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单词 Obsession
1. She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
2. Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
3. This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers.
4. Gambling became an obsession , and he eventually lost everything.
5. The media's obsession with the young prince continues.
6. She had an on-off obsession with Mikey.
7. The game pachinko became a national obsession .
8. Fitness has become an obsession with him.
9. With him, gambling is an obsession.
10. His obsession with computers began six months ago.
11. Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
12. I don't understand television's current obsession with cookery programmes.
13. What is this current television obsession with older men and nubile young women?
14. His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.
15. Society's obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children.
16. The current obsession with exam results is actually harming children's education.
17. He was in the grip of an obsession and would not listen to reason.
18. You are in the grip of an obsession.
19. David's need for a son had become an obsession.
20. It's turning the Games into a national obsession.
21. Bowman has a dangerous obsession with speed.
22. Julia's desire to stay slim has become an obsession.
23. It became an obsession in the end.
24. Many feel a lack of sympathy for such obsession.
25. He has an enthusiasm for art,() to the point of obsession in my opinion.
26. Like many of his generation, he was a product of Scotland's obsession with football.
27. Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
28. His interest in guns started harmlessly enough, but later it became an obsession.
29. She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession .
30. He's always wanted to find his natural mother but recently it's become an obsession.
1. She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
2. Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
3. This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers.
4. Gambling became an obsession , and he eventually lost everything.
5. With him, gambling is an obsession.
6. I don't understand television's current obsession with cookery programmes.
31. Our obsession with cleanliness is no trivial matter.
32. The gay life becomes a traumatic and life-changing obsession.
33. Freeing the hostages became his obsession.
34. When passion meets inspiration an obsession is born. RVM 
35. It is his obsession with figures that leads him to make the crucial economic mistakes that he made.
36. Picasso's obsession with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.
37. Julian Borger reports Mapmaking martyr For some people, maps are an obsession.
38. It is the novel's obsession with the dead that begins to give answers to these pressing and uncomfortable questions.
39. The boar with a flower in his mouth is just a conceit and an obsession.
40. To suggest that Niagara was an obsession with him is an understatement.
41. What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses like they're trophies. What do you need it for after you read it? Jerry Seinfeld 
42. Whatever you set your mind to, your personal total obsession, this is what kills you.
43. One thing was certain: I must not allow the voyage to become an obsession and blind me to the risks involved.
44. I can very clearly understand obsessiveness, and the people who write to me see that I understand obsession and preciousness.
45. Getting the airline up and flying - proving wrong everyone who had doubted him - became an obsession.
46. If I were out in the country, miles from anywhere, this obsession might be understandable.
47. Jelani Gardner is just the latest symptom of a national obsession that is running the college game straight into the ground.
48. As a consequence this response breaks with the traditional obsession of the mainstream of corporate law scholarship.
49. Meanwhile, he hammered at his statements with the small obsession of a woodpecker.
50. The representation of sexuality here is of an unhealthy obsession.
51. Summarize that ugly reality in five terse sentences, then cut to the real national obsession: Sun Belt weather.
52. It is neither an obsession nor a projection of his mind, although it certainly does compel him.
53. How to explain the shift from virtual silence to obsession?
54. I talked to every parent but her, and every word was a feint to conceal my obsession.
55. As her fears bordered upon obsession, she began deliberately re-dialling telephone numbers Charles had called.
55. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
56. Posting things, then finding them again is an obsession for babies.
57. But in spite of his obsession with the failures of the past, his essential irreverent humour remained undimmed.
58. And that national obsession with the short term has come directly from business.
59. An obsession with cutting costs and with theories of self-help has downgraded public services and re-evoked images of the poor law.
60. Whatever its source, the desire to go there had become an obsession with her.
61. Rose Bower belonged to Sandy - with their obsession for recording details about employees they would know that.
62. Before I put the home brew in them, I had an obsession to get the dirt out.
63. She shooed it off, vindictively giving it an urge to become a great landscape painter in place of its rope obsession.
