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单词 Penguin
1, He walked with an awkward gait like a penguin.
2, The penguin is a flightless bird.
3, There was this running gag about a penguin.
4, There was this running gag about a penguin ( = they kept telling penguin jokes ).
5, Birds that waddle, like the penguin, represent another compromise.
6, I thought you guys all wore those penguin coats.
7, Penguin books had changed their distinctive format.
8, Emperor penguin chicks have a grayish down coat with dark wing and tail feathers, but this odd bird is all white.
9, Other diving birds, including ocean-going penguin species in the southern hemisphere, can also sit out storms.
10, And walking tall: Why Harry the penguin loves his new mum.
11, In Sao Paulo three other zoos have created penguin aquariums to receive the new arrivals.
12, The penguin walked to the exact centre of her shrinking ice-floe and sat with her eyes shut.
13, She didn't want to trouble the penguin with the bewilderment in her eyes.
14, He's a floating penguin that literally toots with joy when he is pushed down under the water.
15, He came waddling down the hall like a penguin,(http:///penguin.html) waving one of his long swords-he kept a collection in his office.
16, The penguin - alias - sold door noses in the foyer raising a total of £688.
17, They were very glad to borrow the few Penguin books we brought along with us, even though they are not particularly light reading.
18, The penguin presses the pants into service for a dastardly diamond heist.
19, In the Penguin edition J. C. Maxwell does not follow the capitalization conventions of the text printed here.
20, Penguin has produced a beer mat to help promote it.
21, Of the four species of penguin kept at Belfast Zoo, the adult king towers above the rest at about a metre.
22, There are eighteen species of penguin worldwide, all confined to the southern hemisphere.
23, Apart from its bill, at a distance it looked very much like an out of place penguin.
24, The birds rubbed shoulders with Danny De Vito - who plays Batmans arch villain the penguin.
25, For years, he said[], merely crossing his legs had made him feel like a penguin.
26, Booksellers are asked to return copies, which should be packed separately, to the Penguin warehouse for credit.
27, The formula was clearly a successful one as proved by the high survival rate and healthy condition of all four penguin species.
28, Longman and Heinemann are to publish more grammar titles, and Penguin is publishing yet another series of graded readers.
29, But it was not only the international flavour of Penguin New Writing that distinguished it from other symposia of this kind.
30, At one stroke they will become the biggest mass-market paperback publishers after Penguin.
1, He walked with an awkward gait like a penguin.
2, The penguin is a flightless bird.
3, There was this running gag about a penguin ( = they kept telling penguin jokes ).
31, I wonder if you stock any Penguin Jacket?
32, South Georgia's king penguin populations too are soaring.
33, King Penguin; Fox; horse and Bear.
34, The largest kind is the Emperor Penguin.
35, Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey. New York: Penguin, 2002.
36, Icebergs and an Adelie penguin, Adelie Land, Antarctica.
37, This causes problems for a little penguin named Mumble.
38, Eat penguin shit, you ass spelunker .
39, "The reason for not returning the penguin directly to Antarctica is that Emperor penguins of this age are usually found north of Antarctica on pack ice and in the open ocean, " he said.
40, Henceforth, the baby (named Tango) and his two fathers form a jolly threesome frolicking together in Central Park's penguin house where they are observed daily by hordes of city school children.
41, Penguin: Let's go and play outside. The sun is calling us.
42, Do you know what distance that penguin covered in a week?
43, A young emperor penguin took a wrong turn from the Antarctic and ended up stranded on a New Zealand beach – the first time in 44 years the aquatic bird has been sighted in the south Pacific country.
44, Penguin is a not - flying birds, penguins are head, penguins Branch.
45, When a female emperor penguin is ready to mate, she approaches the male and lies flat on the ground waiting for him to impregnate her.
46, Perhaps we cannot relate to the severe conditions enduring by the Emperor penguin, but each of us knows what it means to sit on our own versions of ice and egg.
47, Famous for its cuteness and comic gait on land, the penguin also has an enigmatic life at sea.
