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单词 Credit
1. Give credit where credit is due. 
2. Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas! 
3. Your credit card is no longer valid.
4. This will redound to his credit.
5. I credit him with a certain amount of sense.
6. Any users of credit may overextend themselves.
7. Do you accept credit cards?
8. The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.
9. She was charged with credit card fraud.
10. He bought the furniture on credit.
11. This work will redound to his credit.
12. Credit controls are anathema to the government.
13. This store does not give credit.
14. Will you be paying by cash or credit card?
15. Do you give credit to what the man said?
16. All the credit goes to you.
17. I didn't credit that absurd tale.
18. Do not place too much credit in hearsay.
19. Credit cards can tempt you to overstretch yourself .
20. Your credit limit is now £2 000.
21. She got no credit for solving the problem.
22. High interest rates make credit expensive.
23. It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
24. We bought the dishwasher on credit.
25. The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.
26. I think our credit has been overextended to diversify.
27. I must retrieve my credit card from the waiter.
28. Are you paying in cash or by credit card?
29. The credit card business is down(sentence dictionary), and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.
30. The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them. 
1. Your credit card is no longer valid.
2. Do you accept credit cards?
3. She was charged with credit card fraud.
4. He bought the furniture on credit.
5. Credit controls are anathema to the government.
6. Will you be paying by cash or credit card?
7. Do you give credit to what the man said?
8. He flourished his credit card.
9. All the credit goes to you.
10. You deserve all the credit.
11. Credit cards can tempt you to overstretch yourself .
12. Your credit limit is now £2 000.
13. Our international credit is excellent.
14. She got no credit for solving the problem.
15. It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
16. We bought the dishwasher on credit.
17. He's a bad credit risk .
18. The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.
19. Are you paying in cash or by credit card?
20. The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.
21. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
22. He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.
23. 56 per cent of new cars were bought on credit.
24. This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day from cash dispensers.
25. The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.
26. When poorer people use credit, mail order is the key source.
27. Compulsive overspending in these days of credit cards has become more common.
28. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.
29. A free low-interest credit card can be a useful budgeting tool.
30. His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself.
31. Their manager, to her credit, was always strongly opposed to the pay cuts.
32. She has a large sum standing to her credit in the bank.
33. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
34. He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.
35. She takes a large slice of the credit for our success.
36. She brought several persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.
37. 56 per cent of new cars were bought on credit.
38. This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day from cash dispensers.
39. The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.
40. When poorer people use credit, mail order is the key source.
41. Compulsive overspending in these days of credit cards has become more common.
42. Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.
43. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.
44. A free low-interest credit card can be a useful budgeting tool.
45. He got the credit, and we did the dirty work.
46. His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself.
47. Credit cards can be handy-they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.
48. You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
49. The availability of cheap long - term credit would help small business.
50. The project is being backed by a letter of credit from Lasalle Bank.
51. The bank refused further credit to the pottery.
52. Your children really do you credit.
53. I find what he says rather hard to credit.
54. He's already got a credit/three credits in earth science.
55. What's the expiry date on your credit card?
56. She is a credit to her family.
57. Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
58. Do they take credit cards here?
59. He took a credit card out of his wallet.
60. This story illustrates the dangers of living on credit.
31. Credit cards can be handy-they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.
32. You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
33. The availability of cheap long - term credit would help small business.
34. The project is being backed by a letter of credit from Lasalle Bank.
35. The bank refused further credit to the pottery.
36. The engineer has many technical innovations to his credit.
37. The bank will extend you credit.
38. Credit is everything to a trader.
39. The credit card is then accepted, subject to verification of the signature.
61. The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.
62. The credit agreement includes safeguards against overcharging.
63. Can you give me your credit card number?
64. The bank will extend you credit.
65. Her boss took credit for it/took the credit instead.
66. To her eternal credit, she gave them a home.
67. We found his statement hard to credit.
68. Please write your credit card number on this form.
69. She could not credit their statement.
70. You have a credit balance of £250.
71. The bank refused to extend credit to them .
72. I had a shopping binge with my credit card.
73. Do you accept payment by credit card?
74. My daughter placed 2,000 yuan to her credit.
75. This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers.
76. Consumers are turning away from credit cards.
77. She took credit for my work.
78. Do credit me with a little intelligence!
79. What's the credit limit on your Visa card?
80. You can pay by credit card.
81. All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels.
82. I didn't like his taking all the credit.
83. He/His credit is good for 5000.
84. Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash.