64. Easy-going and seemingly indolent, he was in fact a prodigious worker with an obsession for his job.
65. This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
66. I mean, excitement is one thing, but this is bordering on obsession. 1 go over to his place.
67. This was partly due to the unattractiveness of education classes and partly to the pervasive influence of the public-school obsession with games.
68. Humanist psychology seems to avoid traditional psychology's obsession with objectivity.
69. Concomitant with the obsession with dirt was a desire for order.
70. Demonstrating the cleaning powers of modern sewage treatment plants is something of an obsession for those who work there.
71. It became an obsession and, looking back, I realize this and am not proud of it.
72. They disliked his aggression, his finesse, his lack of respect for tradition, his obsession with media coverage.
73. This is because of his obsession with golf and how it takes precedence over everything else.
74. Stirling had little patience with the planning staffs' obsession with large set-piece armoured battles in the desert.
75. I fully realized the futility of this enterprise, an unrequited obsession, a one-sided infatuation.
76. But I was already close enough to the aquatic world for it to become a lifelong obsession.
77. How to account for the improbable mating of a dream and - yes, Bob was probably right - an obsession.
78. The modern obsession with transplantation takes precedence over finding the causes of organ disease.
79. Maria confronts and explores her own jealousy through her obsession with the fugitive on the rooftops.
80. Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
81. She has an obsession with the drug that verges on monomania.
82. Developing management Management development should be an obsession Most outstanding companies can be distinguished by one particular feature.
83. But this doesn t fit the media obsession with gender politics.
84. Has anything been gained by the national obsession with the Simpson affair?
85. A promo video stressing the artist's style is a shrewd marketing ploy which exploits the music industry's visual obsession.
86. And that business about her obsession with him; she had never mentioned that to a living soul.
87. Revenue Revenue generation should be an obsession with every single company employee Revenue is very visible.
88. Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.
89. I knew that if I wasn't careful, my obsession for her could destroy me.
90. The new obsession with trendy design was indulged in by scattering diamond-shaped symbols around the pages.
91. He was sometimes irritated by what he saw as Blanche's deductive ramblings, her obsession with the power of reason.
92. Demonstrating my attractiveness to a young intelligent woman in competition with young attractive males had become almost an obsession of mine.
93. It was Estella that started off his obsession with wanting more.
94. I have an obsession at the moment for pyjamas, duvets and dressing gowns.
95. His real obsession was ever with the sensational effects of the titillating text.
96. It was not an obsession then, only a gnawing doubt.
97. To transform a scholarly consensus into something that appears the obsession of a disreputable fringe group requires more than accidental bias.
98. I shall go to antenatal classes where I shall nourish my obsession for natural childbirth. 3.
99. I eventually began to suspect that their devotion to organizing things comes perilously close to an obsession.
100. She had suffered during long bouts of Hopper's depression, rages and his obsession with James Dean.
101. Her obsession with Farley was so powerful that nothing else mattered.
102. It is vital to his sense of responsible obsession that everything in his room warrants careful study.
103. A significant proportion of the population is sensitive to milk; our obsession with this unnatural substance causes widespread ill-health.
104. In this book I use it to denote an uncritical obsession with consumption.
105. Not out of obsession with the abnormal; just for the pleasure.
106. Police oppression of the freedom fighters brought my protest against authority almost to the point of obsession.
107. But insiders say he is keen to make it a national obsession.
108. Each group would be able to campaign for its particular obsession in public.
109. The first concerns her obsession with purity and her ambivalent attitude towards it.
110. But she's becoming something of an obsession with Ryan, particularly since his wife's death.
111. They would have said that their obsession was with divine grace.
112. Soon after the departure of Roszak from Peace News McGrath had quit that paper, nursing an unhealthy obsession with drugs.
113. Suggestions of inferiority have long rankled in a city where image has been an obsession for more than a century.
114. In his obsession to find out if his suspicions were true, he rifled through her belongings at her apartment.
115. Perhaps the choice was his way of declaring his consuming interest in life, not learning, which was becoming an obsession./obsession.html
116. His fatal obsession with Aurelia gives a remarkable impression of the quality of this figure.
117. Every teenage fantasy, frustration and obsession is here as the naive youngsters exchange their drab existences for an alcohol-induced escapism.
