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单词 Porn
1. No self-respecting actor would appear in a porn movie.
2. The theater shows mainly kung fu movies and porn.
3. Even more alarming is the increase in child porn sites on the Internet.
4. Are you telling me the porn actually sedated you?
5. Hackers catch out porn surfers.
6. Watching all this porn is making me horny!
7. Internet Porn Addictive Behavior is not easy to analyze.
8. You're Summer Solstice, the porn star.
9. Hong Kong allows porn: the recently released Sex and Zen, the world's first commercially successful 3-D skin flick, has received a healthy box office boost from mainland tourists.
10. So porn studios face fat legal costs even as their revenues are falling.
11. The magazine, which critics have described as middle-class porn, re-launches with its 100th issue this month,[/porn.html] and includes an article on Japan's "Festival of the Steel Penis."
12. I already explained how kink lead me to porn, and now that I'm here, I have to say that pornography and my exhibitionist sexuality influence my feminism.
13. Having started watching porn out of curiosity when it became available over the internet in her mid-teens, she and her mates used it as a graphic form of sex education.
14. During the making of a porn film, one of the girls - blonde with a black velvet neckband - goes through all the various acts without a change of expression.
15. Anna Arrowsmith, a former porn director, has been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, the UK's 3rd largest political party, the Guardian reported Saturday.
16. Here's another example: Maybe when you watch porn you really like the reverse cowgirl position (girl on top facing away from the guy).
17. To fuck a porn star in a cheap motel room?
18. Why can't you just download porn like other teenage boys?
19. Until hipster porn: Also called alt porn, it's a genre of pornography that is mostly pictures on websites but also includes actual pornographic videos.
20. This year will be no different as porn starlets, professional woodsmen, and hairy-chested, gold chain-wearing porn directors convene in the city of sin for the 2011 AVN Awards Show on January 8th.
21. Some of those photos they show in tabloid newspapers are nothing but porn.
22. When you look at the "experts" using pop science and simplistic reductionist explanations to prove porn is evil, they are overwhelmingly Christian.
23. The Southern Weekend newspaper has mocked the software for blocking Garfield cartoons but allowing dark-skinned porn.
24. Also, please do not send me any garbage about cybersex , internet sex or porn.
25. Deutsche Bank has banned staff from putting hotel television porn channels on their company credit card.
26. Recent research suggests that about 17% of individuals who view porn on the Internet meet criteria for sexual compulsivity.
27. Big-screen, high-definition televisions displayed impossibly large breasts and bareback bear porn on four walls around me, 10 hours every day. None of it made me feel any way or another.
28. Because then we would be the guys who turned off free porn.
29. It wasn't surprising to hear guys discussing their jerk-off habits or what kinds of porn they liked to watch.
30. The term "deep throat" comes from a classic 1972 porn that stars Linda Lovelace.
31. And if you add up all the authoritative information men receive about size, it amounts to a thimbleful of water in a vast ocean of porn whose message is that hot sex is all about having a huge penis.
32. Foodie View : A recipe website that incorporates restaurant reviews, search from major blog recipes and a healthy dose of food porn photography.
33. I can't believe Chandler ordered porn on our wedding night.
34. The men who make money off this new breed of porn star are exactly the predator the religious right say he is.
35. I know it's useless to nitpick logic points in a porn of all things, but I can't let this one go.
36. You can't whack it to Internet porn like everyone else?
37. In the boundless vast sea of books, cohabitation, will rush out a variety of porn.
38. For example, say you have a thing for titty fucking scenes in porn. And let's say as you're watching, you're masturbating in a fast, intense manner.
39. Playing video games, using the Internet for gambling, viewing porn — researchers need to get detailed in their analysis, so we can stop blaming the general Internet boogeyman.
40. The magazine, which critics have described as middle-class porn, re-launches with its 100th issue this month, and includes an article on Japan's " of the Steel Penis."Sentencedict
41. A few months ago, I was interviewed at dinner along with some other media types including a blogger/hipster porn star who called herself Baby Sinead.
42. Throw me 20 and I'll hook you up with free porn.
43. Speaking of feminism and pathology, a recent Slate piece about the misogyny of porn moguls like Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner rubbed you the wrong way.
44. Now we long to see AV Actress refers to the female porn actress in Japan.
45. I don't even think porn and malt liquor can heal the damage that you have inflicted.
46. Dr Papadopoulos told the Times Educational Supplement: "It's a drip-drip effect. Look at porn stars and look at how the average girls looks now."