85. Jack, to his credit, refused to get involved.
86. We bought the furniture on credit.
87. Your honesty does you great credit.
88. Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society.
89. I can barely credit what she said.
90. Several stores are offering interest free credit.
91. They may use a credit card for convenience.
92. He got involved in a credit card scam.
93. He has a bad credit rating .
94. Does the hotel take credit cards?
95. The team's victory reflected credit on the coach.
96. He was duped into giving them his credit card.
97. On the credit side, the book is extremely well-researched.
98. To his credit, he refused to buckle.
99. Such a film does credit to the director.
100. She has credit with the boss.
101. At least give him credit for trying .
102. Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.
103. She ran up huge debts on her credit card.
104. I have a credit balance of 250.
105. The economic boom was fueled by easy credit.
106. Punch your credit card number into the keypad.
107. She already has two successful novels to her credit.
108. Is this item a debit or a credit?
109. The bank refused further credit to the company.
110. I didn't like him/his taking all the credit.
111. Check the expiry date of your credit cards.
112. Interest is payable on credit balances.
113. I didn't like him taking all the credit.
114. The use of credit continues/grows unchecked.
115. Credit for this win goes to everybody in the team.
116. We propose to expand credit in order to create demand.
117. She was given the credit for what I had done.
117. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
118. I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.
119. The boys went on a two-day spending spree with the stolen credit cards.
120. I can't take all the credit for the show's success-it was a team effort.
121. Credit cards have brought about a revolution in people's spending habits.
122. The interest rate on my credit card is currently 25.5% APR.
123. A credit balance of $ 100 was brought forward from his June account.
124. The success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.
125. The account does not pay interest on a credit balance.
126. They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit.
127. He's the kind of man who makes things happen but lets others take the credit.
128. Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
129. There are no bank charges if you stay in credit.
130. It does her credit that she managed not to get angry.
131. Julian ought to have resigned, then he'd have come out of it with some credit.
132. You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance.
133. People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions.
134. I don't like him taking all the credit when he didn't do any of the work.
135. The desk had been rifled for money, some banknotes taken but cheque-book and credit cards left untouched.
136. Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford.
137. Watson deserves credit for lifting the veil of secrecy surrounding Brenda's death.
138. A lot of credit must go to the chairman and his father.
139. If you don't have a regular income you may be unable to get credit.
140. Would you prefer to pay with/by cash, cheque or credit card?
141. To his everlasting credit, he never told anyone what I'd done.
142. On the credit side, he's always been wonderful with his mother.
143. We did all the work and she gets all the credit!
144. If you don't pay your credit card bill on time, you'll get socked with a huge late fee.
145. The crunch came when my bank asked for my credit card back.
146. He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves.
147. I was relieved to see from my statement that my account was in credit.
147. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
148. You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.
149. I have arranged for my branch to send a letter of credit to the branch nearest the hotel.
150. I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit.
151. It is easy to get into serious debt with a credit card.
152. It really sticks in my throat that I did all the work, and she's getting all the credit.
153. Typical we do the donkey-work and he takes the credit!
154. Credit must go to Fiona for making sure everything ran smoothly.
155. It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit.
156. The safest way to pay for mail order goods is by credit card.
157. Any help you can give us will redound to your credit.
158. I have twenty novels and countless magazine stories to my credit.
159. It would be wrong for us to take all the credit.
160. Under the pretext of checking her identity(/credit.html), the man had copied down her credit card details.
161. If damaged items have to be returned, the manufacturer may issue a credit note.
162. The banks have decided to extend credit to the company .
163. To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.
164. The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.
165. His interest lay in the usefulness of his work(), rather than in any personal credit.
166. Some of the credit for her relaxed manner must go to Andy.
167. You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card.
168. These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
169. I need to pick your brains: what can you tell me about credit unions?
170. He's just using you - he'll steal your ideas and then take the credit for them himself.
171. On the credit side, she's always willing to work very late.
172. I don't especially like the woman but, credit where credit's due, she's very efficient.
173. The government has imposed a sharp credit squeeze in an attempt to hold down inflation.
174. Paying by credit card has only caught on recently here.
175. By 1989, they were using neural networks to assess credit risks.
176. There was little credit for those who had worked hardest.
177. The idea that I could be charged when I'm in credit makes me very angry.
178. The bank has written to say I've gone over my credit limit.




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