118. This is the really menacing thing because in their obsession with proving themselves, they are pulling us all towards destruction.
119. This untutored mathematician has an obsession with numbers.
120. Sadat seemed free of the obsession with detail.
121. He has an unhealthy obsession with death.
122. He has an obsession with postage stamps.
123. Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession.
124. This government has developed an unhealthy obsession with secrecy.
125. To beg drinks in the saloon became an obsession.
126. I'll stick around to indulge your obsession.
127. Liberation is basically freedom from obsession, freedom from dualism.
128. Watergate had begun to turn into a national obsession.
129. Candies are a national obsession, with expensive Swiss roll cakes, rusks and US$10-a-piece chocolates considered little luxuries that are too hard to give up for most people.
130. Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
131. This obsession with China's impressive GDP growth often ignores discussion of what's causing that growth and whether it's self-sustained.
132. Anglophilia is an obsession not with the English per se but with that stratum of them best described as positively smashing.
133. Halfway, the best in show is a low-budget tale of obsession by an Iranian working in the US.
134. Your own obsession with false - imbalances has made you lethargic and hypocritical.
135. Few of Fechner's ideas have survived in modern psychophysics and yet Fechner's obsession with measurement lives on today in many areas of psychology.
136. Alexander's obsession with the mythological Achilles pleases his mother, Queen Olympias.
137. We thought we had found a way to blunt the obsession with Vietnam.
138. The principal story is about a fast - living adventuress with an obsession with wealth and fame.
139. Yet over the past year or two, I have found my obsession increasingly unrewarding.
140. Lily is an atmospheric and suspenseful tale of love, loss and obsession.
141. The obsession with short selling is obstructing what should be a comprehensive look at excessive short-run volatility.
142. Aversion therapy, famously employed in Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange to cure Alex of his obsession with violence, was used up to the 1980s, but has since been discredited.
143. As much as their obsession with novelty, Russians' powerful nostalgia has been part of Mr Novikov's rise to become his country's bt-known restaurateur.
144. Cuteness is the key to the contemporary urban obsession with small dogs.
145. "Obsession with and craving time on the computer results in neglect of real-life personal relationships to the point of divorce,() " Wieland says.
146. Officials would need to let go of their obsession with exchange rate competitiveness.
147. As a result, he’s a typical baby boomer — openly critical of Japan’s obsession with capitalism.
148. The sunlight at the heart of the painting eradiate everything, a dazzling example of Turner's obsession with the power of nature.
149. SCL-90 consisted of 90 items, summarizing as 9 factors: somatization, obsession, sensitivity of interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, fear, crankiness and psychotic diseases.
150. I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without.
151. Tokyo's obsession with Washington's opinion is generally only equalled by its obliviousness towards Japan's reputation in the rest of Asia.
152. His new book, And Then There's This: How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture, is a critical takedown of the Internet-Media Complex and our unhealthy obsession with memes of the moment.
153. Small wonder, then, that for many the concern with masturbation turned into a complete obsession.
154. Spielberg was after a Boy Scout photography merit badge, while Abrams's focus was his lifelong obsession with special effects.
155. Perhaps it's our obsession with 'fresh content' that makes a little snobby towards what others have written previously - but I think it's something well worth doing.
156. Two years later he was put on three years' probation for simulating sex in public with a bin liner – he later admitted to having a 9 year obsession with the plastic sacks.
157. The short form of the cypherpunk's obsession with encryption can be summarized as: Pretty good privacy means pretty good society.
158. Their work is frequently an obsession that overrides all other considerations.
159. The French eat a lot of salt (and butter) and they have a very low cardiac deathrate compared to a nation such as England which has a bizarre obsession with salt reduced diet.
160. Cardin also said that when he launched his own label in 1950 he was told that what he was doing was "impossible" and that only belief in himself and obsession carried him through.
161. Nansen became a celebrity the world over, the obsession of swooning ladies, and the toast of dignitaries as varied as Jules Verne and U.S. President William McKinley.
162. The American dietary obsession is fed by a seeming-ly endless series of scientific studies that demonstrate the wholesomeness or toxicity of various foodstuffs.