47. Some women are horrified to suddenly discover porn on their partner's computer.
48. The most notable addition is the notorious Na'avi sex scene in which Jake and Neytiri get it on, alien style, but it hardly sounds like we're talking Pandoran porn.
49. I can't even use Chandler's computer except to find porn!
50. Would you like to hook me up to some wires and machines and have me watch both gay and straight porn to see that both will increase my heart rate and give me a hard-on?
51. And though watching porn isn't the same as seeking out real live sex, experts say the former can be a kind of gateway drug to the latter.
52. The gay press is actually dependent on the bareback business, receiving money from porn companies, sex clubs organising bareback parties and gay stores selling bareback products.
53. Experts think because porn is so readily available on the internet it may be helping human desire evolve as billions of men and women log-on more and more.
54. What is the thing you enjoy most about doing porn?
55. The rapid spread of cybersex alarms parents who in their own youths were meticulous about keeping porn in its place: on the lavatory wall or under the mattress.
56. Rumors, scandals, talking about porn on the first page head line.
57. Believe it or not, I enjoy masturbation, porn, and the occasional dirty joke.
58. For example, say you have a thing for titty fucking scenes in porn.
59. Do they have hookers or old Playboys or cable porn?
60. Marmite and dairy milk chocolate no longer produce longing sighs. We have moved on to Bathroom Porn.
61. All they can do is kiddie porn, terrorism and murder.
62. The experts I interviewed at the time were speculating that porn use was desensitizing healthy young men to the erotic appeal of their own partners.
63. Women and men perform every conceivable explicit act in today's mainstream porn, but what is shown is always consensual and almost sunnily friendly.
64. "He is a part of the family, " she said, lamenting though that he had taken a path of what she called "aspiring porn" — a reference to his photo-shoot last week for Playgirl.
65. The same occurs with hard core and blue porn : the sexual organ, whether erect or open wide is just another sign in the hypersexual panoply. Phallus-design.
66. However, Pat Robertson is correct when it comes to hipster porn.
67. We turned the dial to the porn channel and there were strippers shaking their [ boobs ] around .
68. We do have a federal Computer Emergency Response Team and our police forces, state and federal, have had some big successes in the field of internet child porn in the past couple of years.
69. What I am worried about is the way some porn sites and movies deliberately tie cruelty and misogyny and hate into those sex acts.
70. Although the documentary is very clean (considering it's all about a porn movie), it does include a few seconds on fellatio activity.
71. This is part of the overall one-upmanship occurring in the porn industry over the last decade, the desperate scramble to attract attention through increasingly more over-the-top porn.
72. Nanook of the North at Allice Tully Hall and Steady as She Blows at Ethan Watson's Porn Palace.
73. There is a difference between a padded bra and silicone implants—the padded bra can be safely removed after it has served its purpose; the "porn boob" has rendered the bra meretricious, obsolete.
74. CHILDREN: In November 2009, Sandra and Jesse entered into a custody battle with his ex-wife, former porn actress Janine Lindemulder, and won full legal custody of his six-year-old daughter, Sunny.
75. And St. Pelagia was the porn queen of 5th-century Antioch.
76. "La Fornarina," the renowned art historian and MacArthur fellow Leo Steinberg explains, "is the closest thing to soft porn in the high Renaissance."
77. Previous libido lovers who starred in the ads included porn actresses Jenna Jameson, Ron Jeremy and Sasha Grey and womanisng golf pro Tiger Woods.
78. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn.
79. Worried about Emmett, Ted and Michael hire porn star extraordinaire, Zack O'Toole to seduce Emmett.
80. Our specialty was messy girls: sociopath socialites, porn stars, retired riot grrrls, anyone we deemed interesting.
80. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
81. If you still feel compelled to cyber porn - go to a professional.
82. Real porn stars hate hipster porn because they see it as rich kids devaluing the sex dollar for laughs.
83. Adult Websites and Forums in India - Sharing porn and Scandal mms!
84. If we take Adams's findings that homophobic men get erections from watching gay porn as reasonable evidence of their sexual arousal, then, these findings are enormously important.
85. Give me a porn movie, I can move the earth!
86. Don't tell me you want the porn back, because you can't have it!
87. If you're looking for low-budget internet porn jobs, they are out there, and searching on yahoo and google and excite can be productive.
88. Before I took off for Pyongyang, I loaded my laptop with porn, prepared to jerk-off for couple of weeks, knowing that it's an extreme case of a police state.




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