48, So how warm should a penguin egg be so that the chick stays healthy?
49, A project to ready the 5, 000-strong Penguin backlist for e-book publication during this year and next is already under way.
50, An emperor penguin has hatched at Dalian's Laohutan Ocean Park, Xinhua reported.
51, Going beak to beak, an adult king penguin challenges a skua attempting to make off with a freshly killed chick.
52, The left-shell of Pteria penguin reared in cone cage was liable to infection of polychaete verminosis.
53, The second penguin says , what makes you think I'm not?
54, Strikingly colored, an adult king penguin stands out in a sea of chicks on South Georgia Island.
55, The little penguin was born last month - and was instantly ill-treated by its parents.
56, Each male emperor penguin holds his egg throughout the brutal,Antarctic winter months of May and June.
57, The creature weighed in at an estimated 120 to 130 pounds, or roughly twice as heavy as the modern-day emperor penguin.
58, Their anxiety is not surprising, for seals and sharks feed along these shores, and both have an appetite for penguin.
59, Legend of all corners of the country and undemonstrative and lovely small penguin are together by one individual mix, this person is Ma Huateng.
60, But arrived 2000 when, walk into an Internet bar casually, computer screen is right the penguin figure annunciate that next horn blink ceaselessly is worn QQ already on the pace drive.
61, Penguin has built a cloud computing service based in a colocation center in Utah that is made for those HPC workloads.
62, Lovelace : Turn to the penguin next to you... and give him a great big hug!
63, The Penguin Handbell has a small metal bell inside its hollow interior.
64, In the face of the stormy petrel, I am just a groaning seagull, a whimpering loon or a stupid penguin.
65, In order to hand-rear the chick, keepers used a homemade glove puppet to mimic an adult macaroni penguin.
66, "The group has agreed the preferred option for the Emperor penguin is to release it in the Southern Ocean, southeast of New Zealand, " DOC spokesman Peter Simpson said.
67, The Emperor penguin will be released near Campbell Island, in the Southern Ocean.
68, "Our findings suggest that king penguin populations are at heavy extinction risk under the current global warming predictions," the study's authors wrote.
69, The Emperor penguin is the largest species of the distinctive waddling creature and can grow up to 1.15 meters (3 feet 9 inches) tall.
70, Here a mother king penguin guided her chick, which still sports its somewhat comical-looking baby feathers.
71, Wildlife photographer Frans Lanting caught an emperor penguin summoning its offspring from a mass of youngsters in Antarctica.
72, Bob is an overweight but rather resourceful penguin who lives in a cave-house in the snow.
73, Much like a bowling pin that wobbles back and forth yet does not fall, a penguin 's body is carried forward by kinetic energy.
73, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
74, It was about 1.5m (5ft) tall and nearly twice as heavy as an Emperor Penguin, the largest living species.
75, The Fiordland crested penguin, is a yellow - crested penguin, and one of the world's rarest.
76, Billy: Why do you need to wear a penguin suit?
77, Arrive Antarctica, there snow and icebound, innumerable the penguin be welcome me.
78, Walk up to the beach crest and the view opens up: to the south, penguins forever, a rookery of 150, 000 pairs, the largest king penguin colony on South Georgia.
79, Marine species here include the emperor penguin colony seen in the movie March of the Penguins.
80, When I was a student, Penguin published several collections of classic articles on economics and business.
81, Little Penguin: Hes a dirty trash can full of poop.
82, With 180 English titles published a year - and some in Hindi, Marathi and Urdu too - Penguin retains first mover advantage.
83, A solitary chinstrap penguin stands at attention on the rocky shore of the Antarctic Peninsula.
84, Scientists studying Antarctic penguin populations have recently noticed a trend in their numbers: While Ross Sea colonies like this one have grown, colonies on the Antarctic peninsula have shrunk.
85, So the penguins in Antarctica that feed in the open ocean are doing okay; the penguin species that feed by just dropping off the ice shelves, like the Adelie and the emperor (pictured), are declining.
