuration for the boot loader in RHEL 4 or 5, always create a boot partition (/boot) for your system.
101) The ministernotomy approach was designed to perform thymectomy for myasthenia gravis in order to lessen surgical trauma and made cosmetically effectiveness.
102) Conclusion Gabexate can degrade C-reactive protein and D-dimer, improve the blood rheology of SAP and lessen injury of pancreas and outside pancreatic organs, and can decrease complications.
103) That's the reason they are called lesson, because they lessen from day to day.
104) She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it.
105) Proper quality control of materials and inspections, as required by the Department of Transportation (DOT), lessen the probability of cylinder leaks.
106) I'm taking these apples out of the bag to lessen the load I have to carry.
107) But health campaigners fear that the details will lessen any impact theban might have.
108) He also outlined the success of a hand-held computer game specifically designed to distract children and lessen their pain and stress during medical procedures.
109) Its appearance is a grand burst of upholster building, so it enormous lessen the carriers' working strength.
110) Independent display module lessen project cost and make interface variety.
111) Conclusion: 0.1 % diclofenac sodium eye drops could lessen the postoperative intraocular inflammatory reaction for cataract surgery.
112) Other nations are trying various economic measures to either jump-start their economies or lessen the impact of recessions.
113) In order to improve the quality of bead wire and lessen environmental pollution, it is very necessary to adopt cathode anode interspersing electrolytic alkaline cleaning.
114) Objective:To explore a better operating pathway for rhinology operation to shorten the incision, lessen scar and increase the surgical indications.
115) The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old.
116) In addition, programmers have come up with all sorts of algorithms and tricks such as Alpha-Beta pruning, Negascout, and MTD(f) in order to lessen the number of nodes the computer must examine.
117) Doctor: I can lessen your inconvenience by making you an immediate denture.
118) Thus C4 plants lessen photorespiration by carrying out photosynthesis only in cells that are insulated from high levels of CO2.
119) During menstruation one has to lessen physical exertion including walking, dancing or heavy house-hold work. The body demands rest and relaxation and one needs to provide that.
120) A, It is equiped with lubricating system to lessen wear and prolong service life.
121) Conclusion: that the determination of bilirubin in gastric juice is helpful to judge bile reflux. The result confirms that dimethicone can lessen bile reflux, thereby mitigating bile reflux gastritis.
122) Problem prevention will lessen the need for problem detection, panics and burn-out will decrease, and there will be improved focus and less wasted effort.
123) Compounded topical anesthetic creams are often used to lessen pain in procedures such as laser hair removal, tattoos, and skin treatments.
124) An experiment in Japan found certain ingredients of beer , such as pseudouridine , melatonin , and a bromine can lessen the harm done by radiation to the human body .
125) They've made great effort to lessen the noise of planes.
126) Flood control decision supporting system is a non-project measure that can efficiently lessen the scathe of flood disaster and reduce the damage of flood, it is become more and more important .
127) In order to find a way to lessen DNA problems of sperm, Dr. David Greening, a gynecologist and endocrinologist from Australia, studied the effects of daily ejaculations on damage rates.
128) Results: DWN could lessen gastric mucous injury, inhibit ulcerous formation and improve pathological changes of damaged gastric mucosa induced by alcohol.
129) Conclusions BHD and divided-formulae can improve the contents of serum NO and lessen MIRI.
130) Results Huoxue Dingxuan Pill could obviously increase the pain threshold value, decrease algesia reaction, lessen the ear swelling degree and lower the capillary permeability in abdominal cavity.
131) You can lessen the probability that your boss will make bad decisions that affect you and increase the probability of your job satisfaction by effectively managing your boss/employee relationship.




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