163. His plays exuded tension, were spiced with erotic fantasies and were full of obsession, jealousy and hatred. Critics dubbed Pinter's chilling masterpieces "the theater of insecurity".
164. But some people develop such an intense obsession that they are left housebound , and may refuse to undergo potentially life-saving medical examinations.
165. You Chinese majors all have the nasty habit or even obsession of textual authentication.
166. So perhaps our political obsession with the next by - election results is not an unmitigated boon.
167. Perhaps we should be trying to rid ourselves of our obsession with share price as the sole indicator of corporate, and transitively, of executive performance.
168. "Now, due to the fact that jaguars love Obsession for Men, WCS field conservationists are getting more precise estimates of jaguar populations, " McNab said.
169. Alcedo atthis (also known as the Eurasian, European, or river kingfisher) has inspired many an obsession.
170. Carl Lewis has always an obsession with image that made would - be fans a little uneasy.
171. I find the media'sgrowing obsession with smut and sensation deplorable.
172. No doubt that contradictory obsession has early roots, but its most potent adult influence was probably my first job out of college, at a small brokerage firm in downtown Manhattan.
173. I unknowingly on obsession on the music, obsessed with a guzheng.
174. The authors argue cogently that it is high time the church lost its obsession with the subject.
175. As such, the festival is a celebration of Spain's nine - century - old obsession with bullfighting and death itself.
175. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
176. Objective To compare the efficacy and adverse effects of fluvoxamine and chlormipramine in treating patients with obsession.
177. The title of the Teller chapter is "Megaton Man, " emphasizing the obsession with hydrogen bombs which made Teller famous. Lightman admits that there were two Tellers.
178. The obsession with housing spilled over from Britain, a serial miscreant when it comes to house- price booms.
179. Gloria Vanderbilt, whose family name is one of the most famed in Manhattan history, has written Obsession, the story of a woman who becomes entranced by her dead husband's affair with a dominatrix.
180. First, it's about health, this obsession to mall - walk at 6 a.m. come rain or shine.
181. In therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike.
182. All of these sayings reflect the American obsession with properness and efficiency.
183. I'm sure this Arsenal obsession with kids and youth actually contravenes the law of the land.
184. Of late, the company has exhibited a multifaceted obsession with online geo location.
185. The obsession of the epic womanizer strikes people as lacking in redemption ( redemption by disappointment).
186. In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse religious cult.
187. Part of the reason for this obsession with productivity is we think time is money.
188. Tibetan Tantrism is a belief in spirits and demons, secret sexual practices, occultism, mind control, and an obsession with power.
189. Nevertheless, this whole obsession, which my girls seem to share with all their female school and creche friends, is one that has always sat rather uneasily with me.
190. The superimposition of ideological conflict and personal jealousies turned inherent rivalry into obsession.
191. Science lessons should be more hands-on and exploratory, according to a new report that criticises a dangerous obsession with results that has stripped science teaching of explosions and pyrotechnics.
192. A year later, he urged his countrymen — black and white — to support their national rugby team, the sports obsession of the nation's Afrikaner population.
193. I definitely lust after new technology, or things I am dreaming to own some day... but I am also aware of this obsession.
194. P?? T Anderson's epic about the birth of America's obsession with oil was as ruggedly individual, frontier-pushing and darkly magnificent, as its subject matter.
195. What does a garden in your mind mean, one's private obsession to one's heart's content or a place for free expression of one's physical desire?
196. His obsession with the flesh and body is also reflected in the titles of his works, Human Lesson (DRESS01), 1996, Phantom Limb , 1997.
197. Their streets, air and tap water are squeaky clean and chocolate is a national obsession.
197. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
198. Ms Fisher acted in such R-rated films as Intimate Obsession, Body of Influence 2 and Easy Rider and appeared on the 2007 NBC reality show Age of Love, which paired older women with a younger man.
199. Obsession with the relationship has resulted from an accumulation of stories about their picture-perfect love.
200. Tony Blair, chastened by his early struggles to turn policy into better public services, developed an obsession with technocracy when he was in power.




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