86, The emperor penguin named Happy Feet stands in his container next to Gareth Morgan aboard NIWA's research vessel Tangaroa, at Burnham Wharf in Wellington, New Zealand.
87, Like all great change, the rise steeply of small penguin also lets a few jubilate a few anxious.
88, Switzerland is well known for cheese fondue, penguin parades and its multiculturalism.
89, The black rubber glove is decorated with red eyes and yellow plumes. The penguin glove puppet is employed during the chick's feeding, and it stops the chick from getting used to humans.
90, A King Penguin stands among a large number of chicks in the Southern Ocean.
91, The result is that HPC workloads run as much as 30 times faster on the Penguin cloud computing service than on EC2.
92, Last night I met a penguin. It was an emperor penguin and looked as though it was waiting for the admiral to come and inspect his quarters.
93, Keegan, John. Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris. New York: Penguin Books, 1982.
94, Scott's party carried on its plans to do scientific research on Antarctica, completing several geological expeditions and one arduous winter trek to collect Emperor Penguin eggs.
95, Cape Royds, which is part of Ross Island in Antarctica's Ross Sea, is home to the southernmost penguin colony in the world.
96, When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat to friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalise your very own igloo.
97, Luckily, scientists have a reason to be excited over the excrement, using the reddish-brown areas of guano (sea bird poo) to plot the movements of emperor penguin breeding colonies.
98, A common Antarctic penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) that has white underparts and a black back and head and lives and breeds in large exposed rookeries.
99, After moreover on this section of Christmas musical box spring, on swing's penguin will also toss.
100, Survey was carried out on polychaete verminosis in cultured pearl oyster ( Pteria penguin ) in Liusha Bay.
101, I laughed and opened my book bag, pouring out Penguin paperback novels by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Turgenev.
102, "The Shorter Pepys," a Penguin paperback, was actually written by the taller Pepys, a man named Doris Pepys, who was no relation but worked as a candle cleaner in Wapping (home of the Liar).
103, The Emperor penguin is the largest species of the distinctive waddling creature and can grow up to 1.15 meters (3ft 9in) tall.
104, Emperor penguin adults and chicks leave their colonies in the late Antarctic summer.
105, King penguin,() Have you seen the King Penguins in the zoo?
106, Lala the king penguin lives with a family in Japan, and he wears a little penguin backpack on his trips to the fish market. Awwwww, that's adorable!
107, Out of every book in the Strand’s famous miles of volumes, I had desperately, randomly, impulsively grabbed a beat-up Modern Library edition of Anatole France’s “Penguin Island.” Oy.
108, Penguin just one title on the Odyssey list, a minor Saul Bellow novel from 1951.
109, But if we take a lesson from the Emperor penguin, we know it is not necessarily true.
110, Many scientist blame global warming for the decrease in penguin populations.
111, And even Rushdie's publisher, Viking Penguin, was forced to temporarily close its New York City office to improve security.
112, Wings spread wide, an Antarctic emperor penguin baby awaits its next meal.
113, Perhaps our most amusing new item is called the Clockwork Penguin.
114, The seniors were measured up for their penguin suits and formal dresses.
115, Harney , A . ( 2008 ) , The China Price : The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage, The Penguin Press.
116, Wollstonecraft , Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman . Edited by Brody. New York: Penguin, 1992.
117, Now both Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Books, and Ms. Winfrey are faces on a media dartboard, with Ms. Winfrey dodging criticisms of what the media blog Gawker called her “liar’s club.”
118, On this trip, Sinton and Bowles explore a seamount that reminds Sinton of a penguin, prompting him to christen it the Spanish name "Pinguino."
119, The penguin parents sat on the egg for days on end.
120, An Emperor penguin was found on a New Zealand beach, some 1, 900 miles from its home in Antarctica.
121, Slowly geostrophy, it go beyond the limit , says the penguin: Be fond of cooling down really!




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